Bobby Knight song - pretty good

I assume folks will say TKR is the 4 and Jacobsen the 5.

That may very well be the lineup, and yes Burgess may be in line for more time. But 3 bugs isn't enough depth. We need a versatile big who can cover for depth, injury, foul trouble or just an odd night.
I think Burgess has a better chance to become a great fit next season with TKR and Braden than DJ.

Still would love to add a big, though I’m sure Painter’s more worried about having the money for both Braden and TKR.

POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

So, you agree that the enslavement of black Africans was a function of an economic engine, not racism? The supply of African slaves provided by their fellow black Africans filled a need in the supply chain which was labor.
Dude. No. I told you US slavery was the result of white supremacy sparked by pseudo-science. US slavery was raced based slavery called chattel slavery. The black Africans selling the other Africans was just part of the 3 headed snake of the slave trade. We've been through too many times. It it was pure economics, when slavery was over in 1865, blacks would have been on their merry way free to live and thrive. By the late 1870s that came to an end as the white supremacists enacted Jim Crow. Plus all of the racial hatred til to this day. Hence the topic of this thread. Getting rid of and blaming DEI.

You are the last person to be talking about this as you have absolutely no concept of history. You need to stay in your lane. Next thing you going to tell us that the slaves didn't have it as bad. I've had that argument here already.


Trump here, overall, seems to have won an agreement, where Canada is really going to do what it was already going to do. The Prime Minister saying this $1.3 billion border plan that he announced, back in December, is going to go into place.

And as for Mexico, this is how President Trump explained that result.


TRUMP: They have agreed to put in 10,000 soldiers, permanently, like forever, 10,000 soldiers at their side of the border, and stop fentanyl and illegal aliens from coming into our country.


COLLINS: According to Mexico’s Defense Ministry, there are already 15,000 troops, nearly, there on the border. It’s a deployment that started in 2019.

Shocker - Braden Smith named Cousy Finalist

I know, but was responding to the all American quotes, and I do think Smith is all American, maybe first team.

But Cooper is probably the player of the year this year.

Am I not allowed to talk about Cooper Flagg in this thread just because its about a PG award?

Regarding Flagg as the POTY, I'm waiting to see how he responds when Duke gets punched in the mouth. The ACC is historically weak this year, which certainly helps Flagg. Real champions show their true colors when their back is against the wall, and I'm not convinced Duke has been there yet.

POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

How about if the white Europeans didn't have a demand for black Africans the transatlantic slave trade would not exist. The black Africans that were sold to the Europeans were basically prisoners of war of the winning African tribe during war. So naturally they are either going to kill them or sell them to the Europeans for money, weapons, supplies what ever. Some of these tribal losers in battle were tortured to death.

The black Africans don't own any slave ships and never forced the Europeans to sail the ships to pick up the black Africans.
So, you agree that the enslavement of black Africans was a function of an economic engine, not racism? The supply of African slaves provided by their fellow black Africans filled a need in the supply chain which was labor.

As someone who lives in SEC country

There's movies made about the program. It has an international following. It had it's own TV network. When you say "Touchdown Jesus" and "The Golden Dome" everyone know what school you're talking about. None of that can be said for any other program.
So, zero metrics to prove it’s the premier brand of college football RIGHT NOW.
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Wisconsin at Purdue

Couldn't agree more, that probably means CKG letting a boilermaker go as I think Stephens is safe since he's done a fairly good job recruiting so far. CKG could use another experienced coach to lean on though.

And why would an experienced coach that would be good enough for CKG to lean on come to a sinking ship like Purdue? CKG is a dead coach walking and almost everyone knows that. The only question is how long Bobo the clown lets the misery drag out.

POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

But, wiithout black Africans selling their fellow black Africans into slavery, the transatlantic slave trade wouldn't have existed. It wasn't about race, it was about economics and supply/demand, in this case the SnD was for human labor. No white Europeans went onto African soil and rounded up a group of blacks, put them in shackles and force marched them onto a ship.
Had India or China been in closer proximity to Europe and the US, those two areas would have supplied the slave labor. In fact, much of India, when it was under British rule, used Indian slaves.
Yes, slavery was horrific, but white people aren't the only reason it existed.
How about if the white Europeans didn't have a demand for black Africans the transatlantic slave trade would not exist. The black Africans that were sold to the Europeans were basically prisoners of war of the winning African tribe during war. So naturally they are either going to kill them or sell them to the Europeans for money, weapons, supplies what ever. Some of these tribal losers in battle were tortured to death.

The black Africans don't own any slave ships and never forced the Europeans to sail the ships to pick up the black Africans.

As someone who lives in SEC country

In this instance he’s a ND fan, so I get the chest beating - his team did just play in the national championship (and Marcus Freeman gets to rub Chip Kelly’s face in that). But I’m intrigued by the question…is Notre Dame an elite program?

They definitely were an elite program historically, but they fell off after 1988 - the waning years of Lou Holtz followed by Bob Davy.

They had a huge NBC advantage in the early decades of televised football. Thats completely gone now, as their exclusive revenue deal has been surpassed by the B1G and no one is forced to watch nbc as the only game nationally available.

