Majority of House GOP, including 3 Black Republican grifters voted to reinstate confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetary

Again, what does all this have to do with republicans, including black republicans voting to re-instate the confederate monuments in Arlington National Cemetery? Why would you have a monument honoring soldiers that killed real US soldiers during the civil war?
Why would you care more about a concrete monument than people actually shooting each other?

I mean, what's a better use of time, money and resources? Except of course, for the professional victims who go about their day looking for opportunities to be offended.
Again, what does all this have to do with republicans, including black republicans voting to re-instate the confederate monuments in Arlington National Cemetery? Why would you have a monument honoring soldiers that killed real US soldiers during the civil war?
because no statue ever harmed anyone. But a gang banging thug on the south side of Chicago harms plenty of people. I think you have your anger misdirected.
Dude, if y’all want to talk about the violence and schools in Chicago, start your own topic about and we can discuss it until the cows come home. Y’all did a 180 degrees with my topic. Y’all hijacked my topic because it makes y’all uncomfortable to talk about race, particularly when it comes to the racist republicans. The aforementioned topics are 2 different issues. We can discuss them both. But right now my topic is republicans, including black republicans voting to re-instate the confederate monuments at the Arlington National Cemetery. You can even take race out of it for now. It is wrong by itself from a traitorous stand point.
You know I'm not afraid to talk about race......I tell it like it is and don't give a $hit what your skin color is or whether you might get offended (not "you" personally BNI, but others who might get offended when I bring up certain uncomfortable facts and data about black society) .
And the primary state's right at issue during the Civil War was...
The "states' rights" defenders actually have a point, though not in the way intended. It was Northern states who insisted their rights were being violated. Southern states had wanted the federal government to more actively protect slavery by cracking down on the Underground Railroad and allowing slavery to expand west. The Compromise of 1850 included a tougher fugitive slave law that did the former, forcing federal agents to track down, arrest, and transport self-emancipated people back to the South. The Dred Scott case did the latter, overturning the Missouri Compromise and the doctrine of popular sovereignty, meaning that slavery was no longer limited to below the latitude of 36°30′. Both the Compromise of 1850 and the Dred Scott case enraged Northerners, who saw these events as violating state sovereignty, and increased support for abolition. Additionally, it's difficult to say the Confederacy was a bastion of states' rights when it imposed a mandatory military draft.

Finally, the Southern states' rights v. slavery narrative is just flatly false. It was manufactured and spread beginning in the 1890s by Confederate apologist groups such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. These groups began a propaganda campaign to distort the historiography of the Civil War, including by putting pressure on textbook companies to produce textbooks that would portray the South in a more favorable light. This campaign, now called the Lost Cause Myth, was extremely effective and came to dominate mainstream historiography to the point that a co-founder and early president of the American Historical Association, William Dunning, helped spread its ideas throughout Northern universities.
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Eye for an eye policy is where the criminals get shot with no consequences to the one who did it. It won’t happen in our liberal society today, but that is what it’s going to take to stop it. Mayor Daley had that policy at one time in Chicago to stop the nonsense.
No, what will stop it (although admittedly it will take some considerable time) is to reverse laws that promote fatherless homes. Bring back the nuclear family to black communities and things will turn around.
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Dude, if y’all want to talk about the violence and schools in Chicago, start your own topic about and we can discuss it until the cows come home. Y’all did a 180 degrees with my topic. Y’all hijacked my topic because it makes y’all uncomfortable to talk about race, particularly when it comes to the racist republicans. The aforementioned topics are 2 different issues. We can discuss them both. But right now my topic is republicans, including black republicans voting to re-instate the confederate monuments at the Arlington National Cemetery. You can even take race out of it for now. It is wrong by itself from a traitorous stand point.
Because the topic is not important. It's a fukking statue. It's not hurting anyone. We need real solutions to REAL problems, yet you grasp on to any false narrative you can to paint the right racist. You're the problem here. Not us.
Because the topic is not important. It's a fukking statue. It's not hurting anyone. We need real solutions to REAL problems, yet you grasp on to any false narrative you can to paint the right racist. You're the problem here. Not us.
Your response is beyond dumb. Your statement is an example of white arrogance and perhaps white privilege. Just because the confederate monument issue is not important to you, it’s important to millions of other folks. The confederate monument is obviously important enough to the assholes, including the black assholes in congress that voted to re-instate. My thread is a stand alone thread. I did not deflect to this issue in the middle discussing another topic. Like the old saying, “you throw a rock in the middle of a pack of dogs and the one that yipes is the one that you hit”. This seem to hit home with you and you don’t want to admit that you are racist because you dismiss this issue as being not important.
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Because the topic is not important. It's a fukking statue. It's not hurting anyone. We need real solutions to REAL problems, yet you grasp on to any false narrative you can to paint the right racist. You're the problem here. Not us.
Not important, these confederate monuments and statues were erected during the Jim Crow era for no another reason than for symbols of hate towards another group of people. These confederate monuments were not erected to remember history. In Germany there ain’t no statues and monuments of the defunct Nazi regime.

