Coronavirus Data

Got it. On your next "process-related", try sticking in just one thing that you see as a positive rather than 100% doom and gloom.

Oh, good point - I forgot to say that the good news is that the country will obviously be better off after the election. (ie When we will actually get a leader)

Until then, doom and gloom will sadly be all around us - caused by incompetence.
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Just saw an interesting article - highlighting that populist leaders (U.S. Brazil, UK, India) are faring poorly in their COVID responses and offering insights on why. SHOCKER, huh ?
China seems to be faring the best. I guess it makes sense since it originated in their country. We'd all get past this a lot faster if they would help the rest of the world out with what has worked so well for them.
China seems to be faring the best. I guess it makes sense since it originated in their country. We'd all get past this a lot faster if they would help the rest of the world out with what has worked so well for them.

Mask wearing was accepted in China long before this coronavirus plus the Chinese government can order people to do so. Fauci even talked about this issue. People in our country are much less likely to accept a government order. People in the US are much more likely to fuss and fight and sue. I am surprised that a major issue was not made over the importance of hand washing. (JOKE). Hand washing is probably the most important advance in medical practice in the last 500 years so perhaps people do it without arguing or name calling or fighting or killing others as we have seen with mask wearing.
China seems to be faring the best. I guess it makes sense since it originated in their country. We'd all get past this a lot faster if they would help the rest of the world out with what has worked so well for them.

They tried - WE didn't listen. They sent their experts to share their lessons learned, namely:

- The importance of containment (Detecting outbreaks, testing, quarantining, tracing)
- Providing healthcare to all
- The importance of social distancing, masks, aerosol precautions, etc.. &
- Showing urgency !

The only thing we did well early on was to provide healthcare to everyone, but didn't show any urgency in PPE, testing, containment efforts or quarantining. We also didn't do the BASICs - We neither demonstrated leadership on scientific problem solving or process control, nor required masks to be worn. . . . . and because we refuse to do even the BASICs, we continue to pay a huge price -In lives, underlying conditions and economic deterioration. (ie ClusterF..)
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China seems to be faring the best. I guess it makes sense since it originated in their country. We'd all get past this a lot faster if they would help the rest of the world out with what has worked so well for them.

They tried - WE didn't listen. They sent their experts to share their lessons learned, namely:

- The importance of containment (Detecting outbreaks, testing, quarantining, tracing)
- Providing healthcare to all
- The importance of social distancing, masks, aerosol precautions, etc.. &
- Showing urgency !

The only thing we did well early on was to provide healthcare to everyone, but didn't show any urgency in PPE, testing, containment efforts or quarantining. We also didn't do the BASICs - We neither demonstrated leadership on scientific problem solving or process control, nor required masks to be worn. . . . . and because we refuse to do even the BASICs, we continue to pay a huge price -In lives, underlying conditions and economic deterioration. (ie ClusterF..)
I guess my sarcasm wasn't noticed...
I guess the sarcasm of my post went unnoticed. Out of 213 countries, China has the most people and is claiming that they have a total of 83,594 cases and 4,634 deaths. Even liberals here know that this is bullshit. The media was calling this the Chinese Coronavirus in February and on a dime reversed course and began parroting COVID-19 after China objected.
  • Population: 1,439,323, 766 (1st)
  • Total Tests: 90,410,000 (1st)
  • Total Cases: 83,594 (23rd)
  • Cases/1M population: 58 (192nd)
  • Total Deaths: 4,634 (22nd)
  • Deaths/1M population: 3 (156th)
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Mask wearing was accepted in China long before this coronavirus plus the Chinese government can order people to do so. Fauci even talked about this issue. People in our country are much less likely to accept a government order. People in the US are much more likely to fuss and fight and sue. I am surprised that a major issue was not made over the importance of hand washing. (JOKE). Hand washing is probably the most important advance in medical practice in the last 500 years so perhaps people do it without arguing or name calling or fighting or killing others as we have seen with mask wearing.

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Assuming a vaccine produces the desired antibodies, it will be interesting to see if they are retained for a lengthy time. The British report on the vary quick amelioration of antibodies in those who have recovered is quite troubling.
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Total confirmed deaths in the US:

through 4/30
102,836 through 5/30
126,140 through 6/30

128,062 on 7/2
129,676 on 7/5
131,480 on 7/8
134,097 on 7/11
135,605 on 7/14
138,358 on 7/17
140,534 on 7/20

+652 on 7/2
+242 on 7/5
+1174 on 7/8
+806 on 7/11
+400 on 7/14
+939 on 7/17
+415 on 7/20
Total confirmed deaths in the US:

through 4/30
102,836 through 5/30
126,140 through 6/30

128,062 on 7/2
129,676 on 7/5
131,480 on 7/8
134,097 on 7/11
135,605 on 7/14
138,358 on 7/17
140,534 on 7/20

+652 on 7/2
+242 on 7/5
+1174 on 7/8
+806 on 7/11
+400 on 7/14
+939 on 7/17
+415 on 7/20

given that in the US our number of positives has doubled from earlier this year we should see a doubling of the deaths compared to that same time period. When would you expect that to happen?
given that in the US our number of positives has doubled from earlier this year we should see a doubling of the deaths compared to that same time period. When would you expect that to happen?

Deaths have always lagged cases by a few weeks to a month.

Fortunately, medical treatment has improved since the first months of the infection so the death rate may not be so high (hopefully).

