Politics aside .... it’s quite a sight to see The Beast lead 43 race cars around the track

Here is a list. Not all were Obama overrides but you can search through the list.

uly 3: The Trump administration contested a Obama administration rule qualifying more people to get overtime pay by doubling the minimum salary a worker must make to qualify for a management exemption to $47,000. (Los Angeles Times)


By the way what information did you find regarding Trumps employment numbers vs Obama's?

To save you some time.

Aug. 29: Trump reversed a rule requiring large companies to report worker pay by race and gender in order to decrease the wage gap through greater pay transparency. (Chicago Tribune)
June 1: Trump ‘quits’ the Paris Climate Treaty, adopted by Obama in an executive order last year. (New York Times)
April 28: Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding offshore oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, Atlantic, and possibly Pacific Ocean, scrapping another facet of Obama’s environmental legacy. (Washington Post)
April 27: Trump directed the Interior Department to reconsider safety regulations for offshore drilling put in place after the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The executive order was intended to roll back Obama administration attempts to ban drilling off the southeastern Atlantic and Alaskan coasts. (New York Times)
March 28: Trump rescinded Obama’s clean energy plans, which put a cap on greenhouse gas emissions by power plants. (New York Times)
Feb. 28: Trump rolled back Obama’s Clean Water Rule, intended to increase the scope of waterways regulated for pollutants.(Washington Post)
an. 23: Trump withdrew from the trans-pacific Partnership, a trade deal between the US and countries on the Pacific Rim. (Washington Post)

You will find a lot more in the links.
BoilerJS: Thanks for the time expended in finding the above information. Always appreciated.
(FYI: you posted this by replying to a different post of mine, replying to a different poster.)
The obvious result of this conversation is to realize that the phrase "(the economy) was ready to explode the last 3 yrs. of the Obama Admin. " undeniably vague. "explode" ?? Highly debatable.
The list of Trump executive actions involving environmental regulations of the previous 8 yrs., is well known. The degree to which the economy's numbers would have changed, is not.