Kim Davis getting sued again

Because the state wont recognize marriage between a woman and an animal.

I daresay that Kim "EyeOfTheTiger" Davis will win this round.
I guess I'm not sure of the point you are making with this post. These lawsuits about marrying a pet or computer are almost universally brought by the Christian Right in the pathetic attempt to equate LGBT marital rights to marriage to inanimate objects or animals. In this hard right antagonistic mindset, Kim Davis "winning" against these absurd legal challenges somehow bolsters Davis' position denying gay marriage licenses.

Are you sharing this link just to inform, or are you trying to share a POV on this litigation and/or Davis?
I guess I'm not sure of the point you are making with this post. These lawsuits about marrying a pet or computer are almost universally brought by the Christian Right in the pathetic attempt to equate LGBT marital rights to marriage to inanimate objects or animals. In this hard right antagonistic mindset, Kim Davis "winning" against these absurd legal challenges somehow bolsters Davis' position denying gay marriage licenses.

Are you sharing this link just to inform, or are you trying to share a POV on this litigation and/or Davis?
Hey look it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Fluffy!
Are you sharing this link just to inform, or are you trying to share a POV on this litigation and/or Davis?

Mainly to inform. The gay marriage debate is over, although some "traditionalists" don't seem to understand that yet. My comment about Davis winning this lawsuit is intended to assure those who are worried about slippery slopes that, indeed, they've nothing to worry about.
Yes, only those who procreate matter. No marriages between old people, or people who can't multiply, or don't want to multiply.
If we are talking survival of the species, as we know it, than yes.

If we are talking survival of the species, as we know it, than yes.
I think thar there are plenty of people serving the survival of the species, and that is not a behavior exclusive to marriage.

Two people who want to spend their lives in loving partnership without children (older, infertile, by choice, or LGBT) - that should all be prohibited? Really? Which religion is that overtly angry and exclusive?

If we are talking survival of the species, as we know it, than yes.
wait so you think if we allow people who can't procreate to marry, the species won't survive?

You are...ridiculous. lmao
I have never understood all the arguments. I believe most will live and let live. However, no one has to accept same sex marriage if they believe differently. To equate this debate with skin color which one cannot choose etc (as civil rights) is still silly. That is where it breaks down. I know some will disagree but, I have yet to see a solid AMA study that refutes that this is not a behavior and conduct issue. One that will society will ultimately decide.
I have never understood all the arguments. I believe most will live and let live. However, no one has to accept same sex marriage if they believe differently. To equate this debate with skin color which one cannot choose etc (as civil rights) is still silly. That is where it breaks down. I know some will disagree but, I have yet to see a solid AMA study that refutes that this is not a behavior and conduct issue. One that will society will ultimately decide.
so when did you choose to be straight? Your wee wee gets hard based on conscious choice or is it a more subconscious reaction?
Why do you think it would be any different with gay people?

Sexual attraction ("getting hard, getting aroused") is an AUTONOMIC function. You cannot will yourself to being aroused.
I have never understood all the arguments. I believe most will live and let live. However, no one has to accept same sex marriage if they believe differently. To equate this debate with skin color which one cannot choose etc (as civil rights) is still silly. That is where it breaks down. I know some will disagree but, I have yet to see a solid AMA study that refutes that this is not a behavior and conduct issue. One that will society will ultimately decide.
It would certainly seem that the majority of America and developed global society has decided, as have the highest US court. It's just a withering minority tossing out silly legal challenges and bathroom laws... Things which aren't even really intended to truly change the cultural evolution, but really just to rally the angry masses.

I am amazed by people who still believe that they actually live in spendid insolation from LGBT family and colleagues. The statistics would indicate that there are LGBT people already in YOUR life, you are just unaware or in denial. Also, an open honest conversation with someone who is LGBT would likely help your opinion to evolve on the idea that LGBT individuals choose their orientation.

To each their own, until you use religion as an excuse to keep others from openly living their lives.
so when did you choose to be straight? Your wee wee gets hard based on conscious choice or is it a more subconscious reaction?
Why do you think it would be any different with gay people?