Since it’s just a statue like you say, what would you say if BLM erected a statue of Nat Turner right in the middle of a park in your hometown?
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Your response is beyond dumb. Your statement is an example of white arrogance and perhaps white privilege. Just because the confederate monument issue is not important to you, it’s important to millions of other folks. The confederate monument is obviously important enough to the assholes, including the black assholes in congress that voted to re-instate. My thread is a stand alone thread. I did not deflect to this issue in the middle discussing another topic. Like the old saying, “you throw a rock in the middle of a pack of dogs and the one that yipes is the one that you hit”. This seem to hit home with you and you don’t want to admit that you are racist because you dismiss this issue as being not important.
Wrong. Every post you put on this forum is beyond dumb. You're almost not worth responding to anymore because it's the same tired shit from you over and over. AND you refuse to learn when you're PROVEN wrong.
Not important, these confederate monuments and statues were erected during the Jim Crow era for no another reason than for symbols of hate towards another group of people. These confederate monuments were not erected to remember history. In Germany there ain’t no statues and monuments of the defunct Nazi regime.

Since it’s just a statue like you say, what would you say if BLM erected a statue of Nat Turner right in the middle of a park in your hometown?
I never said it's not important to some people. Just that these people have their priorities all fukked up because there are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT!

When there's nothing else to worry about, then we can tackle the statue thing.
... these confederate monuments and statues were erected during the Jim Crow era for no another reason than for symbols of hate towards another group of people.
True, part of the racist legacy of the dem party that you mindlessly support, Uncle Pav.

No self-respecting Jewish person would support the Nazi party because of its history, just as no self-respecting black would support the dem party because of its history - not to mention its current racist leader.
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True, part of the racist legacy of the dem party that you mindlessly support, Uncle Pav.

No self-respecting Jewish person would support the Nazi party because of its history, just as no self-respecting black would support the dem party because of its history - not to mention its current racist leader.
We've already been through this. You know darn well that the 2 parties switched roles over 50 years ago. White supremacists like the KKK, Oath Keepers, Nazis don't support the Democratic Party no more. They are all in now for the repubs.

In the late 60s, the repubs led by racist republican senator, Barry Goldwater in essence kicked blacks out of the republican party. The racist segregationist democrats loved him and most went over to the republican party during this time. The 1968 republican national convention was a complete disaster for blacks as this so-called Southern Strategy was born to get Nixon elected president. Then it was a wrap. Blacks have been overwhelmingly supporting the Democratic Party ever since. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would never vote for today's republicans, let alone somebody like Donald Chump. Do you absolutely believe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would vote for Chump?
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That sounds fine and dandy but how do you bring back the nuclear family in the black communities?
You're the voice of black America hear, you tell us.

Personally, I think the issue is that no black authority figures, Pols, athletes, entertainers, etc, are willing to tackle the 72%. They fear being labled at grifters, race traitors, Uncle Toms or buying into white supremacy.
We've already been through this. You know darn well that the 2 parties switched roles over 50 years ago. White supremacists like the KKK, Oath Keepers, Nazis don't support the Democratic Party no more. They are all in now for the repubs.

In the late 60s, the repubs led by racist republican senator, Barry Goldwater in essence kicked blacks out of the republican party. The racist segregationist democrats loved him and most went over to the republican party during this time. The 1968 republican national convention was a complete disaster for blacks as this so-called Southern Strategy was born to get Nixon elected president. Then it was a wrap. Blacks have been overwhelmingly supporting the Democratic Party ever since. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would never vote for today's republicans, let alone somebody like Donald Chump. Do you absolutely believe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would vote for Chump?
I am certain King would not vote for a racist like Joe Crow. Only Uncle Tom-like blacks would vote for Crow.
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You're the voice of black America hear, you tell us.

