I rarely engage in such debates, but come on man! My older bro and I grew up together, same parents, same environment, same experiences by and large, and no uncle creeper touching either of us. He has ALWAYS been gay, though it wasn't until his latter teen years that he really knew it to be true. Very Catholic family in rural Indiana, so this was not something offered as a "choice" or option growing up. He did not choose this hard path in life, it is simply how he is wired. Though I lean center right on many issues, not on LGBT ones. I cannot believe there is still a sizable portion of morally self righteous ignorant people who believe being gay is just a person choosing to be attracted to the same sex and choosing not to be attracted to the opposite sex. You can argue all you want about God making them that way, man's sinful nature allowing such genetic mutations, or it simply being a genetic abberation, but some sort of equal choice made consciously that can go either way, well back to my original comment, come on man!