Flaming. Again and again and again.

Oooohhh this oughta be good ... who is my hero?

The words that you saw from me ridiculing Gold Star families were a direct quote from TRUMP. I repeated them to show how awful Trump is. GLAD YOU AGREE! You are apparently too far gone to comprehend this, but it is really funny.

By the way, my sig line quote “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government.” That is also a direct Trump quote.

Finally, how many posters do you think are the same person these days? I count HoosierfanJM, typeviic, Telling the Truth, JBoiler23, Katscratch, and maybe Builder Bob? Any others that I'm missing? Because you apparently are the self-appointed 'writing-style detective.' Too funny.
Are you saying that under your username HoosierFanJM, you did not ridicule grieving Goldstar families?
Got it -- there are four posters that Master Detective Riveting has determined are the same person. Others at ease ..... for now :D

On to your other issues: Do you now realize that the offensive quote re: Gold Star Families was a TRUMP quote? Is there anything else that you determined is offensive and NOT a Trump quote? If so, please provide Master Detective Riveting proof.

Who have you determined is my hero, Master Detective Riveting? Again, please provide the Master Detective Riveting proof of any claimed hero.

Are you saying that under your username HoosierFanJM, you did not ridicule grieving Goldstar families?
Awaiting Master Detective Riveting proof for any of this nonsense. Stop flaming, trolling, and lying, or pony up some Master Detective proof.

We all get it --- you can't stand Joe Biden (way too old to be President), Hunter Biden (a complete dirtbag - with you 100% on that one), or LBJ (a complicated President that had terrible and some excellent moments). Stuff like that is worth you stating strongly whether others disagree strongly or not. But constnt flaming and trolling sucks.
"...there are those focused on wokeness and DEI".
Those are planned media constructs to keep the gullible lemmings from the real problems. Feed them 'bread and circuses' to distract them. I could care less about the new color of M&M's, what Mr Potato Head looks like, a female lead in some movie, or a gay couple living across the street.
I am worried about decades of outsourcing (since the early 1980's) that has resulted in the service-sector being the country's largest employer.
I am outraged that most creatures in the House and Senate make more money from corporate campaign donations (bribes) than their House and Senate salaries.
I could go on.
The real problems exist and most people are aware of at least what they see at the gas station, home fuel bills and groceries let alone insurance costs and housing rising. Finally, more are coming to grips with the horrible open border. Less focused are the appointment of people due to wokeness and DEI instead of merit that also affects all of us. Many think they are harmless and they are not, because merit is extremely important in EVERYTHING and lacking that in appointments affect everything...especially the moral of the military... :( Want your heart surgeon to be a DEI med school entrance...especially that "E" part or equity up that C grade?

I could touch on the service-sector and my personal dealings with a supt years ago as he got rid of some things in the (that I personally provided from Chrysler) and woodworking, but that is minor compared to another supt that I forced out. Your outrage on corporate campaign donations needs to add all the money buys influence as well...whether the Clinton Foundation or that great painter...Hunter.
Awaiting Master Detective Riveting proof for any of this nonsense. Stop flaming, trolling, and lying, or pony up some Master Detective proof.

We all get it --- you can't stand Joe Biden (way too old to be President), Hunter Biden (a complete dirtbag - with you 100% on that one), or LBJ (a complicated President that had terrible and some excellent moments). Stuff like that is worth you stating strongly whether others disagree strongly or not. But constnt flaming and trolling sucks.
You mocked the Goldstar families for being offended Crow checked his watched several times during the Dover ceremony, with these shameful words:

Checked his watch!??! OH THE HORROR!!"

A question for you: Is as bad as when Obama wore a tan suit?

Is corporate media the problem or is the problem with Liberal media?

From the thread discussion on your point......Here are the long term lies Liberal media has used to successfully manipulate the public......
1. The many climate lies
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie
4. The many COVID lies
5. Hunter Biden Laptop
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote.
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots.

These are all long term lies, many for years some for several months.

Can you list long term lies that conservative corporate media has used to manipulate its listeners?

Not talking about bad reporting for a week or two like election machine stories that were corrected. Talking about long term stories and themes in the media that were used for years to manipulate.