Sexual attraction ("getting hard, getting aroused") is an AUTONOMIC function. You cannot will yourself to being aroused.
Sorry, you don't get a pass. I decided early on that anal sex with a man is revulsive. It is my decision and opinion which is worth about as much as yours. This is all about decisions or, everything we do we can't help ourselves?
It would certainly seem that the majority of America and developed global society has decided, as have the highest US court. It's just a withering minority tossing out silly legal challenges and bathroom laws... Things which aren't even really intended to truly change the cultural evolution, but really just to rally the angry masses.

I am amazed by people who still believe that they actually live in spendid insolation from LGBT family and colleagues. The statistics would indicate that there are LGBT people already in YOUR life, you are just unaware or in denial. Also, an open honest conversation with someone who is LGBT would likely help your opinion to evolve on the idea that LGBT individuals choose their orientation.

To each their own, until you use religion as an excuse to keep others from openly living their lives.
Sorry, my discussion has nothing to do with religion. As I said LBGT are welcome to live lives as they see fit. However, there are choices just like drugs and alcohol or does the human species not make decisions? Are we all animals with no rational thought? Theft-I cannot help myself? Ask the AMA what the majority would say? Can you cite many article why your viewpoint is the "majority?
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Sorry, you don't get a pass. I decided early on that anal sex with a man is revulsive. It is my decision and opinion which is worth about as much as yours. This is all about decisions or, everything we do we can't help ourselves?
lmao, you "decided" that you were revulsed by something? So you looked anal sex with men, sex with women, weighed the pros and cons, and then "decided" you found one repulsive and one attractive?

lmao, you "decided" that you were revulsed by something? So you looked anal sex with men, sex with women, weighed the pros and cons, and then "decided" you found one repulsive and one attractive?

LMAO. So, we do not legislate morality, especially in the past on this debate? I don't have to agree with certain behavior/conduct. Like the OJ trial, I don't have to agree with it just accept it. I don't believe the majority agree with these decisions either, that's ok. BTW, many of my black friends are turned of by the turning of this into a civil rights issue-skin color that has nothing to do with behavior. Are there many physical health reasons not to OK this lifestyle? Disease, emotional etc? It is not OK to voice oppostion or does that make me a horrible person?
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LMAO. So, we do not legislate morality, especially in the past on this debate? I don't have to agree with certain behavior/conduct. Like the OJ trial, I don't have to agree with it just accept it. I don't believe the majority agree with these decisions either, that's ok. BTW, many of my black friends are turned of by the turning of this into a civil rights issue-skin color that has nothing to do with behavior. Are there many physical health reasons not to OK this lifestyle? Disease, emotional etc? It is not OK to voice oppostion or does that make me a horrible person?
being gay has zero to do with morality. Come on into the 21st Century. And homophobia isn't limited to white people.
so when did you choose to be straight? Your wee wee gets hard based on conscious choice or is it a more subconscious reaction?
Why do you think it would be any different with gay people?

Sexual attraction ("getting hard, getting aroused") is an AUTONOMIC function. You cannot will yourself to being aroused.
do all gay men just happen to suffer from fear boners? that must be it.
deciding if he likes girls or guys...
being gay has zero to do with morality. Come on into the 21st Century. And homophobia isn't limited to white people.
Isn't heterophobia also a problem? I am happy to let people do whatever they want but, I also am allowed my opinion on conduct and behavior. Perhaps we will allow men to shower with women and women with men, go all the way. Why not? After all, it doesn't harm anyone does it? Nothing wrong with it?

