I am not sure if you don't believe blacks are still being discriminated against in an institutional sense or if you just think they should suck it up and shut up? Nobody is trying to erase history, they are trying to remove items that support the unequal institutionallized and demoralizing discrimination that they still face today. Kids being raised to look up to those who become traitors to their country, whether it be for slavery or not, is worse than a kid whining about things being hard to me. Blacks still have less access to equal educational opportunities and employment opportunities, today, in 2017. Why do you care so much about them airing their grievances? Do they not have the right? Is it soft to want science to be taught to your children? Is it soft to want your kids to go out in public without having to worry about being shot due to another's preconceived fear?I am conservative., I always have been. This last election is the first that I didn't vote GOP. The difference I suppose is I turned off the propaganda and went outside and sought out those who thought differently than myself to find out the truth.
I suppose if you choose to watch stations that purposefully seek out soft kids to use as an example, you are going to hear what you want to hear. I would imagine if the same was done in 1962, then people would have said those kids were soft as well. All kids are confused at that age. It's a hard transition, even more so now than when you came of age. I am really not sure how that, my main point, is so hard to agree with?
I find it odd that people want to stand up and support the rebellion as if it was pulled off by Americans. They weren't and they even said as much, they were traitors who left an indelible stain on our history. We will always teach kids about this time. But we don't have to literally put the aggressors on a petistal and romanticize their actions. You don't see these statues in the north, they exist only in the same region that brought us slavery and Jim Crow laws. There is a correlation there and it doesn't have anything to do with heritage. Why is it an issue for those folks to stand up and demand change? That's not soft, they aren't simply offended, they want equality, is that too much to ask?