Parler App

As I provided earlier your position is faulty. "Here is a suggestion to those people. Stop being stupid, disgusting, terrible human beings." I just DDG'd "Louis Farrakhan Sermons You Tube." And I got enough content to last me a week. That content is filled with anti-jew rants and conspiracy theories. And again, these are being hosted by Google's Youtube. Do you not find content to meet your definition of what should be allowed? So these tech companies have set standards that they are not equally applying. That's the problem.

Additionally, Maxine Waters has a famous rally speech were she eggs on people to get in the face of conservatives. Surround them everywhere. Get in their face. Make them uncomfortable. This to me is inciting violence against elected officials. Yet you can still watch this video and she an tweet.

This is a very bad road that one side's content can be viewed as dangerous, while equally or greater content the opposition is allowed to pass.
Yeah, this thread has been informative about the 1st amendment, section 230, and so on, but it says nothing about the disparate application of the standards. No one on here is arguing that standards should not exist. And I don't recall seeing anything about whether they are appropriate. The disagreement, which is significant, deals with the agendas of those companies and their impact on the enforcement of those standards.
Please read the First Amendment. I have provided the applicable portion to make in easier.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
“Free Speech”

This is what you are defending, and spare my your weaseling “I condemn, but...”. Having compared kneeling to crying fire in a theater, this is what you are defending. The open rallying and planning of people who want to overthrow the US government and were on the Senate Dias Wednesday.

They would put me up against a wall and shoot me for my muddy center left politics. Make no mistake, that is the Civil War you are fantasizing about. What you are calling for when you ”joke” about ramming cars into protests. Share your meme about “2nd Amendment Solutions”. Compare a mask mandate to the Gestapo.

Damn you to hell.
I don't think the people pushing for a repeal really know what they are asking for. This isn't something that would only affect "big tech." It would remove protections from ANY company that has content published by anyone on their sites. Parler would undoubtedly be affected and frankly, would either become a shell of what it's user base loves about it right now, or it would cease to exist because it would be sued repeatedly. Lots of smaller sites would be affected. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. would continue existing much like they currently do, but they would censor content and/or accounts A LOT more than they do now. Is that really what people want?
Here is the thing at least how I see it---I'm not driven by emotion as much as least I hope not. I grew up in a time that the understanding was that "sticks and stones may break bones, but words would never hurt you". Outside of mental retardiation I'm not sure that "words" actually drive anyone to do something. Switching majors and getting out in time I ended up taking a mass media communications course to satisfy some elective since it was offered in the summer. The issue that was "hot" at the time was violence in TV. After some surveys in the area and some research it appeared that violence would not affect someone with stability, but "could" if someone had mental issues. Now that was over 4 decades ago, but the issue was the same with the medium being different. I find this retread of previous failures also in pedagogy with a new name.

Instead, I see it more as an excuse for those that actually act out something and then blame it on words. There is a huge difference in my opinion (and not from a legal perspective since I don't have one) between someone yelling fire in a theatre and someone saying we have entered 1984 on twitter or a private person on some site saying promoting the Russian Collusion known to be false in the beginning or so many other avenues? Now, I met a sniper from a local town that went to a bar and mentioned he might or maybe someone should shoot Bush and the FBI got him and he spent some time. He said he was kidding, but those words with I suppose a view of being capable to actually do that was considered a real threat and prosecuted.

Anytime we start to stamp out free speech we all should be VERY concerned and absolutely sure of the reason and absolutely sure it should be addressed. Lose 1 and 2 and you have nothing.
lol.... love how the right-wingers have no understanding of what the right to free speech actually is.

The outrage is amusing, though, considering how much the right-wingers cheered when Masterpiece Cakeshop was allowed to refuse a wedding cake to a gay couple.
As I provided earlier your position is faulty. "Here is a suggestion to those people. Stop being stupid, disgusting, terrible human beings." I just DDG'd "Louis Farrakhan Sermons You Tube." And I got enough content to last me a week. That content is filled with anti-jew rants and conspiracy theories. And again, these are being hosted by Google's Youtube. Do you not find content to meet your definition of what should be allowed? So these tech companies have set standards that they are not equally applying. That's the problem.

