What was promised and to whom?

This exactly what you and your cult don't get . In reality of the world you are a huge minority and you piss people off and they will not vote for you and your blind obsequious followers who have no real understanding of the world. You and your ilk prove it everyday in a microcosm of the voter base. REAL PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU!!! You and yours are aloof, constantly condescending of anyone that doesn't fall exactly in line with how your warped mind thinks. I applaud you ! People like you do more than any campaign boosters to Trumps election in 2020 that you can ever realize!
I think I speak for most on this board when I say that a blind monkey at a keyboard would come up with something more intelligible than what you just typed. It bears repeating for this board's posters: Do not support candidates for office who don't support mental health initiatives.
Exhibit A.
glidesquirrel: Perhaps I am not doing a good job of explaining what I think. The Queen of England is held to a higher standard than the PM or any member of the House of Lords, the House of Commons, etc because she above all others, represents Great Britain. I realize there is a vast difference in that form of government but in my opinion, the highest standards should be upheld by the President. There is a huge difference between the President and his actions and everyone else [Senators, congressman, state representatives, private citizens, etc.]. It does not mean that others should not be investigated or judged or punished but it does mean that I expect more of the person who is the representative and the symbol of our government. For the President not to obey the law and to attempt to be above the law or subvert the law is undermining the very basis of our government. Perhaps I am wrong because I do not know him, but it seems like Trump does not understand what I have tried to explain. We are a country based on law [Constitution] and if we lose that what is left?
Who knows, but I suspect Dems will once again overplay it. Trump is a disaster waiting to happen but Dems can't get out of their own way, and Rep don't care, when it comes to this corrupt moron.
It’s like Lewandowski said. Dems/ Libs hate Trump more than they love the country
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It’s like Lewandowski said. Dems/ Libs hate Trump more than they love the country
If there's anybody in politics whose opinion is more valued than Corey Lewandowsi's .......we'd like to know whose it is !!!
This exactly what you and your cult don't get . In reality of the world you are a huge minority and you piss people off and they will not vote for you and your blind obsequious followers who have no real understanding of the world. You and your ilk prove it everyday in a microcosm of the voter base. REAL PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU!!! You and yours are aloof, constantly condescending of anyone that doesn't fall exactly in line with how your warped mind thinks. I applaud you ! People like you do more than any campaign boosters to Trumps election in 2020 that you can ever realize!
What, you do get Republicans have won the popular vote in POTUS elections only ONCE since 1988, right?
Tell what like it is? Did they talk about Obama and his trail of scandal?How many suicides surround the Clinton's? The blindness here is so fun to watch but do carry on if it makes you feel good! Good work all of you! Its a blessing to see how really blind you all are by your hatred !
Would a secret decoder ring help decipher any of this claptrap ??
Anybody ??
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Once again we've reached that point in the conversation where you just ignore what doesn't fit your narrative and keep repeating the same shit.
For the 4th time, I've got no problem with an investigation into HC/Ukraine if it's done by the government, not by Rudy. You seem to think they are one and the same, as evidenced by your statement......"This should be applauded that the Trump Admin is going after a country that interfered or possibly interfered." That's WHERE you said it. To you, Rudy and the Trump admin are the same thing. They're not, there is no official investigation, there will not be one because there's nothing there. It's simply an excuse for Rudy to look into Biden.

There's no tape of Hillary and Ukraine.

Want it to stop? One of your answers is to sue the press. Welcome to Trumplandia.

Edit. Beth just used you, bad.

No that is the equiivalency you made. Not me.

LOL, talking about ignoring. I copied and pasted what I wrote at beginning of thread. And you started multiple posts in this thread telling me what I think and then arguing against it. Guess where that stems from.

Beth seems like a nice person. Beth also has no idea on what projection is outside a defense mechanism. Read and learn about it. Just because it is unconscious does not mean it is not projected in environment. Very clearly happens with politics when people see things as really important or life and death. Earlier this summer, a handful of you were used as examples of projection in this manner by a psy prof. And she(prof) is as liberal/progressive as one can be.
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"Am I ok with Trump wanting Ukranian officials ousted and outted that helped HC? Definitely. And I thought you, Boilerbeth, doubleyous, all would be too. Mainly because you among others have been complaining about foreign election interference for the last few years."

