Putin backs Harris in election

We were IN A WAR FOR 4 YEARS. He promised to get us out. He gave away the store and turned it over to someone else.

WE ARE NOT IN A WAR. American servicemen aren't dying overseas.

Putin was gonna invade after the 2020 election no matter who was president. If it had been trump he would have had a free hand. Trump did his job in the first term by discrediting NATO and our European allies. America first. Isolationism. MAGA republicans would follow his lead.

Of course it's not a War.
If it was a war than Biden could be held for treason for aiding and abetting the enemy.

Israel vs Iran is also a war. Albeit a proxy by Iran using Hamas and Hezbollah
And Biden is aiding Iran.
So you are making the same point I'm making.

There are constantly trouble spots/wars around the world. Under Trump in Afghanistan and Sudan and Syria. Under Biden in Ukraine and Israel and Sudan and probably other places that no one is reading about. Russia has gone into Chechnya and Crimea over the last fifteen years and no American President could stop them. And yes, this will happen under whichever will be the next administration.

So to paint the current administration as somehow responsible is either ignorant or myopic.
You're just beyond naive.
You're smarter than this. I guess you're just lazy or partisanship has overtaken your though process.

Just because you want to claim we are in 2 wars because there are military incidents doesn't make it true.

The Houthis are attacking ships from various countries in international waters. Your own link says the service members killed in Jordan were there trying make sure ISIS is finished. Charging terrorists? You against that?

We have military personnel in countries all over the Middle East, all over the world. They were there when trump was president.

If you want to bring all our troops home and leave the world to the crazies, that's a position. It's stupid but at least it's consistent. But claiming we're in two wars because there are military actions taking place, under every president, shows you aren't serious.
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No dice. This is the always the way you avoid answering questions when you get stuck. A meaningless answer and you move on to another question. You don't want to say why you believe Putin after you start a thread about a ridiculous position he claims to have.
I still don't understand why you refuse to believe what Putin himself said? He literally said that he favors Harris over Trump. Yes, he said that.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge or claim that it's not really what he meant? Your TDS flaring up again?
That's one. And you think that money is as important as Article 5 of the NATO charter? Trump said he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell it wanted to any NATO country that didn't meet the defense spending guidelines. Did the media lie about that?

You JUST POSTED that Putin wants to create chaos. You think that statement by trump, which he has said more than once, caused a little chaos in Brussels? Did NATO defense ministers lose any sleep over it?

Can you sit there and argue the money that the money the NATO members don't commit to their own defense budgets is even remotely more important than defending our allies in Europe?

To be clear, I'm not defending the countries that don't meet their 2%, which is a guideline BTW. But there's no need to publicly rail about it all the time. The message can be clear sent behind the scenes. Most of the time allies don't publicly berate each other about such things. But I guess that wouldn't get him any attention and he would miss a great opportunity to appear tough.

To the original point, you have no comment on how trump's public comments questioning the need for NATO and whether we needed to remain in it contribute to Putin's chaos? Trump taking Putin's side on election interference is just a small comment? How about him blaming Biden for Putin's invasion?
Trump was tired of NATO countries taking advantage of American taxpayers.
How can you be upset with that?

Trump drew a line in the sand, told those countries they better fulfill their financial commitment or there would be consequences. And guess what those countries started to do?

That's how you negotiate from a position of power.
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Of course he does. These Flavor Aiders will believe any conspiracy theory known to man.
what a surprise....You don't believe in facts or statistics.

Are you also in Bob's camp, believing that despite what Putin literally said, that it's not what he really meant? That he secretly favors Trump over Harris?
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what a surprise....You don't believe in facts or statistics.

Are you also in Bob's camp, believing that despite what Putin literally said, that it's not what he really meant? That he secretly favors Trump over Harris?
If you believe what Trump literally said about so, so many things? Not only would they be putting Trump in a rubber room for his 'awkward - old guy comedy attempts "The late great Hannibal Lecter. It is a wonderful man.", but there's a ton of disturbing stuff on substance.

Just a very brief start:
  • One hundred percent of the net jobs created under Biden have gone to the illegals. Did you know that? One hundred percent of the jobs created have gone to illegals.
  • I hope the military revolts at the voting booth, and just says, ‘we’re not going to take it.’
  • And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.
  • it’s an amazing thing that the coronavirus affects virtually nobody
  • He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day.
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If you believe what Trump literally said about so, so many things? Not only would they be putting Trump in a rubber room for his 'awkward - old guy comedy attempts "The late great Hannibal Lecter. It is a wonderful man.", but there's a ton of disturbing stuff on substance.

Just a very brief start:
  • One hundred percent of the net jobs created under Biden have gone to the illegals. Did you know that? One hundred percent of the jobs created have gone to illegals.
  • I hope the military revolts at the voting booth, and just says, ‘we’re not going to take it.’
  • And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.
  • it’s an amazing thing that the coronavirus affects virtually nobody
  • He's now president for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day.
Trump didn't say it you dufus, Putin did! Don't try to turn this into something about Trump. This is about Putin and his support for Harris.

