Voting Irregularities


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
Here is just a small list of the reported voting irregularities that has happened in this election.

1,774% increase in voter registration for people 90+ years old (claims of people working in nursing homes saying social workers came in to the dementia ward, went room to room and "helped" them fill out ballots. When challenged by staff, social workers said "these people have the right to vote". When asked how the dementia patients would even know who they were voting for, social workers just walked out.)

9,000 ballots cast in Nevada from people that no longer live in the state

14,000 dead people on the rolls in Michigan and at least 10,000 submitted a ballot

500,000 ballots cast with Joe Biden marked and nothing else down ballet in battle ground states only (only 150,000 for Hillary in 2016 and no such trend for Trump)
62.8k in Wisconsin
98k in Pennsylvania
85k in Georgia
42k in Arizona
69-155k in Michigan

Trump did better with minority votes in DC (+1) Chicago, SF, LA and Boston (+5) Miami (+15).
Yet Trump somehow in Detriot, Dane/Madison, Atlanta did -5 with minorities (all areas that stopped counting and had major vote dumps (100% for Biden in most cases) overnight)

Overnight vote dumps (when counting of votes were supposed to have stopped) goes 100% for Joe Biden (happened in battle ground states only)

Trump outperformed every state that he won from 2016 other than states with accusations of voter fraud.

Trump won the bellwether counties yet somehow lost the election (hasn't happened since 1956)

6,000 votes changed from Trump to Biden in one county in Michigan by computer "glitch". At least 46 other counties in Michigan alone used the same software. Other states also used this software.

900,000 same day voter registrations in Wisconsin (on election day)

Sworn affidavit by a USPS worker (Richard Hopkins) in PA that there was clear fraud. According to state law, ballots must be post marked by 8pm on election day. Hopkins said he witnessed ballots being collected on Nov 4 and later, being backwards post dated to Nov 3.
Most of what was in the video doesn't even talk about the things I typed above. Yes I agree that there is misinformation out there and some things claimed are false. Most of what I have above is verifiable.

I kinda laughed on the area in this video where they say "election officials" said there was an error and that's why there was a spike up for Biden. Really? Did Wisconsin just happen to have this same "error"? Because the large spike occurred in that state as well. Both overnight. Both when counting was supposed to have stopped. Which btw, from what I understand, counting has never just stopped before in any election.
Most of what was in the video doesn't even talk about the things I typed above. Yes I agree that there is misinformation out there and some things claimed are false. Most of what I have above is verifiable.

I kinda laughed on the area in this video where they say "election officials" said there was an error and that's why there was a spike up for Biden. Really? Did Wisconsin just happen to have this same "error"? Because the large spike occurred in that state as well. Both overnight. Both when counting was supposed to have stopped. Which btw, from what I understand, counting has never just stopped before in any election.
If it’s verifiable, it’ll play out in court.

The problem you have is that not much of that is going to be substantiated and proven. It’ll end up being a bunch of BS. For example: how many ballots were filled out only voting for Trump? That’s a “thing” that happens and isn’t necessarily an irregularity. I voted in three presidential elections without voting for localcandidates in places where I was registered.
If it’s verifiable, it’ll play out in court.

The problem you have is that not much of that is going to be substantiated and proven. It’ll end up being a bunch of BS. For example: how many ballots were filled out only voting for Trump? That’s a “thing” that happens and isn’t necessarily an irregularity. I voted in three presidential elections without voting for localcandidates in places where I was registered.
Agree. It would be nearly impossible to overturn the election now. Once votes are counted its hard to get 500 or 1,000 vote swings in one state. There is no path for Trump.
Agree. It would be nearly impossible to overturn the election now. Once votes are counted its hard to get 500 or 1,000 vote swings in one state. There is no path for Trump.
I have no doubt they will get some votes thrown out and win a few of their challenges. But they need to find tens of thousands of votes in at least three states without losing any votes themselves to other legal challenges.

I agree with you - there is no path.
If it’s verifiable, it’ll play out in court.

