On this impeachment thing

Yeah, I'm kinda of the same mind in that Pelosi has to know something that we don't. She has been fighting against impeachment for months now, and for her to suddenly change course, you have to imagine that she has seen something to change her mind. She knows just as well as the Republicans that this has the potential to backfire into her face. If the whistleblower report is indeed a nothing-burger, it is going to legitimize a lot of Trump's witch hunt rhetoric.
Exactly - well put.

And because the “whistle blower “ never even heard the phone call
You are wrong.
Additionally, the obvious contra argument to the OLC Memorandum would be based upon its assertion that the report fails due to it not falling under the urgency prong requirement. Their rationale was that it failed to properly fall with protected intelligence community activity. It, however, fails to address the fairly obvious theory argument that it certainly was intelligence related because the President's activities arguably being improper/illegal necessarily would make him the possible subject of extortion by either the Ukraines having knowledge of his indiscretion or of the Russians who are thought to have substantial infiltration into Ukrainian circles. Clearly the potential for extortionate activity against the President or any other high security clearance person falls well within the area of intelligence community concern and related activity.
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Again, because Bob Barr said so. You know the OLC is part of the DOJ right?

Your backup is a tweet by a guy who is an author , paramedic, and Qanon researcher.
And I believe that he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, as well. So I accept his basis of knowledge.
well... HD just officially cut us from his list (one of the weirder recruitments in a while), so I am going to avoid the boards for a bit. Enjoy your sandbox
Then link me what information you have about the whistleblower or what he knows or how he got it. That would make me feel better......and make your comments look less like deflection.
Asking for an investigation by a foreign country into your political opponent a year before an election. You aren't this freakin stupid. Stop acting like it. If you know what I'm talking about but I don't word it perfectly, it doesn't give you leave to ignore the facts. Do I need to spoon feed this to you?
Rudy was just one of my main gripes, still is. Now we find out he is communicating with the AG on Ukraine. Why the hell is Trump's private lawyer working with the AG to investigate Trump's political opponent in a foreign country? Barr also was the one who recommended the DNI withhold the whistleblower report. Apparently he was working with Rudy on an informal investigation in Ukraine........but then conveniently used his position as AG to stop the report. If the US AG wants to investigate, should he do it with Trump's private lawyer?

Why is the state Dept giving instructions to Trump's private lawyer?

-Hey, like you said, I know nothing. I think at this point just remember if whistelblower heard the conversation or if they support an opponent. And that is not deflection. Just a fact. And to add to it they could still file a complaint, but it adds questions to validity, how they found out, were they supposed to, do they know tone/context of situation etc etc. Some of you really struggle with what the defense mechanisms are and how they portray themselves.

-Nope, no need to spoon feed:
- I am still wondering why Mueller glossed over this.
-Trump is well within his rights to ask for foreign investigations, clean up corruption, especially if that country is getting aid. That memo does not show he asked for election that in relation to aid.
-I was told ad nausem these investigations into political candidates were good in concern with Trump before his election as well. Why did that suddenly change for some of you?

Personally, I am wondering how Menedez, Leahy, and Durbin still have jobs. If people are in an uproar over what this quid pro quo released memo allegedly somehow showed, those three should have been gone at beginning of summer. Instead, the same people wanting impeachment for a much lesser(non existent at this point) incident had no issue with them.
well... HD just officially cut us from his list (one of the weirder recruitments in a while), so I am going to avoid the boards for a bit. Enjoy your sandbox
Wow. Link? I did a quick search and couldn't find anything to verify that. That sucks if true.
-Hey, like you said, I know nothing. I think at this point just remember if whistelblower heard the conversation or if they support an opponent. And that is not deflection. Just a fact. And to add to it they could still file a complaint, but it adds questions to validity, how they found out, were they supposed to, do they know tone/context of situation etc etc. Some of you really struggle with what the defense mechanisms are and how they portray themselves.

-Nope, no need to spoon feed:
- I am still wondering why Mueller glossed over this.
-Trump is well within his rights to ask for foreign investigations, clean up corruption, especially if that country is getting aid. That memo does not show he asked for election that in relation to aid.
-I was told ad nausem these investigations into political candidates were good in concern with Trump before his election as well. Why did that suddenly change for some of you?

Personally, I am wondering how Menedez, Leahy, and Durbin still have jobs. If people are in an uproar over what this quid pro quo released memo allegedly somehow showed, those three should have been gone at beginning of summer. Instead, the same people wanting impeachment for a much lesser(non existent at this point) incident had no issue with them.
Despite repeating the replies in bold type......which would lead one to believe you read keep repeating the same points over and over.
Why should this......whatever this is......have been covered by Mueller? His job was to oversee the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Trump IS NOT well within his rights to ask for investigations by foreign countries of his political opponents. See, the bold part is what you always leave off.