Why do you, Bob and the other lefty libs have such trouble admitting and believing that Putin supports Harris? What benefit does it serve him to lie? Is he trying to play some jedi mindtrick on everyone?
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Trump didn't say it you dufus, Putin did! Don't try to turn this into something about Trump. This is about Putin and his support for Harris.

Why do you, Bob and the other lefty libs have such trouble admitting and believing that Putin supports Harris? What benefit does it serve him to lie? Is he trying to play some jedi mindtrick on everyone?
1. For the millionth time, I am definitely not a liberal. Trump is more liberal on policy issues than I am. Trump is a pro-abortion, pro-legal weed, big, big, BIG spending, pro-tax avoidance (on tips), tax/tariff private business (dem tariff's aren't on 'countries', they're on American businesses that trade with foreign nations).....liberal.

Harris is (of course) way too liberal for me too. But at least she isn't a 78 year old mentally ill narcissist who says 'f you' to the rule of law. That makes her a less-preferred candidate for me than DeSantis, Pence, Burgham, Christie, Haley, Hutchinson, etc. but still better than nucking futs Donald Trump.

2. You said "let's take these leaders (like Putin) literally on their words. So. I. Did.
I still don't understand why you refuse to believe what Putin himself said? He literally said that he favors Harris over Trump. Yes, he said that.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge or claim that it's not really what he meant? Your TDS flaring up again?

You're now using your worn out TDS excuse for Putin? PDS? I guess associating him with trump makes sense.

Harris will continue the Biden policy on Ukraine. Trump will push for a settlement that rewards Putin's invasion of Ukraine. It's that simple. But Putin wants Harris.

Why wouldn't I believe Putin? Lol. Its absolutely insane that you actually ask that question. Your partisanship has become stronger than your common sense. How low can you and your party go?

Trump was tired of NATO countries taking advantage of American taxpayers.
How can you be upset with that?

Trump drew a line in the sand, told those countries they better fulfill their financial commitment or there would be consequences. And guess what those countries started to do?

That's how you negotiate from a position of power.
Dealing with morons. Unbelievable.

If a European country doesn't meet the 2% defense spending guideline, THE US DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. The American taxpayer doesn't pay anymore to NATO than our commitment. After all this time neither you nor trump understands how this works. He still says they OWE US money. You believe that too?

To give you a soft landing......if you don't believe we should be paying as much as we do to NATO, that's a valid opinion based on facts. But trump has mislead the public on this subject the whole time and apparently his lies have worked with you. Shocking.

Never mind the fact that you too place more importance on a NATO country spending 2% ON THEIR OWN DEFENSE BUDGET than protecting Europe from being invaded........because that's what you're saying, just like trump.
Smh. Please explain.
Just read the article.
There were a minimum of 70 attacks on the US bases in the Middle East by Iranian sponsored terror groups.
Dozens of US soldiers were injured and at least 3 reported dead from one attack on Tower 22 alone.
There have been reports of over 50 US soldiers injured, some with traumatic brain damage, due to the proxy war funded by Iran.

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Dealing with morons. Unbelievable.

If a European country doesn't meet the 2% defense spending guideline, THE US DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. The American taxpayer doesn't pay anymore to NATO than our commitment. After all this time neither you nor trump understands how this works. He still says they OWE US money. You believe that too?

To give you a soft landing......if you don't believe we should be paying as much as we do to NATO, that's a valid opinion based on facts. But trump has mislead the public on this subject the whole time and apparently his lies have worked with you. Shocking.

Never mind the fact that you too place more importance on a NATO country spending 2% ON THEIR OWN DEFENSE BUDGET than protecting Europe from being invaded........because that's what you're saying, just like trump.
It is true that, “If a European country doesn't meet the 2% (give or take a little for each country) defense spending guideline, THE US DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE.”

The USA has carried the excess payment since WW2. Trump is the ONLY president I’m aware that tried to tackle that issue (that existed since WW2) and remove the crutch that the other countries had been provided, through discussion reminding them that their countries had a lot at stake since the USA was going to back off. Consequently, some stepped forward…at least some. Many cried like a child with his toy taken away as well. Can you imagine how much “waste” took place over the years? “IF” the USA paid more than its share. Then, that money does in fact come from a taxpayer since the government doesn’t create assets, but just moves them. If a country reneges on an obligation, it is easy to transition to a “they owe me” attitude.
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Dealing with morons. Unbelievable.

If a European country doesn't meet the 2% defense spending guideline, THE US DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE. The American taxpayer doesn't pay anymore to NATO than our commitment. After all this time neither you nor trump understands how this works. He still says they OWE US money. You believe that too?

To give you a soft landing......if you don't believe we should be paying as much as we do to NATO, that's a valid opinion based on facts. But trump has mislead the public on this subject the whole time and apparently his lies have worked with you. Shocking.

Never mind the fact that you too place more importance on a NATO country spending 2% ON THEIR OWN DEFENSE BUDGET than protecting Europe from being invaded........because that's what you're saying, just like trump.
So, help me understand this, because you're failing to make any sense: If Putin secretly supports Trump (as you claim) because Trump will give him what he wants, why wouldn't he just say he backs Trump? Instead, he said that he backs Harris? What purpose does that serve?