So if you are going to assert all corp media is bad......what is your similar list on Conservative corporate media?
1. The many climate lies. I dont comment on science. I leave that to the scientists to discuss.
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion. True, Russiagate is a hoax. If any foreign country interferes, its AIPAC.
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie. People are allowed to have opinions (1st Amendment)
4. The many COVID lies. I agree and expected that. Nobody knew jack.
5. Hunter Biden Laptop. I could care less.
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp. True, he's too old.
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist. There are people who are racists and some who are not.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote. I call it apathy. Only about 52% vote every 4 years, sad.
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots. Extremes on both sides. Burning and riot wrong. Dont 'paint with broad brush'. There are heaps of left wing protests that are peaceful.

Yes, corporate media lies for both sides, as we have 2 ruling establishment parties that they cheerlead for.

1 Iraq war based on lies. No MWD.
2 Beat the drums for 'forever wars', no questions asked. That way they make millions in the weapon stock shares they own in Wall Street.
3 Run cover for CIA-backed coups that overthrows democratically elected governments and install puppet regime so we can steal those countries natural resources.
4 Obama was "born in Kenya".
5 Trickle-down economics (austerity) works. No country has ever cut their way to prosperity.
6 Bloated military spending is a MUST and never ask "how are we going to pay for it. Meanwhile, always ask "how are we going to pay for it" if any spending directly goes to 'we the people'.
7 Social Security needs to be cut/privatized. Never talk about what Reagan did by raising the SS tax rate when he was Pres.
8 Defend gerrymandering (a system where the politician picks his/her voters, rather than the voter choosing the politician).
9 Pretend the deep state is only Dems, when the GOP is also the deep state. Both political parties have the same corporate donors, where they make more money from those corporate bribes than their gov salaries. Which, BTW, has turned us into an Oligarchy, rather than a Republic.

BTW, I dont vote for the Dem/GOP uniparty. I vote 3rd party.

You mocked the Goldstar families for being offended Crow checked his watched several times during the Dover ceremony, with these shameful words:

Checked his watch!??! OH THE HORROR!!"

A question for you: Is as bad as when Obama wore a tan suit?

That's it? Someone checks their watch during a ceremony? Good lord -- that truly is tan suit territory.

Compare that to a Four Star General who was also Trump's Chief of Staff, who stated that:

"A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them,'" Kelly said of Trump.

"A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family — for all Gold Star families — on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.”
1 Iraq war based on lies. No MWD.
2 Beat the drums for 'forever wars', no questions asked. That way they make millions in the weapon stock shares they own in Wall Street.
3 Run cover for CIA-backed coups that overthrows democratically elected governments and install puppet regime so we can steal those countries natural resources.
4 Obama was "born in Kenya".
5 Trickle-down economics (austerity) works. No country has ever cut their way to prosperity.
6 Bloated military spending is a MUST and never ask "how are we going to pay for it. Meanwhile, always ask "how are we going to pay for it" if any spending directly goes to 'we the people'.
7 Social Security needs to be cut/privatized. Never talk about what Reagan did by raising the SS tax rate when he was Pres.
8 Defend gerrymandering (a system where the politician picks his/her voters, rather than the voter choosing the politician).
9 Pretend the deep state is only Dems, when the GOP is also the deep state. Both political parties have the same corporate donors, where they make more money from those corporate bribes than their gov salaries. Which, BTW, has turned us into an Oligarchy, rather than a Republic.

BTW, I dont vote for the Dem/GOP uniparty. I vote 3rd party.


Not sure you can blame # 1 on media....but you can blame that on Bush. I have heard radio reports on both sides that questioned WMD ONCE the knowledge was there. Not sure it could be classified as a manipulated long term lie vs reporting on the knowledge media had at that time. At the start, no one knew WMD story was false as they had intell it was true.

Some of your list #2 & 6 applies to both sides as the uni-party backs the military complex. Proof of that is what has been approved under Biden for Ukraine & Israel. So if both sides use the military complex......then this "manipulation" applied to both sides. But most on both sides know this is happening. I am not for it and many are not.

