
Redshirt Freshman
Mar 28, 2011
I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?

I know it probably allows Trump to escape prosecution in a couple of court cases, but what about the impact of removing any real check on Presidential power?
I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?

I know it probably allows Trump to escape prosecution in a couple of court cases, but what about the impact of removing any real check on Presidential power?

Read the ruling. It doesn't. You are listening to leftist media, which does NOT have a great track record.

I know ol Joe said the President now has absolute immunity and now that the "President is above the law". But the majority opinion by Roberts, actually points out the opposite and specifically says so in the opinion.

I know President O should likely be grateful for the decision since he killed American citizens with drones overseas in his official capacity.
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I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?

I know it probably allows Trump to escape prosecution in a couple of court cases, but what about the impact of removing any real check on Presidential power?
Nice to see you were able to get all of the MSNBC talking points correct.

Try reading and comprehending what the ruling actually says…

Maybe it’s just me, but when I read the ruling, I missed the “absolute immunity” part.

But libs gotta lib
I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?

I know it probably allows Trump to escape prosecution in a couple of court cases, but what about the impact of removing any real check on Presidential power?
"I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?" I take offense to that. As if only conservatives support the Constitution.
Here is my take...
The Supreme Court has expanded the power of the President beyond Article II of the Constitution. Not good.
Read the ruling. It doesn't. You are listening to leftist media, which does NOT have a great track record.

I know ol Joe said the President now has absolute immunity and now that the "President is above the law". But the majority opinion by Roberts, actually points out the opposite and specifically says so in the opinion.

I know President O should likely be grateful for the decision since he killed American citizens with drones overseas in his official capacity.
"President O should likely be grateful for the decision since he killed American citizens with drones overseas in his official capacity."

95% of the time, I only see Progressive, Libertarian, and Paleoconservative sites talk about that. Hardly a peep from establishment Liberals (Dems) and establishment Conservatives (GOP) in the corporate media like fox and cnn.
Nice to see you were able to get all of the MSNBC talking points correct.

Try reading and comprehending what the ruling actually says…

Maybe it’s just me, but when I read the ruling, I missed the “absolute immunity” part.

But libs gotta lib
I said "essentially." If the President has broad discretion to define what counts as an "official act" and a Supreme Court that is willing to support that position, then, the President has powers that expand way beyond what was originally in the Constitution.
Joe should be celebrating. When, not if, the terrorists that he allowed to freely enter the country launch their attack, he can't be prosecuted for misdeeds.
Read the ruling. It doesn't. You are listening to leftist media, which does NOT have a great track record.

I know ol Joe said the President now has absolute immunity and now that the "President is above the law". But the majority opinion by Roberts, actually points out the opposite and specifically says so in the opinion.

I know President O should likely be grateful for the decision since he killed American citizens with drones overseas in his official capacity.
I did not support Obama's drone strikes. They were just as bad under Trump, but he simply didn't report them, so we knew less about them.
"I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?" I take offense to that. As if only conservatives support the Constitution.
Here is my take...
The Supreme Court has expanded the power of the President beyond Article II of the Constitution. Not good.
I framed it that way because obviously most liberals have expressed great concern about the overreach in this ruling and was curious to see how people who profess to be conservative would respond. And now I know.
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"President O should likely be grateful for the decision since he killed American citizens with drones overseas in his official capacity."

95% of the time, I only see Progressive, Libertarian, and Paleoconservative sites talk about that. Hardly a peep from establishment Liberals (Dems) and establishment Conservatives (GOP) in the corporate media like fox and cnn.
Hardly a peep from establishment dems because they have always been in the tank for BHO, no matter how naive and foolish he was; nor from establishment conservatives because they were glad to see ISIS vermin removed from the planet.
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I'm genuinely curious. Those of you who identify as conservative, how do you justify a ruling that essentially gives the President absolute immunity?

