To all who worship Michelle Obama...

You’re absolutely right about politics to the demise of the country. If Trump wins, the demise will only slow down as the locomotive is already running down the tracks and can’t be stopped. I’m surprised how fast it’s happening as social unrest is taking over most everywhere. My time is short, but certainly worry about the kids and grandchildren as they will experience times way different than the good times we all enjoyed.
I agree with your statement about our kids and grandkids totally. With the socialist agenda creeping ever faster, we'll all be wishing for the good ol' days where one could work and get ahead.
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You’re absolutely right about politics to the demise of the country. If Trump wins, the demise will only slow down as the locomotive is already running down the tracks and can’t be stopped. I’m surprised how fast it’s happening as social unrest is taking over most everywhere. My time is short, but certainly worry about the kids and grandchildren as they will experience times way different than the good times we all enjoyed.
We Are Doomed Reaction GIF

This kind of Chicken Little-ing has been propagated by fear mongering politicians in quite literally every era of the nation’s history. It is designed to scare old people who are highly resistant to change.

From Edmund Ruffin to Joseph McCarthy to Donald Trump.

The good news? America and Americans eventually largely see through dangerous bullshirt and muddle through having learned its lesson, that is… until the next egomaniacal cult-of-personality asswipe comes along.
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That's a best-case response for team Trump, and very well-stated by you.

Now tell me, do you see any red flags in the Donald Trump 2024 candidacy?
Katscratch, I have probably voted for more Ds than Rs, and you are a lot more conservative than I.

However, I see ZERO red flags with Trump returning to the Presidency. 1. Trump will again bring World Peace. It is evident that Biden got us into the war in Ukraine and the War in the Middle East. This would have never happened under Trump. In defense of Biden, this would have happened with anyone who wanted the Green New Deal. 2. Trump will get the economy going again, and it will help the middle and lower class plus the small businessmen. Inflation has cost me over $12k in necessary expenses. I have no money to invest in the stock market and recoup my losses. Not many lower or middle-class people can. However, those who consider $12k petty cash have invested exceptionally well in the market and are now richer. This happens when the far left governs a large country. 3. Secure the border. A large majority of the 10 million illegals are good people. However, included are spies, terrorists, and people with contagious diseases. What makes me mad is that I work with non-profits, and the number of child and sex trafficking cases is staggering.

As far as Jan 6th, the investigation was a joke. Here are the facts to the best of my knowledge: 300k peacefully gathered in DC. About 1k went to the capitol, where many were let in. A few hundred did commit damage and threatened police officers. They should be punished. Many were held for over a year with no charges and found to have done nothing wrong. I think a bigger problem for the US is that the DOJ seems to be corrupt and is a puppet of the Swamp. There have been over twenty incidents in the past twenty years that have not been sufficiently investigated. Why is there no election ID? Why do we have political prosecutions? Where is the ACLU?

And again, thank you, BNI. You have changed my mind. I have studied many of the Confederate Generals, and they fought against taxation without representation.
You ain’t going to hear it from the folks in this forum. Remember, the violent Jan 6 folks were “tourists”.
Oh the violence.
How may people were killed.
And was she armed? what crime did she commit? Trespassing on public property, property she gave an oath to defend.
A white woman, veteran, unarmed, shot by a black cop. Has he been charged with anything?
Quit with the white privilege BS.
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We Are Doomed Reaction GIF

This kind of Chicken Little-ing has been propagated by fear mongering politicians in quite literally every era of the nation’s history. It is designed to scare old people who are highly resistant to change.

From Edmund Ruffin to Joseph McCarthy to Donald Trump.

The good news? America and Americans eventually largely see through dangerous bullshirt and muddle through having learned its lesson, that is… until the next egomaniacal cult-of-personality asswipe comes along.
Well if you don’t see the radical changes taking place in the country then you must like it. I don’t so I will vote Trump and you can vote Harris.
Glad to answer as clearly as I can: Raising money for convicted criminal defendants sucks bigly no matter who does it. So those who were convicted during riots in Seattle or Minnesota? Convict and sentence them, and do NOT celebrate or reward them.

Now it's your turn:

Do criminals convicted for trying to overthrow the US Government, either violently or by trespassing through the halls of Congress (non-violent convictions have uniformly been a no-jail misdemeanor) deserve to be celebrated and fundraised for? Or condemned?
For individuals that were involved in actually creating violence or vandalism at the capitol, yes, they should be punished.
But not the people who were literally walked in a led through the hall ways by the police and security.
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We Are Doomed Reaction GIF

This kind of Chicken Little-ing has been propagated by fear mongering politicians in quite literally every era of the nation’s history. It is designed to scare old people who are highly resistant to change.

