Parler App

As long as Apple and Google control the definition of "violence and other dangerous activity", everything should be just fine......

I believe the requirement is that if any of their moderators becomes the least bit offended, it is banned and the account could be suspended. That certainly seems like it should be fair and consistently enforced.
sorry but allowing people to call each other stupid vs allowing people to organize a govt coup/mass murder are a little different...

Of course, it is completely different and I completely agree with you but my point is that monitoring these sites is not easy. So pointing out an example where someone's post was flagged or not flagged is really not the point. The point is that promoting violence or a coup d'etat on a social media site should not be allowed and should be flagged or removed.
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Nope. Not at all.

Parler was asked to put in moderation controls to address the anarchists/insurrectionists so the other dialogue could continue. They did not comply with an acceptable moderation plan.

I'm really surprised that we have such an abundance of anarchists and insurrectionists populating social media. One would think that the FBI would be happy to have them all in one place, so monitoring them would be easier.

I'd really love to see what an acceptable moderation plan would look like...LOL
On the same day they banned Trump, they allowed the account for the Chinese embassy in the US to tout the benefits of their Muslim concentration camps.

Twitter also did nothing to democrats who called for riots this summer. The damn ayotallah has a Twitter account. They don't censor the right and left equally.
Does the Chinese embassy or Ayotallah have 80 million followers in the US? Do they hold the highest position in our government?
Throw this into the conversation. How about when Purdue allowed activist Bill Ayers, the ADMITTED bomber but UNCONVICTED/NOT CHARGED from the Vietnam era (I believe Madison. WI was one of the targets....correct me if wrong), to speak about 4-5 years ago on campus? Does this make sense on a PUBLIC university paid for by tax $$$? Is this really free speech? Remember, he was violent and was unrepentent of the damage.

Ironically funny. Conservative Purdue allows Bill Ayres to speak on campus, yet one of the bastions of Freedom of Speech, UC Berkeley boycotted Ben Shapiro. Holy hypocrisy...LOL
It appears to me to be more like a grocery store deciding not to stock Pepsi. Google and Apple can choose what is and is not in their "store". If Parler wants to they could become a separate entity like Twitter and Apple and Google could do nothing. Parler has chosen not to do that - why I don't know - so they have to abide by the "rules" of the "store."
No it’s more like a grocery store deciding only to stock like 2% of things. Please give me readily available commercial alternatives to Apple, Google or Twitter.
Correct. There are groups that participate in riots that burned police stations (government buildings) or took over public/private spaces by force that are not only allowed to have these platforms but are celebrated by big tech and allowed to fund raise on these platforms. To me this is also sedition and a coup on the lawfully elected government. You can donate to a group that is involved with with the ongoing destruction of a Federal courthouse in Portland, but if you are a conservative interest you have a good chance that GoFundMe shuts you down.

People also forget how the Justice Kav. Senate hearings were disrupted several times by "protesters" infiltrating the hearings - illegally. I think over 100 were arrested - and rightfully so. These people were supported by Dems on social media and were in all situations called "protesters." Was this a coup to stop the lawful nomination process of a SCOTUS judge? Were these democratic pols inciting a riot? No, they were promoting democracy. Remember also how the left wing groups that invaded the Wisconsin State house during Walker's administration and stopped governing for several days and were hailed as pro-democracy - not as treasonous protesters taking over a lawfully elected government by force.

What happened last week was wrong. But was has been going on in this country w/o any recourse for the violence and destruction was wrong too. I believe it was esteemed Stanford prof Victor David Hansen who said, "One side sees the success of the tactics adopted by the opposition, don't be surprised when they adopt those same tactics."
I......guess you weren't alive in the sixties........nor do you know the definition of coup or sedition.
Social protests are as old as this country. Citizens forcefully attacking and occupying the heart of our democracy is not.
Brian moved it here because he didn’t appreciate all the attention and debate it was receiving. Fall in line for Brian...
Other than Trump, who’s account has been shut down arbitrarily that was not tied to the violence this week?

Hannity is as pro-Trump, pro-Conservative as you get and he’s tweeting today about how bad Twitter is. There are no warnings or any restrictions.

Heck ... PARLER has an account on Twitter they use to communicate without restriction.

