You can not debate this on a religious level. It is too easily dismissed. The real issue is it all about conduct and behavior this country wants to accept or not accept. Choices. It has nothing to do with civil rights. One can not change skin color, etc. Yes, the goofballs on the left have no answer when couched in the area of choices on conduct and behavior. I am always told I was made that way. So, how does one go from straight to gay or, gay to straight, even more than once? Many have done that. Choices. Again, back to conduct and behavior. I don't care what people do in private but, I do fight back when it gets pushed into my belief system and told that I must accept.The slow disintegration of the church and Christian values will eventually destroy this country and all of mankind. Non-belief is of course convenient for those pushing this type of lifestyle. GOD calls it an abomination.
The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to man that He would not again send a flood to destroy him. It is NOT a symbol of the lifestyle that was one of the reasons for the flood.
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