More examples of the peacefulness of the BLM.

These attacks upon police are inspired by the BLM movement and qaz, you are fully aware of that. Don't play dumb.
lol really? You've talked to the attackers in these cases? And they told you they were inspired to kill by the BLM movement? You should be talking to the cops if you have that kind of inside information.

But hey, maybe we should round up the BLM folks too and put them in that camp you were talking about right?
lol really? You've talked to the attackers in these cases? And they told you they were inspired to kill by the BLM movement? You should be talking to the cops if you have that kind of inside information.

But hey, maybe we should round up the BLM folks too and put them in that camp you were talking about right?
No no no, it was YOU who brought up the idea of putting moslems in camps.

This is your M.O.:
1. Distort the comments of the person that you're attacking.
2. Find some imaginary justification to play the Hate card.
3. Start the name-calling (racist, bigot, Klansman, zenophobe, homophome, etc.).
They've not announced anything about suspects at all. Not sure how we know this BLM, a black person, or in any way related to anything. It may well be related, but you look like a racist, bigoted, zenophobic (sic) Klansman when you jump to these kinds of conclusions.
No no no, it was YOU who brought up the idea of putting moslems in camps.

This is your M.O.:
1. Distort the comments of the person that you're attacking.
2. Find some imaginary justification to play the Hate card.
3. Start the name-calling (racist, bigot, Klansman, zenophobe, homophome, etc.).
"Moslems should be quarantined into colonies to protect the public from jihad."

That quote doesn't need's bat crap crazy all on its own.

And yes you are a racist and islamophobe.
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They've not announced anything about suspects at all. Not sure how we know this BLM, a black person, or in any way related to anything. It may well be related, but you look like a racist, bigoted, zenophobic (sic) Klansman when you jump to these kinds of conclusions.
fear of Zeno...the Greek philosopher who created many popular paradoxes. To be fair, he's a little scary.
These attacks upon police are inspired by the BLM movement and qaz, you are fully aware of that. Don't play dumb.
“There was multiple gunshots going back and forth and back and forth before any police ever showed up. This was not a come-at-police situation,” Vancel said. “They weren’t targeting police at first, I don’t assume so, because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed and then it turned into a gun battle, I’m guessing to try to get themselves free or get out of the situation.”
They've not announced anything about suspects at all. Not sure how we know this BLM, a black person, or in any way related to anything. It may well be related, but you look like a racist, bigoted, zenophobic (sic) Klansman when you jump to these kinds of conclusions.
Three cops dead, three other cops also shot and injured and this is the second group attack on police in Baton Rouge in three days. And as you know, all of this immediately following a highly questionable shooting of a black man by a cop in BR.

Are you really such a naive putz that you question if these shootings are " any way related to anything...."?
Three cops dead, three other cops also shot and injured and this is the second group attack on police in Baton Rouge in three days. And as you know, all of this immediately following a highly questionable shooting of a black man by a cop in BR.

Are you really such a naive putz that you question if these shootings are " any way related to anything...."?
No, I even said that they may well be related, in fact I acknowledge they probably are.

It is mind boggling that the same guy who blamed the German airline crash on Muslims and the Egypt air crash on Muslims is now doing the same damn thing with this shooting and BLM. You make yourself look like an idiot time and again jumping to conclusions that prove false, yet you continue to do it and wonder why people think you're a racist xenophobe.

You are. Plain and simple.
No, I even said that they may well be related, in fact I acknowledge they probably are.

It is mind boggling that the same guy who blamed the German airline crash on Muslims and the Egypt air crash on Muslims is now doing the same damn thing with this shooting and BLM. You make yourself look like an idiot time and again jumping to conclusions that prove false, yet you continue to do it and wonder why people think you're a racist xenophobe.

You are. Plain and simple.
Classic example of qazthink. I blamed neither the German airline crash nor the Egypt air crash on moslems. YOU suggested that I did so, then immediately played the Hate card. Gr8, the bigotry is entirely within YOUR head.
What is fascinating is not how often you're wrong on these things, but that you never learn from being wrong. You just keep slinging your brand of hate and anger.
Ah, playing the Hate card. You've done the qaz 1 & 2, now begin the name-calling: Bigot. Racist. Xenophobe.
Ah, playing the Hate card. You've done the qaz 1 & 2, now begin the name-calling: Bigot. Racist. Xenophobe.
I'm sorry if you think I played the hate card, I didn't catch the respect and understanding you must have intended when you posted, "here they go again...." Who? "BLM goons." about a shooting where it had not yet been determined who was responsible, oh and now appears had nothing to do with BLM.
I'm sorry if you think I played the hate card, I didn't catch the respect and understanding you must have intended when you posted, "here they go again...." Who? "BLM goons." about a shooting where it had not yet been determined who was responsible, oh and now appears had nothing to do with BLM.
You are a complete and profound fool if you sincerely believe that this black shooter was not motivated by BLM.
Not real familiar with the word motivate are you?
Yeah I am, I'll ask again, how do you know he was "motivated" by BLM? Are you saying he was an activist working with BLM? Are you saying if BLM didn't make an issue of AAs being killed this guy wouldn't have done this? Explain how you know this guy was a BLM goon, that is all I'm asking. I don't follow the news closely but I did see earlier a report they didn't think it was racialy motivated, you seem to know otherwise.
Yeah I am, I'll ask again, how do you know he was "motivated" by BLM? Are you saying he was an activist working with BLM? Are you saying if BLM didn't make an issue of AAs being killed this guy wouldn't have done this? Explain how you know this guy was a BLM goon, that is all I'm asking. I don't follow the news closely but I did see earlier a report they didn't think it was racialy motivated, you seem to know otherwise.
WSJ is reporting that he was part of a far-right "sovereignty" movement. Don't know if true or not, but if true, then he most definitely was not motivated by BLM.
Classic example of qazthink. I blamed neither the German airline crash nor the Egypt air crash on moslems. YOU suggested that I did so, then immediately played the Hate card. Gr8, the bigotry is entirely within YOUR head.