I know it probably allows Trump to escape prosecution in a couple of court cases, but what about the impact of removing any real check on Presidential power?
What is now different than before this ruling, exactly? Nothing that I see. A President has powers he can execute. You don't get to review his job performance and mold it into behavior only liberal dc potted plant justices deem worthy anymore than I can sue Biden for being an incompetent bed wetting baboon.
What is now different than before this ruling, exactly? Nothing that I see. A President has powers he can execute. You don't get to review his job performance and mold it into behavior only liberal dc potted plant justices deem worthy anymore than I can sue Biden for being an incompetent bed wetting baboon.
Yeah, its just horrible. Now Biden has been given sanction (and every other President after) by the SCOTUS to be an authoritarian, above and beyond Article II.
This is exactly what the Anti-Federalists were afraid of. That great battle between the Federalists (who were more supporting of an authoritarian 'President') and the Anti-Federalists (who were concerned about a President that would have far too much power) during the 'negotiation' stage between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, where the compromise was the Bill of Rights. The SCOTUS just gave Biden and future Presidents MORE powers than delegated in Article II. No more Checks and Balances.

These are but a few things that are whitewashed now;

Obama's drone striking of an American citizen without due-process.
George "Dub'Yas" Iraq war, based on lies.
Nixon is rolling in his grave, didnt need to resign.
Heck, even John Adam's unconstitutional Alien and Sedition act., just to name a few.

Sad day for our Republic.
What is now different than before this ruling, exactly? Nothing that I see. A President has powers he can execute. You don't get to review his job performance and mold it into behavior only liberal dc potted plant justices deem worthy anymore than I can sue Biden for being an incompetent bed wetting baboon.

Yea, nothing has changed except the DEM Lawfare efforts forced the SC to codify what has always been done.

Dem media going nuts because most of their party's Lawfare plan just went out the window.

Plus going nuts over this helps DEM media cover up the scandal of them lying once again to their watchers about the status of Biden's health problems.....apparent to all for years but watchers of MSN/CNN..... who's surprise in tweets, texts and emails debate night was truly precious & funny.
I read the opinion and I'm good with it.

For me it's largely a case of the court following the rule of law and precedence, even if I'm not necessarily comfortable with the implications vis-va-vis Trump.
Yea, nothing has changed except the DEM Lawfare efforts forced the SC to codify what has always been done.

Dem media going nuts because most of their party's Lawfare plan just went out the window.

Plus going nuts over this helps DEM media cover up the scandal of them lying once again to their watchers about the status of Biden's health problems.....apparent to all for years but watchers of MSN/CNN..... who's surprise in tweets, texts and emails debate night was truly precious & funny.
well, at least you are half way there. Now if we can help you understand that fox is also corporate media that cheerleads for their corrupt party and the GOP is also the deep state.
well, at least you are half way there. Now if we can help you understand that fox is also corporate media that cheerleads for their corrupt party and the GOP is also the deep state.

Couldn't tell you on that? Most of my info comes from WIBC Radio and Internet news stories I pull up while in the tractor. About the only Fox news I sometimes catch when the weather is bad & I am inside from farming, is a program called The Five as they have both sides on there. The Dem voice on there, Harold Ford Jr. is quite good and level headed, unlike those here. I respect him alot. Also listed to their main news once or twice, seems pretty down the middle. But most times I am too busy or uninterested to catch any TV news.

For reporting as liberal: Fox=29%, CNN + MSNBC=71%

Pew Research did a 2020 survey of both political leanings. They found:

Lean Dem: Fox 23%, CNN + MSNBC 86%
Lean Repub: Fox 60%, CNN +MSNBC: 38%
I will reply after I am done laughing about KatstenchJM citing a Pew survey. Of course, what else would you cite, JM.
Better report me to the monitors. While you are at it, report yourself for lying and for ridiculing grieving Goldstar families as HoosierFanJM. If they are Patriots, they will banish you and all your numerous aliases for life.
well, at least you are half way there. Now if we can help you understand that fox is also corporate media that cheerleads for their corrupt party and the GOP is also the deep state.
No question the GOP has some in the deep state. That said Fox with all its warts is still a cut above the others in pointing out many realities that have went on. Too many people getting wealthy on our dime and so disconnected from the real world and then there are those focused on wokeness and DEI which “if sought” is racist or sexist.
Better report me to the monitors. While you are at it, report yourself for lying and for ridiculing grieving Goldstar families as HoosierFanJM. If they are Patriots, they will banish you and all your numerous aliases for life.
Flaming again!


so stop flaming.

