What's so ironic and hypocritical about your responses is that you ask for evidence. I give it to you. Then you come back with something that makes no sense whatsoever, with no evidence whatsoever...Do you mean trump’s son is going to jail? Because that’s way more likely. But please, keep telling me I’m in denial Pat
Bob, the FBI has had the laptop for 3 years and took NO ACTION. Perhaps a few Dem activists in the FBI were trying to circle the wagons and hope that Hunter's laptop will fade from the American consciousness, like HRC's server. There are more than a few coverups going on.He's gonna get indicted and could possibly get jail time.......as he should if he broke the law.
He likely has numerous tax problems as well as lobbying issues.
All this being investigated when his father is president. Big coverup.
It was also covered up by Social Media, who suppressed the NYPost story and even shut down their accounts. The information was available, but NO ONE wanted to investigate it, because they were probably afraid it was true and they had an election to protect.The cover up is the fact this wasn't covered by the media during the election. His father won't be running again. But this story would have clearly impacted the election had mainstream media not censured it...
FOX did run with the story about three weeks before the election, after they had investigated and verified the validity of the laptop. That's kinda what you would expect from a News Network. Where were the rest of them? In coverup mode, since they had an election to win and a Big Mean Orange Guy to slay...The mainstream media didn't believe it........because there was nothing to back it up.......including FOX news, who refused to run with the story.
The other problem was it was being pushed by none other than Rudy, Trump's personal lawyer, who had struck out with his Ukraine witch hunt and whose credibility was squat. It also conveniently popped up a few weeks before the election. It stunk to high heaven......and although the story has been proven true, that doesn't change the circumstances at the time.
Be mad at Barr. He knew about the tax probes but wanted to keep politics out of the DOJ......one of the few times he did the right thing in that context.
What Trump Russia connection? Do you mean the one that HRC created with the Steele Dossier?What do you mean bullshit? What did I say that wasn't true?
It was kept off social media sites........because of what I mentioned. You one of those that believes everything you read on social media?
It very well may have been kept quiet until the 11th hour by Rudy and company to sway the election. Ask Hillary how those last minute investigation revelations work out. I know as a partisan you think it would be ok, but it's wrong.
The Obama admin could have revealed Trump's Russia connections before the 2016 election and may have affected the results. They didn't do that either, and it was the right call.
The proof had been available Bob, but NO ONE in the MSM or Social Media made any effort to find out what the truth was. Talk about an "Inconvenient Truth".I'm confident that if you go back and look at the stories from the liberal press they didn't definitively say it was Russian disinformation. They said the experts believe it is Russian disinformation. You should go find a link where a major media source says it was RD......and not just in the headline.
Liberal and trump conservative media were all spinning it their own way.........that's what they do.
You're spinning it too.........when you say "every media outlet said it was and all the tech giants said it was." Not true.
If you're referring to social media, they used several arguments......but allowing such a politically charged issue to be splattered all over their platforms when there was no proof available would have been irresponsible.
I don't know your take...........but trump media has been giving an audience to people claiming the election was rigged.........for the last 15 months.........with no proof.
This stuff is a surprise to you?
That is the most hilarious comment I have ever read on this site. You trying to say that you were not taking sides in any issue, where Trump may have even been tangentially involved, is mind blowingly funny. The epicenter for TDS, who had a Trump avatar is now saying that he is not taking political sides...LOLlol. I didn't say the experts were right, did I? Does it matter who they were, other than they are a talking point for you?
My point, if you would pay attention and stop being an ass, was that the media was not making judgments about whether the collusion accusations were true. They were finding people who had worked in national security or congressmen or political scientists........whoever........that agreed with their political leanings and putting them on the air. Yeah Clapper and Brennen. And Fox put up.......Idk, Cruz and Pompeo. Both sides grabbed people who would conclude what the network wanted.
Btw, I'm the one in this conversation who is not taking political sides and thinking for himself.
Trump Tower Moscow discussions. Or maybe where Trump's campaign manager was sending internal polling data to a Russian intelligence asset?What Trump Russia connection? Do you mean the one that HRC created with the Steele Dossier?
Again more of our tax dollars wasted. They must be protecting him from a self inflicted drug overdose.Secret Service paying over $30K per month for Malibu mansion to protect Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
Back to the Trump agenda early Monday morning. Man you have issues. Any news on what your boy Obama did or is still doing on this?That sucks. It all sucks.
Donald Trump gave his adult children 6 months of Secret Service protection after he left office, at the taxpayers' expense, says report
Donald Trump cost taxpayers $1.7 million providing his adult children and three officials with Secret Service protection after he left office.news.yahoo.com
Trump Jr.’s Mongolia hunting trip cost $75K in Secret Service protection
Donald Trump Jr.’s hunting trip to Mongolia last August cost more than $75,000 in taxpayer dollars for Secret Service protection, according to new documents obtained by a government watchdog group.…thehill.com
Go piss up a rope douchebag. If you're going to bring up the secret Service with Hunter then the secret Service with the Trump administration is fair game. Not to mention how all the money that was spent on secret Service at Trump properties and the extension he gave his kids. Attacking me every time I bring it up isn't going to keep me from doing it....... and isn't going to keep the truth from being told.Back to the Trump agenda early Monday morning. Man you have issues. Any news on what your boy Obama did or is still doing on this?
