Two seed talk

Shit our B1G schedule thus far has actually been on the easier side of things looking at who we’ve played and who we still have to play…BUT theirs had been pretty light

They have a rough time coming. I see three losses easy. They will likely pick up a 4th somewhere. So we have up to 3 losses to tie, think we get to that.

The refs aren't going to save them every time like they did with IL by taking out the IL star PG. At least two of those fouls were flat out corrupt calls. Can you imagine if they do that to Smith? Crazy.

Braun Eliminates DEI

"Jackasses." You know who else would have owned slaves if they were powerful and rich in 1780? You. Who know who wasn't alive for 100 more years when the first slaves were brought to America? Jefferson and Washington(two of the greatest men in world history).
Nope. I would not own any human beings. How can anyone that owned 100s of human beings be the great? Think about it.

Braun Eliminates DEI

Dude, most of the founding fathers owned 100s of slaves each including jackasses like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
"Jackasses." You know who else would have owned slaves if they were powerful and rich in 1780? You. Who know who wasn't alive for 100 more years when the first slaves were brought to America? Jefferson and Washington(two of the greatest men in world history).

Braun Eliminates DEI

When comes to your discussion of slavery, in which you know nothing about, you always leave out the most important group that was culpable in the transatlantic slave trade. The Americans, including the founding fathers that bought and sold the Africans right here in the US. The Africans that were picked up from ships that sailed to Africa. You you do this all the time to downplay America’s role in slavery. You ain’t the only one in this forum that does so and it is sad. The bottom line is that slavery in the Anericas would not have happened if they did not get the Africans. These Africans were basically prisoners of war with the other African tribes.
The founding fathers weren't even alive when the American Slave trade began.

Two seed talk

Yeah 25-6 would be in decent shape for a #1. Gotta figure (at least) 2 SEC teams and Duke look really good for 1s. The ACC competition is just not strong enough to give Duke more than 3 more losses. The top of the Big East is not looking good right now, so yeah 17-3 in the balanced B1G should make that happen.

But Iowa State in there too.
Yeah for sure. Would be one of paints best coaching years if that happens haha. I’m thinking 15-5ish will win it. MSU needs to start losing a few here… 😂