The problem you have is that not much of that is going to be substantiated and proven. It’ll end up being a bunch of BS. For example: how many ballots were filled out only voting for Trump? That’s a “thing” that happens and isn’t necessarily an irregularity. I voted in three presidential elections without voting for local candidates in places where I was registered.
It was looked into and was a very insignificant number.
It's over. Take the "L" and move on. That's what Democrats did in 2016. Enough of this nonsense, snowflakes!
OMFG, no they didn't. Democrats have been bitching and whining ever since 2016. You're deluded if you think they just took it. Difference is, the left tried to blame Russian disinformation that got Trump elected. This is potentially major fraud by a political party. Huge difference and needs to be fought and punished heavily IF the evidence is there. Otherwise, what will ever deter them from doing it again? (side note, I'm positive they've been doing this for decades, just hard to prove. Mayor Daily and the way he won comes to mind. Come to think of it, it's almost identical to what is going on right now. They stopped counting and then found a ton of votes for him).
Agree. It would be nearly impossible to overturn the election now. Once votes are counted its hard to get 500 or 1,000 vote swings in one state. There is no path for Trump.
We aren't talking about recounts. I agree a recount won't do anything because it's only counting the ballots vs doing an audit of the ballots as well as a myriad of other issues that need looking in to.
Here's a suggestion to all of you on the left. Instead of blowing off any accusations of fraud and telling people to just take the L. You might want to encourage your local officials to investigate this fully. What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred? If it comes out no wrong doing happened, then we can move on. Otherwise you're going to have 70+ million voters that will believe the election was stolen from them, which is just about as anti-American as it gets and the country will stay divided.
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Here's a suggestion to all of you on the left. Instead of blowing off any accusations of fraud and telling people to just take the L. You might want to encourage your local officials to investigate this fully. What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred. If it comes out no wrong doing happened, then we can move on. Otherwise you're going to have 70+ million voters that will believe the election was stolen from them, which is just about as anti-American as it gets and the country will stay divided.
I do hope they investigate it fully and they will find some stuff wrong, but not nearly enough to make a difference in the outcome. We're going to waste millions of dollars on a legal fight that will fail in its ultimate goal. The people have spoken.
Here's a suggestion to all of you on the left. Instead of blowing off any accusations of fraud and telling people to just take the L. You might want to encourage your local officials to investigate this fully. What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred. If it comes out no wrong doing happened, then we can move on. Otherwise you're going to have 70+ million voters that will believe the election was stolen from them, which is just about as anti-American as it gets and the country will stay divided.
It’s a fair point, however, keep in mind, Trump made a lot of the same type of claims in 2016 as a reason why he lost the popular vote.

He even formed a commission (Chaired by Pence) ... that found nothing. It’s not clear if they ever actually did anything as far as investigating or not, but the point is he’s been saying this forever and never really presented any actual evidence.

Here's a suggestion to all of you on the left. Instead of blowing off any accusations of fraud and telling people to just take the L. You might want to encourage your local officials to investigate this fully. What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred. If it comes out no wrong doing happened, then we can move on. Otherwise you're going to have 70+ million voters that will believe the election was stolen from them, which is just about as anti-American as it gets and the country will stay divided.
I am definitely not on the left, and believe fraud occurs in every election. I also believe mass mailing ballots to voters (not even sure which swing states that happened) increases the amount of fraud.

But it is literally impossible to flip as many votes as Trump would have to flip.
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I do hope they investigate it fully and they will find some stuff wrong, but not nearly enough to make a difference in the outcome. We're going to waste millions of dollars on a legal fight that will fail in its ultimate goal. The people have spoken.
Well, many of the techniques the Dems use are nearly impossible to trace. Such as the people that go into dementia wards.
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I am definitely not on the left, and believe fraud occurs in every election. I also believe mass mailing ballots to voters (not even sure which swing states that happened) increases the amount of fraud.

But it is literally impossible to flip as many votes as Trump would have to flip.
Maybe. We've never had massive mail in voting like this before, so I don't think it's accurate to say something is impossible.
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The only way to prevent MOST fraud going forward would be to really smack them with the law.

