Perhaps it’s a matter of semantics. Owens says blacks are responsible for slavery. I assume she is talking about the Africans that sold their prisoners of war to the Europeans and Americans. Fine, but she says nothing about the Europeans and Americans that bought, traded and enslaved the Africans for 246 years in the US legally. Not to mention the Caribbean and Latin America.
As far as the Native Americans, you keep saying Europeans, since we talking about here in the US, those are Americans that took their land and killed them.
Speaking of the Native Americans, there should not be one Native American that has a blog or YouTube channel and justify what white people did to them.
There should not be one Japanese American that has a blog or YouTube channel and justify what white people did to them by putting entire Japanese families into internment camps during WW2.
As a self proclaimed history buff, I'm kind of surprised at your lack of understanding of our country prior to 1776.
Also, don't forget that that large percentage of the free black population in the 1600-1800 were slave owners.
As far as whites taking the lands of the NA? Man....that's just how war has always worked since the beginning of time. To the victor goes the spoils.
The indian tribes did the same to eachother in terms of fighting for land and expansion, but when the Europeans landed on North American land, they were superior in military, weaponry, etc. and the battle for territory meant the winners got to keep the land.