Politics aside .... it’s quite a sight to see The Beast lead 43 race cars around the track

no beef at all, none...just can't believe any christian can support the guy.Republican....I get that...have voted for many...but 45 is not a good human being.....ain't a guy on here that want 45 to marry their sister.
You remember who he was running against... right?

There are 1 million abortions a year in this country.... disproportionately targeted at minorities.

As a Christian it’s hard to look past that... and it’s systemic racism.

To your point though 45 is a complete dbag. Which is why I left that part of the ballot blank
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This thread is testament to why sports should NEVER be mixed with politics. I hate seeing it.
Making a sporting event as big as the Daytona 500 a political event was on Fox and the President.
And they both seem to have benefited from it
You remember who he was running against... right?

There are 1 million abortions a year in this country.... disproportionately targeted at minorities.

As a Christian it’s hard to look past that... and it’s systemic racism.

To your point though 45 is a complete dbag. Which is why I left that part of the ballot blank
That’s why I wrote in Kasich. Boiler up
Hey, just joined the party. Looks like it's going well. I'll exit stage left. Just thought I'd say hello.
You know the level-headed individuals are in the building when you get a "They’re bar none, the worst people the country has to offer" post at 5:29 AM regarding Evangelicals. The angry people are firing early!
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You know the level-headed individuals are in the building when you get a "They’re bar none, the worst people the country has to offer" post at 5:29 AM regarding Evangelicals. The angry people are firing early!
All I know is that in the years I’ve been alive religion and politics have never declared a winner during an argument. Everyone gets all pissed and just end up drunk or just hating each other even more. No one ever is like “holy shit, you’re right! I’m going to start believing that way now. “ So, everyone keep fighting and spewing venom while i sit here and eat popcorn and laugh. I also throughly enjoy people that argue points that are factually both correct at the same time yet they don’t see it.
Trump has been the defendant in over 1000 legal actions. He’s banned from running a charity in New York because he used it to commit fraud. You’re ****ing blind to what he really is. I’m not pissed about the president. I’m upset that our country elected a liar and a criminal to be the president. It’s disappointing that we may elect him again. We’re going down an incredibly bad path that will damage this country for generations to come. We’re close to being a banana republic and we could end up being run by oligarchs like Russia if we don’t reverse course.

Can you collect some of the liberal tears your producing and send them to me? I like to add them to my swimming pool.
small guy with a big truck...a really small human being...he and his supporters do not belong on any Purdue board...hes a POS

Dude.....settle down. You're gonna raise your blood pressure with all this TDS. That an your panties are getting wound so tight you're gonna cut off your circulation. Just enjoy Trump being your POTUS for another 5 years.
Norway population: 5.3M
US population: 327.2M
Norway per capita GDP: 75k
US per capita GDP: 64k

sure seems like they’re doing better than we are if you compare apples to apples.

quit talking about Norway like you know anything about it. You clearly don’t.

I’ve spent more time than most in the country, including most of the media who always references how great Scandinavia is. It’s not.

Norway’s economy is strong because it has tons of oil reserves. Those reserves, and thus their economy, will become weaker as the world becomes less dependent on crude and the hyperbolic environmentalist take over.

Their currency is volatile and had lost 20% of it’s value against the dollar over the last 5 years. 60% of their exports and 20% of their overall GDP is from oil.

Trying to compare Norway to the US is ridiculous. The two countries are not and will not ever be comparable in terms of trying to implement public policy.

oh, by the way... Norway also doesn’t have an open borders non assimilation policy that puts tens of millions of non Norwegian citizens on government entitlement programs.
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quit talking about Norway like you know anything about it. You clearly don’t.

I’ve spent more time than most in the country, including most of the media who always references how great Scandinavia is. It’s not.

Norway’s economy is strong because it has tons of oil reserves. Those reserves, and thus their economy, will become weaker as the world becomes less dependent on crude and the hyperbolic environmentalist take over.

Their currency is volatile and had lost 20% of it’s value against the dollar over the last 5 years. 60% of their exports and 20% of their overall GDP is from oil.

Trying to compare Norway to the US is ridiculous. The two countries are not and will not ever be comparable in terms of trying to implement public policy.

oh, by the way... Norway also doesn’t have an open borders non assimilation policy that puts tens of millions of non Norwegian citizens on government entitlement programs.
**** right off buddy. I wasn’t responding to your post. You may be right, you may not. I was just responding to the previous posters asinine comment. We sure have some well traveled conservatives on this board. You guys seem to know everything about every socialist country.
quit talking about Norway like you know anything about it. You clearly don’t.

I’ve spent more time than most in the country, including most of the media who always references how great Scandinavia is. It’s not.

Norway’s economy is strong because it has tons of oil reserves. Those reserves, and thus their economy, will become weaker as the world becomes less dependent on crude and the hyperbolic environmentalist take over.

Their currency is volatile and had lost 20% of it’s value against the dollar over the last 5 years. 60% of their exports and 20% of their overall GDP is from oil.

