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Not really clear on projections but IMO TKR will jump to the NBA . I want Eric Reibe, EJ Walker and Jalen Haralson in 2025 7'1 Reibe, 6'8 Walker with Haralson 6'7. Tons of recruiting time has been invested in them.
Very slim chance we can land Haralson…and slim chance he stays in indiana for post high school ball. He is a one and done for sure and if we can somehow get him, that’d be an amazing get…guessing he goes to KU or Duke.
As possibilities go, there is also the possibility Edey would stay another year as well. He’ll make more money from NIL than he would in the pros!
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I think Sisley and Moreno have a huge amount of potential as well. I’d like those you mentioned but getting Haralson with all of the competition will be challenging! I would take Sisley/Walker and Moreno/Reibe if the opportunity presented itself or just about any combination of the 4 lol!
think we have a better shot at Reibe than Moreno
Painter has shown an eye for guys like this over the years. I like that recruits don't need to be 4 or 5 stars for him to offer. Very few HM coaches have the balls to do that.

At worst you're looking at a PJ Thompson 4 year type of program player. Every team needs those guys sprinkled in. Or Painter could be onto the next Braden Smith or Edey that the whole country slept on....

Like everyone else, still really hope we get Harris ....
Under recruited bigs? Definitely. Under recruited guards with only mid major offers? Absolutely not.
Under recruited bigs? Definitely. Under recruited guards with only mid major offers? Absolutely not.

Was CE in top 125 when the staff first started giving him interest?
I know he rose quick around that time, but before or after the offer, can't remember?

Ray Davis, and later Smotherman the lefty & Barlow perhaps likely had few offers when CMP offered as it was so, so early on the first 2.

Scott became top 100, but when offered? Don't know? Dakota, PJT, Smith & Cline weren't recruited highly with big offers when offered by Purdue, I don't think? But just spit balling by my bad memory, could be way off.
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Carsen and Braden would like a word.

Probably toss in Dakota and Cline
Go look at carsen and dakotas offer list and get back with me. Cline was a top 150 player. Jury is still out on Braden, guard play was a big issue last year. And anyways, the point was that painter doesn’t have an eye for under recruited guards with ONLY mid major offers. Not sure how anyone could even attempt to argue that.
Go look at carsen and dakotas offer list and get back with me. Cline was a top 150 player. Jury is still out on Braden, guard play was a big issue last year. And anyways, the point was that painter doesn’t have an eye for under recruited guards with ONLY mid major offers. Not sure how anyone could even attempt to argue that.

Offer lists later do not equate to offer lists when CMP offered.

CMP definitely offered guys per above that had yet not been overly recruited. Perhaps later, yes. But that was not your point.
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Offer lists later do not equate to offer lists when CMP offered.

CMP definitely offered guys per above that had yet not been overly recruited. Perhaps later, yes. But that was not your point.
I made my point very clear. Painter does not have a great history of bringing in under recruited guards that turned into highly productive players. Guard play has been an issue throughout his entire tenure. Main thing that’s prevented us from a FF/championship. That and his insistence on a post centric offense. Those 2 issues are related imo. If I was recruiting against painter for a coveted/talented guard, all I would tell the kid to do was go and watch a Purdue game and see if that’s the type of offense he wants to play in. If I had to guess, that probably does happen pretty frequently.
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I made my point very clear. Painter does not have a great history of bringing in under recruited guards that turned into highly productive players. Guard play has been an issue throughout his entire tenure. Main thing that’s prevented us from a FF/championship. That and his insistence on a post centric offense. Those 2 issues are related imo. If I was recruiting against painter for a coveted/talented guard, all I would tell the kid to do was go and watch a Purdue game and see if that’s the type of offense he wants to play in. If I had to guess, that probably does happen pretty frequently.
In the last 7 years, Carsen Edwards and Ivey were both ranked around 100 and you’d be hard pressed to find many programs with two more outstanding guards in that time frame. There have been some misses, but there have also been some home runs. Don’t be surprised if a few of the guards on the current roster become home runs as well.
In the last 7 years, Carsen Edwards and Ivey were both ranked around 100 and you’d be hard pressed to find many programs with two more outstanding guards in that time frame. There have been some misses, but there have also been some home runs. Don’t be surprised if a few of the guards on the current roster become home runs as well.
Meh, I’d say we only have 3 guards currently on the roster. Possibly 4 but I’d have to see Colvin play a few games. The film I’ve seen he looks like a wing player. Braden does have some potential for sure, but his lack of size combined with average college athleticism I think will hold him back from ever becoming a carsen level player. Loyer is your prototypical shooter that painter loves. Has a nice skill set but really lacking in athleticism. I think you need a little more than what that type of player can offer to breakthrough in the tournament.

Not really expecting much from jones so any positive contributions are gravy in my book. So home runs? I don’t see it(Colvin a possible exception depending how he’s used, love his potential), but that’s a subjective term. As far as bigs go, we’re pretty stacked, per usual. But I feel our guard room still needs a lot of help.
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I made my point very clear. Painter does not have a great history of bringing in under recruited guards that turned into highly productive players. Guard play has been an issue throughout his entire tenure. Main thing that’s prevented us from a FF/championship. That and his insistence on a post centric offense. Those 2 issues are related imo. If I was recruiting against painter for a coveted/talented guard, all I would tell the kid to do was go and watch a Purdue game and see if that’s the type of offense he wants to play in. If I had to guess, that probably does happen pretty frequently.