Why had we already sent military aid to Ukraine if he was worried about corruption? Why did he not mention that as the reason at the time he cut off the aid? McConnell asked, got no answer. Why did Trump change his mind the next day and say it was because Europe wasn't paying enough for and the Ukraine........when they actually have paid a ton more than we have?

I don't give a rats ass about the quid pro quo because it's not even necessary. But I guess the only way you Trumpers would believe there was one would be a recording by Trump saying, "Investigate Biden or I'll cut your aid."

You're even using the standard Trump line for justifying his words or actions. He says, "Some people say" or "I've been told" or "People tell me". Yours is "I was told."
Today the President indicated that VP Pence had telephone calls with Ukraine officials as well, saying “I think you should ask for Vice President Pence’s conversation, because he had a couple of conversations also...I could save you a lot of time. They were all perfect. Nothing was mentioned of any import other than congratulations.”
I thought there were supposed to be 8 total calls Trump had with the Ukrainian leader, is he going to be supplying transcripts of the other 7?
I thought there were supposed to be 8 total calls Trump had with the Ukrainian leader, is he going to be supplying transcripts of the other 7?
I thought it was requested the investigations 8 times and you could certainly argue that there are several in the released "transcript."
Per ABC News, Ukranian officials were aware that a Biden investigation was necessary and that there were several discussions.
As Brian would say “lots of moving parts” to this story beyond the telephone call. BTW if I’m Ukraine I would do whatever I am told in order to get financial assistance in fighting Russia, as they know they are on thin ice with Trump for that from the get go.
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Excellent. Drain the swamp. Doing exactly what he said he would do. As I said, enjoy him being your president for the next 5+ years. Accept it now... you’ll be much happier.

When you don’t think you can dig any further, GA here comes along and picks up the shovel. Unreal.

Tell me GA, how many people THAT HE HAS HIRED need to quit or be fired before you can check “ drain the swamp” off the list.

How is anyone this stupid ?
Despite repeating the replies in bold type......which would lead one to believe you read keep repeating the same points over and over.
Why should this......whatever this is......have been covered by Mueller? His job was to oversee the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Trump IS NOT well within his rights to ask for investigations by foreign countries of his political opponents. See, the bold part is what you always leave off.

Why had we already sent military aid to Ukraine if he was worried about corruption? Why did he not mention that as the reason at the time he cut off the aid? McConnell asked, got no answer. Why did Trump change his mind the next day and say it was because Europe wasn't paying enough for and the Ukraine........when they actually have paid a ton more than we have?

I don't give a rats ass about the quid pro quo because it's not even necessary. But I guess the only way you Trumpers would believe there was one would be a recording by Trump saying, "Investigate Biden or I'll cut your aid."

You're even using the standard Trump line for justifying his words or actions. He says, "Some people say" or "I've been told" or "People tell me". Yours is "I was told."

Why should this......whatever this is......have been covered by Mueller? His job was to oversee the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

I must be misremembering(TIC). Pretty sure he went after Manafort and others. They were in Ukraine. He conveniently, or on accident, overlooked the Ukraine part, except to get dirt on Trump and his associates. But hey, it was outside his scope or something.

Trump IS NOT well within his rights to ask for investigations by foreign countries of his political opponents. See, the bold part is what you always leave off.

You got yourself in a bind with that. Then why was the investigation of Candidate Trump legal? Obama knew what was going on. Trump was Hilary's opponent, who the sitting President endorsed. And why do Menedez, Leahy, and Durbin still have jobs let alone not get an investigation?

Anyway, any former VP that is on tape bragging about how he got prosecutors fired, threatened withholding money, that were investigating his son's company, deserves an investigation. That would deserve an investigation whether he is running for office again or not. Period. I mean, with Trump one is all concerned with abuse of power(which I occasionally agree with). As of now, what the three senators and Biden did is worse than the memo released today. Maybe that changes. JMO

Why had we already sent military aid to Ukraine if he was worried about corruption? Why did he not mention that as the reason at the time he cut off the aid? McConnell asked, got no answer. Why did Trump change his mind the next day and say it was because Europe wasn't paying enough for and the Ukraine........when they actually have paid a ton more than we have?

-Trump changes his mind daily, which is an issue.
-Trump has said more than once, that Europe needs to step up its military aid. They generally have listened
-This aid was frozen, he was not the only politician to freeze/or attempt to freeze it. Some of this was a political game as far back as spring between Dems/Reps.
-Tough to question what the Trump Admin has done for Ukraine. They outfitted the javelin, coastal defense radars, and naval assistance and other items not given under Obama. Cannot say that I am a fan of all of it.
-I have no issue when dealing with foreign countries if the USA requires or expects them to act a certain way. EX-Clean up corruption, human rights, fight terrorism, etc

I don't give a rats ass about the quid pro quo because it's not even necessary. But I guess the only way you Trumpers would believe there was one would be a recording by Trump saying, "Investigate Biden or I'll cut your aid."

