Son going to Purdue

Jul 23, 2024
My son is going to Purdue in just a couple of weeks. I went to school at Auburn and we live in California. At Auburn, greek life was huge. I did not join a frat but a lot of students did. My son is considering joining a frat... I was hoping I could get some insight on the fraternities at Purdue. He is going for Engineering, so personally I do not think it is possible to be in a frat and do all of that smart stuff you have to do in engineering. At Auburn, each frat kind of had a different vibe.. . like SAE was known as the party frat, another frat was known as the hick frat and such. Does anyone have any insights? Thank you!!
My son is going to Purdue in just a couple of weeks. I went to school at Auburn and we live in California. At Auburn, greek life was huge. I did not join a frat but a lot of students did. My son is considering joining a frat... I was hoping I could get some insight on the fraternities at Purdue. He is going for Engineering, so personally I do not think it is possible to be in a frat and do all of that smart stuff you have to do in engineering. At Auburn, each frat kind of had a different vibe.. . like SAE was known as the party frat, another frat was known as the hick frat and such. Does anyone have any insights? Thank you!!
when I was in school Purdue had the largest greek system in the country, something like 70 frats and 50 sororities.
My fraternity had a combination of engineers, management majors, supervision majors (guys who dropped out of engineering) and everything else. We also had plenty of guys who weren't as academically focused and enjoyed the social aspect of fraternity life.
As long as your son has the discipline to know when it's time to study and when it's time to party, they should be fine. Most house are going to have guys in every major so you usually have built in study partners, guys who can help with something, guys who has a class/professor previously and can provide notes, study guides, etc.
My son is going to Purdue in just a couple of weeks. I went to school at Auburn and we live in California. At Auburn, greek life was huge. I did not join a frat but a lot of students did. My son is considering joining a frat... I was hoping I could get some insight on the fraternities at Purdue. He is going for Engineering, so personally I do not think it is possible to be in a frat and do all of that smart stuff you have to do in engineering. At Auburn, each frat kind of had a different vibe.. . like SAE was known as the party frat, another frat was known as the hick frat and such. Does anyone have any insights? Thank you!!
I studied engineering and found a House with other engineers in it.
They helped me get through my first 2 years. I then helped the younger guys.
Yes there are parties and fun but it is a study atmosphere. Find the right house.
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I was in a fraternity prior to transferring to Purdue. The fraternity I was in was majority Engineering majors and we had an engineering library where past members had donated their study materials, past test and work, so it was a huge advantage with the resources available. Unfortunately, the frat went downhill in later years and ceased to exist and all that was lost to the trash bin.

By the time I transferred, I was pretty well established in my college routine and really didn't need it, but if you can find the right one, it can be an advantage. I assume something similar exist at Purdue.

I was married and doing a parallel co-op, so between work, school and married, didn't get into that life at Purdue.
My son is going to Purdue in just a couple of weeks. I went to school at Auburn and we live in California. At Auburn, greek life was huge. I did not join a frat but a lot of students did. My son is considering joining a frat... I was hoping I could get some insight on the fraternities at Purdue. He is going for Engineering, so personally I do not think it is possible to be in a frat and do all of that smart stuff you have to do in engineering. At Auburn, each frat kind of had a different vibe.. . like SAE was known as the party frat, another frat was known as the hick frat and such. Does anyone have any insights? Thank you!!

Often their are real motivations for joining an expensive frat, that sons don't mention.

I know for my brother his frat was partying, women & fun.....but he never sold it that way to Dad. Did straighten around later and become a successful military lawyer(JAG).

The eventual high dollar job is the priority. Hopefully that's the focus of the Purdue degree.
Congrats to your son on his admission to a very fine educational institution! If he is considering going the frat route, he might want to consider Triangle. The house is centrally located in the heart of campus, and pledge bids are extended only to students majoring in either Science or Engineering.
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