From Edmund Ruffin to Joseph McCarthy to Donald Trump.

The good news? America and Americans eventually largely see through dangerous bullshirt and muddle through having learned its lesson, that is… until the next egomaniacal cult-of-personality asswipe comes along.
Is it fear mongering when the dems say that if Trump is elected, we could lose our democracy?
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You mean the video where a heartbroken Pelosi is in a car bemoaning Trump supporters and Trump trying to end American democracy and saying she should have found some way, any way to stop them?
No, I meant the one where she is admitting she screwed up: ".. I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more,” Pelosi declared. Need a link?

Good lord you will find any sliver of anything to justify what you damn well know was abhorrent.

Trump inspired and motivated those idiots for four years, put people on stage who said we’ve gotta fight like hell, with combat, or we’re gonna lose the country, told them that he would be leading the march to the Capitol and through Stone (who coordinated with Oath Keepers and Proud Boys) knew a whole lot of what was about to happen, whether he stayed out of specific planning or not.
He didn't march to the Capitol, but did tell them to protest peacefully, right?
Have any of you read the J6 Trump indictment?!? Those charges explain it pretty damn well. If you haven’t read that thing in full you are an ignorant cult dupe and choose to continue to believe and support those anti American bastards.
This is as close as the indictment by the incompetent Jack Smith gets to saying Trump communicated 'directly' with the 'leaders' of the protest" - that is, not at all. Smith left out the part about peacefully protesting.

"directed the people in front of him to head to the Capitol, suggested he was going with them, and told them to give Members of Congress 'the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.'"

Mike Pence is more conservative than any of you and he cannot bring himself to ever hint at supporting anything about Trump again, because Pence saw Trump in action first hand.
Right, sounds like he is ready to endorse Fweedom fighter at any time, per this CBS excerpt:

"Two days after saying he would not endorse a second Donald Trump presidency, former vice-president Mike Pence on Sunday declared his esteem for fellow Republicans who plan to vote for his former boss anyway – and he declined to rule out eventually following suit."
For individuals that were involved in actually creating violence or vandalism at the capitol, yes, they should be punished.
But not the people who were literally walked in a led through the hall ways by the police and security.
That punishment should have been extended to the little people that lost dollars and other "public" fixtures during the summer of love. They are just as important as the royalty of the two tiered justice that found it problematic only when it touched their elegance. Now we have some suspicious points of interest that should raise even MORE questions in the assassination attempt of Trump...starting with how did Crooks dad get enough money to hire the lawyer he did for just another area of concern. Hard to blame the errors on incompetency since nobody would be that stupid
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Are you confusing an indictment by an incompetent prosecutor with proof once more?
Probable cause. Not yet proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

A scumbag convicted felon gets indicted again. Who’d a thought! 🤣 Someone would have to be a soft on crime snowflake weepy bleeding heart to have sympathy for a felon that gets indicted again.

“Oh boo hoo! They should be nicer to those criminals!. Oh boo hooooooooo!!” Is widdle Wiveting sad because a felon got indicted again? Oh booooo hoooooooo!!
Probable cause. Not yet proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

A scumbag convicted felon gets indicted again. Who’d a thought! 🤣 Someone would have to be a soft on crime snowflake weepy bleeding heart to have sympathy for a felon that gets indicted again.

“Oh boo hoo! They should be nicer to those criminals!. Oh boo hooooooooo!!” Is widdle Wiveting sad because a felon got indicted again? Oh booooo hoooooooo!!
Yes, I am sad for Trump. I am even more sad for you. Incredibly sad.
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We Are Doomed Reaction GIF

This kind of Chicken Little-ing has been propagated by fear mongering politicians in quite literally every era of the nation’s history. It is designed to scare old people who are highly resistant to change.

From Edmund Ruffin to Joseph McCarthy to Donald Trump.

The good news? America and Americans eventually largely see through dangerous bullshirt and muddle through having learned its lesson, that is… until the next egomaniacal cult-of-personality asswipe comes along.
Not true as most of us understand what happened in Germany under Hitler. The same could very easily happen here under Socialist/Communists such as Kammi/Walz.