I can find total agreement that different circumstances are in play for different generations. My focus was of more youth today being soft not that they have different issues to deal with...one example is being soft in the body. Look at the youth today and years ago, not near the physical exertion it appears. There are plenty of jobs today in the right major...and always room for an electrician, plumber and HVAC person. I'll agree that jobs were more plentiful when I graduated, but I would still get a job today if I just graduated. I grew up under the cold war where we all knew life could be extinguished in minutes and Vietnam where the politicians played their games like the Korean war and just a few years ago when we advertised what we would and would not do with timelines. Still, my generation wasn't the toughest either. For the record I do not think I belong in the greatest generation ...that was my parents and to begin to compare their battles with the youth of today is more of a stretch than I think you are capable. I also believe that softness increases over time "generally" in a physical sense.
Here is one big difference between then and now and like all things there are exceptions to the norm. Older people went to school where the teacher was an authority figure. It was understood that "you" did NOT have an informed opinion as a RIGHT and that it wasn't something you were born with but something to be grown. Years ago, the questions were what do you "think"? Today, it is what do you "feel"? If you don't see the difference in the examples and the application over time, then the chasm is too wide. There is a lot of feminization of the male it seems anymore. I recall years ago coaching pee wee, minor and major league baseball. I haven't played in years and really haven't studied it, but not much different than the other coaches and knew I was pretty amateurish.
I remember as a youth wearing a wool uniform and pitching at 5pm in July and August and sweating before the game and here I was getting introduced to team mothers that wanted to come in the dugout and kids interested in treats and actually leaving the dugout until I saw it and put a stop to it during the game to get a hot dog or candy bar. Hell, none looked famished to me. Where was the love just for the game...just tough it out for 90 minutes in the shade of the dugouts in tee shirts and cotton pants or so and you can have your social hour and treats later. I'm sure I could list other examples, but this is enough. Course few alive are as tough as those in the civil war that were about 130 pounds and carrying about 45 pounds marching up and down the terrain 12-15 miles a day only to engage in a life and death battle upon arrival...some barefoot. I think "softness" in a physical sense has slowly became soft over the years...with maybe an uptick more recently. Still, in spite of many youth already way overweight and with a high point of their metabolism right now in play the lack of physical concern by many is a problem that will manifest itself a few decades from now, but the mental softness...now that is a big time mess right now.
How did anyone every think they had the right to not be offended? Who grew this? I can't imagine being in college and getting "triggered" over anything. Yeah, I'm too upset to take a final due to someone saying something. That's okay Mikey, nobody else will ever expect you to perform when there is a storm brewing. Although I don't think the real battle over statues today has anything to do with views on racism, discounting of course those that may not know much history and sincerely woke up and "felt" sanitizing history rather than actually learning it was somehow the best approach or shutting down views you disagree with through violence like the brown shirts of Germany. Course Stalin had his useful idiots year ago.
Actions we see today regarding , safe spaces, trigger words and objects whether statues or words only cause reaction to the mentally soft "if" sincere and just recently...right Pelosi? So where are the boundaries of the extended Bowderized World? Where does it stop? How dumb must we become through this sanitization? It is as though I turn on the TV and see The Night of the Broken Glass all over and yet 1938 seems so long ago! A good primer The Language Police was written by Diane Ravitch where this guru on the history of education was shocked how bad it was when she wrote the book let alone where we are today...and she didn't even get into the potential huge problems with DIF (Differential Item Functioning). Forget thought as it is all about feelings at this time as we head to idiocrasy.
I know we have different opinions on a lot of things, but somehow I "thought" you wrote somewhere in the global warming...cooling or climate change...can't recall the specific label that you were conservative and I can't see any inkling of you as a conservative and that is okay. I have a sister that is very liberal and was talking about doctor assisted suicide last Sunday and I said I think we have to be very careful about going down that slope and boy either stating "being careful" or "slope" was enough to trigger her into some puerile tirade. So, did I read that right or was it someone else that said they were conservative?