My point is that it is a lame defense when talking about "what's the right thing to do?" Handcuffing someone and putting them, unsecured, in the back of a metal box that's traveling across a city doesn't seem like "protecting" or "serving" anyone. It seems reckless and careless even if it's not criminal. I think we can and should ask better of our police than to treat people that way.
I 100% expect that these police will be acquitted on criminal charges, but that does not mean they're not in the right. There's a distinction there where we absolutely can pass judgment without due process, and we do it all the time as a society.
I point, again, to OJ Simpson, where there is not one rational person who thinks he didn't do anything wrong to Nicole (abuse, murder, etc.), yet he was never convicted on criminal charges. I believe 100% he murdered both Nicole and Ron, and I'm pretty sure des, Bruce, etc. would also believe that. If not, well, there's not much further discussion to be had!
The bottom line is that our criminal justice system doesn't always get it right in terms of identifying and punishing "wrongdoers".