THERE IS NO PROOF, NOT EVEN AN OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION OF Ukrainian interference by this administration. You got it? You keep repeating it like it's fact. Can you actually acknowledge that you read this? I guess you keep repeating it to convince yourself.

And......."For the 4th time, I've got no problem with an investigation into HC/Ukraine if it's done by the government, not by Rudy. So when you keep repeating that I'm somehow against an're wrong, again.

If you're against what Rudy is doing........and the resulting benefit to Trump.......why do you not take it one step further? Can you not admit to the conflict of interest, the abuse of power, the opportunities for more election interference, the slippery slope of governmental investigation into a private citizen with no due process? You are concerned about election interference from years ago that has no basis in fact...........but the clear and present danger Trump is poses only gets a "I'm not crazy about".

You equated Rudy with the Trump are happy the admin is finally looking into Ukraine. They're not. Rudy is. There is not admission on my part, only your refusal to admit what you posted. Done here.

If you're against what Rudy is doing........and the resulting benefit to Trump.......why do you not take it one step further? Can you not admit to the conflict of interest, the abuse of power, the opportunities for more election interference, the slippery slope of governmental investigation into a private citizen with no due process? You are concerned about election interference from years ago that has no basis in fact...........but the clear and present danger Trump is poses only gets a "I'm not crazy about".

You equated Rudy with the Trump are happy the admin is finally looking into Ukraine. They're not. Rudy is. There is not admission on my part, only your refusal to admit what you posted. Done here.[/QUOTE]

That is where we are different. I was concerned with this back in 2016 as well. Remember Carter Page? You know, the whole private citizen and no due process part. What gets me is people seem to pick and choose when that bothers them. not the way it should work unless jsut a real hypocrite and party does your thinking for you.

You know that this is not based in fact how? Hell ,nobody knows what the specific whistelblower complaint is but people know all the facts.

I am not sure I get the conflict of interest part. If Ukraine officials outted any Trump people cause they thought it would help Hilary/Dems, and Ukraine had better relations with HC/Dems than Trump, that is conflict of interest. I have no issue with Trump telling them to get rid of said officials/investigate them if they want aid. If that what was even promised. Indirectly or directly, that is intereference. Whether HC knew of it or not.

I did not equate them. If Trump said he wanted A, B, and C done for aid, one of which is investigations into the election issue, I am fine with it. If it was Biden that may or may not be an issue.

Heck, today, Joe Biden said he had never talked with Hunter about any of his investments. Yeah, ok. I will just wait for the reports on that to finally come out.
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What, you do get Republicans have won the popular vote in POTUS elections only ONCE since 1988, right?

That has to do with the echo chamber present in all the major city democratic strongholds that have majority of the population. Notice the shape/condition many of these cities are in. Thank God for the electoral college!
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I think I speak for most on this board when I say that a blind monkey at a keyboard would come up with something more intelligible than what you just typed. It bears repeating for this board's posters: Do not support candidates for office who don't support mental health initiatives.
Exhibit A.
Haha what is the matter? Had to look some words up to see what they meant? You are too funny. You speak for no one but yourself . Don't kid yourself into thinking you are more than you are.
That has to do with the echo chamber present in all the major city democratic strongholds that have majority of the population. Notice the shape/condition many of these cities are in. Thank God for the electoral college!
Thank God the GOP has all those backwood enclaves where the 8th-grade-educated Goobers living in ramshackle dwellings can all get a group discount on their MAGA gear.

This is how the Trump BS machine works folks. Notice how Rudy has now expanded his accusations to Biden's entire political career. The next step is for the Trump sheeple to grab and run with it.
Went from fake news/never happened to hell yes it happened we weren’t wrong to do it. Pretty much the standard timeline of events for those in the Trump world. If there was an ounce of intellectual honesty expected of Republicans, those that supported the “never happened” narrative should be feeling bad right now.
Thank God the GOP has all those backwood enclaves where the 8th-grade-educated Goobers living in ramshackle dwellings can all get a group discount on their MAGA gear.

