The first shots at the Bataclan theater had been fired by the terrorists at 9:45 p.m. When the BRI got there at 10:15 p.m., local police had already killed one of the assailants. The other two had gone upstairs with 20 hostages, but that wasn't immediately known to the police.
None of the hostages was hurt or killed, even by the terrorists, during the assault, "which is extraordinary."
"Uniformed police first to respond to the scene had managed to shoot dead one terrorist, but two more remained holed up in a second-floor room — with hostages."
The first policeman to arrive on the scene, an officer from the anti-crime branch, bravely made his way into the building where he shot one of the terrorists, who was killed when his suicide vest exploded.
After all the hostages were evacuated – miraculously, no one was injured – the police officers reached the end of the corridor and fired on the killers with HKG36 assault rifles. One attacker went down, and then the other detonated his suicide vest, killing them both.[/QUOTE
So where in this narrative were 89 people slaughtered?