Liberal media (CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC) rewriting Harris’s record

This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.
Another victim...She never had a platform. She doesn't have ideas. She regurgitates. Paris accord - Regurgitation. Free College - Regurgitation. Ban assault weapons - Regurgitation. Open borders anti ICE - Regurgitation. Baby killing and child mutilation - Regurgitation. Single payer - Regurgitated flip flop. Fracking - Regurgitated flip flop. Buying votes via taxes/debt "forgiveness" - Regurgitation.
Hey did you know she was in a sorority? lol
Another victim...She never had a platform. She doesn't have ideas. She regurgitates. Paris accord - Regurgitation. Free College - Regurgitation. Ban assault weapons - Regurgitation. Open borders anti ICE - Regurgitation. Baby killing and child mutilation - Regurgitation. Single payer - Regurgitated flip flop. Fracking - Regurgitated flip flop. Buying votes via taxes/debt "forgiveness" - Regurgitation.
Hey did you know she was in a sorority? lol
I never said she was a victim. That’s just you saying something that no one else said to justify your posts.

If her policy is for the things above, that’s just stating her policy. Call it regurgitation I suppose if it supports whatever point you’re trying to make on here. But thanks for at least not calling me a name this time. Your maturity has not gone unnoticed.
Sorry. I don’t consider RNC Research to be a nonpartisan news source. Perhaps you could list the policies that you could consider liberal that you think are bad (and let me clarify: I’m asking for actual policies, not broad sweeping statements but rather backed up by facts).

No one is going to please everyone. It’s never been that way. But saying someone is “the most liberal” or “the most conservative” really doesn’t mean anything.
Why dont you identify three things that are false in my original post, since you stated “The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record”.

After that we can go through the liberal policies, they’re not hard to identify such as government reimbursement for college debt.
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Yes. Women can be misogynist as well. Your clip had nothing to do with my original response.
I find it interesting that you think CBS hired misogynistic women because the just don’t give Kamala a free pass on a question.

RE Clip…I just figured I would keep adding more “misogynistic” women.

Day 16

Market down, Consumer confidence down, US Air Base gets bombed with servicemen injury, flip flopping on all positions, Middle East a tender box, wonder if Kamalot takes multiple serious questions today after her VP pick is announced this afternoon?
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Day 16

Market down, Consumer confidence down, US Air Base gets bombed with servicemen injury, flip flopping on all positions, Middle East a tender box, wonder if Kamalot takes multiple serious questions today after her VP pick is announced this afternoon?
The futures were up and currently the market is up. Not sure what Biden is doing aside from resting.