Personally, I think the issue is that no black authority figures, Pols, athletes, entertainers, etc, are willing to tackle the 72%. They fear being labled at grifters, race traitors, Uncle Toms or buying into white supremacy.
Dude, I told you several times. It’s not about outside folks like you mentioned, entertainers, athletes etc., “tackling” the 72% as you put it. It’s about the folks living in these areas of gangs and crime to help themselves. Somehow these folks will need to realize that what they are doing is detrimental to their communities. Then change their lifestyles accordingly. That is the only way. Not anyone external to situation like the aforementioned folks that you listed. They’ve tried for decades.
We've already been through this. You know darn well that the 2 parties switched roles over 50 years ago. White supremacists like the KKK, Oath Keepers, Nazis don't support the Democratic Party no more. They are all in now for the repubs.
No they didn't. And I've proven to you over and over that they didn't but you continue this lie because, as I said before, you refuse to learn when you're proven wrong.
It’s about the folks living in these areas of gangs and crime to help themselves. Somehow these folks will need to realize that what they are doing is detrimental to their communities. Then change their lifestyles accordingly. That is the only way. Not anyone external to situation like the aforementioned folks that you listed. They’ve tried for decades.
Then why are you voting for dems, the party of big gov support programs, instead of repubs, the party of self-responsibility and self-help? By voting dem you are supporting the status quo in black communities.
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Then why are you voting for dems, the party of big gov support programs, instead of repubs, the party of self-responsibility and self-help? By voting dem you are supporting the status quo in black communities.
Like I said many times, In the late 60s, Sen. Barry Goldwater and other republicans in essence kicked blacks out of the republican party. Some blacks stayed. But certainly after the disaster of the 1968 republican national convention, blacks felt disenfranchised as the repubs tried to implement the so-called Southern Strategy to attract the racist southern democrats to vote for Nixon. Since the late 60s, the repubs were never on the side of black folks. Their voting record proves it as they were no more champions of civil rights issues. Voting against affirmative action programs. Reagan started the narrative of the so-called welfare queens back in the 80s. I believe it was Lee Atwater, the father of the Southern Strategy campaign, that was behind those racist Willie Horton ads for Bush the Elder. White supremacists including the KKK have gravitated from the dems to the repubs. Throughout the years the repubs have done and have said racist things. This current crop of repub lawmakers have voted against affirmative action, John Lewis Voting rights bill, anti-lynching bill, Pell Grants, etc. Just recently, the conservative controlled Supreme Court deemed shot down affirmative action case from Harvard.

As far as the government programs a lot of these have helped poor blacks as well as poor whites where there are more whites on welfare than blacks. At least a few years ago it was. But everyone talks about black folks on welfare.

So, after saying all of this leads to the topic at hand, repubs voting to re-instate confederate monuments in Arlington National Cemetery. How are you going to get black support voting for such a thing? You will have to admit that doesn't put the repubs in a good light.

So, that is why myself and most blacks overwhelmingly vote for the dems. I've drop several hints of repub candidates that may be intriguing enough for me to at least consider supporting like any non-MAGA ticket. Something like a Christie/Pence or Christie/Cheney ticket. But noooo I get shot down here for bringing it up.
Like I said many times, In the late 60s, Sen. Barry Goldwater and other republicans in essence kicked blacks out of the republican party. Some blacks stayed. But certainly after the disaster of the 1968 republican national convention, blacks felt disenfranchised as the repubs tried to implement the so-called Southern Strategy to attract the racist southern democrats to vote for Nixon. Since the late 60s, the repubs were never on the side of black folks. Their voting record proves it as they were no more champions of civil rights issues. Voting against affirmative action programs. Reagan started the narrative of the so-called welfare queens back in the 80s. I believe it was Lee Atwater, the father of the Southern Strategy campaign, that was behind those racist Willie Horton ads for Bush the Elder. White supremacists including the KKK have gravitated from the dems to the repubs. Throughout the years the repubs have done and have said racist things. This current crop of repub lawmakers have voted against affirmative action, John Lewis Voting rights bill, anti-lynching bill, Pell Grants, etc. Just recently, the conservative controlled Supreme Court deemed shot down affirmative action case from Harvard.

As far as the government programs a lot of these have helped poor blacks as well as poor whites where there are more whites on welfare than blacks. At least a few years ago it was. But everyone talks about black folks on welfare.

So, after saying all of this leads to the topic at hand, repubs voting to re-instate confederate monuments in Arlington National Cemetery. How are you going to get black support voting for such a thing? You will have to admit that doesn't put the repubs in a good light.

