OT - student rally

Lol... well played.

I'll make a bold prediction.

Purdue will make at least one FF in the next 3 years

I'll be there, and I'll buy a round of beers for all the cranky old gits posting here

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When the guy posted "The list of demands can all be summed up under one theme: give black people free stuff," this became a clearly and indefensibly racist post. And it's time to take this post down.

Now before someone asks how is that racist, well.... when you make an all-encompassing statement about a certain people, a statement that covers all in thatgroup, and that statement is clearly insulting and reinforces an ignorant stereotype, that is a racist statement. Saying "black people" want "free stuff," that's racist. Take down this post.
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When the guy posted "The list of demands can all be summed up under one theme: give black people free stuff," this became a clearly and indefensibly racist post. And it's time to take this post down.

Now before someone asks how is that racist, well.... when you make an all-encompassing statement about a certain people, a statement that covers all in thatgroup, and that statement is clearly insulting and reinforces an ignorant stereotype, that is a racist statement. Saying "black people" want "free stuff," that's racist. Take down this post.
That guy is a troll. You may get more action if you report him.
When the guy posted "The list of demands can all be summed up under one theme: give black people free stuff," this became a clearly and indefensibly racist post. And it's time to take this post down.

Now before someone asks how is that racist, well.... when you make an all-encompassing statement about a certain people, a statement that covers all in thatgroup, and that statement is clearly insulting and reinforces an ignorant stereotype, that is a racist statement. Saying "black people" want "free stuff," that's racist. Take down this post.

I don't know who said it or care. I don't know how "he" came to the conclusion that he did...watching a segment on TV or what. You said your piece and supported why you believe it to be so. THAT is the way ALL things of this nature should be handled, not through censorship and Cultural Marxism. If we can't wear big boy pants and deal with things head on, then it really isn't dealt with. In the k-12 government schools (and private many times as well) it is very common for texts to meet the fate of Thomas Bowdler. Bowdlerized material has many to acclaim that part of the dumbing down of society is the result of removing good books for fear of offending someone. This is exactly the battle going on between Texas and California in determining what is acceptable in texts. 2015 was the year as referenced a few times recently as the year that everything was offensive to someone and many chose to be victims instead of victors, a choice each of us make daily. I think you raised good points and that person has the ability to clarify his or her comments if desired, but in no way could I vote for censorship as it really serves nobody to not deal directly with uncomfortable situations.
When the guy posted "The list of demands can all be summed up under one theme: give black people free stuff," this became a clearly and indefensibly racist post. And it's time to take this post down.

Now before someone asks how is that racist, well.... when you make an all-encompassing statement about a certain people, a statement that covers all in thatgroup, and that statement is clearly insulting and reinforces an ignorant stereotype, that is a racist statement. Saying "black people" want "free stuff," that's racist. Take down this post.

It's interesting that you say I said something I didn't say. You know how that happens? You have a preconceived idea in your head and you project it onto what is actually said. So between the two of us, you are the only one exhibiting ignorant and hateful tendencies.
I copied and pasted your quote directly from your post (put quote marks around it) and put it in my post. How did I say something you didn't say? How delusional are you?
I like your example, but I am struggling to see how the approach being taken in these student protests helps address the problem. I have no issue with there being a rally. I just think that a more positive, constructive approach would be far more effective than focusing on a long list of demands.
I don't want to reignite this fire but I want to clarify that I don't support the demands being made at Purdue. We have a very nice Black Cultural Center and other resources available to minority students. Besides a few instances that I recall as a student in the wake of 9/11 (two idiots beat up an Indian guy because they thought he was a Muslim), I felt race relations were good on campus. We still have the issues to deal with that minorities are viewed differently and these students should voice that opinion to raise awareness.
I don't want to reignite this fire but I want to clarify that I don't support the demands being made at Purdue. We have a very nice Black Cultural Center and other resources available to minority students. Besides a few instances that I recall as a student in the wake of 9/11 (two idiots beat up an Indian guy because they thought he was a Muslim), I felt race relations were good on campus. We still have the issues to deal with that minorities are viewed differently and these students should voice that opinion to raise awareness.

What's the source of much of this noise? Do you remember the cute YouTube video made by a bunch of engineering majors that went viral a few years ago? A female member of the Purdue's liberal arts staff and a wannabe journalist from the Journal & Courier started a campaign proclaiming the video to be racist because it left out women and minorities. (If you watched it, you would notice that it did NOT leave anyone out, but don't ruin their story with the facts.) They claimed that Daniels was behind the whole thing. Well, the same liberal arts woman and her wannabe journalist are at it again, shamelessly trying to exploit the madness. And the J&C is giving them a platform. Insanity runs deep with some people.

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