"Under recruited bigs? Definitely. Under recruited guards with only mid major offers? Absolutely not."

Your quote above doesn't say anything about the player Becoming a highly productive player. And it sure DID NOT mention anything about FF/etc.

But now that you have clarified your point, and want to talk production, I think you are selling Cline, CE, Smith, Dakota & even PJT short as they won or will win a lot of games as starters. Most even B10 champions. That defines productivity for me.

I will grant your NCAA FF/Championship point about the guards now that you want to add that in finally in your last post.
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I made my point very clear. Painter does not have a great history of bringing in under recruited guards that turned into highly productive players. Guard play has been an issue throughout his entire tenure. Main thing that’s prevented us from a FF/championship. That and his insistence on a post centric offense. Those 2 issues are related imo. If I was recruiting against painter for a coveted/talented guard, all I would tell the kid to do was go and watch a Purdue game and see if that’s the type of offense he wants to play in. If I had to guess, that probably does happen pretty frequently.
Yea I couldn’t see why a guard would want to play in an offense where they get wide open looks from 3 all the time /s. Braden Smith averaged almost 10 ppg, and Loyer averaged 11 ppg as freshmen on a team ranked #1 in the country for a good chunk of the year. And if they could have hit threes more consistently at the end of the year, those numbers would be 1-2 ppg higher. Any guard that wouldn’t want to play in Painter’s offense is probably one that just wants to be an inefficient chucker that’s looking for 18 ppg on 24 shots.
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Yea I couldn’t see why a guard would want to play in an offense where they get wide open looks from 3 all the time /s. Braden Smith averaged almost 10 ppg, and Loyer averaged 11 ppg as freshmen on a team ranked #1 in the country for a good chunk of the year. And if they could have hit threes more consistently at the end of the year, those numbers would be 1-2 ppg higher. Any guard that wouldn’t want to play in Painter’s offense is probably one that just wants to be an inefficient chucker that’s looking for 18 ppg on 24 shots.
Carsen and Ivey were both dubbed inefficient chuckers by many Purdue fans. So give me an “inefficient chucker”, all day, everyday. You can have the loyer’s.
Carsen and Ivey were both dubbed inefficient chuckers by many Purdue fans. So give me an “inefficient chucker”, all day, everyday. You can have the loyer’s.
Carsen, sure; jaden, no one called him that. He averaged 15 ppg on 11 shots per game, most of those shots being 2 pt shots. But nice job contradicting your own point that a guard wouldn’t want to play in this offense. Side note: Loyer had more ppg as a freshman than Edwards did, which is interesting.
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Carsen, sure; jaden, no one called him that. He averaged 15 ppg on 11 shots per game, most of those shots being 2 pt shots. But nice job contradicting your own point that a guard wouldn’t want to play in this offense. Side note: Loyer had more ppg as a freshman than Edwards did, which is interesting.
Never said “a guard wouldn’t want to play in this offense”. You’ve just resorted to making things up now that I didn’t say. Also, are you saying loyer is better than carsen? Because I’m a little confused as to the point you’re trying to make with that last sentence.
The question is whether this guy will be capable of backing up the point as a true freshman. This year we brought in Jones for that role. This guy seems to have similar attributes, but he'll be a true freshman> Will be interesting to see if Painter turns to the portal for another "Jones or Jenkins" to fill that role for at least one more year.
Meh, I’d say we only have 3 guards currently on the roster. Possibly 4 but I’d have to see Colvin play a few games. The film I’ve seen he looks like a wing player. Braden does have some potential for sure, but his lack of size combined with average college athleticism I think will hold him back from ever becoming a carsen level player. Loyer is your prototypical shooter that painter loves. Has a nice skill set but really lacking in athleticism. I think you need a little more than what that type of player can offer to breakthrough in the tournament.

Not really expecting much from jones so any positive contributions are gravy in my book. So home runs? I don’t see it(Colvin a possible exception depending how he’s used, love his potential), but that’s a subjective term. As far as bigs go, we’re pretty stacked, per usual. But I feel our guard room still needs a lot of help.
Based on what I saw as freshmen, I think that Smith and Loyer are going to have tremendous 4 year runs at Purdue. Smith is the one that I suspect that we’ll view as a home run by the time he is done. He probably won’t be an All American like Carsen, but his contributions over four years will be outstanding. I am surprised that he doesn’t get more recognition for how good he was as a freshman point guard.

The other possible home run at guard is Colvin. I don’t want to make it an expectation when he hasn’t even played a game, but he has the talent to be special.
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The question is whether this guy will be capable of backing up the point as a true freshman. This year we brought in Jones for that role. This guy seems to have similar attributes, but he'll be a true freshman> Will be interesting to see if Painter turns to the portal for another "Jones or Jenkins" to fill that role for at least one more year.
Looking at things currently, not sure we'll have an extra scholarship in order to go that route.

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