So, that is why myself and most blacks overwhelmingly vote for the dems. I've drop several hints of repub candidates that may be intriguing enough for me to at least consider supporting like any non-MAGA ticket. Something like a Christie/Pence or Christie/Cheney ticket. But noooo I get shot down here for bringing it up.
You didn't answer the question, not that I expected you to.
Dude, I just wrote 4 paragraphs on why I vote dem. What do you want?
I want you to explain why you keep supporting the status quo for black disfunction even though you admit the problem is one of personal responsibility. You diagnose the problem, but continue to support those who do not want to solve it because they benefit politically from it. Dems are using you and others like you.
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I want you to explain why you keep supporting the status quo for black disfunction even though you admit the problem is one of personal responsibility. You diagnose the problem, but continue to support those who do not want to solve it because they benefit politically from it. Dems are using you and others like you.
Dude, I answered it several times now. If you don't like my answer, that is on you. Just let me know when the repubs come up with an alternative to help the so-called black disfunction that you keep talking about.
Dude, I answered it several times now. If you don't like my answer, that is on you. Just let me know when the repubs come up with an alternative to help the so-called black disfunction that you keep talking about.
That I keep talking about? You brought it up above with the following words:

It’s about the folks living in these areas of gangs and crime to help themselves. Somehow these folks will need to realize that what they are doing is detrimental to their communities. Then change their lifestyles accordingly. That is the only way. Not anyone external to situation like the aforementioned folks that you listed. They’ve tried for decades.
Dude, I told you several times. It’s not about outside folks like you mentioned, entertainers, athletes etc., “tackling” the 72% as you put it. It’s about the folks living in these areas of gangs and crime to help themselves. Somehow these folks will need to realize that what they are doing is detrimental to their communities. Then change their lifestyles accordingly. That is the only way. Not anyone external to situation like the aforementioned folks that you listed. They’ve tried for decades.
I disagree 100%. Who do you think these people look up to, listen to or try to emulate? Liberal pols, preachers, sure, maybe some. But, a lot of them put too much worth/value into what entertainers, athletes, media, etc have to say, an unfortunately, a lot of them came up through similar circumstances.
And, I diagree that there's been any concerted every in black society to truly address the problems of single motherhood and the lack of the nuclear family. The race hustlers have convinced these people that their problems are the fault of white supremacy, not poor decision making.
That I keep talking about? You brought it up above with the following words:

It’s about the folks living in these areas of gangs and crime to help themselves. Somehow these folks will need to realize that what they are doing is detrimental to their communities. Then change their lifestyles accordingly. That is the only way. Not anyone external to situation like the aforementioned folks that you listed. They’ve tried for decades.
Whatever, man. I answered your question several times.

Let me ask you a question. Do you agree with the GOP to re-instate the confederate monuments to the Arlington National Cemetery?
I disagree 100%. Who do you think these people look up to, listen to or try to emulate? Liberal pols, preachers, sure, maybe some. But, a lot of them put too much worth/value into what entertainers, athletes, media, etc have to say, an unfortunately, a lot of them came up through similar circumstances.
And, I diagree that there's been any concerted every in black society to truly address the problems of single motherhood and the lack of the nuclear family. The race hustlers have convinced these people that their problems are the fault of white supremacy, not poor decision making.
You don't seem to comprehend what I'm saying. There has been community programs. Big brother Big sister programs. Church programs. Almost every top pro athlete has a foundation for inner city kids. Rappers have made stop the violence songs and videos. Plus more and there are still inner city problems. Therefore, that is why I came to the conclusion that the folks living in these communities will have to finally come around and address, as you put it, the single mother, gangs, violence issue themselves. There is no policy that the aforementioned, the dems, the repubs can do to change there lives other than themselves. Even if these folks deceide right now to stop the foolishness, it will take a couple of generations to make a difference. The bottom line is that you can replace all the dem politicians with republicans, replace all the DAs with conservatives, take away teachers unions, the the single mother issue, gangs, violence will remain.
Whatever, man. I answered your question several times.

Let me ask you a question. Do you agree with the GOP to re-instate the confederate monuments to the Arlington National Cemetery?
No, of course not.

The issue you brought up about lack of personal responsibility by blacks is of far greater concern for the nation. The first step in doing something about that in your case is to quit letting yourself be used by the dems to continue the status quo.
No, of course not.

The issue you brought up about lack of personal responsibility by blacks is of far greater concern for the nation. The first step in doing something about that in your case is to quit letting yourself be used by the dems to continue the status quo.
The dems so-called status quo has nothing to do with folks making their own choices of being single mothers, kids joining gangs, car jacking, sometimes the gangs forces them into the gang, dealing dope, etc.

There are more poor whites than any ethnic group in America. Just as many white folks on welfare as black folks. Who is responsible for the peril of poor whites?