Their independent status and refusal to join a conference has hurt them, as every year they are discounted due to a weak strength of schedule. I’d also argue this spills over into poor postseason performances with a sub .500 record since 2000. They need to play top 5 teams during the season to figure out how to win at that level, and this doesn’t seem like a challenge they’re up for.

They had a great run this year, but I feel they’re an also-ran in the modern game. Alabama clearly deserves elite status, probably the Buckeyes as well. I just don’t see ND being anywhere close, but curious to hear others think after this postseason run.
ND made 2 national championship games in 11 years.

Bobby Knight song - pretty good

I assume folks will say TKR is the 4 and Jacobsen the 5.

That may very well be the lineup, and yes Burgess may be in line for more time. But 3 bugs isn't enough depth. We need a versatile big who can cover for depth, injury, foul trouble or just an odd night.
I wouldn't pencil DJ in as a starter. Lightweight big man coming off major leg injury.

TKR Talk

Once I saw him score on Kalkbrenner in the scrimmage with ease, I knew he’d have no trouble scoring on ppl. Would like to see Broome on him again…maybe like F4 rematch 😂
It's actually pretty amazing how effective he is in the low post scoring over bigger players at 6'9. He uses his body so well to create a little separation


Read slowly.

Trump said the USMCA was the greatest trade deal ever. Now he says Canada and Mexico have been ripping us off under a deal he takes credit for. How does that happen if the deal was the best ever?
You answered your own question. USMCA was a good trade agreement but Canada and Mexico have not done their parts honestly and corrupted the deal.
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POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

So you think a few hundred years ago that had someone brought Asians to the northern states to sell to teh southern states that the southern states wouldn't use Asians as they did blacks? The scientist you mention as racist is separate from slavery. It is entirely possible to be racist or not to be racist and still enslave people as a result of their vulnerability to be sold as slaves. I've mentioned before, and it never soaked in, that people enslaved their own race as a result of vulnerability and this has went on for thousands of years. All slaves whether bought or taken as a result of direct war were owned by those that bought or "took" and were subject to anything the owners wanted as they were all property that was owned.

Your desire to focus on the USA absent any historical understanding on slavery for thousands of years and somehow think slavery was worse in the USA is wrong. Slavery never had a good outcome for any slave unless the owner decided...and few chose for a more equal setting. Slavery at any time in history or any place in history has always, in spite of mores' at the time, been wrong. Even today slavery is going on and it is no better than that in the USA years ago. Vulnerability has aways been the common denominator for any enslaved, else there would be no slaves anywhere.
Every time y'all post y'all prove your racist ways. Then have the nerve to try an educate a black man about slavery in the US is unreal. We've been through this several times.

I focus on slavery in the US perhaps is because I'm a black person living in the US with ancestors that were actually slaves in the US and ancestors that went through Jim Crow. And I never said that US slavery was worse. All forms of enslaving other humans is wrong. Like I said the other instances of slavery in ancient times were not race based because there were no concept of human races during those times. During those times, slavery was based on the loser of a particular war like the ancient Romans did. So by the time that the transatlantic slave trade was active, European white supremacy was in full swing and due to pseudo-science the black Africans were the target.

Colvin and Heide 3P splits

Painter talked about Heide last week and how everything changed for him game 1 when Jacobsen went down. The role Cam is playing right now is not what they were planning on. So I guess there's some reason to cut him a little slack if you want. Colvin, man, idk. Just does not look good, and with Cox and Harris both settling in, his minutes could really dwindle.

For those that praise Chump’s tariffs

So they find one person that doesn't understand tariffs and they are supposed to be representative of all of MAGA? Hilarious.
Too many things to write on this with any depth, but the view of tariffs with a "long" view differs from a "short" view as many opposing focus. Tariffs are only effective if you have the leverage and we are seeing that in play. Could certain things go up in cost...sure, but that doesn't capture the totality of a tariff in play...especially with a long view. Should things go up and should inflation result, there are other ways to compensate for those two items with money freed up by cutting waste and tax tables should more people having their money taken for taxes due to increased wages etc. How all these things work out is much more important that knee jerk response based on fear told by msnbc and it's ilk. Have they not seen the rise in prices everywhere as a result of Biden's administration when worrying about some commodity in trade to the USA costing more?
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POS President Chump blames DEI for plane crash

Why? Does every living creature have to procreate for evolution to work? Do you believe homosexuality is genetically transmitted?
No, there is no homosexuality gene as my son-in-law who did DNA research told my sister when asked. That is not to imply that all men have the same characteristics in masculinity or that women have the same level of femininity. Even the four temperaments (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, and Melancholic) are altered by personality and do not define the total person as people share in different dosages the four temperaments.

If there were really proof that people had no choice as a result genetically, then there would be a lot more people accepting homosexuality as natural. There was research in the past on the hypothalamus conducted by an admitted homosexual suggesting that that the hypothalamus showed differences. This is similar to people inferring brain activity measure is a direct link to improving educational outcomes, but what does different activity really suggest? We really don't know and we certainly don't know if true how to improve outcomes due to the measures of brain activity.
