Second attempted assassination on Trump not long ago

Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

So checking back in to see your foolishness after my dinner. In mid-September I spoke about the large number of unvetted violent felons entering our country and being released into our communities. A few days later DHS is forced to respond to Congressman Gonzales' March 2024 formal which informed the public of hundreds of thousands on criminal illegals released into our communities. Lucky for you these criminals have been told your city is off limits. Hmmm, that 2 things I noted and was slammed on by the sheep that became known to the public. Maybe I'm just a luck guesser. I believe that a while ago I asked people how they feel about foreign nationalist w/o identification from around the world being able to board US domestic planes? How do you feel about having to go through a myriad of security when unkowns from countries often hostile to the US dont. See link below to just released OIG audit.

But this shows me how much a poor pawn and ill-informed you are: Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

You think that much of this work is not done by clandestine contractors who work outside the Federal oversight - but rather in conjunction? Are you aware of the network of long-haul truckers who work a eyes-and-ears to trafficking? You ever go into a women's bathroom at a truck stop with stickers in the stalls with an emergency number? Who you think does that? And how about this on the DOJ's own website?

CEOS develops strategic partnerships among and outside of law enforcement circles in order to expand the effectiveness of the Department’s overall enforcement efforts, having developed critical partnerships with key non-governmental organizations, foreign governments and entities, and the private sector.

Me? I have a close associate w/a large US Govt. contractor who developed software to track front companies. I'll stop there. But it takes eyes which my skills align with.

But if you want to come out of the dark and not default to the "you are a racist" because the truth is it's not the migrant to blame. It's your leaders who detest their citizens. And often the victims of these predators are the unvetted felons.

Time to come out of the darkness:
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Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

And it has personally affected me because it has made my country far less safe and immensely poorer. It has destroyed communities and greatly impacted the education and medical and housing resources of my fellow Americans. I understand that this intentional disaster this administration has brought upon us will further degrade the quality of life and opportunities for many Americans and degrade the social safety net. So I am not so selfish and foolish as to say, I am financially secure and live in a perceived safe neighborhood so I am not affected. This is position of the leftist elite. You. I ask what is the future of my country when my people in my State are offered $750 in disaster assistance (but they have to apply online despite no electricity and internet) while unvetted foreign nationals get 10 -fold each month?

For shits and giggles, please rank the following in order of priority: Ukraine; migrants; US citizen victims of Helene?
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And it has personally affected me because it has made my country far less safe and immensely poorer. It has destroyed communities and greatly impacted the education and medical and housing resources of my fellow Americans. I understand that this intentional disaster this administration has brought upon us will further degrade the quality of life and opportunities for many Americans and degrade the social safety net. So I am not so selfish and foolish as to say, I am financially secure and live in a perceived safe neighborhood so I am not affected. This is position of the leftist elite. You. I ask what is the future of my country when my people in my State are offered $750 in disaster assistance (but they have to apply online despite no electricity and internet) while unvetted foreign nationals get 10 -fold each month?

For shits and giggles, please rank the following in order of priority: Ukraine; migrants; US citizen victims of Helene?

I figured.

1. Your “non-government human trafficking hunter career” story was absolute fiction.

2. You and your family have had absolutely ZERO negative effects from immigration of any kind; legal or illegal. The only thing you can cite is the “trust me bro” MAGA-fear talking points.

3. (And this is speculation) The primary reason you are so afraid of immigrants is because they are black or brown. Because the MAGA-fear talking points sooo appeal to that part of you. If those immigrants looked or sounded like you the MAGA-fear talking points wouldn’t be used because they know you’d be far less offended.

4. FINAL PREDICTION: like all other owned-MAGA silly posters, when owned you’ll respond with a laugh emoji, because that’s all you’ve got left.

I’m not going to change how you’re wired, so you should go back to your fear bubble and your busy day chasing human traffickers for the ‘not-government.’
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I figured.

1. Your “non-government human trafficking hunter career” story was absolute fiction.

2. You and your family have had absolutely ZERO negative effects from immigration of any kind; legal or illegal. The only thing you can cite is the “trust me bro” MAGA-fear talking points.

3. (And this is speculation) The primary reason you are so afraid of immigrants is because they are black or brown. If those immigrants looked or sounded like you you’d be far less offended.

I’m not going to change how you’re wired, so you should go back to your fear bubble and your busy day chasing human traffickers for the ‘not-government.’
Blue Pill, You get through the DHS OIG report already?

Good you showed yourself w/the race card. Too bad I spent a large part of my career working on Indian Reservations which outside of a select few like in upper New York and the Green Bay area are pretty brown. Better tell all those people in my cell I'm a racist. And too bad that you don't realize that the biggest victim and worst affected by this intentional crises are low income people of color like the black people in Chicago. But I'll assume your kids' district doesnt have to deal with thousands of non-English speakers who take valuable resources from an already dysfunctional system that can't teach its own students to read or do math at grade level. So really, to me you are the bad person, because you are willing to sacrifice these Americans so you can point to your lawn sign. Just like the Covid lookdown crowd. And if you are not aware of the further destruction this is causing in the poor neighborhoods than shame on you.
And cool. Despite me giving you examples and specifics you still don't understand that a large percentage of anti-human trafficking work is done by non-government people. Might seriously think you are a troll. Last chance to take the Red Pill. From the Federral Government:

#ATAC25 brings together a diverse group of professionals, including healthcare experts, law enforcement officials, victim advocates, and anti-trafficking organizations, all deeply invested in protecting survivors, prosecuting traffickers and buyers, and, ultimately, preventing trafficking. Empower yourself and your team over 2 days of building trust and fostering collaboration within the anti-trafficking community, leading to a more comprehensive and effective approach to combating trafficking.

10 second internet search:

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Too bad I spent a large part of my career working on Indian Reservations

Did any of those people try to deport you for immigrating to their homeland without their permission?

Because unless you are also Native American, you should be able to grasp the irony of you not “get(ting) out of their country.” Because those European immigrants made their country far less safe and destroyed their communities, as you have said.
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Did any of those people try to deport you for immigrating to their homeland without their permission?

Because unless you are also Native American, you should be able to grasp the irony of them not telling you to “get out of their country.” Because those European immigrants made their country far less safe and destroyed their communities, as you have said.
Native Americans did not have a country.
Native Americans did not have a country.
Native Americans did not have a country.
The Native Americans were a peaceful, nature loving, smoking the peace pipe race. lol
The facts are they were constantly at war with each other. Stealing horses, women and children and enslaving them.
They were no better than the Europeans, Asians or Africans that fought constantly over territory.
Read the biographies of Geronimo or Crazy horse for example.
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