Actually, with my Purdue and UPenn degrees, I am able to figure out how to make it on my own, for cost. Very thankful for that, as getting all my gear at discount would still be very expensive. At cost, hhuuggee savings. I won so much on that deal I got tired of it. BC liked it too.
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It’s like Lewandowski said. Dems/ Libs hate Trump more than they love the country
Corey testified like a mobster when he appeared before congress. What a disgusting human being. I know he wanted to keep the boss happy but all he proved was he had no problem lying if it suits his purpose (no problem in lying to the press).
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The Trump/Rudy connection to the Ukraine concerns the Biden candidacy for 2020, not the ashes from 2016.
Forget Hillary. Almost everyone else has.
Hillary hasn't forgotten "Hillary". Want to wager she doesn't run, or attempt to run again?

I’d bet all the money in the world on this. Hilary has been nowhere to be seen and will not play any part in the 2020 election.
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Tell what like it is? Did they talk about Obama and his trail of scandal?How many suicides surround the Clinton's? The blindness here is so fun to watch but do carry on if it makes you feel good! Good work all of you! Its a blessing to see how really blind you all are by your hatred !
Would a secret decoder ring help decipher any of this claptrap ??
Anybody ??

Yet he’s never seen a Trump rally. Folks like tucker and Sean spread this kind of nonsense around. Guess we know what squirrel spends his time doing instead.
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When you make up stories it's sometimes hard to keep them separate.
Here's Pompeo doing exactly that. Biden and election interference have nothing to do with each other in Ukraine.

