Racist comments = Republicans disappear

Rhetoric matters, especially from the highest office. If you don't understand that, you either just don't want to or you haven't been paying attention.

The president is an open racist. His followers don't care. Republicans largely don't care. This is incredibly sad and has consequences none of us can truly fathom right now.

Please do keep screaming about less important things, though, like supposed liberal hypocrisy. As gr8 said earlier, you're fighting with figments of your imagination.
I understand it matters to the tiny minority of SJWs who gas light the rest of the democrats. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." That's bigotry, REAL bigotry.

Hillary was right on with her basket of deplorables statement. Just rotten to your core.
Your opinion of me is uniformed, irrelevant to the subject, meaningless and meant to distract from your own embracing of blatant bigotry.
A die hard Republican accusing someone else of embracing blatant bigotry. Lol, that’s a real knee slapper right there.
I’m calling you out for being just a bad person. Truth hurt? Then be better.
Your opinion of me is uniformed, irrelevant to the subject, meaningless and meant to distract from your own embracing of blatant bigotry.

You’re consistently a terrible person on here , you vigorously defend all things Trump (can you even bother denouncing what he did last night at his glorified klan rally? Racists defend racists, so now is your chance to disassociate yourself from that collection of white supremacists), and you deflect by just saying someone else is a bigot because you’re getting called to the table. So nah, I’ve pretty much got you pegged.
A die hard Republican accusing someone else of embracing blatant bigotry. Lol, that’s a real knee slapper right there.
another mental midget to shout me down. how novel. right out of the playbook.

And all you respond with is a slightly more sophisticated version of “wah you’re picking on me”. Prove yourself to be better than you show on here. The bar is extremely low, so it wouldn’t take much effort.
You’re consistently a terrible person on here , you vigorously defend all things Trump (can you even bother denouncing what he did last night at his glorified klan rally? Racists defend racists, so now is your chance to disassociate yourself from that collection of white supremacists), and you deflect by just saying someone else is a bigot because you’re getting called to the table. So nah, I’ve pretty much got you pegged.
I don't recall defending trump on this, just pointing out your ridiculous self righteousness.
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I don't recall defending trump on this, just pointing out your ridiculous self righteousness.
Your first post here was complaining about people's reaction to what Trump did. If you're more upset about the reaction than what actually happened, you have some real issues.
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I understand it matters to the tiny minority of SJWs who gas light the rest of the democrats. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." That's bigotry, REAL bigotry.

I stated, on this board, that she was clearly sharing anti-Semitic tropes. She actually showed the courage to learn about them and apologize, however. You're once again fighting a windmill.

But noted. Trump telling women of color to "go back where they came from" is not "REAL" bigotry.
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You don’t condemn speech so you come on a message board and....condemn speech. Ok.
Exactly! Doesn't condemn speech, but comes on here and condemns the reactions of people. Trump's speech can't be condemned, but don't anyone dare speak out against it.
You don’t condemn speech so you come on a message board and....condemn speech. Ok.
where did I do that? I just pointed out how not outraged you were when "your side" does it too. You just can't stand the truth of it all.

You’re such a dumpster fire. You’re just like the rest of the spineless Republican Party. Dance and skirt around every horrible thing this man says and does because deep down you agree with him. I mean that’s the only logical conclusion.
You don’t condemn speech so you come on a message board and....condemn speech. Ok.
where did I do that? I just pointed out how not outraged you were when "your side" does it too. You just can't stand the truth of it all.

Newsflash: the president of the United States telling ANYONE to go back to where they came from (US citizens no less) should bother everyone. As indy said, this isn’t a both sides thing. You’re doing a fine job of proving my description of you to be spot on though. Keep going!
I understand it matters to the tiny minority of SJWs who gas light the rest of the democrats. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." That's bigotry, REAL bigotry.
So she should have to leave the country because she's a bigot? Because she hates Israel?
Wake up call pal, there are thousands of Trump supporters in this country who hate Jews.
What? You telling me the white nationalists who support Trump aren't anti-semites?
Or are you just pissed because your reason for kicking Omar out also applies to people who support the same guy you do?
I actually get the feeling, and yes it's a feeling, that she is far more an "anti-Israeli-ist" than "anti-semite" while the inverse would be more likely for white nationalists. A subtle but, to me, clear difference.
hahahaha...there it is. Thanks for the exclamation point.
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I actually get the feeling, and yes it's a feeling, that she is far more an "anti-Israeli-ist" than "anti-semite" while the inverse would be more likely for white nationalists. A subtle but, to me, clear difference.
I think for the conservative media crowd the two are the same.
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What? You telling me the white nationalists who support Trump aren't anti-semites?
Or are you just pissed because your reason for kicking Omar out also applies to people who support the same guy you do?
So democratic reps are on par with white supremacists who support's can type it, but you can't understand that you typed it! Yes i would love to kick them both out!
This whole thing reminds me of an era I grew up in and that is the Nixon presidency. Nixon always claimed that his support came from the "Silent Majority", and he may have been correct. Fortunately, most of those people abandoned him for what was right and stood up for the values that a majority of Americans adhere to when his crimes came to light and we avoided a major split in our country.

In a perverse sort of way, it seems that today we are seeing a "Very Vocal Minority" from which Trump is drawing his power. The question today seems to be whether or not people who believe in the rule of law, and not authoritarian rule, have the will and the fortitude to stand up to this movement, which is also aided by foreign involvement from a country that has been dead set on the fall of our influence in the world, for their own benefit. Of course our president denies this and his followers are in lockstep with him in this denial.

It seems that our republic has reached a crossroads of sorts and people don't know who or what to believe. We have so many alternative sources of information today with the advent of the internet than we have ever had previously and no one knows what this change might ultimately result in.

Unfortunately, our country's fate hangs in the balance. Will common sense and historic precedent rule, or are we entering a new period in American history? Has the great experiment finally failed, and are we entering a totally unforeseen chapter? Is this more serious than the average American actually realizes, given the distractions that confront our populace every day?

What will be our country's fate?
I agree that we are at a crossroads, the world is changing rapidly in so many areas and it is sad to see Republicans willing to allow this con-artist in the WH to focus and herd them down these useless divisive paths.

It's common now to read/hear that the GOP isn't the party of Reagan and/or Lincoln anymore, and it's true, but Republicans today aren't the same as those during Nixon's years. I was young and politics wasn't on my radar but I recall similar statements about Nixon at the time and later that Trumpers use today, basically "I don't care much for the man, but I like his policies." I thought when Trump was elected he wouldn't make it through his first term, I thought he would quit amid a scandal, and similar to Nixon, only because Republicans had had enough and pulled their support. I was wrong, Republicans have changed.
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I don't generally condemn speech. I like to see the true colors.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.” - Mahatma Ghandi

I realize Ghandi had brown skin, so the likely response to this would be "What is he doing to fix his country?"
"Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." That's bigotry, REAL bigotry.
I understand that some Muslims are bigots against Israel, homosexuals, etc. etc. Bigotry of one form does not excuse bigotry of another. The President of the United States is held to a higher standard than ISIS, AQ, the Iranian regimes and proxies, among other bigoted organizations. In fact, the President condemns those organizations while allowing similar xenophobic bigotry to exist in his presence, even practicing it himself. That is inexcusable.