Oh Sean. We heard about Benghazi for four years but you found another shiny object to show to your lemmings.
I......guess you weren't alive in the sixties........nor do you know the definition of coup or sedition.
Social protests are as old as this country. Citizens forcefully attacking and occupying the heart of our democracy is not.
Why can’t some on here distinguish between some of us thinking a handful of the most powerful CEO’s ever deciding what’s good and not good for us is a really slippery slope and that somehow it means we were supportive of what happened this week. That’s just absurd.

IMHO all of the crazy folks that have done violence all year and particularly this week should have been dealt with much more harshly.

It would also be interesting to know folks’ view on this broken down by age. I have a theory as to why that might break the way I suspect it would.
No it’s more like a grocery store deciding only to stock like 2% of things. Please give me readily available commercial alternatives to Apple, Google or Twitter.

You didn't mention Amazon??? I try as much as possible to shop at local stores and find that is it really not hard to avoid Amazon. I am not on Twitter and barely know what it is. I also don't use Facebook. So I guess I am not the right person to ask.
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Yeah, that was all 75 million people that voted for Trump invading the Capitol. Exaggerate much?
I'm hardly a Trump sycophant, but I voted for him, because there is little difference between Establishment Republicans & Establishment Democrats and I felt we needed an outsider to shake things up and he did. Despite having the bulk of both Parties hoping he'd fail and having unprecedented obstacles thrown in front of him by the Dems, he was able to accomplish a lot of good things. Personally, he annoyed the Hell out of me on a daily basis, but his policies were sound and he was one of the few politicians, who actually did what he promised, after he got elected.

It's funny, listening to the Dems ranting about how badly he botched handling CV-19. Their constant drone was the he didn't act soon enough or do enough. Yet, when he closed travel with China on 31Jan, the Dems & MSM raked him over the coals for overreacting, calling him a racist & xenophobe. The Dems offered no real time proposals, but they were quick to second guess everything he did.

When he said that he could get a vaccine within a year, the Dems & the media derided him as being delusional, since it had taken at least 4 years to create, test, approve and bring a vaccine to market before. If there had been a politician in the WH, we still wouldn't have had a vaccine. Since Trump was used to operating in the private sector, he started Operation Warp Speed, leaned on Big Pharma to expedite research & production, leaned on FDA to expedite the approval process and organized the supply chain to get the vaccine to the states. Amazingly, we have people being inoculated with not one, but three vaccines. Yet, never a positive word from the Dems & MSM. Trump could single handedly cure cancer and the headlines would be, "Trump Puts Thousands in Cancer Research Out of Work".
Clearly an example of "I'm hardly a trump sychophant."
Ironically funny. Conservative Purdue allows Bill Ayres to speak on campus, yet one of the bastions of Freedom of Speech, UC Berkeley boycotted Ben Shapiro. Holy hypocrisy...LOL
All this has been known for some time and yet? Anyone with an eye to see and an ear to hear has to be aware of the many conflicting standards. This isn't news. Problem is people get seat time in "something" and then are assumed educated or stay in academia and think they understand the vast majority of things outside their narrow expertise by which the very nature may be debatable. Still, people refer to those people as knowledgeable unaware of the many pitfalls they are oblivious to in their little bubble and understanding they have sheltered from reality. Voters are like parents boarding a plane in that they go up the ramp and turn to the right and take their seats believing the pilot has their best interest and taking them where they want to go only to find out they ended up in Sudan instead of Florida. Worse yet...words....irrelevant words get the same weight as policy, and we are too stupid to know the difference. I'm not advocating being crass at all and generally try to stay away from that...especially if I don't know the audience (but spent a few hours learning how to run the table shooting one handed). I certainly understand not appreciating it and even hating it, but this country has serious issues and I can't find anything that indicates people are getting smarter and filling their minds with substance. Consequently, what should we expect? Why be surprised?

I mention many times the many politicians that have grown a LOT of wealth while in the office selling out the country and people for their personal gain...something that should be a concern to all, but instead it is crickets as "feelings" take over much that you hear all the time...I feel this or I feel that, totally confused to the difference between thought and feelings, relegating humanity to just another animal, absent cognitive thought even at the lowest levels.

We and our reluctance to understand so much that affects our understanding of society are to blame. Instead we don't seek things of substance but assume a link or magazine article is the same. When there is a disagreement....the links come out from what we already know is biased and also shows the needs to express another person's comments. There is no sorting mechanism of substance, just those things that may be offensive...typically on one side of the aisle...and anyone with a computer can type what they want. I catch a few things on twitter and read a bit more and then I'm more depressed in what I see...we are dumber than I thought and there are a lot of them out some cases with seat time in college. The more provocative the more likes and followers. I don't know whether it is natural or not, but the older I get the more I appreciate some alone time from people and the opinions generated by contemplating their navels.
Anybody that becomes violent (breaking windows, burning, punching/shoving, etc) should be arrested and prosecuted.

