Liberal media (CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC) rewriting Harris’s record

Harris has always identified with both of her heritage. Her mother was a civil rights activist. Since she is Indian and Harris lived with her most of her life since her parents split up. She knows her Indian heritage very well. Her father has both African and Irish heritage, she knows her black roots also as she attended an HBCU, Howard University and while there joined a black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha. All this is no secret.
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Harris has always identified with both of her heritage. Her mother was a civil rights activist. Since she is Indian and Harris lived with her most of her life since her parents split up. She knows her Indiana heritage very well. Her father has both African and Irish heritage, she knows her black roots also as she attended an HBCU, Howard University and while there joined a black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha. All this is no secret.
Well you just taught me something about Harris that I was unaware of. Didn’t know about her Indiana heritage. I’ll check it out.

Day 12

With a candidate for President of the United States who has taken no serious questions from the press. Has there ever been a Presidential candidate who had no press conferences? Could be wrong on this, but I think even Basement Biden had one?
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Day 12

With a candidate for President of the United States who has taken no serious questions from the press. Has there ever been a Presidential candidate who had no press conferences? Could be wrong on this, but I think even Basement Biden had one?
Press and candidate need to align on the type of “softball” questions that are appropriate and have the appropriate canned vetted responses so not to lose momentum of Democrats. Tough questions like border, immigration and economy will take 6 weeks to properly answer. But she has answers why she’s better than Trump because she is going to be “tough on crime” (not sure if that’s San Francisco tough or liberal tough) or just middle America tough.

Everything else….ha ha ha, you know I havent been to Europe either.

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Harris has always identified with both of her heritage. Her mother was a civil rights activist. Since she is Indian and Harris lived with her most of her life since her parents split up. She knows her Indian heritage very well. Her father has both African and Irish heritage, she knows her black roots also as she attended an HBCU, Howard University and while there joined a black sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha. All this is no secret.
I know you listen to black urban radio. Did you catch Judge Joe Brown in Art of the Dialogue ? He was pretty harsh on her. Said back in the day she was “everyone’s favorite Hindu prosecutor.” He had some real damning stories about her personal and professional life. Wonder why this isn’t getting more play (kinda TIC). But JJB is “retired” and has FU money so he can say what he wants.

I know I know he is a gumbo sambo grifter….well now he is.
I know you listen to black urban radio. Did you catch Judge Joe Brown in Art of the Dialogue ? He was pretty harsh on her. Said back in the day she was “everyone’s favorite Hindu prosecutor.” He had some real damning stories about her personal and professional life. Wonder why this isn’t getting more play (kinda TIC). But JJB is “retired” and has FU money so he can say what he wants.

I know I know he is a gumbo sambo grifter….well now he is.
Shhhh. We can’t say gumbo and sambo anymore.

But yes, I saw his video on Harris he is a black grifter. Kinda sad that he went after her like that. But that is part of the grift. Money for his channel.
Shhhh. We can’t say gumbo and sambo anymore.

But yes, I saw his video on Harris he is a black grifter. Kinda sad that he went after her like that. But that is part of the grift. Money for his channel.
Are all those that have an "accurate" depiction of Kamala either racist or a black grifter? Why does accuracy with discernment have to be deflected like a monopoly get out of jail card...
Are all those that have an "accurate" depiction of Kamala either racist or a black grifter? Why does accuracy with discernment have to be deflected like a monopoly get out of jail card...
For one thing, the judge said some very harsh words over and over about Harris being a whore. That is not an accurate description at all. But Chump can have many marriages, many affairs, sex with porn stars while wife is pregnant, brag about sexually assaulting women, on and on. Nobody calls him a whore. But Harris has one consensual relationship 25 years ago and she is labeled a whore.

Also, the allegations that she locked up black men for using marijuana and some that other stuff has each been debunked years ago. However, due to disinformation channelled through social media that gets perpetrated falsely.

So yes, the judge and others that falsely perpetuate the Harris whore allegations are grifters.
For one thing, the judge said some very harsh words over and over about Harris being a whore. That is not an accurate description at all. But Chump can have many marriages, many affairs, sex with porn stars while wife is pregnant, brag about sexually assaulting women, on and on. Nobody calls him a whore. But Harris has one consensual relationship 25 years ago and she is labeled a whore.