#3 & 4. Perhaps a Fox news article exists on these, but I have never read one nor heard on Conservative radio.

#5. I am all for cutting spending and taxes. More reporting on that the better. Not sure this can be classified as a lie, when it is a core belief of ALL conservatives.

#7. Not sure what you want there? Are you saying FOX news DID NOT report on Reagan. Lol. Think about that.

#8 Is done by states and both Dem & Rep states do this. I would hope you know that??

So I guess all I can agree on is #9. But even #9, most know Corporate Corruption on both sides, to be true even when Trump talks 'Deep State".

So your list falls woefully short. And hardly compares to the list of Left long term lies.
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Not sure you can blame # 1 on media....but you can blame that on Bush. I have heard radio reports on both sides that questioned WMD ONCE the knowledge was there. Not sure it could be classified as a manipulated long term lie vs reporting on the knowledge media had at that time. At the start, no one knew WMD story was false as they had intell it was true.

Some of your list #2 & 6 applies to both sides as the uni-party backs the military complex. Proof of that is what has been approved under Biden for Ukraine & Israel. So if both sides use the military complex......then this "manipulation" applied to both sides. But most on both sides know this is happening. I am not for it and many are not.

#3 & 4. Perhaps a Fox news article exists on these, but I have never read one nor heard on Conservative radio.

#5. I am all for cutting spending and taxes. More reporting on that the better. Not sure this can be classified as a lie, when it is a core belief of ALL conservatives.

#7. Not sure what you want there? Are you saying FOX news DID NOT report on Reagan. Lol. Think about that.

#8 Is done by states and both Dem & Rep states do this. I would hope you know that??

So I guess all I can agree on is #9. But even #9, most know Corporate Corruption on both sides, to be true even when Trump talks 'Deep State".

So your list falls woefully short. And hardly compares to the list of Left long term lies.
I started to go down the list but BNI has exhausted my energy and time trying to explain what he states and what I state as an example of his racist comments on "thought" even if blacks think that. 1) in the most basic science everyone should know or be aware that "predicting" outside the data can be horribly inaccurate...before you get into the hypothetical science beliefs. 4)there was never a statement from either company that the shot would stop transmission and yet the country was shut down and people fired for not getting the shot. That is gross negligence of direction and excessive control of government employees that didn't want the shot. There was also medical evidence that was tested in error (wrong time line for effectiveness as desired by those proposing the treatment). No doubt there were unknowns in science, but all the misfortunes were not due to ignorance only. It is not that Biden is too is that he is incompetent. Had he had the same mental capacity at 30 he would still be incompetent...age may create the condition, but at any age we wouldn't want that mental lacking. 52% voting...the higher the number the more the lean to insufficient understandings. CAn't say I'm for someone to wake up some morning and decide to vote when he or she hasn't taken an interest in various things to grow some understanding without a mouth piece telling you what to "Climate Crisis" or some other area where the mouth piece doesn't know what he or she is suggesting either. Oh well, these problems in other forms have existed before. The average person may or may not be very smart depending on one's perspective, but 50% are below average....
Not sure you can blame # 1 on media....but you can blame that on Bush. I have heard radio reports on both sides that questioned WMD ONCE the knowledge was there. Not sure it could be classified as a manipulated long term lie vs reporting on the knowledge media had at that time. At the start, no one knew WMD story was false as they had intell it was true.

Some of your list #2 & 6 applies to both sides as the uni-party backs the military complex. Proof of that is what has been approved under Biden for Ukraine & Israel. So if both sides use the military complex......then this "manipulation" applied to both sides. But most on both sides know this is happening. I am not for it and many are not.

#3 & 4. Perhaps a Fox news article exists on these, but I have never read one nor heard on Conservative radio.

#5. I am all for cutting spending and taxes. More reporting on that the better. Not sure this can be classified as a lie, when it is a core belief of ALL conservatives.

#7. Not sure what you want there? Are you saying FOX news DID NOT report on Reagan. Lol. Think about that.

#8 Is done by states and both Dem & Rep states do this. I would hope you know that??

