Racist comments = Republicans disappear

Oh look at the delusional hissy fit throwers on this forum. You never ever defend when that type of language is directed at people who voted for trump. You're perfectly fine with broadly labeling trump voters as uneducated, deplorables, nazis, racists, sexists, xenophobes, etc... YOU HAVE MADE THIS ACCEPTABLE. Look at yourselves. Are you not like trump or are you EXACTLY LIKE HIM! pathetic thread. absolutely pathetic, tropey hand wringing.

TIL that the POTUS has the same expectations for decorum as us anonymous message board idiots. Good to know there are such high standards.
Oh look at the delusional hissy fit throwers on this forum. You never ever defend when that type of language is directed at people who voted for trump. You're perfectly fine with broadly labeling trump voters as uneducated, deplorables, nazis, racists, sexists, xenophobes, etc... YOU HAVE MADE THIS ACCEPTABLE. Look at yourselves. Are you not like trump or are you EXACTLY LIKE HIM! pathetic thread. absolutely pathetic, tropey hand wringing.

"It's OK that Trump is a racist because sometimes there are people who might inaccurately call other people racists."
To summarize what JS is saying: racists don’t have issues with what other racists say.

You could have been way more succinct there, js.

Everything is racist or sexist with you snow flakes.
Trump bashed four radical congresswomen.
So sorry they got their feelings hurt.

Js working overtime here to try to deny that our president (and by default, js himself) are racists by saying that four women of color being told to go back to where they came from was nothing more than a mild insult. Such awful cult mentality.
Oh look at the delusional hissy fit throwers on this forum. You never ever defend when that type of language is directed at people who voted for trump. You're perfectly fine with broadly labeling trump voters as uneducated, deplorables, nazis, racists, sexists, xenophobes, etc... YOU HAVE MADE THIS ACCEPTABLE. Look at yourselves. Are you not like trump or are you EXACTLY LIKE HIM! pathetic thread. absolutely pathetic, tropey hand wringing.
Interesting theory you have there that calling out bad behavior is just as bad as the bad behavior itself.
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not just message boards. Other elected officials. members of the press. I love how you give yourselves the hall pass on this. piss off.
What hall pass? I clearly said "us" including myself in that statement. Here, let's make this conversation easier.

Were the President's remarks racist? Yes
Are people on message boards, elected officials, and the biased media mostly hypocrites when it comes to calling it out? Yes
In an op-ed Tufts University professor Daniel Drezner considered what it is to be a Republican today and concluded
With the rest of the GOP’s complicity or acquiescence, it seems hard to escape the conclusion that to be a Republican in 2019 is not just to be a racist but rather to be one who is proud of that designation. My colleague Greg Sargent puts it best: “Central to Trump’s racism ... is not just the content of the racism itself. It’s also that he’s asserting the right to engage in public displays of racism without it being called out for what it is. A crucial ingredient here is Trump’s declaration of the ability to flaunt his racism with impunity.”

I was a Republican in my youth. But none of the values that attracted me to the party then are present in Trump’s version of the GOP. The party of Reagan is dead. What has emerged in its place is something unspeakable.
Not to start an argument .....Your posts would indicate you are.
Starting, prolonging and finishing arguments, here, need not be something to avoid. While the majority of anti-trump sentiment indeed comes from those identifying as Democratic, there are millions upon millions of us who are either Independents or Republicans. You DO know that, don't you ? Take gr8indoorsman's word for it when he says he's not a Democrat.
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He said what Nancy wanted to say.
And I still say it's a stretch to say it was racist.
The women in question are far, far left and very out spoken.
I don't agree with how the message was delivered but I do agree with the message.
The message was: "Go back and fix the countries you came from." In three of the four cases, they came from America. Having been elected congressmen, they are trying to do precisely that.

If telling AMERICANS to "go back to your home country and fix it", implying that they're actually from Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc., and not American citizens, isn't racist, it's xenophobic at best. If you agree with that message - that AMERICANS should worry about their country of ancestry before their own country - then what are you doing about whatever European nation you're "from"? Or does that standard not apply to you... for some reason... which has nothing to do with your race/country of ancestry... I'm sure.

