Man enough to admit I'm wrong


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
Sadly, looks like Trump is going to win. Bad news for this country, but the rural white male has one more election left in them it looks like.

Feel free to gloat.
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Sadly, looks like Trump is going to win. Bad news for this country, but the rural white male has one more election left in them it looks like.

Feel free to gloat.

It ain't over but you have earned my respect for your candor. We are seeing an election that will be talked about in Poly Sci classes generations from now no matter what the outcome.
It ain't over but you have earned my respect for your candor. We are seeing an election that will be talked about in Poly Sci classes generations from now no matter what the outcome.
it's over...she loses MI, and WI.

That will be just enough. Unless somehow she picks up AZ which is closer than expected, that would give her exactly 270 assuming she wins the NE CD that is urban.

But clearly white rural males came out in droves, even as she picked up 2012 or better in AA, Hispanic and women.

There's a tiny chance the cities come in for her big time in MI and WI since those always come last, but I doubt it, and I'm not staying up for it since I have to get up early.
Sadly, looks like Trump is going to win. Bad news for this country, but the rural white male has one more election left in them it looks like.

Feel free to gloat.

I agree. I never thought that this would happen. I had more faith in the American people and their ability to reject a xenophobic, misogynistic bigot with zero experience, no concrete ideas, and little knowledge of how our government actually works. Too much faith it seems.

The people who voted for him deserve every awful thing that's coming. The blue collar white men who think Trump is going to somehow give them more money are in for a shock when nothing really changes except people like Trump getting more tax breaks. The markets are already taking a beating, and it's going to get worse.

I could not be more disgusted. I grew up in a GOP home and was, for a long time, sympathetic with the GOP party platform on many issues. This election, though, guarantees that the GOP will never see another vote from me - local, state, or national level.
I agree. I never thought that this would happen. I had more faith in the American people and their ability to reject a xenophobic, misogynistic bigot with zero experience, no concrete ideas, and little knowledge of how our government actually works. Too much faith it seems.

The people who voted for him deserve every awful thing that's coming. The blue collar white men who think Trump is going to somehow give them more money are in for a shock when nothing really changes except people like Trump getting more tax breaks. The markets are already taking a beating, and it's going to get worse.

I could not be more disgusted. I grew up in a GOP home and was, for a long time, sympathetic with the GOP party platform on many issues. This election, though, guarantees that the GOP will never see another vote from me - local, state, or national level.

For the last eight years folks like me have sat back and watched what was shoved In our faces with arrogance and attitude. What you are seeing Pastor is millions saying to progressives "Whoa there Big Fella." You have just gone too far, too fast and it's time to say "Nyet!" You (Democrats) failled to heed the lesson of 2010 and 2014 and now you are reaping The Whirlwind."
Sadly, looks like Trump is going to win. Bad news for this country, but the rural white male has one more election left in them it looks like.

Feel free to gloat.
I'm not happy about either one of these goof balls being president. I would prefer a one year extension for Barack, and do this all over again next year.
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I agree. I never thought that this would happen. I had more faith in the American people and their ability to reject a xenophobic, misogynistic bigot with zero experience, no concrete ideas, and little knowledge of how our government actually works. Too much faith it seems.

The people who voted for him deserve every awful thing that's coming. The blue collar white men who think Trump is going to somehow give them more money are in for a shock when nothing really changes except people like Trump getting more tax breaks. The markets are already taking a beating, and it's going to get worse.

I could not be more disgusted. I grew up in a GOP home and was, for a long time, sympathetic with the GOP party platform on many issues. This election, though, guarantees that the GOP will never see another vote from me - local, state, or national level.
short term win, but possible long term loss for repub
I am doubtful that he will unify the party and many will be wondering/questioning his policy/plan implementation a year or so into term
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I agree. I never thought that this would happen. I had more faith in the American people and their ability to reject a xenophobic, misogynistic bigot with zero experience, no concrete ideas, and little knowledge of how our government actually works. Too much faith it seems.

The people who voted for him deserve every awful thing that's coming. The blue collar white men who think Trump is going to somehow give them more money are in for a shock when nothing really changes except people like Trump getting more tax breaks. The markets are already taking a beating, and it's going to get worse.

I could not be more disgusted. I grew up in a GOP home and was, for a long time, sympathetic with the GOP party platform on many issues. This election, though, guarantees that the GOP will never see another vote from me - local, state, or national level.
This vote has little to do with trump, and everything to do with rejecting Hillary.
For the last eight years folks like me have sat back and watched what was shoved In our faces with arrogance and attitude. What you are seeing Pastor is millions saying to progressives "Whoa there Big Fella." You have just gone too far, too fast and it's time to say "Nyet!" You (Democrats) failled to heed the lesson of 2010 and 2014 and now you are reaping The Whirlwind."

I get that. My issue isn't that the Republicans are winning. I would have voted for Rubio or Kasich or, had they been the nominee, Ryan or Romney.