Also, the allegations that she locked up black men for using marijuana and some that other stuff has each been debunked years ago. However, due to disinformation channelled through social media that gets perpetrated falsely.

So yes, the judge and others that falsely perpetuate the Harris whore allegations are grifters.
Trump was a whore dog. The issue is not that one had sex in an inappropriate matter because both did that. The issue is that Trump being a whore dog never resulted in any accomplishments he obtained, unlike Kamala. That is the difference. TRump like Elon has enough money that money will not cause him to do something he doesn't want to do like some in the deep state. Trump is accomplished, Kamala isn't...but both had inappropriate sex. Nobody has ever accused Trump of using sex to advance his career, but Kamala did use it as it is obvious in her failed approaches dominating any success she would like to advance. Judge Brown with 40 years in the public called her out for what reason other than the truth?

Trump was a whore dog. The issue is not that one had sex in an inappropriate matter because both did that. The issue is that Trump being a whore dog never resulted in any accomplishments he obtained, unlike Kamala. That is the difference. TRump like Elon has enough money that money will not cause him to do something he doesn't want to do like some in the deep state. Trump is accomplished, Kamala isn't...but both had inappropriate sex. Nobody has ever accused Trump of using sex to advance his career, but Kamala did use it as it is obvious in her failed approaches dominating any success she would like to advance. Judge Brown with 40 years in the public called her out for what reason other than the truth?

I don't know how dating one dude, Willie Brown who I believe was mayor of San Francisco at the time constitutes being a whore as a lot of folks describe her. I think Brown was estranged from his wife at the time. Hollywood actresses who have been on one casting couch after another to get movie and TV roles are never called whores for what they have done for decades. Nobody knows for sure whether the Brown relationship advanced her career or not. Whether it did or not, Harris was elected CA attorney general, not appointed. Harris was elected, to the CA Senate. Not appointed. 40 years of experience in public? That doesn't mean a hill of beans to these grifters. Y'all put way too much stock on emphasis when someone black perceives to be on your side. That's right out of the Faux News playbook.
Y'all put way too much stock on emphasis when someone black perceives to be on your side.

LOL ....from the guy who talks about blacks & race more than anything else in the board.....I'm calling...BS.

Our side doesn't worry about your side does where they are hyper focused on it & all they think about. You all got folks that are actually voting NOT on policy.......but for KH because she is black & others because she is a woman. That's just NUTS!

We see folks that either believe in......
Sence of Rs or nonsense of Ds
Doesn't matter a hill of beans what color or sex they are....but is their policy good for poor & middle class & can they articulate the policy well.
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I don't know how dating one dude, Willie Brown who I believe was mayor of San Francisco at the time constitutes being a whore as a lot of folks describe her. I think Brown was estranged from his wife at the time. Hollywood actresses who have been on one casting couch after another to get movie and TV roles are never called whores for what they have done for decades. Nobody knows for sure whether the Brown relationship advanced her career or not. Whether it did or not, Harris was elected CA attorney general, not appointed. Harris was elected, to the CA Senate. Not appointed. 40 years of experience in public? That doesn't mean a hill of beans to these grifters. Y'all put way too much stock on emphasis when someone black perceives to be on your side. That's right out of the Faux News playbook.
Her results in the primary 4 years ago suggest nobody wanted her and believed she was worthy of a delegate. Her results the last four years validated those results. How does someone become so inept for the position she holds? It must be something other than merit that got her there. BoilerBuck is right...idiots will think there is some magical worth in a persons sex (although the fluidity of gender choosing smacks of irony) as well as race which defies reasoned thought
I don't know how dating one dude, Willie Brown who I believe was mayor of San Francisco at the time constitutes being a whore as a lot of folks describe her. I think Brown was estranged from his wife at the time. Hollywood actresses who have been on one casting couch after another to get movie and TV roles are never called whores for what they have done for decades. Nobody knows for sure whether the Brown relationship advanced her career or not. Whether it did or not, Harris was elected CA attorney general, not appointed. Harris was elected, to the CA Senate. Not appointed. 40 years of experience in public? That doesn't mean a hill of beans to these grifters. Y'all put way too much stock on emphasis when someone black perceives to be on your side. That's right out of the Faux News playbook.
Remember when she was one of Montel's side girls??
Her results in the primary 4 years ago suggest nobody wanted her and believed she was worthy of a delegate. Her results the last four years validated those results. How does someone become so inept for the position she holds? It must be something other than merit that got her there. BoilerBuck is right...idiots will think there is some magical worth in a persons sex (although the fluidity of gender choosing smacks of irony) as well as race which defies reasoned thought
I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.
I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.
I thought you liked Pence because he certified the election. That was special.
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Remember when she was one of Montel's side girls??
There it is again. More disinformation. Harris dated Montel Williams. What’s the big deal they were both single. That’s what folks do date each other. Good gracious.
There it is again. More disinformation. Harris dated Montel Williams. What’s the big deal they were both single. That’s what folks do date each other. Good gracious.
Would you honestly be defending Harris if she was a white candidate?
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I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.