Additionally, Maxine Waters has a famous rally speech were she eggs on people to get in the face of conservatives. Surround them everywhere. Get in their face. Make them uncomfortable. This to me is inciting violence against elected officials. Yet you can still watch this video and she an tweet.

This is a very bad road that one side's content can be viewed as dangerous, while equally or greater content the opposition is allowed to pass.
Parlor was asked to implement moderation rules.
All the other sites have moderation rules, even if they are used inconsistently. Parlor was used to incite an attack on the US Government without any moderation rules in place, there were signs of them creating more attacks on the US. Parlor refused to implement any moderation rules.

You're trying to justify Parlor must be allowed to continue because other sites allow the posting of garbage too.
Difference is Twitter, Youtube, Facebook all have moderation rules in place. They may fail, but how many messages do you not see that have been blocked. How many come with warning labels?
I am not defending anything stupid said on any sites or by any individual. But I am saying Google and Apple are well within their rights. I am also saying if people are upset they are being blocked because the app they used and supported is even worse than FB and Twitter and assists those in planning attacks on our government, they are terrible human beings.
You people are dumb. The First Amendment is about government regulation of speech. A private company can regulate whatever it wants provided it isn't targeted at a protected class. This kind of stupidity and gullibility is what led to the events at the Capitol.
And in the streets during the BLM riots.
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I had no idea how I got on a general discussion site...I really don't. I guess I should pay more attention to things that show up in feeds and such.
I’m glad you stand firm with the radicals, murderers and traitors. The more of you who self identify early, the quicker our civil war will be. Remember, big brother is watching and collecting information, and big brother don’t much like Trumpers...
I voted libertarian in 2020, so hardly a "Trumper" as you say.

And civil war? Because I support free and open speech. Meet me at locker 3 bro, any time.
You’re referring to Twitter, correct? Because I saw that about the VP on my Twitter feed. I was disappointed Twitter allowed that to be posted.

Nope. This was the crux of Apples complaint to Parler. Wood has also been calling for the arrest of John Roberts and called him a pedophile. But for that he knew there was nothing that could be done by Twitter.
For those stating that these are private companies and they can censor whoever they wish, there are Supreme Court rulings that disagree. The rulings relate back to the concept of a "company town" that existed in the early 20th century. The problem here is that the social media companies have created virtual town squares and shopping centers, and have opened these properties to the public at large for use. The jist of the Supreme Court rulings is that the more a private property owner opens up their property for public use, the more their rights as private property owners become subject to the Constitutional rights of those who use it. Essentially, social media platforms have now become the "town square", and as such serve a public function and are subject to the restrictions of the First Amendment. Now, there will have to be a case brought before the Court to decide if these 20th century rulings apply to these 21st century companies, but in my opinion there's little difference between physical and virtual properties.
That's Marsh vs. Alabama. I would suggest that the very obvious distinguishing factor is that the usage and activities within the town were open to the public as a whole and not to those who entered into any written agreements indicating that their use of the town was not a public right but a private usage of the business's property as opposed to Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc. There would be a legitimate analogy to Marsh if the platforms merely made themselves available without the need to sign off on their agreement as to terms of use.
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Nope. This was the crux of Apples complaint to Parler. Wood has also been calling for the arrest of John Roberts and called him a pedophile. But for that he knew there was nothing that could be done by Twitter.
I didn’t realize he was a pedophile.
Yeah, this thread has been informative about the 1st amendment, section 230, and so on, but it says nothing about the disparate application of the standards. No one on here is arguing that standards should not exist. And I don't recall seeing anything about whether they are appropriate. The disagreement, which is significant, deals with the agendas of those companies and their impact on the enforcement of those standards.
Correct. There are groups that participate in riots that burned police stations (government buildings) or took over public/private spaces by force that are not only allowed to have these platforms but are celebrated by big tech and allowed to fund raise on these platforms. To me this is also sedition and a coup on the lawfully elected government. You can donate to a group that is involved with with the ongoing destruction of a Federal courthouse in Portland, but if you are a conservative interest you have a good chance that GoFundMe shuts you down.