It's not 2% of their defense budget silly head, it's 2% of GDP.
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So, help me understand this, because you're failing to make any sense: If Putin secretly supports Trump (as you claim) because Trump will give him what he wants, why wouldn't he just say he backs Trump? Instead, he said that he backs Harris? What purpose does that serve?

It's not 2% of their defense budget silly head, it's 2% of GDP.
C'mon bonefish - you should know the answer to that.

The narrative (whether one believes it or not) about Trump is that he's been on his knees slurping the world's most dangerous dictator. That dictator then says (while smirking) "I'm rooting for 'not-Trump'." No one wants the poison endorsement of Putin, and Putin knows that.
We were IN A WAR FOR 4 YEARS. He promised to get us out. He gave away the store and turned it over to someone else.

WE ARE NOT IN A WAR. American servicemen aren't dying overseas.

Putin was gonna invade after the 2020 election no matter who was president. If it had been trump he would have had a free hand. Trump did his job in the first term by discrediting NATO and our European allies. America first. Isolationism. MAGA republicans would follow his lead.
We ARE in a WAR and we WERE NOT under President Donald J. Trump. We're supplying ammo to Isriel and to Ukraine, thus, we're in a war.

I offered to get Builder Bob some mental health, and I'll do the same to his sock puppet.
We ARE in a WAR and we WERE NOT under President Donald J. Trump. We're supplying ammo to Isriel and to Ukraine, thus, we're in a war.

I offered to get Builder Bob some mental health, and I'll do the same to his sock puppet.
You can do caps all you want. You can repeat all you want. You've learned from trump that makes things true. It doesn't. You have reached the point where you're denying reality.

Americans were dying in Afghanistan for over twenty years. Trump didn't get us out as promised. That's a war moron.

Trump was supplying arms to Saudi Arabia who was and still is at war with Yemen.

Whoops. I guess that's two wars trump was in. Maybe you're not mentioning Afghanistan because you can't spell it.
C'mon bonefish - you should know the answer to that.

The narrative (whether one believes it or not) about Trump is that he's been on his knees slurping the world's most dangerous dictator. That dictator then says (while smirking) "I'm rooting for 'not-Trump'." No one wants the poison endorsement of Putin, and Putin knows that.
Ohhh....I see.....So, Putin is using some reverse psychology on the American people?

Is this what MSNBC told you to believe? Because obviously we can't have the worlds worst dictator saying he supports Harris because that would hurt Harris and help Trump. Right?

You're as bad as BNI who refuses to believe the stone hard fact that more unarmed white people are killed by cops than blacks.

Again, just because you don't want to believe something (Putin supporting Harris) doesn't make it not true.
That's one. And you think that money is as important as Article 5 of the NATO charter? Trump said he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell it wanted to any NATO country that didn't meet the defense spending guidelines. Did the media lie about that?

You JUST POSTED that Putin wants to create chaos. You think that statement by trump, which he has said more than once, caused a little chaos in Brussels? Did NATO defense ministers lose any sleep over it?

Can you sit there and argue the money that the money the NATO members don't commit to their own defense budgets is even remotely more important than defending our allies in Europe?

To be clear, I'm not defending the countries that don't meet their 2%, which is a guideline BTW. But there's no need to publicly rail about it all the time. The message can be clear sent behind the scenes. Most of the time allies don't publicly berate each other about such things. But I guess that wouldn't get him any attention and he would miss a great opportunity to appear tough.
Yes and no. Yes, Trump said the words, but not to actually encourage Russia to attack, but to scare those countries into actually paying. Many countries pay little to nothing for national defense because they expect us to come running when they are in trouble. Trump's right that those countries have to do their part. He's wrong in the wording.
To the original point, you have no comment on how trump's public comments questioning the need for NATO and whether we needed to remain in it contribute to Putin's chaos? Trump taking Putin's side on election interference is just a small comment? How about him blaming Biden for Putin's invasion?
Wait... So Putin is causing chaos because of Trump's stance with NATO, but doesn't do it under the Trump administration. Instead, Putin invades under the Biden administration where Biden has the complete opposite stance on NATO as Trump. Did you even stop to think about that?

I mean, this sure sounds like we have troops in Ukraine. Whether they're fighting or not is another topic, but they are there.

We have American troops at most embassies. So just because there are a few in Ottawa doesn’t mean we are at war with Canada
C'mon bonefish - you should know the answer to that.

The narrative (whether one believes it or not) about Trump is that he's been on his knees slurping the world's most dangerous dictator. That dictator then says (while smirking) "I'm rooting for 'not-Trump'." No one wants the poison endorsement of Putin, and Putin knows that.
Yes, that's been the narrative, but it's a completely spun narrative. They take one thing Trump says and make a whole thing out of it all the time.
I find it ironically hilarious, and much to the consternation of the dem lefty libs, that Putin has put his support behind Harris.

Is Lavrov joking about Putin joking? Or uhhhhhhhh........Reuters is liberal media so it's a lie? You're MAGA and will believe anything that makes dems look bad and trump look good no matter how ridiculous it is to people who use critical thinking?
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