Tonight may even be a better night to be an American

That white nationalist are a big problem too; one, if not the nations biggest hate group.
I agree they are a big problem. To me it doesn't matter where a hate group ranks in the group with the most hate. I'd love nothing more than to do away with all hate groups (ie. White Supremacy, ANTIFA, Boogaloo Boys, BLM, ect).

The difference between you and I right now is that I'm condemning both far left and far right hate groups. You choose to only condemn the far right.
I agree they are a big problem. To me it doesn't matter where a hate group ranks in the group with the most hate. I'd love nothing more than to do away with all hate groups (ie. White Supremacy, ANTIFA, Boogaloo Boys, BLM, ect).

The difference between you and I right now is that I'm condemning both far left and far right hate groups. You choose to only condemn the far right.
Not so. I just think that some on this forum only see blacks and the left as a problem and it's more broad than that. America has become a seriously fragmented society, its about as bad as it was during the late 60's and could even eclipse that time period if if we aren't careful. It's really sad that we are going in that direction as this country seemed to be doing better regarding race until recently.
Tonight we get a political convention from the White House.

I guess the rules don't apply to Trump. Who's going to hold him accountable for breaking them?
Tonight we get a political convention from the White House.

I guess the rules don't apply to Trump. Who's going to hold him accountable for breaking them?

I believe he'll have to reckon with this in good time.

But if he speaks to crime and violence, I wonder if he will address what he told us in 2016.


Yep. Breaking the rules and ignoring the virus. How much more clear could it be? The Trump admin and all his swamp supporters are at the RNC at the WH and don't give a damn about social distancing or masks.........because they don't believe Covid is real or don't believe they will get it.........or think they're invincible. At the most important even since the inauguration they are clearly saying the 180k didn't matter........nor the ones in the future. It's all been a bunch of BS. This is a covid middle finger to America. Unbelievable.

Yep. Breaking the rules and ignoring the virus. How much more clear could it be? The Trump admin and all his swamp supporters are at the RNC at the WH and don't give a damn about social distancing or masks.........because they don't believe Covid is real or don't believe they will get it.........or think they're invincible. At the most important even since the inauguration they are clearly saying the 180k didn't matter........nor the ones in the future. It's all been a bunch of BS. This is a covid middle finger to America. Unbelievable.
You can always look at the "protestors" to practice social distancing and wear masks but they wear masks for other reasons but carry on
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You can always look at the "protestors" to practice social distancing and wear masks but they wear masks for other reasons but carry on
Lol. Are you really going to try and deflect to protestors when the people who are supposed to be responsible for the heath and safety of the citizens of this country......just FREAKIN IGNORE all the guidelines and recommendations THEY SAID WE SHOULD FOLLOW? Are they special? Do they know something we don't?

When Trump supporters see this are they more or less likely to practice social distancing or wear masks? Let me help you out, the answer is no. Is the virus likely to get under control if Americans are following the lead of the republicans at this convention? No. Are we likely to get the economy back to normal if people don't follow the Covid guidelines? No.
So this president wants the economy back.......but logic says what he and all his clowns are doing tonight works completely against that goal. What fvcking sense does that make? It's because the glorification of Trump is MORE IMPORTANT than anything else........this is Tulsa with supposedly smarter people.

Complain about protestors while our government leaders spread the virus. You're a fool.
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Lol. Are you really going to try and deflect to protestors when the people who are supposed to be responsible for the heath and safety of the citizens of this country......just FREAKIN IGNORE all the guidelines and recommendations THEY SAID WE SHOULD FOLLOW? Are they special? Do they know something we don't?

When Trump supporters see this are they more or less likely to practice social distancing or wear masks? Let me help you out, the answer is no. Is the virus likely to get under control if Americans are following the lead of the republicans at this convention? No. Are we likely to get the economy back to normal if people don't follow the Covid guidelines? No.
So this president wants the economy back.......but logic says what he and all his clowns are doing tonight works completely against that goal. What fvcking sense does that make? It's because the glorification of Trump is MORE IMPORTANT than anything else........this is Tulsa with supposedly smarter people.

Complain about protestors while our government leaders spread the virus. You're a fool.
All the people there are peacefully protesting.
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You can always look at the "protestors" to practice social distancing and wear masks but they wear masks for other reasons but carry on
BBB6 is and has been more concerned about a Trump lie or a twitter sentence than his Democrats rioting and destroying people’s lives.
The article you linked said all the guests near the President were tested.

Masks required except when seated. Hmm sounds like what you see when you go to a restaurant.
How broken are they? My gosh. Crying about a bunch of people outdoors sitting close to each other. John Lewis’s funeral had more people and was indoors. That was allowed of course because that was a leftist occasion.
The article you linked said all the guests near the President were tested.

Masks required except when seated. Hmm sounds like what you see when you go to a restaurant.

You literally said ALL the people there and now you’re walking it back. Just like a whipped bitch does.
I presume you believe no rightwing agitators could be involved? I'm not saying they are but it would not surprise me either.

I hope someone is there helping Antifa by pouring kerosene into the molotave cocktails. Burn enough of the democrat cities down, there won’t be anyone voting for left in Nov.
Yeah, you literally did. My reading comprehension is fine. Your memory, apparently, is not. But I’ll refresh it for you, ya little scamp.

So it’s now obvious you don’t know what the word literally means.

Additionally, I asked two questions. I did not say they were all tested. I think the great speech Trump is giving right now is messing with your head.
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So it’s now obvious you don’t know what the word literally means.

Additionally, I asked two questions. I did not say they were all tested. I think the great speech Trump is giving right now is messing with your head.

You got called out man. it’s no big deal. Move along to the next lie.
So it’s now obvious you don’t know what the word literally means.

Additionally, I asked two questions. I did not say they were all tested. I think the great speech Trump is giving right now is messing with your head.
This is terrific. Crazy guy taking a big L watching it. I wonder what he’ll think about what Tucker Carlson has to say about it tomorrow night!!!!
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Do you honestly think all of the people there weren’t tested before all of this? You think they would let infected people that close to the 1st and 2nd family?
Yes, I honestly think that. I don't GAF if it was only those that got close to trump. That wasn't the point but you don't want to talk about it.

Kinda tough to practice social distancing when you're sitting 2 feet from somebody.
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