Why is jaywalking (maybe the lowest and laughable of low misdemeanors) illegal in many places? It doesn't hurt anyone does it? Is it also conduct and behavior?
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I rarely engage in such debates, but come on man! My older bro and I grew up together, same parents, same environment, same experiences by and large, and no uncle creeper touching either of us. He has ALWAYS been gay, though it wasn't until his latter teen years that he really knew it to be true. Very Catholic family in rural Indiana, so this was not something offered as a "choice" or option growing up. He did not choose this hard path in life, it is simply how he is wired. Though I lean center right on many issues, not on LGBT ones. I cannot believe there is still a sizable portion of morally self righteous ignorant people who believe being gay is just a person choosing to be attracted to the same sex and choosing not to be attracted to the opposite sex. You can argue all you want about God making them that way, man's sinful nature allowing such genetic mutations, or it simply being a genetic abberation, but some sort of equal choice made consciously that can go either way, well back to my original comment, come on man!
I rarely engage in such debates, but come on man! My older bro and I grew up together, same parents, same environment, same experiences by and large, and no uncle creeper touching either of us. He has ALWAYS been gay, though it wasn't until his latter teen years that he really knew it to be true. Very Catholic family in rural Indiana, so this was not something offered as a "choice" or option growing up. He did not choose this hard path in life, it is simply how he is wired. Though I lean center right on many issues, not on LGBT ones. I cannot believe there is still a sizable portion of morally self righteous ignorant people who believe being gay is just a person choosing to be attracted to the same sex and choosing not to be attracted to the opposite sex. You can argue all you want about God making them that way, man's sinful nature allowing such genetic mutations, or it simply being a genetic abberation, but some sort of equal choice made consciously that can go either way, well back to my original comment, come on man!
No choice? Like alcoholism? I can't help myself? How about DeBlasio's wife (NYC mayor) who went from lesbian to heterosexual marriage. That was not choice? I have read that kleptomaniacs (shoplifters) have no choice. I don't buy that. MAYBE there is a pre-disposition to some behaviors but, ALL involve choice. Look, I have LBGT friends. They also know I don't approve of the lifestyle and I leave it at that. I don't look down of them, I don't hate them.
Personally I believe innate homosexuality is common (the genetic kind, not sure I ever met someone where it was due to childhood trauma). But I believe to a much smaller degree there are people wired such that sexuality (innate attraction) is more a spectrum and is somewhere in between homo and hetero, bi if you will. Of course this touches on that gray area where sexual attraction might go to other areas like animals, kids, etc. but I don't have personal experiences and am not well enough versed on the neuroscience or psychological studies to have a well informed opinion as to the origin of these admittedly far less savory examples of non-heterosexual attractions.

Alcoholism, whether a gene or choice, will kill the abuser or others (driving, liver failure, rage fits, etc.) and I don't believe a fair comparison to being born gay. Should a gay person be forced to live an unhappy frustrated life of denial by being celibate vs. sharing a happy loving monogamous relationship with someone that embodies all other Christian tenents? A God that would condemn that person to hell is no loving God of mine (you can keep that God all to yourself). We are all sinners and God will be the judge, not you or I. I choose to believe he loves my brother as much as me or even you. Now THAT is a choice (of belief) that I make. Peace my fellow Boilermaker.
Personally I believe innate homosexuality is common (the genetic kind, not sure I ever met someone where it was due to childhood trauma). But I believe to a much smaller degree there are people wired such that sexuality (innate attraction) is more a spectrum and is somewhere in between homo and hetero, bi if you will. Of course this touches on that gray area where sexual attraction might go to other areas like animals, kids, etc. but I don't have personal experiences and am not well enough versed on the neuroscience or psychological studies to have a well informed opinion as to the origin of these admittedly far less savory examples of non-heterosexual attractions.

Alcoholism, whether a gene or choice, will kill the abuser or others (driving, liver failure, rage fits, etc.) and I don't believe a fair comparison to being born gay. Should a gay person be forced to live an unhappy frustrated life of denial by being celibate vs. sharing a happy loving monogamous relationship with someone that embodies all other Christian tenents? A God that would condemn that person to hell is no loving God of mine (you can keep that God all to yourself). We are all sinners and God will be the judge, not you or I. I choose to believe he loves my brother as much as me or even you. Now THAT is a choice (of belief) that I make. Peace my fellow Boilermaker.
Good debate! I prefer to leave religion out of my discussion as it is not my place to judge people however, I can exercise my judgement on conduct and behavior. I just believe life is all about choices, more so than we believe. Peace you also!
Look, I have LBGT friends. They also know I don't approve of the lifestyle and I leave it at that. I don't look down of them, I don't hate them.

