Naive? You cite an unrelated incident from decades ago to support your position. Just This May, one cop in Texas with a 45 Glock killed two terrorists in Texas equipped with body armor and assault rifles. Three American servicemen prevented a tragedy on a train by overwhelming a gunman with an AK-47. In last January's slaughter two unarmed police officers responding to the call at the Charlie Hebdo offices were gunned down.
The bad guys are heavily armed, the good guys are often unarmed. Three gunmen killed more than 100 unarmed concertgoers. Two gunmen killed 19 unarmed innocents in a restaurant. Two more gun en killed 14 unarmed diners in a restaurant.
It is a terrible tragedy. It is a portent of things to come. They always select "soft targets" like theatres, restaurants and sports facilities were nobody is armed. Can any if you cite a mess shooting in the last five years where the perpetrator dud not know in advance there were no armed personnel? Fort Hood, Chattanooga recruiting offices, schools, churches, novae theatres, federal offices.
The black market had been selling assault weapons in large numbers according to reports from French officials. If ever it shows that bad guys will have guns and good people will be unarmed. Now do you think the French people, inundated by hundreds of thousands of Middle Easfern immigrants are going to keep things the way they are, or do you think the French people will demand the right to defend themselves. Of course, the other alternative is hire more Police and military personnel, train and arm them and flood the streets of French cities with heavily armed officers.