To settle this once and for all, when I quoted TRUMP’s WORDS about Gold Star Families, you were …uhhhhhnmmmmm… stooooopid and actually thought it was the words of some message board poster.


so stop flaming, do better, and be smarter
Yeah, its just horrible. Now Biden has been given sanction (and every other President after) by the SCOTUS to be an authoritarian, above and beyond Article II.
This is exactly what the Anti-Federalists were afraid of. That great battle between the Federalists (who were more supporting of an authoritarian 'President') and the Anti-Federalists (who were concerned about a President that would have far too much power) during the 'negotiation' stage between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, where the compromise was the Bill of Rights. The SCOTUS just gave Biden and future Presidents MORE powers than delegated in Article II. No more Checks and Balances.

These are but a few things that are whitewashed now;

Obama's drone striking of an American citizen without due-process.
George "Dub'Yas" Iraq war, based on lies.
Nixon is rolling in his grave, didnt need to resign.
Heck, even John Adam's unconstitutional Alien and Sedition act., just to name a few.

Sad day for our Republic.
Absurd. He was not delegated new authority. Should I be able to sue Democrats for creating abortion laws? If anything this strengthens the separation of powers between the 3 branches.
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Absurd. He was not delegated new authority. Should I be able to sue Democrats for creating abortion laws? If anything this strengthens the separation of powers between the 3 branches.
And therein lies the Dem complaint. They don't want the judicial to be an equal partner but instead be a means to get the legal interpretation that suits their current agenda. The strict interpretation of the Constitution does not fit that agenda.

For reporting as liberal: Fox=29%, CNN + MSNBC=71%

Pew Research did a 2020 survey of both political leanings. They found:

Lean Dem: Fox 23%, CNN + MSNBC 86%
Lean Repub: Fox 60%, CNN +MSNBC: 38%
yeah, I stopped watching corporate media like fox and cnn years ago.
Fox cheerleads for the nation.

Yeah, I stopped watching corporate media like fox and cnn years ago. Both parties have been completely captured by corporate interests. Were no more a Republic by "we the people", but an Oligarchy, where the sold-out politicians on both sides answer to their donors. Most make more money from corporate lobby donations (bribery) than their Senate/House salaries. Voting for the uni-party is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Just sad.
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No question the GOP has some in the deep state. That said Fox with all its warts is still a cut above the others in pointing out many realities that have went on. Too many people getting wealthy on our dime and so disconnected from the real world and then there are those focused on wokeness and DEI which “if sought” is racist or sexist.
"...there are those focused on wokeness and DEI".
Those are planned media constructs to keep the gullible lemmings from the real problems. Feed them 'bread and circuses' to distract them. I could care less about the new color of M&M's, what Mr Potato Head looks like, a female lead in some movie, or a gay couple living across the street.
I am worried about decades of outsourcing (since the early 1980's) that has resulted in the service-sector being the country's largest employer.
I am outraged that most creatures in the House and Senate make more money from corporate campaign donations (bribes) than their House and Senate salaries.
I could go on.
Yeah, I stopped watching corporate media like fox and cnn years ago. Both parties have been completely captured by corporate interests. Were no more a Republic by "we the people", but an Oligarchy, where the sold-out politicians on both sides answer to their donors. Most make more money from corporate lobby donations (bribery) than their Senate/House salaries. Voting for the uni-party is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Just sad.

Is corporate media the problem or is the problem with Liberal media?