People also forget how the Justice Kav. Senate hearings were disrupted several times by "protesters" infiltrating the hearings - illegally. I think over 100 were arrested - and rightfully so. These people were supported by Dems on social media and were in all situations called "protesters." Was this a coup to stop the lawful nomination process of a SCOTUS judge? Were these democratic pols inciting a riot? No, they were promoting democracy. Remember also how the left wing groups that invaded the Wisconsin State house during Walker's administration and stopped governing for several days and were hailed as pro-democracy - not as treasonous protesters taking over a lawfully elected government by force.

What happened last week was wrong. But was has been going on in this country w/o any recourse for the violence and destruction was wrong too. I believe it was esteemed Stanford prof Victor David Hansen who said, "One side sees the success of the tactics adopted by the opposition, don't be surprised when they adopt those same tactics."
Here is the thing at least how I see it---I'm not driven by emotion as much as least I hope not. I grew up in a time that the understanding was that "sticks and stones may break bones, but words would never hurt you". Outside of mental retardiation I'm not sure that "words" actually drive anyone to do something. Switching majors and getting out in time I ended up taking a mass media communications course to satisfy some elective since it was offered in the summer. The issue that was "hot" at the time was violence in TV. After some surveys in the area and some research it appeared that violence would not affect someone with stability, but "could" if someone had mental issues. Now that was over 4 decades ago, but the issue was the same with the medium being different. I find this retread of previous failures also in pedagogy with a new name.

Instead, I see it more as an excuse for those that actually act out something and then blame it on words. There is a huge difference in my opinion (and not from a legal perspective since I don't have one) between someone yelling fire in a theatre and someone saying we have entered 1984 on twitter or a private person on some site saying promoting the Russian Collusion known to be false in the beginning or so many other avenues? Now, I met a sniper from a local town that went to a bar and mentioned he might or maybe someone should shoot Bush and the FBI got him and he spent some time. He said he was kidding, but those words with I suppose a view of being capable to actually do that was considered a real threat and prosecuted.

Anytime we start to stamp out free speech we all should be VERY concerned and absolutely sure of the reason and absolutely sure it should be addressed. Lose 1 and 2 and you have nothing.

So, I would again point out that not having a social media account is not "stamping out free speech." No one is guaranteed any right to have a social media account and there are still other avenues to share things outside of social media. The president specifically can get on tv any time he wants, but somehow I'm to believe his speech has been severely limited because he got his Twitter account taken away?

As to the rest of what you've said, I think it's more than what you point out. People aren't just posting angry rhetoric, they are going way further than that. They used these platforms to organize an event that led to the Capitol being breached. People died. A Capitol Police officer died. Is that suddenly not an issue for the right? I thought we were supposed to back the blue? I have to imagine that does not include bashing an officer in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher.

All of that said, I don't think any of it has to do with 230. Maybe you didn't intend any of your comments to be related to that, but it is what I was talking about and it would not create a more open platform for people to share their thoughts. Quite the opposite actually.
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“Free Speech”

This is what you are defending, and spare my your weaseling “I condemn, but...”. Having compared kneeling to crying fire in a theater, this is what you are defending. The open rallying and planning of people who want to overthrow the US government and were on the Senate Dias Wednesday.

They would put me up against a wall and shoot me for my muddy center left politics. Make no mistake, that is the Civil War you are fantasizing about. What you are calling for when you ”joke” about ramming cars into protests. Share your meme about “2nd Amendment Solutions”. Compare a mask mandate to the Gestapo.

Damn you to hell.
Hillary Clinton tweeting about the peaceful transition of power might be one of the most irony-laden things I’ve seen in a 200 post thread full of them.
“Free Speech”

This is what you are defending, and spare my your weaseling “I condemn, but...”. Having compared kneeling to crying fire in a theater, this is what you are defending. The open rallying and planning of people who want to overthrow the US government and were on the Senate Dias Wednesday.

They would put me up against a wall and shoot me for my muddy center left politics. Make no mistake, that is the Civil War you are fantasizing about. What you are calling for when you ”joke” about ramming cars into protests. Share your meme about “2nd Amendment Solutions”. Compare a mask mandate to the Gestapo.

Damn you to hell.

