
Nov 23, 2020
Arrested last night. Hopefully he figures it out and makes his way back onto a NBA roster. His mugshot appears he has gained some of that weight back. He is one of my favorite Purdue players of all time.

Arrested last night. Hopefully he figures it out and makes his way back onto a NBA roster. His mugshot appears he has gained some of that weight back. He is one of my favorite Purdue players of all time.

Got arrested for pot, no hige deal, still not a great look.
Yeh, this is not good. If he didn't have an impact when he was working like a horse to be in shape....
Sorry to hear about this for him. Really like him as a Boiler. I hope he can get his life in order.

As far as the NBA, I would say his window is almost closed. He never made an impact when he was in the NBA, and this will definitely not help his cause. He might still be able to play overseas.
His draft stock could not have gotten any higher. At least he was able to make some NBA money while he could. Hopefully his story isn’t finished and he can continue to get paid playing basketball.
I agree with BBG here. Understand that it would not have helped his draft status but as MP always says, you want to stay in the NBA, not just get to the NBA.

I could be wrong but personally believe that his game and maturity would have better developed by staying at Purdue than by trying to find minimal minutes in the NBA. It’s great that he got paid but if you’ve blown through all your money by 30 (not saying he will but it’s not uncommon), what good did that paycheck do you?
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In recent months he’s had some very very odd posts on his IG account. It’s a sad state now, I hope that he turns his life around ... he still has a Purdue degree
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I realize he may have had some very good personal reasons for opting put of the bubble, however unfair as it may be, he was hanging by a thread in the NBA and really needed to impress the Blazers as much as possible. His NBA career may have ended with that decision.
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Oh no. It seems like he has given up playing ball. He could still play overseas but it won’t be the same once you have had NBA experience. Living in Portland probably wasn’t a good place for him.
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Sorry to hear about this for him. Really like him as a Boiler. I hope he can get his life in order.

As far as the NBA, I would say his window is almost closed. He never made an impact when he was in the NBA, and this will definitely not help his cause. He might still be able to play overseas.

nba may be out of the window but he could make a very nice living overseas.
Did you read this somewhere?
Weighed 416 when he was arrested
Praying for the kid. Nothing surprises me anymore in this crazy world. He had a legendary work ethic. He may need some real help, He is definitely crying out for it now. Good luck Caleb, seize life by the horns and put this in the past!
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It's easy to kick a man when he's down. Caleb has struggled throughout his life with weight issues. Covid certainly didn't help his situation. Right now, he needs our support and the support of Purdue basketball. When Purdue called, he was on a flight the next day.

Having gotten to know Caleb on a personal level the past few years, I consider him a friend and I believe in him. The work he did to support the homeless was inspiring, though it largely went unnoticed. The last time I saw him, he told me that he'd love to be a teacher after basketball. He knew when it was his time to go to the NBA, and I still believe he made the right decision. He also made the right decision in coming back to get his degree, which was very important to him. I'm proud of him for who he is and all that he's done in spite of the obstacles.

I haven't heard from him in recent months and have been concerned... I reached out again recently and hope to hear from him soon. Whatever help and support we can offer him, we should.
It's easy to kick a man when he's down. Caleb has struggled throughout his life with weight issues. Covid certainly didn't help his situation. Right now, he needs our support and the support of Purdue basketball. When Purdue called, he was on a flight the next day.

Having gotten to know Caleb on a personal level the past few years, I consider him a friend and I believe in him. The work he did to support the homeless was inspiring, though it largely went unnoticed. The last time I saw him, he told me that he'd love to be a teacher after basketball. He knew when it was his time to go to the NBA, and I still believe he made the right decision. He also made the right decision in coming back to get his degree, which was very important to him. I'm proud of him for who he is and all that he's done in spite of the obstacles.

I haven't heard from him in recent months and have been concerned... I reached out again recently and hope to hear from him soon. Whatever help and support we can offer him, we should.
Praying for him. Let us know what you can, if you do hear from him.
It's easy to kick a man when he's down. Caleb has struggled throughout his life with weight issues. Covid certainly didn't help his situation. Right now, he needs our support and the support of Purdue basketball. When Purdue called, he was on a flight the next day.

Having gotten to know Caleb on a personal level the past few years, I consider him a friend and I believe in him. The work he did to support the homeless was inspiring, though it largely went unnoticed. The last time I saw him, he told me that he'd love to be a teacher after basketball. He knew when it was his time to go to the NBA, and I still believe he made the right decision. He also made the right decision in coming back to get his degree, which was very important to him. I'm proud of him for who he is and all that he's done in spite of the obstacles.