I do think Dem leaders should have done more to keep the BLM and other stuff peaceful.

I do think this week crossed a line though .. Trump fired them up and pointed them to the Capital so the Trump Army could Fight for Trump!! Their sole intention was to disrupt the meeting and vote counting. Rudy was on the phone at 7 pm that night trying to get senators to keep slowing it down more ... i do wonder what else they were trying.
I agree that this week went too far...but, the smaller fires this summer should have been adequately dealt with as well.
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I saw picture of a poster on a car a couple of moths ago that said."Fu%k your feelings vote Trump" I understand why people don't like Trump as a person, but rarely hear about policies they hate. Some could list a litany and others not one
The policies of lying, narcissism, and authoritarianism.
Those personal "policies" led him to refuse to accept his loss in the election and triggered the events of 1/6.

This is the direct result of Americans ignoring the character and judgement of people they vote for. Just vote for the letter and give me a tax cut.
The policies of lying, narcissism, and authoritarianism.
Those personal "policies" led him to refuse to accept his loss in the election and triggered the events of 1/6.

This is the direct result of Americans ignoring the character and judgement of people they vote for. Just vote for the letter and give me a tax cut.
None of DC has any character.
Says NBC...LOL. You’re making our point for us. Thank you
NBC reporting what the thoughts of a Constitutional Law Prof on the issue is hardly proof the media is unfair.
They’ll find anyone that will fulfill their agenda.
Such a superbly articulated and rationalized argument...
I'm really surprised that we have such an abundance of anarchists and insurrectionists populating social media. One would think that the FBI would be happy to have them all in one place, so monitoring them would be easier.

I'd really love to see what an acceptable moderation plan would look like...LOL
Who knew they all wore red hats and posted with #MAGA

Still waiting for the examples of the conservative voices that are being unfairly censored on Twitter or FB.
I know...can’t believe how those riots over the summer were defended and people actually sympathized with them.
Right? Burning a target is exactly the same as the president calling for a coup and his dumb supporters trying to enact it. Not a false equivalency at all.
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Why can’t some on here distinguish between some of us thinking a handful of the most powerful CEO’s ever deciding what’s good and not good for us is a really slippery slope and that somehow it means we were supportive of what happened this week. That’s just absurd.

IMHO all of the crazy folks that have done violence all year and particularly this week should have been dealt with much more harshly.

It would also be interesting to know folks’ view on this broken down by age. I have a theory as to why that might break the way I suspect it would.
I said nothing about the Parler topic. Nothing. Also said nothing about anyone being supportive of the DC riot.

This is an example of your seeing attacks that just aren't there.

My point was those trying to equate the attack on the Capitol with protests for civil rights or workers rights, which have happened since the beginning of our country, either know nothing of history or don't appreciate the gravity of the 1/6 attack on our democracy.
TMan92 said he was up above in a post. I am as surprised to learn he was one as much as you.
My point was I don’t believe he is. “TMan92”, do you have a source? I’m thinking it is a bunch of crap.
That wasn't what TMan said. What he said was "Wood has also been calling for the arrest of John Roberts and called him a pedophile" and Sophie1970 hopefully showed a lack of reading ability as opposed to having simply lied about it.
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That wasn't what TMan said. What he said was "Wood has also been calling for the arrest of John Roberts and called him a pedophile" and Sophie1970 hopefully showed a lack of reading ability as opposed to having simply lying about it.

Sophie has been trolling pretty hard throughout this thread. I would take what she says with a grain of salt.
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Sophie has been trolling pretty hard throughout this thread. I would take what she says with a grain of salt.
I recognize that, but I since happened to have remembered the post it was easy to find and quote, and thought it a decent place for a review of how people ought view Sophie sourcing things.
No you didn't, just ashamed of it now. But I really did miss Biden telling his supporters to storm the legislative branch. Can you link me a video?
I missed it too. Do you have a reference?

Here is one I found, although the publication is not trustworthy. This particular writer, however, seems to have a good understanding of the meaning of coup - so I encourage you to read it.