Wonderful?.....what they were wonderful @ was being such woeful VPs they actually scared everyone enough where they were great @ keeping their Presidents from being no one in their right mind would want either as President, based on their VP bumblings. So I give them their due......both useful idiots in that regard.
I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.
And..... now Biden has been the driving force behind our coming depression.
Would you honestly be defending Harris if she was a white candidate?
It’s not necessarily about defending. What don’t like is disinformation. And a lot of it has been spread about Harris that was debunked years ago. I defended all kinds of white folks, Hilliary, Pelosi, Biden. Heck I told y’all I wound consider a Christie and Pence ticket.
And..... now Biden has been the driving force behind our coming depression.
We are not even close to a depression. The stock market is strong. Job rate is the lowest it has ever been in history. Black job rate is the lowest it’s been in history.
It’s not necessarily about defending. What don’t like is disinformation. And a lot of it has been spread about Harris that was debunked years ago. I defended all kinds of white folks, Hilliary, Pelosi, Biden. Heck I told y’all I wound consider a Christie and Pence ticket.
With that said, you really don’t like CNN and MSNBC on how they use quotes to misrepresent what was meant by the republican candidates. I’m not talking about pushing their agendas as they all do that to some extent. These news outlets outright lie.
Yes ....That's what Trump says too, when asked what he mean when he jobs.

I just thought I would call you out a bit on your hypocrisy....given the threads . LOL
Nope. I’m black do do I have a black job. Migrants can only wish they can do what I do. Heck, most Americans wish they can do what I do. I was talking about jobs for all black people employed. That’s what the number the Department of Labor and Statistics gives out each month. The “black job” that Chump is talking about are the lower income jobs he claims that the migrants compete with black people. Big difference. Says nothing about migrants competing with poor white people. Just singles out black people to pit one against each other for political gain. It’s nothing new; an old tactic. He said this at the debate with Biden. Not in front of a black audience. Then failed miserably when asked about that comment last week at the NABJ.

So no. No hypocrisy here.
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I'm probably going to be condemned to Hell for saying this but Hillary Clinton was a far more qualified candidate than Harris.
Not at all. Take a name out of an old phone book if you can find one and that person may be more qualified...particularly if that person is aware that he or she knows so little...
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I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.
okay your move. What has Harris done that overtakes her costly border alone...not just in money but in security and not enhancing a third world environment. She hasn't and most honest people see that. I'm not here to change the world and realize sometimes there is no reasonable agreement possible.
Nope. I’m black do do I have a black job. Migrants can only wish they can do what I do. Heck, most Americans wish they can do what I do. I was talking about jobs for all black people employed. That’s what the number the Department of Labor and Statistics gives out each month. The “black job” that Chump is talking about are the lower income jobs he claims that the migrants compete with black people. Big difference. Says nothing about migrants competing with poor white people. Just singles out black people to pit one against each other for political gain. It’s nothing new; an old tactic. He said this at the debate with Biden. Not in front of a black audience. Then failed miserably when asked about that comment last week at the NABJ.