From the thread discussion on your point......Here are the long term lies Liberal media has used to successfully manipulate the public......
1. The many climate lies
2. Russia, Russia, Russia conclusion
3. Charlottesville "fine people" lie
4. The many COVID lies
5. Hunter Biden Laptop
6. Biden is fit & mentally sharp
7. That this is a racist nation and many are racist.
8. There is an attack on the freedom to vote.
9. The right is extreme. Meanwhile the left burns & riots.

These are all long term lies, many for years some for several months.

Can you list long term lies that conservative corporate media has used to manipulate its listeners?

Not talking about bad reporting for a week or two like election machine stories that were corrected. Talking about long term stories and themes in the media that were used for years to manipulate.

So if you are going to assert all corp media is bad......what is your similar list on Conservative corporate media?
Yeah, I stopped watching corporate media like fox and cnn years ago. Both parties have been completely captured by corporate interests. Were no more a Republic by "we the people", but an Oligarchy, where the sold-out politicians on both sides answer to their donors. Most make more money from corporate lobby donations (bribery) than their Senate/House salaries. Voting for the uni-party is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Just sad.
It is incredibly sad, right katstenchJM?

Then tell us, what news sources do you use?

I mainly use WSJ, Fox and NPR. Which should I drop and what should I add so that I can get a fair and balanced picture, if that is possible in your view?

PS, you have one of my favorite avatars, along with GhostofFatJack, so Boiler UP on that. Also ChoiceBeef, although I am concerned about his dental hygiene.
It is incredibly sad, right katstenchJM?

Then tell us, what news sources do you use?

I mainly use WSJ, Fox and NPR. Which should I drop and what should I add so that I can get a fair and balanced picture, if that is possible in your view?

PS, you have one of my favorite avatars, along with GhostofFatJack, so Boiler UP on that. Also ChoiceBeef, although I am concerned about his dental hygiene.
So now every poster that disagrees with you is the same guy? I think you're up to about six of them.


Tinfoil Hat GIF by The Tick
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No, just the ones who lie and ridicule grieving Goldstar families, JM.

Your hero has completely forgotten about those families and their heroes who died because of his total incompetence.
Flaming. Again and again and again.

Oooohhh this oughta be good ... who is my hero?

The words that you saw from me ridiculing Gold Star families were a direct quote from TRUMP. I repeated them to show how awful Trump is. GLAD YOU AGREE! You are apparently too far gone to comprehend this, but it is really funny.

By the way, my sig line quote “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government.” That is also a direct Trump quote.

Finally, how many posters do you think are the same person these days? I count HoosierfanJM, typeviic, Telling the Truth, JBoiler23, Katscratch, and maybe Builder Bob? Any others that I'm missing? Because you apparently are the self-appointed 'writing-style detective.' Too funny.
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Flaming. Again and again and again.

Oooohhh this oughta be good ... who is my hero?

The words that you saw from me ridiculing Gold Star families were a direct quote from TRUMP. I repeated them to show how awful Trump is. GLAD YOU AGREE! You are apparently too far gone to comprehend this, but it is really funny.

By the way, my sig line quote “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government.” That is also a direct Trump quote.

Finally, how many posters do you think are the same person these days? I count HoosierfanJM, typeviic, Telling the Truth, JBoiler23, Katscratch, and maybe Builder Bob? Any others that I'm missing? Because you apparently are the self-appointed 'writing-style detective.' Too funny.
Incredibly funny. Typevic and Bob are not included, as you already know, JM.
And therein lies the Dem complaint. They don't want the judicial to be an equal partner but instead be a means to get the legal interpretation that suits their current agenda. The strict interpretation of the Constitution does not fit that agenda.
you are 100% correct and has been obvious over history!!!!
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Incredibly funny. Typevic and Bob are not included, as you already know, JM.
Got it -- there are four posters that Master Detective Riveting has determined are the same person. Others at ease ..... for now :D

On to your other issues: Do you now realize that the offensive quote re: Gold Star Families was a TRUMP quote? Is there anything else that you determined is offensive and NOT a Trump quote? If so, please provide Master Detective Riveting proof.

Who have you determined is my hero, Master Detective Riveting? Again, please provide the Master Detective Riveting proof of any claimed hero.