The true inflection point for deaths comes when we run out of ICU beds or people to treat the sick. These are already close to happening in Texas and Arizona.
Total confirmed deaths in the US:

through 4/30
102,836 through 5/30
126,140 through 6/30

128,062 on 7/2
129,676 on 7/5
131,480 on 7/8
134,097 on 7/11
135,605 on 7/14
138,358 on 7/17
140,534 on 7/20
143,190 on 7/23

+652 on 7/2
+242 on 7/5
+1174 on 7/8
+806 on 7/11
+400 on 7/14
+939 on 7/17
+415 on 7/20
+1124 on 7/23
Total confirmed deaths in the US:

through 4/30
102,836 through 5/30
126,140 through 6/30

128,062 on 7/2
129,676 on 7/5
131,480 on 7/8
134,097 on 7/11
135,605 on 7/14
138,358 on 7/17
140,534 on 7/20
143,190 on 7/23
146,460 on 7/26

+652 on 7/2
+242 on 7/5
+1174 on 7/8
+806 on 7/11
+400 on 7/14
+939 on 7/17
+415 on 7/20
+1124 on 7/23
+914 on 7/26
  • Like
Reactions: Bethboilerfan
Total confirmed deaths in the US:

through 4/30
102,836 through 5/30
126,140 through 6/30

128,062 on 7/2
129,676 on 7/5
131,480 on 7/8
134,097 on 7/11
135,605 on 7/14
138,358 on 7/17
140,534 on 7/20
143,190 on 7/23
146,460 on 7/26
149,256 on 7/29

+652 on 7/2
+242 on 7/5
+1174 on 7/8
+806 on 7/11
+400 on 7/14
+939 on 7/17
+415 on 7/20
+1124 on 7/23
+914 on 7/26
+1245 on 7/29
China seems to be faring the best. I guess it makes sense since it originated in their country. We'd all get past this a lot faster if they would help the rest of the world out with what has worked so well for them.
It is very simple of what has worked for them and other countries for that matter. They don’t have a jack ass for a president.
It is very simple of what has worked for them and other countries for that matter. They don’t have a jack ass for a president.
No, that just fake their numbers to make themselves look good. If you believe that China has accurately shown their cases and deaths, I don’t know what to tell you.
No, that just fake their numbers to make themselves look good. If you believe that China has accurately shown their cases and deaths, I don’t know what to tell you.

Taking one country and making it a rule around the world is just basically acknowledging you don't have an argument. Nobody is using China as the example. So you think Canada, European countries, etc. are all faking numbers?

All countries have made missteps, some larger than others. But to not even acknowledge that the US is not handling things as well as other "peers" of ours is just negligence.

Simply acknowledging the problem with developing tests before March was a HUGE blunder. It doesn't mean people can't accept it - but there was never even an acknowledgment and course correction.

Or take these last couple of months - how hard would it have been to just come out and make a serious national address that we as a country have to come together and make smart decisions in order to keep our lives going while combatting it....and wearing masks, not congregating, etc. will do this. Trump came out 1 day and said how important wearing a mask is.....wore it once...and hasn't since. Then a week later is talking about how great some crazy doctor is that said wearing a mask is not needed and there's a cure.

This really isn't rocket science...sticking to health guidelines is not that hard to follow along with.
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Taking one country and making it a rule around the world is just basically acknowledging you don't have an argument. Nobody is using China as the example. So you think Canada, European countries, etc. are all faking numbers?

All countries have made missteps, some larger than others. But to not even acknowledge that the US is not handling things as well as other "peers" of ours is just negligence.

Simply acknowledging the problem with developing tests before March was a HUGE blunder. It doesn't mean people can't accept it - but there was never even an acknowledgment and course correction.

Or take these last couple of months - how hard would it have been to just come out and make a serious national address that we as a country have to come together and make smart decisions in order to keep our lives going while combatting it....and wearing masks, not congregating, etc. will do this. Trump came out 1 day and said how important wearing a mask is.....wore it once...and hasn't since. Then a week later is talking about how great some crazy doctor is that said wearing a mask is not needed and there's a cure.

This really isn't rocket science...sticking to health guidelines is not that hard to follow along with.
Finished with your rant?
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No, that just fake their numbers to make themselves look good. If you believe that China has accurately shown their cases and deaths, I don’t know what to tell you.
Why does everything have to be fake to y’all? Fake news this. Hoax that. The virus will go away when it gets hot. The numbers of cases and deaths are fake. Well it is hot and there is almost 150,000 deaths and climbing. About 1000 deaths a day. November 3rd folks.
Why does everything have to be fake to y’all? Fake news this. Hoax that. The virus will go away when it gets hot. The numbers of cases and deaths are fake. Well it is hot and there is almost 150,000 deaths and climbing. About 1000 deaths a day. November 3rd folks.

Why does everything have to be fake to y’all? Fake news this. Hoax that. The virus will go away when it gets hot. The numbers of cases and deaths are fake. Well it is hot and there is almost 150,000 deaths and climbing. About 1000 deaths a day. November 3rd folks.
Try to stay on point. I was talking about China? Have they or have they not falsified their cases and deaths?
It's interesting to compare what's happened since the re-opening of the economy.

Nobody will be surprised that Florida and Texas are still raging fires, but it may surprise a few that they now have more deaths than Michigan, which was used in the Spring as an example of a governor that wasn't doing anything right.

Funny how things change when the virus gets to your communities - Then, you find out which ones are problem solvers and which ones were just spouting B.S.
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Trump may have bigger problems - the need to hold the glass with two hands, the walk down the ramp, the dementia test, the inability to change course, etc. Mary Trump stated that she does not think he passed the dementia test.
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Try to stay on point. I was talking about China? Have they or have they not falsified their cases and deaths?
Who says that China lied? President Slick? You know if he says it, it ain’t true. May be it is true. I’m certainly not going taking Agent Orange’s word for it.
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