nice city you have there bowser

Can't have nice things. DC is dead.
Another peaceful protest against Trumps policies…oops, that doesn’t make any sense…🤷‍♂️…still this must be Trumps fault somehow.

oh yeah, gun control. The Republicans are against gun control.
Defund The Police….until we need you.
Defund the police is a Republican idea, or haven’t you heard that on MSM and from Jen Psaki. There was money the $1.9T free candy, oops, COVID relief package that Joe pushed through reconciliation without Republican support (so that means Republicans are anti-law enforcement…got it!). There was $300B in that package to help states (well, blue states) to help pay for reimagined police aka COPS program.
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The Democratic Party was taken from the people when Henry Wallace’s mic was cut during the convention of the election that gave us Truman .. it’s just a Second Republican Party. The parties agree on all big financial matters. You’re not gonna find many people from either party asking why we have been pumping trillions into the debt market .. they all love it.

when you vote for president you have no way to vote against endless war, Goldman Sachs, big pharma and so on. Trump was a fake populist and Biden may be the worst president since Wilson? Definitely in a while.

the last president to do things expressly for working people was Nixon .. who did it out of fear. There has not been a good president in my life and the last person in Washington who probably cared about working class people for the sake of caring was Henry Wallace ..

We need a third party in the mold of REAL populism from 1890s Kansas