
Dec 1, 2012
You all are flat out embarrassing. All of you emotional pre-teen people crying for Painter to get fired are clueless video game nerd coaches and nothing more. You have no clue how to coach a team and wet yourselves because of a few losses.

Guess what? NO TEAM AND NO COACH IS FREAKIN PERFECT!!!! So what, your answer to everything is to fire a coach because in your pea brains you somehow think one coach isn't getting it done? Yeah that is sure a recipe for success. Get some balls. All of you. Is everything rosey? Hell no. Is everything as doom and gloom that you negative nerdboys think? Hell no.

This is a GOOD team and Painter is a GOOD coach and stuff happens. And just don't bother saying those things aren't true, because you are wrong and that is a fact. Things are not always going to go our way nor are things going to be dismal all the time. We saw that this team can beat anyone when they beat MSU and just stop with the whole got lucky crap with that game. You don't get lucky by pulling out a win against a top team.

I am thankful that all of you weak people that can't handle a little adversity are not in charge because every last one of you so called experts would make Tom Crean look like the best coach on the planet. Sack up and quit being little whiny girls and stop being embarrassments to Purdue because is all every single one of you are. And that too is a undeniable fact.
I think we are underperforming as a team. If that makes me a troll or weak. Then so be it.

At this pace winning one game in the NCAA would be a success. I think the expectations at the beginning of the year were a tad high, but I thought we could make it to sweet 16 and call it a good season. It is still feasible that we still do that, but we can't blindly look at this team and not say there are challenges with all phases of the game.

I think blindly saying "ignore this loss" is not appropriate as well saying "fire everyone" is not appropriate.

However, my observation is we are losing more of these games than we should be.
I still think it's a flow of the game thing for us. There are certain 5 man match-ups against certain teams where we look dynamite and that same 5 man team looks out of it against other match-ups. Is that due to being weaker at the guard position and some teams know how to guard us differently? Maybe. But if I'm Painter, when I see a 5 man rotation that is clicking, I wouldn't substitute so fast. Likewise, if one isn't working, find one that will.
11 of the top 25 have lost so far today. So what's up with that. KU and Okla are both 20-4. We are 20-6. For Pete's sake, we are having a pretty good year in national terms. Do we have to be 26-0 or 25-1 for some people to be happy.
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With all the ranked team's losses this week, prior to today, with a win today at Michigan Purdue looked to move up to about 12, and setting them up for a potential 3rd seed. But just like in today's game, they could not finish with all the opportunities they had to get the job done.
Of course we aren't going to win them all. But looking back to Butler, Iowa at home, today @ Michigan - I question why we lost all of those games. Not saying we should have won all three...but should have taken 1 or 2 of those.

Again - sure we are 20-6, but can you really see us winning two games in the tournament? Of course we can all vision that we can - but ncaa games tend to be tight and pressure packed. We seem to be be good at starting but we struggle to finish.

I sure do hope we win, but feels like we are underperforming.
Not trolling, I promise, but I really thought PU would be really good this year. I guess it goes to show you how important the PG position is in college basketball.
Of course we aren't going to win them all. But looking back to Butler, Iowa at home, today @ Michigan - I question why we lost all of those games. Not saying we should have won all three...but should have taken 1 or 2 of those.

Again - sure we are 20-6, but can you really see us winning two games in the tournament? Of course we can all vision that we can - but ncaa games tend to be tight and pressure packed. We seem to be be good at starting but we struggle to finish.

I sure do hope we win, but feels like we are underperforming.
We lose games because there are two teams on the court and the opposing teams has all the same issues we have. They need a win or wan to win just as much as we do. Some times a guy gets hot some times it's not his night. Some times the ball seems to not go in or the bounce doesn't go your way.
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We lose games because there are two teams on the court and the opposing teams has all the same issues we have. They need a win or wan to win just as much as we do. Some times a guy gets hot some times it's not his night. Some times the ball seems to not go in or the bounce doesn't go your way.

It seems to bounce your way more often if you have a really good coach...
You all are flat out embarrassing. All of you emotional pre-teen people crying for Painter to get fired are clueless video game nerd coaches and nothing more. You have no clue how to coach a team and wet yourselves because of a few losses.

Guess what? NO TEAM AND NO COACH IS FREAKIN PERFECT!!!! So what, your answer to everything is to fire a coach because in your pea brains you somehow think one coach isn't getting it done? Yeah that is sure a recipe for success. Get some balls. All of you. Is everything rosey? Hell no. Is everything as doom and gloom that you negative nerdboys think? Hell no.