The fact is, the president looked at his critics, saw brown skin and accents, and made the comment that he did because of how those women looked and talked. It was racist IMO, and if not racist, then xenophobic, and in either case, beneath the Office of the President, but unfortunately par for the course for the man who happens to fill it.
Not to start an argument .....Your posts would indicate you are.
My posts indicate distaste for President Trump and his boorish behavior. My posts indicate distaste for mistreatment of immigrants/refugees/humans. But my posts also indicate intense disdain for excessive government spending, including excess defense acquisitions, The Wall, and social programs all under that umbrella. My posts also indicate disapproval of Obamacare.

The problem here, like with political disagreement writ large, is that the only things that register in your head are the things you disagree with. You like President Trump. I do not, therefore I'm a Democrat. Therein lies the entire problem, as I said to hunk: you see me, someone with some liberal views, but who largely identifies as a strong fiscal conservative and social moderate, and you think I'm a leftist because my beliefs reside left of the extreme right. This is, of course, exacerbated by the fact that I do not approve of this president in the least.

That said, I have never voted for a Democrat for president, and odds are pretty good that I won't. I mean if it doesn't happen in 2020, it probably never will!
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Pure Trump supporter logic.

Trump didn't say it.
Pelosi wanted to say it.
It's not racist.
Only snowflakes see racism and sexism.
They are four leftists.
Who cares if they got their feelings hurt.

Problem solved, no negativity in the bubble, it's off to lunch.
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My answer to that question would be: American. My parents were born here, and my grandparents before them.

I was unaware that citizens should be classified by ethnicity, and wonder why that even matters, except when we're applying it to people of different skin color. I don't wonder why that matters then, because the answer is obvious. It matters because they don't look like the majority, and therefore are different and their opinions, wants, and needs are valued less.
What motivated that? I watched it and I could not understand her point. Andrew Feinstein is Jewish - was that behind this question?
She was headed to my ancestors were Irish and Italian, yours were such and such. The Pres. was really talking about people working to help out their ancestral countries which are inferior to where we are when he mentioned where they originally were from...etc., etc... would be my guess.
She was headed to my ancestors were Irish and Italian, yours were such and such. The Pres. was really talking about people working to help out their ancestral countries which are inferior to where we are when he mentioned where they originally were from...etc., etc... would be my guess.
Hopefully he steps forward soon and announces his plans to help Romania or wherever the hell the Drumpf family came over from so he can lead by example.

What's alarming is that they actually believe, nay know, that their supporters will buy that.
Hopefully he steps forward soon and announces his plans to help Romania or wherever the hell the Drumpf family came over from so he can lead by example.

What's alarming is that they actually believe, nay know, that their supporters will buy that.
Lmao that you wrote this. It's Kallstadt, Germany and the only reason that I know it, is because this article which is actually relevant was in today's Wa Po about it
My answer to that question would be: American. My parents were born here, and my grandparents before them.

I was unaware that citizens should be classified by ethnicity, and wonder why that even matters, except when we're applying it to people of different skin color. I don't wonder why that matters then, because the answer is obvious. It matters because they don't look like the majority, and therefore are different and their opinions, wants, and needs are valued less.
then why does it matter on a federal job application? is blatant racism ok sometimes or not? I can't follow you guys. You want to be able to weaponize race at will. not havin it.
then why does it matter on a federal job application? is blatant racism ok sometimes or not? I can't follow you guys. You want to be able to weaponize race at will. not havin it.
I really love the leap you made in your head here where you assume that I think it's OK to ask race/ethnicity-based questions in hiring for federal jobs. You're literally arguing with a figment of your imagination.
then why does it matter on a federal job application? is blatant racism ok sometimes or not? I can't follow you guys. You want to be able to weaponize race at will. not havin it.
I have not applied for a federal job lately, but last time I had to fill out a government form, yes, it did have the "Race / Ethnicity" box to fill out. There was also in capitalized letters next to it "(OPTIONAL)".
"You are quite right, I changed my mind and do no longer speak of “radical evil.” … It is indeed my opinion now that evil is never “radical,” that it is only extreme, and that it possesses neither depth nor any demonic dimension. It can overgrow and lay waste the whole world precisely because it spreads like a fungus on the surface. It is “thought-defying,” as I said, because thought tries to reach some depth, to go to the roots, and the moment it concerns itself with evil, it is frustrated because there is nothing. That is its “banality.” Only the good has depth that can be radical."
-Hannah Arendt
Disgusting. Terrifying. Shameful.

