University of Chicago and Marquette University have the right idea and mindset. They are universities, not some semi-pro football team that the college finances. I'm also kind of tired of paying taxes for stadiums for pro teams that could care less about their fan base. .
So what if our football team suks. the revenue it generates doesn't go back to students or academics or the purpose of this land grant college. it goes back to athletics.
if you don't want to go to a Purdue football game because our team suks, then you are not really a very loyal Purdue fan, are you ? Green bay packers games have been sold out for over 50 years. the fans go for the brats and beer. they don't care about the outcome of the game. I met my future wife at a Purdue football game. I have no idea what the score was or if we won. My mind was focused elsewhere.
you have 50 people in this forum that want a winning football team. are any of you rich enough to put your money where your mouth is ? You have over 50,000 fans who went to the game knowing Purdue was a bad team, but were loyal fans.
let's be realistic about our future. the BIG 10 just added Washington, Oregon, USC and UCLA. they may add two more from Texas A&M, FSU, Miami, Notre Dame, Duke and North Carolina. Do you envision Purdue beating any of those teams on a consistent basis ? The BIG 10 doesn't really care about Purdue's problems winning ball games. Can you see Purdue becoming a winning team any time soon ? and if they don't become a winning team, will you accept them for what they are and still support them ? Or are you just a band wagon fan who only likes winning teams ?
you send out a bat signal to Drew Brees to save us, save us save us... But all it seems you want him to do is give money and pick a coach. It's kind of clear that Drew really doesn't want to be a coach or an AD . let him live his life. why don't you have Ivey on your speed dial and ask him for some money. there are a few other former Purdue players still alive . Have any of them shown any ability to coach ? what's Woodson doing these days ? what's Herrman doing ?
if people believe an 80 year old guy can be President, surely an 80 year old can be a Purdue football coach. Barry Alverez is still alive. go get him. or how about Jerry Jones. he's football savvy. and he knows how to spend money. or maybe snoop dog or the pummel horse guy. or that janitor that can sing. he seems qualified enough. and he's a winner. he probably knows the words to Hail Purdue.