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Yet he’s never seen a Trump rally. Folks like tucker and Sean spread this kind of nonsense around. Guess we know what squirrel spends his time doing instead.
Right, and you havent seen Antifa in the street ? The cult marches on. Looks like W is on guard duty today
Actually, with my Purdue and UPenn degrees, I am able to figure out how to make it on my own, for cost. Very thankful for that, as getting all my gear at discount would still be very expensive. At cost, hhuuggee savings. I won so much on that deal I got tired of it. BC liked it too.
Uh, 97, do you think I was REALLY referring to YOU, personally, when I made mention of backwoods, uneducated hillbillies that might constitute a part of the Trump voting base ?? Huh ??
Your MAGA gear ??
Yeah, whatever.
While my heart totally agrees with that position, my head still harbors the "Don't give him a basis for middle of the roaders to accept the Dems are overreaching." The absence of any apparent ability to secure a Senate conviction and removal suggests that a fact based censure including a hearing setting out actual facts would be the wiser course. I detest having such thoughts because it means that I have given up any hope that Senate Republicans would actually consider what facts might be presented in a fair and forthright manner, and vote their conscience not their party.
While my heart totally agrees with that position, my head still harbors the "Don't give him a basis for middle of the roaders to accept the Dems are overreaching." The absence of any apparent ability to secure a Senate conviction and removal suggests that a fact based censure including a hearing setting out actual facts would be the wiser course. I detest having such thoughts because it means that I have given up any hope that Senate Republicans would actually consider what facts might be presented in a fair and forthright manner, and vote their conscience not their party.
Your position vis-a-vis the potential electoral effect of Articles of Impeachment
being voted mirrors mine and many others.
It would take a veritable Code Red to move Senate Republicans to anything near the 15+ votes necessary, from their caucus, in removing the president.
Conscience over party ??
In an alternate universe.
While my heart totally agrees with that position, my head still harbors the "Don't give him a basis for middle of the roaders to accept the Dems are overreaching." The absence of any apparent ability to secure a Senate conviction and removal suggests that a fact based censure including a hearing setting out actual facts would be the wiser course. I detest having such thoughts because it means that I have given up any hope that Senate Republicans would actually consider what facts might be presented in a fair and forthright manner, and vote their conscience not their party.
Agree it's a tough call. But if this Ukraine situation plays out like it seems, it's a game changer for me.
I've agreed with Pelosi's position all along, let's get enough proof and get the public behind us. But the piece I posted the other day that essentially said Trump's plan seems to be to push as far as he can......and if nobody complains, push even farther......
really had an effect with me. He's not gonna stop......and the next norm or unwritten law he decides to bust through could be, probably will be, worse than the last. Something that hinders the press or free speech for example.
Think about Rudy running around Central Asia trying to coerce and cajole foreign leaders to do what Trump wants......concerning issues that should be handled by the US government.......assisted by the State dept......and he's Trump's PERSONAL lawyer. This is unheard of, yet no pubs are speaking up. At this point I truly can't imagine what Trump is going to have to do to get them to object in any large numbers.
He has to be stopped. As fearful as I am that impeachment will help his election chances, he could win anyway. Will we regret doing nothing then?
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Agree it's a tough call. But if this Ukraine situation plays out like it seems, it's a game changer for me.
I've agreed with Pelosi's position all along, let's get enough proof and get the public behind us. But the piece I posted the other day that essentially said Trump's plan seems to be to push as far as he can......and if nobody complains, push even farther......
really had an effect with me. He's not gonna stop......and the next norm or unwritten law he decides to bust through could be, probably will be, worse than the last. Something that hinders the press or free speech for example.
Think about Rudy running around Central Asia trying to coerce and cajole foreign leaders to do what Trump wants......concerning issues that should be handled by the US government.......assisted by the State dept......and he's Trump's PERSONAL lawyer. This is unheard of, yet no pubs are speaking up. At this point I truly can't imagine what Trump is going to have to do to get them to object in any large numbers.
He has to be stopped. As fearful as I am that impeachment will help his election chances, he could win anyway. Will we regret doing nothing then?
I don't disagree with much that you say but I am concerned that too much of the public is indifferent to what actual facts may be and only follow headlines and short vignettes, and Trump takes the oxygen out of that room. That's the reason I lean towards a formalized censure process more than an impeachment wherein upon the Senate failing to convict allows the President to crow. A detestable circumstance and I am appalled at the current view of the Republican Senate. I could live with a non-conviction if they simply were reasonably fair and open minded, but I see very, very few comments that suggest such. Ugh...Ugh...Ugh. Horrendous.
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Agree it's a tough call. But if this Ukraine situation plays out like it seems, it's a game changer for me.
I've agreed with Pelosi's position all along, let's get enough proof and get the public behind us. But the piece I posted the other day that essentially said Trump's plan seems to be to push as far as he can......and if nobody complains, push even farther......
really had an effect with me. He's not gonna stop......and the next norm or unwritten law he decides to bust through could be, probably will be, worse than the last. Something that hinders the press or free speech for example.
Think about Rudy running around Central Asia trying to coerce and cajole foreign leaders to do what Trump wants......concerning issues that should be handled by the US government.......assisted by the State dept......and he's Trump's PERSONAL lawyer. This is unheard of, yet no pubs are speaking up. At this point I truly can't imagine what Trump is going to have to do to get them to object in any large numbers.
He has to be stopped. As fearful as I am that impeachment will help his election chances, he could win anyway. Will we regret doing nothing then?
It appears that the President has, at least implicitly, acknowledged that his conversation with the Ukraine President tied funding with the Biden matter. NBC News reports the President saying to reporters today -
"We want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?" Trump told reporters when asked what he had spoken about with Ukraine's new president in a July phone call.
“It’s very important that, on occasion, you speak to somebody about corruption,” he said, moments after telling reporters: "Let me just tell you — let me just tell you. What Biden did was wrong."
While my heart totally agrees with that position, my head still harbors the "Don't give him a basis for middle of the roaders to accept the Dems are overreaching." The absence of any apparent ability to secure a Senate conviction and removal suggests that a fact based censure including a hearing setting out actual facts would be the wiser course. I detest having such thoughts because it means that I have given up any hope that Senate Republicans would actually consider what facts might be presented in a fair and forthright manner, and vote their conscience not their party.
If only dept. :
"A" hearing setting out facts..."
A fact based censure (resolution) "

Interminable hearings have , and will continue to be, opportunities for congressional hard-core Trumpers to kneecap any and all efforts to present truth. Free-for-alls usually ensue. ONE hearing about facts ? If only enough swing voters would pay attention.

Censure would almost certainly fall along party-line voting, diluting its impact.
I'm thinking now about a bottom-line up calculation by the Democratic Party about proceeding with Impeachment:
Would the additional 2020 Dem. turnout in battleground states resulting from the Articles more than offset the GOP's add'l pity-for-Trump numbers ??