Come again?

Odd they haven't announced the names of the flight crew yet. Hmmm....
True, I was not surprised by this. The German authorities have flatly refused to identify the co-pilots religious faith even though they have no qualms about divulging all details of his medical conditions, home address, etc.

Recent convert to Islam
My hunch is that a Methodist or a Baptist did it this time.

Damnedest thing the Internet. Captures your idiotic statement for eternity. Neither airline incident is terrorist related, yet that was pretty obviously your assumption on both accounts.

I believe you said the same about MH 370 which was also not related to Islam, and no Islamic group has claimed credit for any of them. Yet here you are still doing the same thing but now with BLM. Jumping to conclusions, continuing to demonstrate how sheltered a life you've lived, despite being so well traveled. It's astonishing, and truly disappointing, that someone can supposedly serve overseas for long enough to make O6, and still harbor the ignorance and bigotry that you do, but I suspect you served in a vastly different time than I have, and your views were shaped in a time of hate, and you've just never let go. It's sad you'll live your whole life that way while the rest of the world has just passed you by.

How can you defend yourself as not a bigot and say people are just making that up about you in this thread, and in another talk about rounding up Muslims in concentration camps to protect the public from Jihad? How?
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Profile of a BLM activist: shoots black cops as well as white ones. Also:

"Long also went by the name Cosmo Setepenra, and had at least two websites where he described himself as a "Freedom Strategist, Mental Game Coach, Nutritionist, Author and Spiritual Advisor," according to a CNN review of the websites.

In addition, Long followed several conspiracy groups devoted to government surveillance and monitoring. CNN found that an email address linked to Long showed he was a member of a support group in an organization called Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, whose mission is to help those "Marginalized and abused by... Remote Brain experimentation, Remote Neural Monitoring of an entire Humans Body."

This dude was a nut. Maybe he was looking for a good reason to go on a spree and BLM in Baton Rouge provided it in some warped ISIS-like way, but in no way would I say he was acting on their behalf.
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Come again?

Damnedest thing the Internet. Captures your idiotic statement for eternity. Neither airline incident is terrorist related, yet that was pretty obviously your assumption on both accounts.

I believe you said the same about MH 370 which was also not related to Islam, and no Islamic group has claimed credit for any of them. Yet here you are still doing the same thing but now with BLM. Jumping to conclusions, continuing to demonstrate how sheltered a life you've lived, despite being so well traveled. It's astonishing, and truly disappointing, that someone can supposedly serve overseas for long enough to make O6, and still harbor the ignorance and bigotry that you do, but I suspect you served in a vastly different time than I have, and your views were shaped in a time of hate, and you've just never let go. It's sad you'll live your whole life that way while the rest of the world has just passed you by.

How can you defend yourself as not a bigot and say people are just making that up about you in this thread, and in another talk about rounding up Muslims in concentration camps to protect the public from Jihad? How?
Thank you for pulling up my old posts. This proves that that I did not blame either the German air crash nor the EgyptAir crash on moslems. What you call " assumption..." is entirely YOUR assumption.
Similarly, it was qaz who suggested rounding up moslems and placing them in concentration camps. Go back and read what was said, and by whom.
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So he wasn't a "BLM goon." Thanks for clearing that up, also it would appear he wasn't "motivated" by BLM either. I didn't try memorize that article but don't recall reading BLM in there anywhere.
You win. You're right. Congratulations on your victory. I understand your need to be right on an anonymous message board.
You win. You're right. Congratulations on your victory. I understand your need to be right on an anonymous message board.
lol man up and quit whining because you got called out for being wrong.
31,511 messages on a message board is the key to feeling good about one's self apparently. Good lord - get married, have some kids, and coach them in sports.
This is uncalled for, hunkgolden. You wouldn't say this if you actually knew gr8's background and record of service to our nation.
This is uncalled for, hunkgolden. You wouldn't say this if you actually knew gr8's background and record of service to our nation.
Sure he would, I have 20 years and counting of military service too doesn't stop him with me either.
Sure he would, I have 20 years and counting of military service too doesn't stop him with me either.
How would I possibly know anything about you or anyone else on this board? It's freakin anonymous. LOL!

You freaks crack me up. Worried about your "rep" when know one has a clue who you are. You LIVE on and for this board. Your life is so meaningless that you check this board dozens of times per day looking for a way to win an argument. Tell your family and friends (if you have any) about how you spend all of your free time on here. I'm sure they won't look at you like you're a freakin' loon.

Have a nice life loser.