My issue is that Republicans are winning not because of their ideas, but because they stoked fear and racism and xenophobia; because of angry white men who are hateful, racist, misogynistic, and ignorant. The GOP sold its soul to the basest elements of society in order to sow "the Whirlwind."

That is despicable.
I agree. I never thought that this would happen. I had more faith in the American people and their ability to reject a xenophobic, misogynistic bigot with zero experience, no concrete ideas, and little knowledge of how our government actually works. Too much faith it seems.

The people who voted for him deserve every awful thing that's coming. The blue collar white men who think Trump is going to somehow give them more money are in for a shock when nothing really changes except people like Trump getting more tax breaks. The markets are already taking a beating, and it's going to get worse.

I could not be more disgusted. I grew up in a GOP home and was, for a long time, sympathetic with the GOP party platform on many issues. This election, though, guarantees that the GOP will never see another vote from me - local, state, or national level.
I realize he'll wreck our economy but even worse he is going to turn Eastern Europe over to Russia and I dont think it's just because Putin sad nice things about him.
Congrats, Trump supporters. I still disagree with just about everything he stands for.
This vote has little to do with trump, and everything to do with rejecting Hillary.
I'll agree with that, clearly hatred of Hillary in rural areas was so high that people came out in droves to vote for her that counter-acted the fact that she actually improved among other voters in some cases over 2012. She brought out both sides, but the rural side had just enough in just enough states to win by 1-3 percentage points in enough key states.
democrats lost key white demographic of union voters once unions essentially died. Irony is ex-union workers voting for the party that dismantled unions. Life goes on. As a minority, I am afraid on some levels.
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NY Times called it for Trump. I don't have that confidence yet.
democrats lost key white demographic of union voters once unions essentially died. Irony is ex-union workers voting for the party that dismantled unions. Life goes on. As a minority, I am afraid on some levels.
don't think this has much to do with unions...e.g. if Biden runs, I think he wins easily. She drove out voters on both sides, but everyone underestimated just how motivated rural white voters were going to be against her. The whitest counties went by 10 more percentage points republican tonight.
don't think this has much to do with unions...e.g. if Biden runs, I think he wins easily. She drove out voters on both sides, but everyone underestimated just how motivated rural white voters were going to be against her. The whitest counties went by 10 more percentage points republican tonight.
that definitely is part of it. As recently as 2004, democrats routinely won blue collar white votes usually because of union support. The demographic is lost to democrats forever. With the reason to vote economically for democrats gone, they vote in line with their cultures and values.
They may not be the demographic that won Trump the election, but it still a switch that's weird to me.
Pretty much over, Wisconsin and Michigan is too much to overcome. Honestly has there ever been 16 years in the last 65 years that were won back to back to back by the same party ? As extreme as Trump is I'm not suprised, I agree this is awful for the country
democrats lost key white demographic of union voters once unions essentially died. Irony is ex-union workers voting for the party that dismantled unions. Life goes on. As a minority, I am afraid on some levels.
You are right about that.The dissapearance of good union jobs helped lead to the demise of middle class pensions and affordable health insurance.No politician can bring back the jobs that have gone overseas..
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Pretty much over, Wisconsin and Michigan is too much to overcome. Honestly has there ever been 16 years in the last 65 years that were won back to back to back by the same party ? As extreme as Trump is I'm not suprised, I agree this is awful for the country
Since World War Two,the only time one party won three straight Presidential Elections was The GOP winning in 1980,1984,and 1988.I think Reagans success and popularity helped Bush a lot in 1988,and neither party has one four in row since the Democrats won five straight from 1932 through 1948.But then,FDR was one of a kind,and the Depression and WW Two were unusual times.
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Happy for the SCOTUS implications. Happy for policy implications,p. Very much afraid for foreign relations and the economic impact of Trump's stated policies. Interesting to see how long it takes before the constituents learn that Trump isn't going to look out for their best interests after all.

Based on what I view as the role of the President, I would've preferred Clinton, but wanted neither one of them. Makes me sick that this was the best we could do.
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don't think this has much to do with unions...e.g. if Biden runs, I think he wins easily. She drove out voters on both sides, but everyone underestimated just how motivated rural white voters were going to be against her. The whitest counties went by 10 more percentage points republican tonight.
Yeah Biden would have handily won against Trump. But I think Cruz or Rubio could have beaten HRC by the same token. Both HRC and Trump lucked out, in that the other side picked the one candidate they had a chance to beat.
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Sanders would have likely beat him, I hope this is a wake up call for them and the American people
Sadly, looks like Trump is going to win. Bad news for this country, but the rural white male has one more election left in them it looks like.

Feel free to gloat.
so glad hillary is losing. just sick of her rhetoric and lies. i will be interested to see why this ended up being a 2 sigma event statistically. stunning. and the meals tax failed!
I dont know if Sanders could have won,but who thought a Reality Tv Show Star could win?