Well, I am sure you do not care about quid pro quo because so far with what was released, it is simply not there. Ironically, that quote you use is directly what Biden said, and what the Senators wrote. But, who cares I guess?

You're even using the standard Trump line for justifying his words or actions. He says, "Some people say" or "I've been told" or "People tell me". Yours is "I was told."

Not sure what you are referring to. If it information about the whistelblower, yes. And some of it now has been confirmed by DOJ staff lawyers. So sorry, I told you to remember that part of post exchange.
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Read this thread and the other one at the bottom of it. Best timeline I've seen going back aways. Also explains some things Trump said in the transcript. Not sure if it's all true but it makes sense. More research required.

Why should this......whatever this is......have been covered by Mueller? His job was to oversee the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

I must be misremembering(TIC). Pretty sure he went after Manafort and others. They were in Ukraine. He conveniently, or on accident, overlooked the Ukraine part, except to get dirt on Trump and his associates. But hey, it was outside his scope or something.

Trump IS NOT well within his rights to ask for investigations by foreign countries of his political opponents. See, the bold part is what you always leave off.

You got yourself in a bind with that. Then why was the investigation of Candidate Trump legal? Obama knew what was going on. Trump was Hilary's opponent, who the sitting President endorsed. And why do Menedez, Leahy, and Durbin still have jobs let alone not get an investigation?

Anyway, any former VP that is on tape bragging about how he got prosecutors fired, threatened withholding money, that were investigating his son's company, deserves an investigation. That would deserve an investigation whether he is running for office again or not. Period. I mean, with Trump one is all concerned with abuse of power(which I occasionally agree with). As of now, what the three senators and Biden did is worse than the memo released today. Maybe that changes. JMO

Why had we already sent military aid to Ukraine if he was worried about corruption? Why did he not mention that as the reason at the time he cut off the aid? McConnell asked, got no answer. Why did Trump change his mind the next day and say it was because Europe wasn't paying enough for and the Ukraine........when they actually have paid a ton more than we have?

-Trump changes his mind daily, which is an issue.
-Trump has said more than once, that Europe needs to step up its military aid. They generally have listened
-This aid was frozen, he was not the only politician to freeze/or attempt to freeze it. Some of this was a political game as far back as spring between Dems/Reps.
-Tough to question what the Trump Admin has done for Ukraine. They outfitted the javelin, coastal defense radars, and naval assistance and other items not given under Obama. Cannot say that I am a fan of all of it.
-I have no issue when dealing with foreign countries if the USA requires or expects them to act a certain way. EX-Clean up corruption, human rights, fight terrorism, etc

I don't give a rats ass about the quid pro quo because it's not even necessary. But I guess the only way you Trumpers would believe there was one would be a recording by Trump saying, "Investigate Biden or I'll cut your aid."

Well, I am sure you do not care about quid pro quo because so far with what was released, it is simply not there. Ironically, that quote you use is directly what Biden said, and what the Senators wrote. But, who cares I guess?

You're even using the standard Trump line for justifying his words or actions. He says, "Some people say" or "I've been told" or "People tell me". Yours is "I was told."

Not sure what you are referring to. If it information about the whistelblower, yes. And some of it now has been confirmed by DOJ staff lawyers. So sorry, I told you to remember that part of post exchange.

Ok. Not going to keep going over the same ground with you.

"Trump changes his mind daily."

It's called lying.


In short the defense department does not get final say in who gets aid. They do not even get final say in what strategies are implemented overseas. The civilians do. Not how any of that works. If they did the javelin and advanced coastal radars would not be there.

So AMericans own the military assistance, Europeans the reform assistance. Good, they need to step up to the plate militarily as well. Militarily they have stepped up through NATO which is a synonym for USA.

Anyway, not sure what to say. Was out with a good friend tonight. He is as blue as it gets. Never voted for a non Dem. He said he wanted Trump to face impeachment. I thought to myself, yeah he we go. But then he also then said he wanted the Aussie diplomat who was the heavy donor to the Clinton's that gave the Carter Page 'tip', Fusion GPS, Steele, Clinton, fbi lawyers that omitted FISA application info, Comey and his crew, Biden, possibly Clapper, and the senators that threatened Ukraine in the spring-all of them indicted, disbarred, face trial, fined, or lose their jobs for anything from election interference, spying on US citizens, unethical legal issues, etc. Admitted they did things he thought were were worse.

Guess what? Had nothing for him except I threw in the NYT as well. Issue is, at this point, this is really coming off from the left as it is ok for us to do but not the other party/people.
Trump is ABSOLUTELY trying to change the narrative by throwing out some baseless accusations against Biden's son. That is THE EXACT DEFINITION OF CHANGING THE NARRATIVE.

