Donald Trump tests positive for Coronavirus

Some states are locked down still. I'm saying there should be no restrictions on anything. If in large groups wear a mask. Right now there are many industries that have restrictions (ie. restaurant capacities, sporting event capacities, theme park capacities, cruises aren't allowed, ect). There should be no restrictions.
I agree though I wear a mask when needed. Personal responsibility has been deleted from a lot of lives.
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Going for that herd immunity approach huh? You should attend Trump rally and see how that works out. Oh wait
If I got Covid tomorrow I wouldn’t be in the least bit concerned.

I didn’t say go for the herd immunity approach. If masks work as scientists say they do, then you can have 1k people packed together as long as everyone has a mask on.
He's overweight, but he's not obese. I'm a few pounds overweight, but I'm not obese. Just tired of everyone nitpicking every thing about the guy. Personally, I don't care what he weighs any more than I care that Biden is lost in space.

He's obese. Don't take our word for it. Go read it on Fox News.

Or may appear super human if he bounces back quickly

This will most certainly be the narrative he pushes if he does so. He's just starting showing symptoms... and it's early on in his infection (assuming he has been tested every day like Pence and others in the administration).

Not a good sign that he's already symptomatic this fast with fatigue and fever. I was glad to hear they gave him a dose of antibodies already though. Sounds like he's going to need it.
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This will most certainly be the narrative he pushes if he does so. He's just starting showing symptoms... and it's early on in his infection (assuming he has been tested every day like Pence and others in the administration).

Not a good sign that he's already symptomatic this fast with fatigue and fever. I was glad to hear they gave him a dose of antibodies already though. Sounds like he's going to need it.
Saw that the antibody cocktail he got is still in experimental phase. Why do they need to go the experimental route already?
Saw that the antibody cocktail he got is still in experimental phase. Why do they need to go the experimental route already?

Because he is 74 and obese. And regardless of what some here on this thread think, that's not a great combination. Especially for someone who already has a fever and fatigue on Day 1 of his infection.

The hypthesis is that the antibodies will help jump start his immune system so symptoms don't progress. But like you said, it's experimental. I'm not aware with negative side effects of having antibodies though, so there may be little downside.
He's overweight, but he's not obese. I'm a few pounds overweight, but I'm not obese. Just tired of everyone nitpicking every thing about the guy. Personally, I don't care what he weighs any more than I care that Biden is lost in space.
Dude "obesity" is not determined by eye test. There is actually a medical definition of it. It is BMI >30. Trump is obese. Sometimes the truth is just the truth. There is not conspiracy to it. BMI may not accurately reflect "fatness" or "health" in some people e.g athletes. But our dear President is indeed 74 and obese.
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Because he is 74 and obese. And regardless of what some here on this thread think, that's not a great combination. Especially for someone who already has a fever and fatigue on Day 1 of his infection.

The hypthesis is that the antibodies will help jump start his immune system so symptoms don't progress. But like you said, it's experimental. I'm not aware with negative side effects of having antibodies though, so there may be little downside.

And now Trump is heading to the hospital (Walter Reed).

Probably a smart move, but crazy he already needs advanced care this fast.
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Because he is 74 and obese. And regardless of what some here on this thread think, that's not a great combination. Especially for someone who already has a fever and fatigue on Day 1 of his infection.

The hypthesis is that the antibodies will help jump start his immune system so symptoms don't progress. But like you said, it's experimental. I'm not aware with negative side effects of having antibodies though, so there may be little downside.
Be interesting if he is given this experimental drug. Showing promise in some folks who have serious symptoms. Full disclosure, I own stock in CYDY
If he is hospitalized, it would seem Pence may assume control?

Maybe. Boris Johnson never really gave up control, and I don't think Trump would do that unless he becomes completely incapacitated.

Trump cares about perception of strength too much. Which is why I'm shocked they are admitting him this fast. He must really not be feeling well.
Maybe. Boris Johnson never really gave up control, and I don't think Trump would do that unless he becomes completely incapacitated.

Trump cares about perception of strength too much. Which is why I'm shocked they are admitting him this fast. He must really not be feeling well.
Agree but I thought Boris started off with mild symptoms but quickly detonated and end up on a ventilator. He is younger than Trump but overweight too
Some states are locked down still. I'm saying there should be no restrictions on anything. If in large groups wear a mask. Right now there are many industries that have restrictions (ie. restaurant capacities, sporting event capacities, theme park capacities, cruises aren't allowed, ect). There should be no restrictions.
Agree but I thought Boris started off with mild symptoms but quickly detonated and end up on a ventilator. He is younger than Trump but overweight too
Boris has always been quick to detonate and was on a ventilator. Treatment is better now, thankfully.
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Agree but I thought Boris started off with mild symptoms but quickly detonated and end up on a ventilator. He is younger than Trump but overweight too

Yeah I think he and Trump have similar body types, but I believe Boris is like 20 years younger than Trump.