I’m glad Hillary is back on the “law and order” train. Hopefully she and the rest of the Democrat party will remain consistent in that message and will enact legislation that will start to make a dent into the skyrocketing homicide numbers plaguing nearly every American city in the past year.
And if they started using it to arbitrarily ban people, there would be backlash. There are other places on the internet to discuss Purdue sports. If you don't like Apple or Google, you're screwed. They need to be not just broken up, but shattered into little tiny pieces. They have shown that they cannot be trusted to show any restraint with their power.

Out of curiosity, you said you voted Libertarian in 2020.... wouldn't smashing Apple or Google into little pieces require government intervention... and go against your beliefs as a Libertarian?
Wrong take. Apple, Google, Twitter, and Facebook are working together to protect each other. Parler competes directly with Twitter and Twitter’s recent censoring of conservative thought and expression has directly caused millions to leave Twitter and go to Parler. Parler is a threat to Twitter and that is unacceptable. I think it is great that big tech and our government think we are all so stupid to think for ourselves and know have access to all information to make up our own minds. Of course most of media has been feeling that way for years.
Provide evidence. Thanks.
Parlor was asked to implement moderation rules.
All the other sites have moderation rules, even if they are used inconsistently. Parlor was used to incite an attack on the US Government without any moderation rules in place, there were signs of them creating more attacks on the US. Parlor refused to implement any moderation rules.

You're trying to justify Parlor must be allowed to continue because other sites allow the posting of garbage too.
Difference is Twitter, Youtube, Facebook all have moderation rules in place. They may fail, but how many messages do you not see that have been blocked. How many come with warning labels?
I am not defending anything stupid said on any sites or by any individual. But I am saying Google and Apple are well within their rights. I am also saying if people are upset they are being blocked because the app they used and supported is even worse than FB and Twitter and assists those in planning attacks on our government, they are terrible human beings.
I am not arguing for Parlor. I am pointing out the hypocrisy and croc tears of people like you. If a group uses social media to incite looting and burn down government buildings then they should be banned? Yeah, I'll support that. But you don't. As i have documented Google's you tube host content from Louis Farrakhan. Not another company using google phones or search engines. Google themselves.

Oh wait, maybe you dont think calling Jews Satan and termites and promoting positions about them running the banks and finance is garbage. Ok. I get it now. My fault. That's our disconnect.
I voted libertarian in 2020, so hardly a "Trumper" as you say.

And civil war? Because I support free and open speech. Meet me at locker 3 bro, any time.

check post above... your brethren are currently organizing a million man march on DC for inauguration. Oh, and they say bring your guns. Might not be too long before the first shots are fired...
check post above... your brethren are currently organizing a million man march on DC for inauguration. Oh, and they say bring your guns. Might not be too long before the first shots are fired...
He said he's not a Trumper. What's your problem?
I am not arguing for Parlor. I am pointing out the hypocrisy and croc tears of people like you. If a group uses social media to incite looting and burn down government buildings then they should be banned? Yeah, I'll support that. But you don't. As i have documented Google's you tube host content from Louis Farrakhan. Not another company using google phones or search engines. Google themselves.

Oh wait, maybe you dont think calling Jews Satan and termites and promoting positions about them running the banks and finance is garbage. Ok. I get it now. My fault. That's our disconnect.

Whataboutism to the infinite power here.

If Louis Farrakhan were to take part in organizing a riot and calling for the murder of the VP, and YouTube did nothing to moderate that, then you'd have an argument.

A more logical comparison would have been Trump calling Mexicans rapists and making innuendos about Jews running the banks and finance on Twitter.... and no, he was not banned for that nor was Twitter shut down for that.
So, I would again point out that not having a social media account is not "stamping out free speech." No one is guaranteed any right to have a social media account and there are still other avenues to share things outside of social media. The president specifically can get on tv any time he wants, but somehow I'm to believe his speech has been severely limited because he got his Twitter account taken away?

As to the rest of what you've said, I think it's more than what you point out. People aren't just posting angry rhetoric, they are going way further than that. They used these platforms to organize an event that led to the Capitol being breached. People died. A Capitol Police officer died. Is that suddenly not an issue for the right? I thought we were supposed to back the blue? I have to imagine that does not include bashing an officer in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher.