Trying to compare Norway to the US is ridiculous. The two countries are not and will not ever be comparable in terms of trying to implement public policy.

oh, by the way... Norway also doesn’t have an open borders non assimilation policy that puts tens of millions of non Norwegian citizens on government entitlement programs.
For the record, what country(s) DOES have " an open borders non assimilation policy " ??
And given the 1996 Fed. laws restricting accessibility of Entitlement Programs to the significant majority
of non-US citizens, here,...…….which country has "tens of millions" of these non-citizens getting benefits ??
**** right off buddy. I wasn’t responding to your post. You may be right, you may not. I was just responding to the previous posters asinine comment. We sure have some well traveled conservatives on this board. You guys seem to know everything about every socialist country.

Such a composed response. I’d expect nothing less from today’s Left. You’ve all lost your minds.

But yes, I have spent many years living in and working throughout Europe. I am very familiar with their health care systems, governmental policy, and taxation systems.

The health care is/was so terribly slow and inconvenient that I traveled back to the USA for my ACL surgery.

The German education system, while publicly funded via crazy high taxes, separates students into 3 tracks in 2nd grade. The worst track never has a chance to attend university. The top track, which if full of children of the wealthy, have significantly more opportunities starting in 2nd grade! It’s ridiculous and suppresses the poor and minorities.

Surprised you’re so quick to discredit any opinions from people who have actually experienced the system of government that you want taking over the United States. I personally developed a significant appreciation for the United States and everything Americans are blessed with after spending half a decade living over seas. I quickly realized I was being lied to by CNNs of the world. You would as well.
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Perhaps you should pull your head out of the sand.
If you haven't noticed, and it's very apparent you haven't, Trump is dealing with a lot of issues that previous Presidents have just kicked down the road for future Administrations to handle.
-- Renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, & S. Korea to give us more favorable terms and repatriate industries & wealth has been a boon to our economy.
-- Endorsing fracking & eliminating regulations against it has made us energy independent and decreased our carbon footprint.
-- Built up military by modernizing equipment and improving morale, as he's trying to get us out of ongoing wars has made us stronger.
-- Making an effort to control the borders and reform immigration policy, so we have some level of control regarding who is coming into OUR country.
I could make the list a lot longer, but he's done a lot that isn't getting any coverage in the MSM. People have to get past Trump's personality and open both eyes to see that he has the country moving in a very positive direction.
Along with prison reform that has benefited minorities in a way Clinton or Obama could have only dreamed plus a whole lot other accomplishments
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For the record, what country(s) DOES have " an open borders non assimilation policy " ??
And given the 1996 Fed. laws restricting accessibility of Entitlement Programs to the significant majority
of non-US citizens, here,...…….which country has "tens of millions" of these non-citizens getting benefits ??

Don’t act like the United States does not. While it may not be direct “entitlements”, there are multiple states that allows illegals to attend public schools, get medical treatment, get drivers licenses, and countless other benefits from the State... all at the taxpayers expense.
Along with prison reform that has benefited minorities in a way Clinton or Obama could have only dreamed plus a whole lot other accomplishments

Stop the BS, it's getting deep in your little mind.
Don’t act like the United States does not. While it may not be direct “entitlements”, there are multiple states that allows illegals to attend public schools, get medical treatment, get drivers licenses, and countless other benefits from the State... all at the taxpayers expense.
1) so we DON'T have an "open borders policy", correct ?
2) Ask the US Chamber of Commerce to compare the total US taxpayers' expense for non-citizen
benefits, versus the total economic benefit to the country of the labor provided by this segment of the population.
1) so we DON'T have an "open borders policy", correct ?
2) Ask the US Chamber of Commerce to compare the total US taxpayers' expense for non-citizen
benefits, versus the total economic benefit to the country of the labor provided by this segment of the population.

when millions are released into the country on the condition that they’ll return for a court date months later... yes, we have open borders. Otherwise, the left wouldn’t be running around pandering about “those millions of people living in the shadows” and making the legal.
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You’re full of shit. Fox News does terrible things to people’s minds.

You're so used to being programmed that the concept of actually thinking must seem like Kryptonite to you. Most people can actually think, without having their heads explode. You, however...

You've said that you've never watched FOX News, so how would you know what happens there. Let me guess, the nice people at CNN & MSNBC told you about all the evil things that happen at FOX.
Hmmmm, they couldn't possibly be denigrating their competition to try to save market share, could they?

You are such a mindless drone. You get your fix of talking points and never bother to think for a second about whether they're lying to you. It wasn't that many months ago that CNN & MSNBC were touting the Creepy Porn Lawyer as a viable candidate for the Democratic Nomination for POTUS. Those are the people that you rely on to give you the FACTS. Too funny.
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Don’t act like the United States does not. While it may not be direct “entitlements”, there are multiple states that allows illegals to attend public schools, get medical treatment, get drivers licenses, and countless other benefits from the State... all at the taxpayers expense.
What states do is up to them. Funny how that states rights argument only works when they’re doing things you agree with.
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Such a composed response. I’d expect nothing less from today’s Left. You’ve all lost your minds.

But yes, I have spent many years living in and working throughout Europe. I am very familiar with their health care systems, governmental policy, and taxation systems.