Lots of suckers for authoritarian rhetoric in this country and on this board.
hmmm...let me know when the pubs bring expulsion resolutions against her for no reason. Then we can talk about disgusting and shameful, like your boneheaded democrats.
Unreal. Brace yourselves, the idiot fringe is in control, and worse yet, think they are right.

This whole thing reminds me of an era I grew up in and that is the Nixon presidency. Nixon always claimed that his support came from the "Silent Majority", and he may have been correct. Fortunately, most of those people abandoned him for what was right and stood up for the values that a majority of Americans adhere to when his crimes came to light and we avoided a major split in our country.

In a perverse sort of way, it seems that today we are seeing a "Very Vocal Minority" from which Trump is drawing his power. The question today seems to be whether or not people who believe in the rule of law, and not authoritarian rule, have the will and the fortitude to stand up to this movement, which is also aided by foreign involvement from a country that has been dead set on the fall of our influence in the world, for their own benefit. Of course our president denies this and his followers are in lockstep with him in this denial.

It seems that our republic has reached a crossroads of sorts and people don't know who or what to believe. We have so many alternative sources of information today with the advent of the internet than we have ever had previously and no one knows what this change might ultimately result in.

Unfortunately, our country's fate hangs in the balance. Will common sense and historic precedent rule, or are we entering a new period in American history? Has the great experiment finally failed, and are we entering a totally unforeseen chapter? Is this more serious than the average American actually realizes, given the distractions that confront our populace every day?

What will be our country's fate?
hmmm...let me know when the pubs bring expulsion resolutions against her for no reason. Then we can talk about disgusting and shameful, like your boneheaded democrats.

Rhetoric matters, especially from the highest office. If you don't understand that, you either just don't want to or you haven't been paying attention.

The president is an open racist. His followers don't care. Republicans largely don't care. This is incredibly sad and has consequences none of us can truly fathom right now.

Please do keep screaming about less important things, though, like supposed liberal hypocrisy. As gr8 said earlier, you're fighting with figments of your imagination.
hmmm...let me know when the pubs bring expulsion resolutions against her for no reason. Then we can talk about disgusting and shameful, like your boneheaded democrats.

Rhetoric matters, especially from the highest office. If you don't understand that, you either just don't want to or you haven't been paying attention.

The president is an open racist. His followers don't care. Republicans largely don't care. This is incredibly sad and has consequences none of us can truly fathom right now.

Please do keep screaming about less important things, though, like supposed liberal hypocrisy. As gr8 said earlier, you're fighting with figments of your imagination.

After the last few days, including the kkk rally last night that trump led, and figuring in the raucous defense of him by a chunk of folks on here, there’s really nothing more to conclude but that people like SD and others of his ilk are just bad to their core.

Sure, they may have a good quality or two, say a couple of nice things here and there, but that’s where it stops. They can’t admit what trump is doing is wrong and racist. Instead, they double down and pull out some ridiculous whataboutisms. They can’t fathom that someone who isn’t a white man playing on the same field.

It’s just the way it is with these folks. The saddest thing of all is they just don’t care because they’re happy trump says exactly what they’re thinking.
Rhetoric matters, especially from the highest office. If you don't understand that, you either just don't want to or you haven't been paying attention.

The president is an open racist. His followers don't care. Republicans largely don't care. This is incredibly sad and has consequences none of us can truly fathom right now.

Please do keep screaming about less important things, though, like supposed liberal hypocrisy. As gr8 said earlier, you're fighting with figments of your imagination.
I understand it matters to the tiny minority of SJWs who gas light the rest of the democrats. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel." That's bigotry, REAL bigotry.