So no. No hypocrisy here.

Lol. Sometimes the hardest imperfections to see, are our own. Looks like that is the case in this instance with you
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This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.
This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.
It is unlikely that your hand wringing and attempts at inducing guilty feelings will have any affect so perhaps you would be better served by finding a forum with other high minded intellectuals with whom you can share your views.
This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.
why not point what’s false versus gaslighting this entire thread by stating it’s based on misogyny. I linked one article in a major MSM source that’s written by a woman (or someone I assume is a woman),

If you’re going to say it’s false, just point out what is false from the article.

Was it the interview with Harris stating she was the most liberal Senator, oddly conducted by a woman. (Its really odd to label women misogynist isn’t it?)

Is this “false”

CBS: "You're considered the most liberal United States senator."

KAMALA: "I— somebody said that, and it was actually Mike Pence on the debate stage..."

CBS: "Actually, nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator."KAMALA: *blank stare*
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This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.
More misogyny from …. A woman.

It is unlikely that your hand wringing and attempts at inducing guilty feelings will have any affect so perhaps you would be better served by finding a forum with other high minded intellectuals with whom you can share your views.
I wasn’t talking to you, but if you took any offense, perhaps I struck a nerve.

Although your suggestion is noted. There’s not much intelligence being displayed in many of these threads anyway. Like I said, there are only a handful of posters who just like to pile on anyway.
why not point what’s false versus gaslighting this entire thread by stating it’s based on misogyny. I linked one article in a major MSM source that’s written by a woman (or someone I assume is a woman),

If you’re going to say it’s false, just point out what is false from the article.

Was it the interview with Harris stating she was the most liberal Senator, oddly conducted by a woman. (Its really odd to label women misogynist isn’t it?)

Is this “false”

CBS: "You're considered the most liberal United States senator."

KAMALA: "I— somebody said that, and it was actually Mike Pence on the debate stage..."

CBS: "Actually, nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator."KAMALA: *blank stare*

Sorry. I don’t consider RNC Research to be a nonpartisan news source. Perhaps you could list the policies that you could consider liberal that you think are bad (and let me clarify: I’m asking for actual policies, not broad sweeping statements but rather backed up by facts).

No one is going to please everyone. It’s never been that way. But saying someone is “the most liberal” or “the most conservative” really doesn’t mean anything.
I disagree. Harris has done a wonderful job as VP. What did Pence do that was so special as VP? What did Cheney do that was so special as VP? Biden as VP was the driving force behind getting the US out of a depression. Even if I thought Harris was bad as VP. Harris was bad because she was bad. Not because she wasn’t qualified to be selected as VP. Cheney and Quayle were horrible at VP. Not because that they were not qualified to be selected, as they were. They were bad because they were bad.
Harris was assigned 1 job by Biden: Border Czar.
She failed miserably. Hell, she didn't even go to the border.

Can you name a single thing she accomplished at VP?
This entire thread is rather gross. I couldn’t post for a bit because there was an issue with my login that rivals took a bit to get figured out, but I was able to read this and other threads. The thread starts with some false claims about the msm whitewashing Kamala's record and then some good ole fearmongering about her platform. But that’s not what bothers me, because her policies and platform are easy to find.

The clear-cut misogyny is what jumps out the most, especially when the folks doing the misogyny seem to be just fine supporting a man whose overall personal track record is nothing short of a dumpster fire, and that’s if his assault convictions aren’t included.

It’s also rather clear that the board consists of 5-6 posters who like to trot out some incredibly ridiculous nonsense about a variety of topics with links to some very dubious sources, and then piling on to anyone who challenges.

It would be really nice if folks actually truly wanted to have discussions about actual policy and just agree to disagree but it’s sadly not the world we live in, at least on here.

Really too bad, but I can see why there seem to be a minimal amount of posters who even bother to engage when they’re met with the same tired copy/paste responses.

So, you're saying people on the board don't like Harris because she's a woman? Is that the misogyny you're referring to?
If so, what's the reason for people on the board not liking Biden?

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