Biden is the president now and Trump isn’t. Maybe you don’t know that. You only talk Trump year after year. Get over it. Get a go cheer for your boy Biden thread going. Might make you feel better about yourself.Go piss up a rope douchebag. If you're going to bring up the secret Service with Hunter then the secret Service with the Trump administration is fair game. Not to mention how all the money that was spent on secret Service at Trump properties and the extension he gave his kids. Attacking me every time I bring it up isn't going to keep me from doing it....... and isn't going to keep the truth from being told.
How is the daily Biden agenda here any different that what I said for 4 years? It isn't...... just that it's somehow different for dipshits like you.
So the rules are different now for the Biden children? That's what you're saying with your BS deflection. Get your ass enraged about Hunter's SS coverage but ignore what the Trump's kids got.Biden is the president now and Trump isn’t. Maybe you don’t know that. You only talk Trump year after year. Get over it. Get a go cheer for your boy Biden thread going. Might make you feel better about yourself.
I told you several times that I voted for neither in the last election. I would vote for Trump in the next election instead of any of these Democrat imbeciles that are ruining the country every day. Anyways don’t think he will be on the ticket.So the rules are different now for the Biden children? That's what you're saying with your BS deflection. Get your ass enraged about Hunter's SS coverage but ignore what the Trump's kids got.
Trump does a rally every other weekend, puts out at least one statement every day, does interviews with anybody who will have him, and is the presumptive republican nominee. He is BEGGING for attention........ but we're not supposed to talk about him because he isn't president anymore.
The reality is, YOU don't want to talk about him because he's such a fvcktwt and you voted for him.......and you'll do it again if you have to. You would prefer he just keep his big mouth shut. But since that ain't gonna happen, you will attack anyone who brings him up to make yourself feel better.
I don't give a rats ass who you say you did or didn't vote for. You've never explained your vote, not that it would matter when you defend him 247.I told you several times that I voted for neither in the last election. I would vote for Trump in the next election instead of any of these Democrat imbeciles that are ruining the country every day. Anyways don’t think he will be on the ticket.
And you voted for team Democrats (Biden and Harris) that are destroying the country. How can you sleep at night knowing you voted for people that have no conscience on the boarder, Afghanistan exit, energy policy, inflation, covid policy, Ukraine peace, and on and on. A lot of people are suffering and have died due to what your people have done. That’s all that needs to be said about you.I don't give a rats ass who you say you did or didn't vote for. You've never explained your vote, not that it would matter when you defend him 247.
Besides, knowing what you know now of him you still say you would vote for him in the next election. All that needs to be said.
And here's some more information @PurdueFan1 , including testimony from Tony Bobulinski that the "big guy" is Joe Biden. And the interesting part is that Joe Biden has denied any knowledge of his son and brother's business dealings...Do you mean trump’s son is going to jail? Because that’s way more likely. But please, keep telling me I’m in denial Pat
You really got me here, Pat. An opinion piece from the Daily Beast. Lock him up!And here's some more information @PurdueFan1 , including testimony from Tony Bobulinski that the "big guy" is Joe Biden. And the interesting part is that Joe Biden has denied any knowledge of his son and brother's business dealings...
"Although it garnered more attention on the right than in the mainstream media, last September, Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger, author of The Bidens, confirmed the validity of some of the controversial emails that surfaced during the 2020 campaign—including an email with a Chinese oil executive, referencing equity to be held for “the big guy.” (The big guy was Joe Biden, according to the recipient, Tony Bobulinski, a business partner of Hunter’s.)"
Hunter Biden’s Scandals Are Real News, Like It or Not
The mainstream press shouldn’t ignore the president’s son’s questionable business practices.www.thedailybeast.com
Again, you're ignoring the testimony of a witness during an FBI investigation...You really got me here, Pat. An opinion piece from the Daily Beast. Lock him up!
Am I though? I honestly don’t care if he’s being investigated. Investigate away. It’s a problem on both sides. My issue is that you want to focus on one side of the fence when you should look at both sides. If you don’t agree that we need much more transparency in transactional reporting in regards to business dealings with government officials and immediate family members, then I might as well be conversing with a brick wall. I’m all for it being looked into, but don’t go crying when folks wanted the same for the trump family.Again, you're ignoring the testimony of a witness during an FBI investigation...
Where in any of these posts am I ignoring anything happening on the other side of the aisle? This thread is about Hunter Biden and how the mainstream media didn't cover this nearly well enough.Am I though? I honestly don’t care if he’s being investigated. Investigate away. It’s a problem on both sides. My issue is that you want to focus on one side of the fence when you should look at both sides. If you don’t agree that we need much more transparency in transactional reporting in regards to business dealings with government officials and immediate family members, then I might as well be conversing with a brick wall. I’m all for it being looked into, but don’t go crying when folks wanted the same for the trump family.
Whoa whoa whoa, settle down, salty Sandy. I fundamentally agree with you here. We will never agree on the coverage (or lack thereof in your opinion) but let’s not act like fox devoted much of any time to the Trump stuff. I find it quite telling that there’s a war going on and we get more coverage from that channel about Hunter Biden than we do the war.Where in any of these posts am I ignoring anything happening on the other side of the aisle? This thread is about Hunter Biden and how the mainstream media didn't cover this nearly well enough.
If we want to talk about Trump, his kids, or Pelosi's husband's insider trading, then start another thread. If we want to talk about politicians becoming rich solely from being a politician, I'm all game, in another thread. But that's not what this thread is about...
BTW, Trump was being investigated for EVERYTHING. He was probably being investigated for the size of turd he produced every morning. Did you not watch CNN and see the coverage 24 hours a day for 4 years all about Trump's mis-dealings? And if I remember correctly, Trump was impeached, twice. So shut the f up about how anyone's ignoring anything on the Trump family...