Post your right wing Trump wack jobs here

I booted a friend from Facebook today (and yes I know I should just boot Facebook altogether) because she believed that “doctor” hook, line and sinker. That’s how stupid this country is right now.
Everyone you boot would be better for it. Do your friends a favor they will thank you for it
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Isn't it weird how people who claim to be part of the "master race" are the absolute dregs of society? This dude is a winner.
He is a real asset to society:

Prior arrests

The Hardee County Clerk of Courts shows that Schock has had 31 cases since 2000.

In 2005, he was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of cocaine and alcohol for a person under 21.

In 2016, he was charged with fleeing from law enforcement, resisting arrest without violence, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon (carrying a concealed firearm with ammunition), and criminal mischief more than $1,000.

He was sentenced to three years in state prison and was released Dec. 4, 2019.

Issuing his latest conspiracy theory from behind an Infowars news desk displaying military style rifles, Jones told listeners of “The Alex Jones Show” that his outlet had “confirmed” that “Maoists” in major cities have “explosives and weapons and trucks loaded with ammonium nitrate and just chlorine gas—everything” and are preparing to murder government officials and right-wing talk show hosts. Jones cautioned listeners to avoid “jumping first” at the supposed threat but said they should be ready to start killing people.

“I want to avoid confrontation. I don’t need to put that on my belt that—I mean, I don’t even want to kill these globalists,” Jones said. “But if they want to kill us, the best thing to do in a defensive way is kill as many of them as quickly as possible. Again, the media will misquote that. I don’t want to offensively kill anybody. But I’m not going to take this, OK?”

Jones recommended that people start taking down names and making a list “like Santa Claus” and to “just think about the future.”

Issuing his latest conspiracy theory from behind an Infowars news desk displaying military style rifles, Jones told listeners of “The Alex Jones Show” that his outlet had “confirmed” that “Maoists” in major cities have “explosives and weapons and trucks loaded with ammonium nitrate and just chlorine gas—everything” and are preparing to murder government officials and right-wing talk show hosts. Jones cautioned listeners to avoid “jumping first” at the supposed threat but said they should be ready to start killing people.

“I want to avoid confrontation. I don’t need to put that on my belt that—I mean, I don’t even want to kill these globalists,” Jones said. “But if they want to kill us, the best thing to do in a defensive way is kill as many of them as quickly as possible. Again, the media will misquote that. I don’t want to offensively kill anybody. But I’m not going to take this, OK?”

Jones recommended that people start taking down names and making a list “like Santa Claus” and to “just think about the future.”

I honestly don’t know how he’s not in jail.
I honestly don’t know how he’s not in jail.
The key here is he's making it ok for his followers to shoot the opposition.......because they are coming for you. That is a lie, there is zero evidence for it. But his followers gloss right over that part. They believe the lie so anything that comes after makes sense.

That's why all these lies by trump and his republican party are do dangerous. Once they convince you of the lie, by repetition or otherwise, the tangents that emanate from it are easier to swallow.
The key here is he's making it ok for his followers to shoot the opposition.......because they are coming for you. That is a lie, there is zero evidence for it. But his followers gloss right over that part. They believe the lie so anything that comes after makes sense.

That's why all these lies by trump and his republican party are do dangerous. Once they convince you of the lie, by repetition or otherwise, the tangents that emanate from it are easier to swallow.

Yep, he sure is.

Isn’t he being sued by families of Sandy Hook? They need to sue him into oblivion and just ruin his life. Just make it hell on earth like he’s done to so many others.
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Looks like this one came in overnight to my Spam Box.

Maybe this is Trump's new, bigly, bestest medical plan he has been promising, for the last 4 years???????

What God Told President Trump…

Sat, Aug 8, 2020 9:24 pm
Tea Party USA ( Details
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What God Told President Trump…

Trump is on the attack again…

But it’s not against Nancy Pelosi, Obama or other liberal democrats…

It’s against the Big Pharma companies that profit from your pain and suffering.

And you won’t believe how he’s using THIS “Biblical Weapon” to disarm these powerful companies…

And usher in a new era of Spiritual and physical healing in America.

So if you’re sick and tired of paying big bucks for dangerous medications…

And tired of putting up with daily chronic pain…

Then you must see Trump’s Shocking Biblical Weapon…

That, by the way, is taking the medical world by storm…

Because it’s making most drugs, doctor’s visits, and expensive medical procedures…

Completely obsolete… which is why Big Pharma is doing everything they can to CENSOR Trump’s Biblical Weapon.

Watch all about Trump’s Biblical Weapon while you still can.
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