1. The many climate lies. I dont comment on science. I leave that to the scientists to discuss.
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion. True, Russiagate is a hoax. If any foreign country interferes, its AIPAC.
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie. People are allowed to have opinions (1st Amendment)
4. The many COVID lies. I agree and expected that. Nobody knew jack.
5. Hunter Biden Laptop. I could care less.
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp. True, he's too old.
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist. There are people who are racists and some who are not.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote. I call it apathy. Only about 52% vote every 4 years, sad.
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots. Extremes on both sides. Burning and riot wrong. Dont 'paint with broad brush'. There are heaps of left wing protests that are peaceful.
Yes, corporate media lies for both sides, as we have 2 ruling establishment parties that they cheerlead for.
1 Iraq war based on lies. No MWD.
2 Beat the drums for 'forever wars', no questions asked. That way they make millions in the weapon stock shares they own in Wall Street.
3 Run cover for CIA-backed coups that overthrows democratically elected governments and install puppet regime so we can steal those countries natural resources.
4 Obama was "born in Kenya".
5 Trickle-down economics (austerity) works. No country has ever cut their way to prosperity.
6 Bloated military spending is a MUST and never ask "how are we going to pay for it. Meanwhile, always ask "how are we going to pay for it" if any spending directly goes to 'we the people'.
7 Social Security needs to be cut/privatized. Never talk about what Reagan did by raising the SS tax rate when he was Pres.
8 Defend gerrymandering (a system where the politician picks his/her voters, rather than the voter choosing the politician).
9 Pretend the deep state is only Dems, whe
I did not see your comments on each left media lie. Now that I do some are far off, and other reactions are just embarrassing .....so I will comment on each one......
1. The many climate lies. I don't comment on science. I leave that to the scientists to discuss.
Well that's nice.....but 2 things remain with this media lie...
A. Moving goal posts & timelines
B. No proof anything we do will produce results....and so far Trill$ spent and no results.
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion. True, Russiagate is a hoax.
It was a lie to influence Trump's term in office by our own media, was no foreign interference.
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie. People are allowed to have opinions (1st Amendment)
Again another lie to taint Trump as a racist. Was not an opinion as you say, and only after Trump is out of office SNOPES listed it as a lie
4. The many COVID lies. I agree and expected that. Nobody knew jack.
Yes but the 6 feet rule was completely made up, and the vaccines were sold as a way not to spread disease when they knew it wasn't true. Finally, many good people lost jobs because they didn't want to take the shot. Both liberal and Conservative media promoted this lie.
5. Hunter Biden Laptop. I could care less.
While you might care less, poling shows that was election interference and that had media not pulled the scam, Trump would have won
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp. True, he's too old.
Well that's a simplistic view, when the truth is he should not have been President as his problems were apparent before election where he his in the basement.
BUT NOW...he is still in office in a condition where our country is in danger as they say he only functions most days between 10am & 4 pm.
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist. There are people who are racists and some who are not.
Some.....You know media tries to Brand ALL conservatives as racists & have for years. Very divisive to the country.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote. I call it apathy. Only about 52% vote every 4 years, sad.
Sad but that is not what I was referring to. Media said Georgia was attacking the freedom to vote, a charge they have used successfully in other states. Georgia lost the All Star game. Later we found under the new GA law....more voted than ever. The left charges the right attacks the vote, but who in their s country legally can't vote?
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots. Extremes on both sides. Burning and riot wrong. Dont 'paint with broad brush'. There are heaps of left wing protests that are peaceful.
You mean "mostly peaceful" while the buildings burn in the background of the newsman's shot. The damage and financial catastrophe caused by the left is astronomical when compared to the right activist. It's not close. Even here in Indy they had massive financial damage raising insurance rates for all. Comparing left to right on this one.....well that's a broad brush conclusion that simply has no basis in truth.