I haven't heard from him in recent months and have been concerned... I reached out again recently and hope to hear from him soon. Whatever help and support we can offer him, we should.
As someone else fortunate enough to have gotten to know him a little bit...I am just sad for him, as, he is such a good young man and person.

He needs some help right now, but, to your point...he needs support (and prayers). This is something that he will overcome, just like so many other things...and, he will continue to have a positive impact on many...disappointed certainly that this happened, and, I am sure that he and those around him are as well.

I am as concerned, if not more, about the alleged weight that is out of character for him as well.

I hope that he gets the help that he needs, and, that those that are/have been close to him, including those at/within the Purdue program, are able to provide at least some of it.
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As someone else fortunate enough to have gotten to know him a little bit...I am just sad for him, as, he is such a good young man and person.

He needs some help right now, but, to your point...he needs support (and prayers). This is something that he will overcome, just like so many other things...and, he will continue to have a positive impact on many...disappointed certainly that this happened, and, I am sure that he and those around him are as well.

I am as concerned, if not more, about the alleged weight that is out of character for him as well.

I hope that he gets the help that he needs, and, that those that are/have been close to him, including those at/within the Purdue program, are able to provide at least some of it.

This may be a quaint suggestion, but would knuckleheads be willing to participate in a letter-writing campaign? Maybe something through social media?

He has so much left to give to society, and I'm afraid of the next story given what seems to be his current trajectory. This is moving toward tragedy.

I'm not sure how else to help other than telling him how much we love him.
This may be a quaint suggestion, but would knuckleheads be willing to participate in a letter-writing campaign? Maybe something through social media?

He has so much left to give to society, and I'm afraid of the next story given what seems to be his current trajectory. This is moving toward tragedy.

I'm not sure how else to help other than telling him how much we love him.
I am confident that there are many, just like you and me, that would be willing to do something if it would potentially help.

He is a great young man despite the huge mistake he made...and, as you said, he has SO much left to give, be it on the basketball court or not...he long expressed an interest in being a teacher when he was done playing and I don't know if that remains an interest, but, he could definitely have an impact (which was why he wanted to do it)...I would welcome Purdue bringing him back in some capacity as that would benefit him, and, could benefit Purdue as well.
Got to feel bad for him that his style of play just doesn't fit in the NBA at all these days.....He is not a outside shooter or big and athletic enough to make a difference in other areas....There aren't many banger guys in the league anymore..At least he got his degree
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Do you mind me asking where you've seen that reported?

Someone just posted this - misdemeanor (small amount; possession) certainly wouldn't be the case with 3 lbs.

Click on the link at the top, they updated the story.

Still illegal to deal if you are unlicensed. So sick of that excuse as it's usually just a slap on the wrist here now unless you are a distributor.

Dealing? While driving on U.S. 30 at 2 a.m.? Quite a feat. Driving and dishing on a solo break.

Possession is the charge. Although, intent to live in Indiana does warrant some condemnations.
That stretch of highway is lousy with cops as well. Life is not over for Caleb, but definitely a wake up call for he and his family.
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If everyone went to hell for pot, pizza and burgers, half the country would be feeling the heat

That is, except everyone in Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, South Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska or even the District of Columbia (until they change the name for a non-Italian).

As the tourism folks like to say, “Only in Indiana …” Add the tag “Last of 50 states to allow Sunday liquor sales.” And “We holier than thou.”

Save your breath … longer … longer … He could’ve used this to run for mayor in Portland. He would’ve been elected in Chaz. Unfortunately, he chose to go “back home again …”
If everyone went to hell for pot, pizza and burgers, half the country would be feeling the heat

That is, except everyone in Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, South Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska or even the District of Columbia (until they change the name for a non-Italian).

As the tourism folks like to say, “Only in Indiana …” Add the tag “Last of 50 states to allow Sunday liquor sales.” And “We holier than thou.”

Save your breath … longer … longer … He could’ve used this to run for mayor in Portland. He would’ve been elected in Chaz. Unfortunately, he chose to go “back home again …”
not sure how you got there, but I hope that helped.
I am confident that there are many, just like you and me, that would be willing to do something if it would potentially help.

He is a great young man despite the huge mistake he made...and, as you said, he has SO much left to give, be it on the basketball court or not...he long expressed an interest in being a teacher when he was done playing and I don't know if that remains an interest, but, he could definitely have an impact (which was why he wanted to do it)...I would welcome Purdue bringing him back in some capacity as that would benefit him, and, could benefit Purdue as well.
Sorry, but 3.4 pounds of dope and $3500 in cash does not indicate a "great young man". It indicates a dealer to me.

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