I wish I knew who her financial adviser was ;)

Damn, she did better than I did and I was crypto heavy this year returning around 60 percent. Almost like they have inside info huh....
count your blessings...that was a great year for you. Now, do you quit pulling the armed bandit handle and keep you winnings or keep playing with your winnings...strictly rhetorical... Much better than I did although I did pretty good considering my age... ;)
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"Finding those guys in the portal that have those winning qualities."


Kinda disagree with this. But he's still NOT wrong. You just need guys that have both the right attitude AND statistical ability.

But even in advanced stats - it can be measured too or Braden Smith would not be so high in some standards....listed as a top ten player in efficiency.

But there definitely are simple stats that measure it regardless of the quote above. Scoring, assists, rebounds, the lack of TOs.

Can you imagine this team with one more consistent scorer at the 3 or 4......with the right attitude. Well that's NOT going to come from a guy that you grab from the portal that only scores 5 a game.
This is a bit of what I tried saying on this moments ago. Let's say we were interested in the relationship or more accurate measurement of a weight and height. So we have a scatterplot of various weights for given heights...maybe 5'8" 6'4" or whatever. We plot that relationship on the data and we see an upward trend as one gets taller they generally get heavier. However, we also notice that some 6' people are heavier than 6'3" people and so forth and so even though there is an upward trend there is a lot of variation about "centerline" of all the data. Those different values for each height setting creates an error term and that error term or large variation makes predicting with accuracy hard.

We wise up and throw in another variable into the model called calories eaten daily and monitor that and also see an upward trend with variation albeit somewhat reduced and so that variable now measured helps explain the model more and reduces variation about each measured value.

Still, with too much variation we now realize that exercise is important and throw exercise into the model along with calories eaten per grouping of exercise range versus height and we have now reduced the variation or error term (think of error as potential unexplained, unstudied sources of variation that may be measurement error or just effects not measured) and now the variation has been reduced a lot, but still there to some degree...unaware that age and relative metabolism is also at play...which lies in the error term since we haven't accounted for that variable. This is why stats and data are good, but not everything is accurately portrayed in data relative to the game other than the final score... ;)
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Your tax dollars at work at IU

Liberalism is a disease.
i guess maybe I should embrace my role of oppressor.

Your tax dollars at work at IU

Now I'm intrigued. What happened?

Did they hold another "Mr Indiana" tranny pageant?
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"Finding those guys in the portal that have those winning qualities."


Kinda disagree with this. But he's still NOT wrong. You just need guys that have both the right attitude AND statistical ability.

But even in advanced stats - it can be measured too or Braden Smith would not be so high in some standards....listed as a top ten player in efficiency.

But there definitely are simple stats that measure it regardless of the quote above. Scoring, assists, rebounds, the lack of TOs.

Can you imagine this team with one more consistent scorer at the 3 or 4......with the right attitude. Well that's NOT going to come from a guy that you grab from the portal that only scores 5 a game.
In ALL statistical studies or modeling where there is any repeated measure on a variable in the model there will exist an error term...that is some difference between "values" being measured under what is declared under a certain condition. Many times that error is not only measurement error, but unknown variable or variables NOT measured. This is true for Braden...not all his value can be calculated due to only those metrics measured, such as grit, intelligent play, leadership, control of the game, being in the middle of the action continuously and obviously the much fewer assist should players shoot better. ;)

There are things that stats do not measure and of those that they do...many comparisons come out of different populations which can be misleading with less data. Having a good scoring 4 would help a lot, but Caleb is bringing his own positives to the team that also carry over to other players with his fight AND communication on coverage...which appeared to be good last night even though I was limited to mouths moving and pointing out players have helped this team a lot.
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He is back before it is official!

Not really. Biden welcomed and kissy-huggied millions of illegals, he prevent Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, he got America's grade school children groomed to become transgenders, he got gasoline up to $5/gal and he cancelled student debt for thousands of deadbeats.
and he is not done with pardons, hostages, trying to prevent drilling and anything he can do to prevent Trump from doing what America wants


I have a love/hate relationship with Fletch. I hate that he seems like an unathletic white guy playing in a church league, but then he goes out and produces and love what he brings as a compliment to Smith.

Now, don't freak out y'all, but Fletch's game reminds me a little bit.....take a breath....of Larry Bird. Now, again, don't spaz on me. I'm not saying Fletch is the next LB, but he's got a very crafty, sneaky game for having little to work with from an athleticism standpoint.

Feel free to discuss....

He is back before it is official!

The only thing Biden used his power for was to make sure his family made a ton of $.
Not really. Biden welcomed and kissy-huggied millions of illegals, he prevent Israel from taking out Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, he got America's grade school children groomed to become transgenders, he got gasoline up to $5/gal and he cancelled student debt for thousands of deadbeats.


I have a love/hate relationship with Fletch. I hate that he seems like an unathletic white guy playing in a church league, but then he goes out and produces and love what he brings as a compliment to Smith.

Now, don't freak out y'all, but Fletch's game reminds me a little bit.....take a breath....of Larry Bird. Now, again, don't spaz on me. I'm not saying Fletch is the next LB, but he's got a very crafty, sneaky game for having little to work with from an athleticism standpoint.

Feel free to discuss....
I understand exactly what you are saying. Fletcher is VERY cerebral in the game...VERY. Although stronger this year...athletic as far as D1 would not be a word used to describe him as that isn't his major strength. He is having a very good year this year and I'll forgive his poor angle pass to Trey that was intercepted last night as one coming due to fatigue... ;)

He is back before it is official!

And trump isn't trying use his power to get what he wants? Gtfo.
There is a whole fundamental difference between what you state and what is. Also, this wasn't a Biden versus TRump scenario, but the dems were referenced. It is a fundamental difference that would be explained if you read a meaningful book in showing how two sides I've stated many times before. This book written in 2007 explains that...after many years of research. It shows the constrained versus the unconstrained vision and although everyone has a bit of both sides, the conservatives take on a constrained vision mostly and the liberals take on an unconstrained vision. Unaware of the ideology of both might seem confusing, but once you understand, it is clearer. Or read some reviews to get a feel...


"Finding those guys in the portal that have those winning qualities."


The confidence in Furst continues to increase and he is balling out (for him). He has helped change this team and excited to see him vs the better teams in the league and see how he fares.

Speaking of winning qualities, on the re-watch, Furst did so many little things that helped win on both sides of the ball. Impressive last night. Might have been his best game. Agree we will need that as competition heats up and with top teams that have huge centers.

"Finding those guys in the portal that have those winning qualities."

Completely agree with this. Against all but the most elite defenses, this offense would be rolling if Smith plays as he has, Trey stays out of foul trouble and shooters got open shots.

Trey and the shooters are going to have to figure those things out if this team is going to contend in conference and make a run in March.
Trey getting into foul trouble was a blessing in disguise. It allowed/forced more furst mins and other guys into the rotation that maybe don’t play as much mins.

The confidence in Furst continues to increase and he is balling out (for him). He has helped change this team and excited to see him vs the better teams in the league and see how he fares.

But agree on your last point. I think they will but we probably take some lumps before then. Frosh are starting to figure it out a bit. Hope Colvin and Heide can find their shooting stroke again. Was encouraging to see Cam take it to the hole against Bailey—even if he got blocked to oblivion. Him and Colvin have been better/more aggressive on the boards the last two games too.
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