The health care is/was so terribly slow and inconvenient that I traveled back to the USA for my ACL surgery.

The German education system, while publicly funded via crazy high taxes, separates students into 3 tracks in 2nd grade. The worst track never has a chance to attend university. The top track, which if full of children of the wealthy, have significantly more opportunities starting in 2nd grade! It’s ridiculous and suppresses the poor and minorities.

Surprised you’re so quick to discredit any opinions from people who have actually experienced the system of government that you want taking over the United States. I personally developed a significant appreciation for the United States and everything Americans are blessed with after spending half a decade living over seas. I quickly realized I was being lied to by CNNs of the world. You would as well.
It was slow because you weren’t a citizen. Would you want some old Germans coming here and getting in front of you for medical procedures?
when millions are released into the country on the condition that they’ll return for a court date months later... yes, we have open borders. Otherwise, the left wouldn’t be running around pandering about “those millions of people living in the shadows” and making the legal.
How do you solve that problem? There are millions of people here illegally. Most of them are doing work we want done. How do you propose to fix the problem. Do you want to pay to incarcerate millions of people while they wait on court dates?
You're so used to being programmed that the concept of actually thinking must seem like Kryptonite to you. Most people can actually think, without having their heads explode. You, however...

You've said that you've never watched FOX News, so how would you know what happens there. Let me guess, the nice people at CNN & MSNBC told you about all the evil things that happen at FOX.
Hmmmm, they couldn't possibly be denigrating their competition to try to save market share, could they?

You are such a mindless drone. You get your fix of talking points and never bother to think for a second about whether they're lying to you. It wasn't that many months ago that CNN & MSNBC were touting the Creepy Porn Lawyer as a viable candidate for the Democratic Nomination for POTUS. Those are the people that you rely on to give you the FACTS. Too funny.
CNN & MSNBC REPORTED Mr. Avenatti sticking his toe in the Presidential sweepstakes water, for a short time. They sure as hell weren't "TOUTING" his candidacy, and you know it.
It was slow because you weren’t a citizen. Would you want some old Germans coming here and getting in front of you for medical procedures?

You’re making shit up as you go and talking about something you know nothing about. Nothing, nada, nichts.

Citizenship has nothing to do with it. I had a german government insurance card and actually cut the first line to see the doctor because I also had US private insurance that they could bill. I even had my own “private” waiting room that Joe Public didn’t have access to.

also important to note, I had a German colleague who went to Houston for his cancer treatment.
How do you solve that problem? There are millions of people here illegally. Most of them are doing work we want done. How do you propose to fix the problem. Do you want to pay to incarcerate millions of people while they wait on court dates?

You first close the border. You don’t allow entry to anyone without proper visa and you actively send back people that violate their visas. You don’t release people that show up illegally and hope they later show up for court. Until that’s done the problems you speak of can’t be solved.
when millions are released into the country on the condition that they’ll return for a court date months later... yes, we have open borders. Otherwise, the left wouldn’t be running around pandering about “those millions of people living in the shadows” and making the legal.
Would you like to compare the total number of people involved in illegal crossings that were eventually DEPORTED....against the total number that eventually blew their court date ?
"Open borders" remains a demonstrably ridiculous description of the United States' current border security apparatus.
Steps for citizenship status remain perhaps the dominant issue for the future immigration reform legislation that this country needs. Agree ?
You're so used to being programmed that the concept of actually thinking must seem like Kryptonite to you. Most people can actually think, without having their heads explode. You, however...

You've said that you've never watched FOX News, so how would you know what happens there. Let me guess, the nice people at CNN & MSNBC told you about all the evil things that happen at FOX.
Hmmmm, they couldn't possibly be denigrating their competition to try to save market share, could they?

You are such a mindless drone. You get your fix of talking points and never bother to think for a second about whether they're lying to you. It wasn't that many months ago that CNN & MSNBC were touting the Creepy Porn Lawyer as a viable candidate for the Democratic Nomination for POTUS. Those are the people that you rely on to give you the FACTS. Too funny.
Did you finally figure out that Republicans were in the "secret" impeachment hearings and that they were able to ask questions of the witnesses? Seems like you were misled on something so basic, it would make you think twice about being a mindless little sheep. I guess not. You don't think about anything at all, otherwise you wouldn't have repeated something so dishonest and so easily proven false.
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You first close the border. You don’t allow entry to anyone without proper visa and you actively send back people that violate their visas. You don’t release people that show up illegally and hope they later show up for court. Until that’s done the problems you speak of can’t be solved.
How do you close a 1,950 mile border? Do you think we’re just letting people in without visas? This is a complicated problems that can’t be solved with a wall. Maybe ask yourself why people are coming here.

turns out we’re more of a gated community than the shining city on a hill.

Ignorance is your strong suit.
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Ignorance is your strong suit.
Hilarious coming from you. Still waiting for you to admit that you were wrong about Republicans not allowed in the meetings and not allowed to ask questions. There are transcripts showing that you were wrong, it takes some pretty strong delusions to deny reality to that extent.

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