What I mean by this is IF it comes out to be accurate the polling areas in only a few key places weren't allowing people to properly watch the ballots being counted, then all of those ballots are tossed. It would suck for those that voted and had their ballot thrown out, BUT the only people they would have to blame would be the officials that didn't obey the laws.

OR, have a re-vote.
No, but you can't tell me that that isn't suspicious at all. How many of those people had a vote cast for them and they have no clue who it was for? If that's the way you want to win then just admit that you guys can't win in a fair election.
Democrats have won plenty of fair elections. Now, if you think there were tens of thousands of those types of votes in multiple states, then by all means... provide proof.

This was the first election of the eight I've voted in where I've ever voted for a Democratic presidential candidate. I hope it's the last one. But "you guys" made that happen by nominating Trump in 2016. If "you guys" try to bring him back in 2024, rest assured, I will vote for a Democrat or Libertarian again.
Democrats have won plenty of fair elections. Now, if you think there were tens of thousands of those types of votes in multiple states, then by all means... provide proof.

This was the first election of the eight I've voted in where I've ever voted for a Democratic presidential candidate. I hope it's the last one. But "you guys" made that happen by nominating Trump in 2016. If "you guys" try to bring him back in 2024, rest assured, I will vote for a Democrat or Libertarian again.
Yeah because Trump was such an evil person. Right? JFC. Joe Biden is way more corrupt than Trump and YOU voted for him.
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Here's a suggestion to all of you on the left. Instead of blowing off any accusations of fraud and telling people to just take the L. You might want to encourage your local officials to investigate this fully. What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred? If it comes out no wrong doing happened, then we can move on. Otherwise you're going to have 70+ million voters that will believe the election was stolen from them, which is just about as anti-American as it gets and the country will stay divided.
Um..........did you say that about the Russia investigation?

No, not otherwise. Trump will NEVER admit defeat so a large portion of his followers won't either.

It will still be brought up in passing, at minimum, on this board in two years. Bet the house on it.
Um..........did you say that about the Russia investigation?

No, not otherwise. Trump will NEVER admit defeat so a large portion of his followers won't either.

It will still be brought up in passing, at minimum, on this board in two years. Bet the house on it.
Wrong on both counts. Trump will admit defeat if/when he loses the legal battles. Most of us will not bring it up IF the courts say there is no fraud.
Yep, that’s pretty much it. He’s actively undermining the foundations of the country for his own personal benefit, which is, yep, evil.
You're so full of shit about this. Provide proof

He's done more good for this country and the world then just about any president before him in a long time. His demeanor and words are not great. But his actions have been.
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The only way to prevent MOST fraud going forward would be to really smack them with the law.

What I mean by this is IF it comes out to be accurate the polling areas in only a few key places weren't allowing people to properly watch the ballots being counted, then all of those ballots are tossed. It would suck for those that voted and had their ballot thrown out, BUT the only people they would have to blame would be the officials that didn't obey the laws.

OR, have a re-vote.
The ballots were properly watched........all of the election stations had bipartisan supervision. You doing this stupid 10' 6' thing?

No judge in America will throw out legal ballots for what might have happened, let alone because trump reps weren't allowed to be as close as they wanted.

You've gone past the line now, if you have one. Throwing out legal votes for suspicion. NEVER happen.
Wrong on both counts. Trump will admit defeat if/when he loses the legal battles. Most of us will not bring it up IF the courts say there is no fraud.

"What do you have to lose if you truly believe no wrong has occurred?"

Trump will ever accept it. Watch
You're so full of shit about this. Provide proof

He's done more good for this country and the world then just about any president before him in a long time. His demeanor and words are not great. But his actions have been.
He tweets it three times a day - unsubstantiated voter fraud, “stealing the election”, etc. I don’t have to provide proof. He does it openly. He lost the election by about 100 electoral votes and nearly 5,000,000 popular votes, but all of that is because of fraud for which he can’t provide proof.
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