You acting all Libertarian with variations of "Yeh, it's weird, but if you're an adult, do whatever you want." But if you truly felt that way, you wouldn't be trying to find ways to blame them (Don't tell me I have to accept you!). You're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't care.
"Yeah, it's a free country, you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't break the law ... unless it's weird, then I'll blame them for forcing me to accept their weird behavior."
That said, there are some borderline case that is worth the thought experiment. Let's say there is a guy who raises a chicken. It dies. The man has sex with it and then buries it. Someone else finds out and the entire town is treating this man like a pervert. Now the man goes public and really high profile, trying to gain acceptance, pleading his case that he hasn't hurt anyone, and that he should have the right to do whatever that is not illegal. If people find his high profile plea for acceptance offensive, do you think that maybe the man should tone it down?