This is a GOOD team and Painter is a GOOD coach and stuff happens. And just don't bother saying those things aren't true, because you are wrong and that is a fact. Things are not always going to go our way nor are things going to be dismal all the time. We saw that this team can beat anyone when they beat MSU and just stop with the whole got lucky crap with that game. You don't get lucky by pulling out a win against a top team.

I am thankful that all of you weak people that can't handle a little adversity are not in charge because every last one of you so called experts would make Tom Crean look like the best coach on the planet. Sack up and quit being little whiny girls and stop being embarrassments to Purdue because is all every single one of you are. And that too is a undeniable fact.
Here you go people. This is the blueprint for a first post to not receive the ire of the All Is Great Broads. Such drivel and yet, they will snort it up. Those same folks will claim the refs caused the game or that fans are the problem with getting recruits because of comments on a message board or Illinois wanted it more while other losses to better teams will receive the excuse of "they were a better team".... Funny how the opposite ALWAYS applies to these broads. Amazing how 6-10 of you can sync up your monthly Aunt Flo visits to anytime Purdue loses and anybody dares to come on the internet and voice frustration (rational or not). I would venture a guess that those that have the most posts and continue to berate anybody they disagree with, well, I will refrain from anymore name calling unlike the OP who cannot go two sentences without an insult.
The team is very good and I think there are a few reasons for it (Hammons and Haas). However, there are times when I am just not sure what the hell is happening. Its almost like we practice only defense and no offense. We have Cline, Mathias, and Stephens, and for having the "three best shooters in the country the last three years" or whatever, they dont't shoot like it. Sure, Stephens and Mathias have had injury problems but its just like those guys came in and their shooting slumped. We miss waaaaayyyy too many open jumpers with these shooters. Thats what I cannot figure out. At some point we have to decide are we gonna be a defensive team or an offensive team. There are a few teams out there that can have both because they recruit much better (its harder to recruit at Purdue. It just is).

I think its very similar to the NFL, where for the last 10 years it was about offense, where as before it was about defense, and now it is kind of flipping back and you can win with an average offense if you have a great defense. Its just weird timing in my opinion. We win a lot of games because of our inside game but its throwback inside game compared to what you see now and I think that throws teams and other players off, which is why we win. If we had a point guard who is a combo of Hill and Thompson (someone who can shoot a little bit like Thompson but can drive a little bit like Hill and maybe not great at both but was average at both) this is a top 1-2 team. You just have to have that guard play now. For example, when Walton had that drive today and completely jumped into Hammons to get a foul. Thats a foul now, which is complete and utter bullshit and will make it impossible to ever guard anyone ever, but thats the way it is. I could average 30 points a game in college bball with these rules. Just throw your body into someone and shoot free throws. Its so sad. So we need to either become more guard oriented and play defense (a la Virginia), or stay what we are and get big guys but we gotta have one guy who can just drive. In my opinion, if we had a guy who can just drive, we would have 2-3 more wins.

But what do I know. I've had some beers.
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It seems to bounce your way more often if you have a really good coach...
Oh just shut up. You are the worst of the negative no-nut nancy boys. You haven't the first clue on how to coach at that level or what it takes to be even half as successful as Painter has been. You spout your embarassing nonsense on here and couldn't out-coach Tom Crean. Hell you probably even help him stretch before games. I'm so tired of you nerdboys thinking you know it all and then come on here and embarass Purdue with your little school girl whining. You're just an embarassment plain and simple.
Here you go people. This is the blueprint for a first post to not receive the ire of the All Is Great Broads. Such drivel and yet, they will snort it up. Those same folks will claim the refs caused the game or that fans are the problem with getting recruits because of comments on a message board or Illinois wanted it more while other losses to better teams will receive the excuse of "they were a better team".... Funny how the opposite ALWAYS applies to these broads. Amazing how 6-10 of you can sync up your monthly Aunt Flo visits to anytime Purdue loses and anybody dares to come on the internet and voice frustration (rational or not). I would venture a guess that those that have the most posts and continue to berate anybody they disagree with, well, I will refrain from anymore name calling unlike the OP who cannot go two sentences without an insult.
And you pretty much proved my opening message to the letter. Your're just as clueless when it comes to basketball as the other negative no-nutters. Sack up and be a man for once.

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