I don't think there's a big distinction between not approving of someone's lifestyle and "looking down on them". You're "looking down on" a significant aspect of who they are.

Ultimately to me the best "evidence" to refute your stance of it all being a lifestyle choice is animals in nature that engage in homosexuality. Non-human animals (presumably) don't make moral and well-reasoned conscious "decisions" the way human animals do. So if animals in nature have gay sex, and they sometimes do, then it tells us something about the "naturalness" of homosexuality in absence of human judgment and reasoning. The naturalness of homosexuality only starts breaking down when we forget that humans are animals too and that we evolved from the same branches of life as all other animals.

The other strong (though more subjective) counterpoint is that in most cases there's no "incentive" to being gay, and in fact it imposes many social and even legal burdens on the individual that would quickly go away if the individual simply chose instead to be straight.
I don't think there's a big distinction between not approving of someone's lifestyle and "looking down on them". You're "looking down on" a significant aspect of who they are.

Ultimately to me the best "evidence" to refute your stance of it all being a lifestyle choice is animals in nature that engage in homosexuality. Non-human animals (presumably) don't make moral and well-reasoned conscious "decisions" the way human animals do. So if animals in nature have gay sex, and they sometimes do, then it tells us something about the "naturalness" of homosexuality in absence of human judgment and reasoning. The naturalness of homosexuality only starts breaking down when we forget that humans are animals too and that we evolved from the same branches of life as all other animals.

The other strong (though more subjective) counterpoint is that in most cases there's no "incentive" to being gay, and in fact it imposes many social and even legal burdens on the individual that would quickly go away if the individual simply chose instead to be straight.
Your second point is ineffective because he believes it is a sickness like alcoholism which he directly mentioned or pedophilia which he didn't but I have no doubt he believes. So even if it isn't a choice to have those feelings it's still wrong and you should avoid just like a paedophile should or an alcoholic should abstain from alcohol. Allows him to do the whole judgment thing.
Personally I believe innate homosexuality is common (the genetic kind, not sure I ever met someone where it was due to childhood trauma). But I believe to a much smaller degree there are people wired such that sexuality (innate attraction) is more a spectrum and is somewhere in between homo and hetero, bi if you will. Of course this touches on that gray area where sexual attraction might go to other areas like animals, kids, etc. but I don't have personal experiences and am not well enough versed on the neuroscience or psychological studies to have a well informed opinion as to the origin of these admittedly far less savory examples of non-heterosexual attractions.

Alcoholism, whether a gene or choice, will kill the abuser or others (driving, liver failure, rage fits, etc.) and I don't believe a fair comparison to being born gay. Should a gay person be forced to live an unhappy frustrated life of denial by being celibate vs. sharing a happy loving monogamous relationship with someone that embodies all other Christian tenents? A God that would condemn that person to hell is no loving God of mine (you can keep that God all to yourself). We are all sinners and God will be the judge, not you or I. I choose to believe he loves my brother as much as me or even you. Now THAT is a choice (of belief) that I make. Peace my fellow Boilermaker.
So, I take it you don't identify as Catholic anymore.
So, I take it you don't identify as Catholic anymore.
Your Pope seems pretty gay-friendly these days.

"We have to find a way to help that father or that mother to stand by their [LGBTQ] son or daughter."

"If they [gay priests] accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn't be marginalized. The tendency [same-sex attraction] is not the problem... they're our brothers."
I "became" Methodist for my ex about 20 years ago when we married, before that went to a Catholic church until I was about 18 (I turn 42 on Wed). In some ways I still feel drawn to some tenents of the Catholic Church, but in many ways the more positive message received at my Methodist church are much more appealing to me. I fancy myself a more moderate Christian than a particular denomination (I haven't found a lot of daylight between mainstream moderate church's of Methodists, Catholics, Lutherns, etc.). If I start hearing fire and brimstone preaching or self righteous judgy talk amongst the congregation, that is when I find a new church.