So I guess all I can agree on is #9. But even #9, most know Corporate Corruption on both sides, to be true even when Trump talks 'Deep State".

So your list falls woefully short. And hardly compares to the list of Left long term lies.
Sounds like we both have legitimate beefs of the two party system. I honestly dont think nothing will ever change as long as there is unlimited money in politics and corporate control of both political parties.
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1. The many climate lies. I dont comment on science. I leave that to the scientists to discuss.
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion. True, Russiagate is a hoax. If any foreign country interferes, its AIPAC.
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie. People are allowed to have opinions (1st Amendment)
4. The many COVID lies. I agree and expected that. Nobody knew jack.
5. Hunter Biden Laptop. I could care less.
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp. True, he's too old.
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist. There are people who are racists and some who are not.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote. I call it apathy. Only about 52% vote every 4 years, sad.
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots. Extremes on both sides. Burning and riot wrong. Dont 'paint with broad brush'. There are heaps of left wing protests that are peaceful.

Yes, corporate media lies for both sides, as we have 2 ruling establishment parties that they cheerlead for.

1 Iraq war based on lies. No MWD.
2 Beat the drums for 'forever wars', no questions asked. That way they make millions in the weapon stock shares they own in Wall Street.
3 Run cover for CIA-backed coups that overthrows democratically elected governments and install puppet regime so we can steal those countries natural resources.
4 Obama was "born in Kenya".
5 Trickle-down economics (austerity) works. No country has ever cut their way to prosperity.
6 Bloated military spending is a MUST and never ask "how are we going to pay for it. Meanwhile, always ask "how are we going to pay for it" if any spending directly goes to 'we the people'.
7 Social Security needs to be cut/privatized. Never talk about what Reagan did by raising the SS tax rate when he was Pres.
8 Defend gerrymandering (a system where the politician picks his/her voters, rather than the voter choosing the politician).
9 Pretend the deep state is only Dems, whe

I did not see your comments on each left media lie. Now that I do some are far off, and other reactions are just embarrassing I will comment on each one......

1. The many climate lies. I don't comment on science. I leave that to the scientists to discuss.

Well that's nice.....but 2 things remain with this media lie...
A. Moving goal posts & timelines
B. No proof anything we do will produce results....and so far Trill$ spent and no results.

2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion. True, Russiagate is a hoax.

It was a lie to influence Trump's term in office by our own media, was no foreign interference.

3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie. People are allowed to have opinions (1st Amendment)

Again another lie to taint Trump as a racist. Was not an opinion as you say, and only after Trump is out of office SNOPES listed it as a lie

4. The many COVID lies. I agree and expected that. Nobody knew jack.
Yes but the 6 feet rule was completely made up, and the vaccines were sold as a way not to spread disease when they knew it wasn't true. Finally, many good people lost jobs because they didn't want to take the shot. Both liberal and Conservative media promoted this lie.

5. Hunter Biden Laptop. I could care less.

While you might care less, poling shows that was election interference and that had media not pulled the scam, Trump would have won

6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp. True, he's too old.

Well that's a simplistic view, when the truth is he should not have been President as his problems were apparent before election where he his in the basement.
BUT NOW...he is still in office in a condition where our country is in danger as they say he only functions most days between 10am & 4 pm.

7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist. There are people who are racists and some who are not.

Some.....You know media tries to Brand ALL conservatives as racists & have for years. Very divisive to the country.

8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote. I call it apathy. Only about 52% vote every 4 years, sad.

Sad but that is not what I was referring to. Media said Georgia was attacking the freedom to vote, a charge they have used successfully in other states. Georgia lost the All Star game. Later we found under the new GA law....more voted than ever. The left charges the right attacks the vote, but who in their s country legally can't vote?

9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots. Extremes on both sides. Burning and riot wrong. Dont 'paint with broad brush'. There are heaps of left wing protests that are peaceful.

You mean "mostly peaceful" while the buildings burn in the background of the newsman's shot. The damage and financial catastrophe caused by the left is astronomical when compared to the right activist. It's not close. Even here in Indy they had massive financial damage raising insurance rates for all. Comparing left to right on this one.....well that's a broad brush conclusion that simply has no basis in truth.
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Dem Crazy Dems.....
Democrat floats theory Biden could dispatch military to 'take out' conservative justices under immunity ruling

Then I assume you are vehemently opposed to this answer:

If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?