There's no need to respond to the rest of what you wrote because as Johnny says above, it's all already been looked into and cleared by the government.

Take a look at the video and then reevaluate who the corrupt one is in this ordeal...
1) Whistleblower never heard the phone call ? IF true, that means that the complaint involves an ADDITIONAL problem for the honorable White House, along with the ADDITIONAL possibility of Impeachment evidence.
2) If Trump isn't impeached, credit the political calculation of the Democratic Party that it won't help 2020. The House floor vote to bring Articles won't lack sufficient evidence. GOP Senate is the only barrier.
3) Not less than even
Not marginal
Not slim

" NO SHOT" @ 2020 ? None.
You and 3 drunks down at the corner bar make it 4-0
The other 150,000,000 of us will just go ahead and vote.

Keep in mind that the whistle blower had "3rd hand" knowledge of the conversations.
After the transcript was released yesterday, everyone in the world knew more than the whistle blower did when they made their accusation.
Just like everything else thrown at DJT, I suspect the person was highly motivated politically and that will come to light as well.
Sort of like 'what's her name' who accused Kavanaugh of rape. She's now been thrown on to the heap of discarded and forgotten democrat sacrificial lambs.
After the transcript was released yesterday, everyone in the world knew more than the whistle blower did when they made their accusation
This is a very optimistic view of things. More likely, the whistleblower complaint is not centered on the phone call, and there is a great deal more evidence in the complaint than the contents of the phone call transcript.

Again, Nancy Pelosi is a lot of things I don't like, but she's not stupid. That she's shifted from anti-impeachment to putting her face and name on the front page of the impeachment inquiry tells me that there's a whole lot more that's going to come out today with respect to "evidence", circumstantial or otherwise.

If the whistleblower complaint is based on this one conversation, then yeah, it's a nothingburger... but if that were true, the Democrats wouldn't be making a big issue out of the complaint itself since everything everyone would need to know is already out there.

So, you be the judge of what's most likely. I think the complaint is going to be based on a lot more than one phone call.
This is a very optimistic view of things. More likely, the whistleblower complaint is not centered on the phone call, and there is a great deal more evidence in the complaint than the contents of the phone call transcript.

Again, Nancy Pelosi is a lot of things I don't like, but she's not stupid. That she's shifted from anti-impeachment to putting her face and name on the front page of the impeachment inquiry tells me that there's a whole lot more that's going to come out today with respect to "evidence", circumstantial or otherwise.

If the whistleblower complaint is based on this one conversation, then yeah, it's a nothingburger... but if that were true, the Democrats wouldn't be making a big issue out of the complaint itself since everything everyone would need to know is already out there.

So, you be the judge of what's most likely. I think the complaint is going to be based on a lot more than one phone call.

I don't disagree that they're could be more. But, I do suspect that Trump, knowing that everything he says and does is viewed through a microscope by his political rivals, is smart enough (or his advisors are smart enough) to know when he's getting close to the line.
He gets close to the line often, no doubt.
But as people were saying yesterday, not liking the President and being upset that he's President is not grounds for impeachment.
In short the defense department does not get final say in who gets aid. They do not even get final say in what strategies are implemented overseas. The civilians do. Not how any of that works. If they did the javelin and advanced coastal radars would not be there.

So AMericans own the military assistance, Europeans the reform assistance. Good, they need to step up to the plate militarily as well. Militarily they have stepped up through NATO which is a synonym for USA.

Anyway, not sure what to say. Was out with a good friend tonight. He is as blue as it gets. Never voted for a non Dem. He said he wanted Trump to face impeachment. I thought to myself, yeah he we go. But then he also then said he wanted the Aussie diplomat who was the heavy donor to the Clinton's that gave the Carter Page 'tip', Fusion GPS, Steele, Clinton, fbi lawyers that omitted FISA application info, Comey and his crew, Biden, possibly Clapper, and the senators that threatened Ukraine in the spring-all of them indicted, disbarred, face trial, fined, or lose their jobs for anything from election interference, spying on US citizens, unethical legal issues, etc. Admitted they did things he thought were were worse.

Guess what? Had nothing for him except I threw in the NYT as well. Issue is, at this point, this is really coming off from the left as it is ok for us to do but not the other party/people.
You're damn straight the defense department doesn't make the decision, the president does. He doesn't get to blame this on somebody else. The links are there to show that his excuses hold no water. They show the Trump ignored what is advisors are telling him, why would he do that? Why would you say that the USA gives so much more Aid to Ukraine than Europe does when the facts say that's not true? It's because those excuses are BS. He wanted salinsky to investigate Biden and this is all I can come up with.....other than and the truth.