In less than a year well armed terrorists have killed more than 165 people in a country where guns are severely restricted. Three men killed 112 people tonight. Not one of the 112 people killed or the hundreds in the audience who were wounded or traumatized could do a thing to prevent the systematic carnage as they moved from person to person killing in the name of Allah! You can criticize me all you want, but what will you say if the day ever comes when you, a family member or a friend are wounded, or worse, when one person with a concealed carry permit could have made the difference.
As for what you call my "snide" remarks I call Liberal hypocrisy! Whenever we have a mass shooting the first words out of the President's mouth, and his allies, is not words of sympathy for the victims but calls for gun control. Talk about tasteless! Good luck in getting rid of the guns when the vast majority of our fellow Americans ponder what we must be prepared for in the future.