It would depend on the hypothetical. We can see that could well be an official act.
Then I assume you are vehemently opposed to this answer:

If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?

It would depend on the hypothetical. We can see that could well be an official act.

I reject your premise.
Then I assume you are vehemently opposed to this answer:

If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?

It would depend on the hypothetical. We can see that could well be an official act.
Anything the Pres does in office under Article II is an official act. In this case as Commander and Chief. So yes.
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Anything the Pres does in office under Article II is an official act. In this case as Commander and Chief. So yes.

Shows your lack of understanding of the ruling. Whatever media is giving you this knowledge should be turned off permanently.
I framed it that way because obviously most liberals have expressed great concern about the overreach in this ruling and was curious to see how people who profess to be conservative would respond. And now I know.
What part of this ruling makes you believe it is unconstitutional and counter to the intent of the founding fathers?

"Most liberals" watch or read liberal news rather than actually reading the source documents and thinking for themselves. Most conservatives read the ruling (at least the pertinent parts) and make up their own mind as it relates to the Constitution (which they also read). Historically, conservatives are much more likely to object to "overreach" since it will apply to all presidents. Liberals only object when they are told it benefits a Republican president or the ruling overturns liberal overreach.
... or has his son bring in underage girls trafficked across an open southern border to have sex in the WH?
That's it? Someone checks their watch during a ceremony? Good lord -- that truly is tan suit territory.
The issue is you, not Biden or Trump. It is about Goldstar families rightly saying that they were offended by Biden’s disrespectful and disgusting conduct at the Dover ceremony – and then you mocking those families for being offended, as if you, of all people, can tell those grieving families how they should feel after their sons and daughters died because of Joe’s incompetence. You and your shameful comments are the issue here.

Now Biden has offended them again. Do you want to take this opportunity to belittle and mock those grieving families some more? Something like, “Oh the HORROR! Joe completely forgot about the Patriots who died because of his stupidity. Those whining Goldstar families need to get a life!”

So what has the SCOTUS ruling affirmed this week? It has just solidified the Dems as the party of wild hyperbole.
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Shows your lack of understanding of the ruling. Whatever media is giving you this knowledge should be turned off permanently.
I am not talking about "media" or the ruling. I am talking about the powers delegated to the Executive Branch under Article II of the Constitution. Its what we all learned in junior high school. It establishes the president's powers and responsibilities, which can be described as official acts.
I am not talking about "media" or the ruling. I am talking about the powers delegated to the Executive Branch under Article II of the Constitution. Its what we all learned in junior high school. It establishes the president's powers and responsibilities, which can be described as official acts.
Do you still think anything the prez does in office under Article II is an official act?
Do you still think anything the prez does in office under Article II is an official act?
If it is under the responsibilities and delegated power of Article II, then yes. How can it not be an official act? this is junior high school stuff.
If it is under the responsibilities and delegated power of Article II, then yes. How can it not be an official act? this is junior high school stuff.
So if the president tells his wayward son to round up some trafficked underaged girls and illegal drugs for a fun night in the WH while the first lady is out of town, and they proceed accordingly, that is an official act of the president?

Do you really think that?
So if the president tells his wayward son to round up some trafficked underaged girls and illegal drugs for a fun night in the WH while the first lady is out of town, and they proceed accordingly, that is an official act of the president?

Do you really think that?
Why are you trolling and putting words in my mouth? I didnt say any of that stuff. Article II does not condone pedophilia. You know that. Why are you trolling? I'm putting you on ignore.
Why are you trolling and putting words in my mouth? I didnt say any of that stuff. Article II does not condone pedophilia. You know that. Why are you trolling? I'm putting you on ignore.
I understood your statement to mean 'anything he does in office'. I asked you to clarify it, but you declined. That made me incredibly sad.

"Anything the Pres does in office under Article II is an official act. In this case as Commander and Chief. So yes.

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