All of that said, I don't think any of it has to do with 230. Maybe you didn't intend any of your comments to be related to that, but it is what I was talking about and it would not create a more open platform for people to share their thoughts. Quite the opposite actually.
so if a group uses social media to promote an "event" that resulted in the injury or death of a police officer you agree they should be banned from social media and rightfully named and called out?

FYI - should I provide the list of police officers that have been murdered execution style this summer? And posts by individuals and their affiliations still allowed access to social media? Tick toc, tick toc.
so if a group uses social media to promote an "event" that resulted in the injury or death of a police officer you agree they should be banned from social media and rightfully named and called out?

FYI - should I provide the list of police officers that have been murdered execution style this summer? And posts by individuals and their affiliations still allowed access to social media? Tick toc, tick toc.
Sure, have at it. Unfortunately, I do not control Twitter so not sure what you'd like me to do about it. What's the tick toc, tick toc part about? Were you under the impression that I would run scared from you providing evidence of random people who incited something that led to cops being killed "execution style?"

*Please provide credible sources for your claims.
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Out of curiosity, you said you voted Libertarian in 2020.... wouldn't smashing Apple or Google into little pieces require government intervention... and go against your beliefs as a Libertarian?
Yes, it would. I'm about 50/50 libertarian and conservative. Libertarian beliefs against a government with too much power also extends to private companies with too much power. The money and influence of Apple and Google make them a threat to freedom and liberty almost on par with the government. And there's considerably more oversight of the government than those two companies.
lol.... love how the right-wingers have no understanding of what the right to free speech actually is.

The outrage is amusing, though, considering how much the right-wingers cheered when Masterpiece Cakeshop was allowed to refuse a wedding cake to a gay couple.
Except that's not what happened. They offered to make them a cake, just not decorate it the way they wanted. I'm sure the nuance escapes you since you're obviously spoon fed by liberal media.
They all have TOS that customers need to follow.

I won’t say conservatives, but Trumpians have become a more dangerous threat to the US than the Ayatollah. I just watched them invade our capital.

You need to go read Orwell again. It’s a lot closer to what Trump was trying to pull off.

And again — this is the system that Trump’s FCC wanted.

FYI, they have been watching the Ayatollah’s account lately too. Nice to see he’s treated like Trump.

Yeah, that was all 75 million people that voted for Trump invading the Capitol. Exaggerate much?
I'm hardly a Trump sycophant, but I voted for him, because there is little difference between Establishment Republicans & Establishment Democrats and I felt we needed an outsider to shake things up and he did. Despite having the bulk of both Parties hoping he'd fail and having unprecedented obstacles thrown in front of him by the Dems, he was able to accomplish a lot of good things. Personally, he annoyed the Hell out of me on a daily basis, but his policies were sound and he was one of the few politicians, who actually did what he promised, after he got elected.

It's funny, listening to the Dems ranting about how badly he botched handling CV-19. Their constant drone was the he didn't act soon enough or do enough. Yet, when he closed travel with China on 31Jan, the Dems & MSM raked him over the coals for overreacting, calling him a racist & xenophobe. The Dems offered no real time proposals, but they were quick to second guess everything he did.

When he said that he could get a vaccine within a year, the Dems & the media derided him as being delusional, since it had taken at least 4 years to create, test, approve and bring a vaccine to market before. If there had been a politician in the WH, we still wouldn't have had a vaccine. Since Trump was used to operating in the private sector, he started Operation Warp Speed, leaned on Big Pharma to expedite research & production, leaned on FDA to expedite the approval process and organized the supply chain to get the vaccine to the states. Amazingly, we have people being inoculated with not one, but three vaccines. Yet, never a positive word from the Dems & MSM. Trump could single handedly cure cancer and the headlines would be, "Trump Puts Thousands in Cancer Research Out of Work".
check post above... your brethren are currently organizing a million man march on DC for inauguration. Oh, and they say bring your guns. Might not be too long before the first shots are fired...
I don't support that and threats of violence are rightly regarded as illegal. The idiots who stormed the capitol this week are the furthest thing from patriots and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law..