The next 72-96 hours are likely to be critical for the President.
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Removing politics from this as much as possible, if the President of the United States ends up passing from this (very much a non-impossible probability, even if very unlikely), how humbling and sobering of an event that would be for our species. We have so much hubris.

Best wishes for the First Family and all of those potentially exposed. Let democratic processes be the mechanisms for change, not tragedy.
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And now Trump is heading to the hospital (Walter Reed).

Probably a smart move, but crazy he already needs advanced care this fast.
I'm just guessing that they can take better care of him there. Some of the world's best doc's work in that place. No matter our feelings, we should praying for his swift and complete recovery, along with FLOTUS.
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Really Indy? I thought you might have a bit more class dude. Posts like this is why I quit coming here.
Maybe you should read the thread to see Bruce’s post earlier. This was only referencing the idea of what the reactions would be should the situation be reversed. We have proof of what would have happened from Clinton’s pneumonia.
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Maybe you should read the thread to see Bruce’s post earlier. Dumbass.
I don’t have time to sit here all day and monitor everybody’s posts like you do, loser. Someday you’ll accomplish something worthwhile in life. Until then, keep being miserable and hateful while pounding away lecturing people.
I don’t have time to sit here all day and monitor everybody’s posts like you do, loser. Someday you’ll accomplish something worthwhile in life. Until then, keep being miserable and hateful while pounding away lecturing people.
I don’t think I could ever end up as worthless and hateful as you.
I don’t have time to sit here all day and monitor everybody’s posts like you do, loser. Someday you’ll accomplish something worthwhile in life. Until then, keep being miserable and hateful while pounding away lecturing people.

Lmao. You stalk prior posts from people on here. Give me a freaking break
I'm just guessing that they can take better care of him there. Some of the world's best doc's work in that place. No matter our feelings, we should praying for his swift and complete recovery, along with FLOTUS.

Hopefully he makes a quick recovery.

I’m trying to get firm confirmation, but I’ve read that there still won’t be a mask mandate at the White House. If true, I just do not understand that.
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I don’t think I could ever end up as worthless and hateful as you.
9,200 posts later and zero impact. Well done! Never mind, you have run people off of the boards and had them cancel their subscriptions so that’s an impact. Of course a negative one because you’ve never really accomplished anything positive in life.

An angry white lib sitting in Indiana repeating yourself over and over and over and over again. How pathetic. You are the poster child of the leftist cult. Fox News! Propaganda!
If he is hospitalized, it would seem Pence may assume control?

I would bet the chance of that happening is between slim and none - Trump would NEVER let that happen. (ESPECIALLY right before an election)

I think it would take a full-fledged mutiny in the white house for that to happen.
9,200 posts later and zero impact. Well done! Never mind, you have run people off of the boards and had them cancel their subscriptions so that’s an impact. Of course a negative one because you’ve never really accomplished anything positive in life.

An angry white lib sitting in Indiana repeating yourself over and over and over and over again. How pathetic. You are the poster child of the leftist cult. Fox News! Propaganda!
You should see a doctor, those delusions are not healthy. You’ve become even further detached from reality.
You should see a doctor, those delusions are not healthy. You’ve become even further detached from reality.
There we go, bot. Knew the “reality” line was coming. Spinning the hits! Never an original thought. Always the same spiel over and over and over and over again.
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I don’t think I could ever end up as worthless and hateful as you.
Don't despair. With hard work and discipline, you just may be able to decrease your vast amount of worthlessness and hatefulness to improve to that level. It will be a long, hard slog, but don't sell yourself short.
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You keep saying things that are not remotely true. That’s alright, it’s just who you are. Dishonest to the core.
Dishonest? Because I’m a Republican? Why even ask, of course that’s why.

And you never accomplishing anything of significance in life is alright too. It’s just who you are which is a complete leftist cult member loser.
Dishonest? Because I’m a Republican? Why even ask, of course that’s why.

And you never accomplishing anything of significance in life is alright too. It’s just who you are which is a complete leftist cult member loser.
No, you’re dishonest because of the things you say, not your party affiliation. If you aren’t acting like a complete piece of shit, I think you wouldn’t have anything to say at all.

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