My understanding of the Catholic Church (and my own Merhodist church) is gays aren't condemned to hell and are welcome to attend service. The sacrament of marriage is not offered and their sexual acts are still seen as sinful, per scripture anyway (haven't heard any open talk/hate in my church about gay people). I think hearts and minds are changing and in a generation the LGBT issue will only be a big deal at the minority of fundamentalist churches/houses of worship. Lots of evolution of religious beliefs through the ages to match modern day practice/understanding and I don't see this stopping. Whether interpretation of religious texts should be subject to "evolution" is a whole other debate that I will leave for you guys to bat around.
Your Pope seems pretty gay-friendly these days.

"We have to find a way to help that father or that mother to stand by their [LGBTQ] son or daughter."

"If they [gay priests] accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn't be marginalized. The tendency [same-sex attraction] is not the problem... they're our brothers."
LOL...yeah, he's a real maverick...except nothing he's said is new or has changed any Church teaching on homosexuality. Probably why these folks aren't that impressed with his "gay-friendliness."
I "became" Methodist for my ex about 20 years ago when we married, before that went to a Catholic church until I was about 18 (I turn 42 on Wed). In some ways I still feel drawn to some tenents of the Catholic Church, but in many ways the more positive message received at my Methodist church are much more appealing to me. I fancy myself a more moderate Christian than a particular denomination (I haven't found a lot of daylight between mainstream moderate church's of Methodists, Catholics, Lutherns, etc.). If I start hearing fire and brimstone preaching or self righteous judgy talk amongst the congregation, that is when I find a new church.

My understanding of the Catholic Church (and my own Merhodist church) is gays aren't condemned to hell and are welcome to attend service. The sacrament of marriage is not offered and their sexual acts are still seen as sinful, per scripture anyway (haven't heard any open talk/hate in my church about gay people). I think hearts and minds are changing and in a generation the LGBT issue will only be a big deal at the minority of fundamentalist churches/houses of worship. Lots of evolution of religious beliefs through the ages to match modern day practice/understanding and I don't see this stopping. Whether interpretation of religious texts should be subject to "evolution" is a whole other debate that I will leave for you guys to bat around.
two young adults having sex on a Saturday night is still considered sinful by the CC if they are unmarried, but I agree with you that the move is towards making homosexuality about as "sinful" as that is which is to say, while the official word is it's bad, the unofficial evolution is towards, no one cares. All churches have evolved on a lot of things over the decades and centuries. Some Christians used the Bible to legitimize slavery, the Mormons used it plus their own teachings to legitimize AAs as being blighted by God. Or the subordination of women to men, etc. But thankfully, modernization has made those thoughts less prevalent, although still present.
LOL...yeah, he's a real maverick...except nothing he's said is new or has changed any Church teaching on homosexuality. Probably why these folks aren't that impressed with his "gay-friendliness."
I'm impressed with his gay-friendliness. And yeah, saying "who am I to judge" gay people is definitely new. And gird your loins KB but I strongly suspect Church teachings in fact will change, and possibly within your lifetime. Because the youth all around the world reject the idea that being gay or "doing gay things" is a sin, and unless the Church "evolves" they are going to lose ground. The more liberal Protestant churches have already gotten on-board with that. The rest will get there eventually.
I'm impressed with his gay-friendliness. And yeah, saying "who am I to judge" gay people is definitely new. And gird your loins KB but I strongly suspect Church teachings in fact will change, and possibly within your lifetime. Because the youth all around the world reject the idea that being gay or "doing gay things" is a sin, and unless the Church "evolves" they are going to lose ground. The more liberal Protestant churches have already gotten on-board with that. The rest will get there eventually.
That's right, the Catholic Church in its 2,000+ years is well known for taking opinion polls to set Church doctrine. And no, Catholic Church teaching won't change during my lifetime or anyone else's lifetime. Now, it's certainly possible that there could be a schism. But, the Church of Rome will always be around because Jesus promised, "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
So, I'm not concerned.
Your second point is ineffective because he believes it is a sickness like alcoholism which he directly mentioned or pedophilia which he didn't but I have no doubt he believes. So even if it isn't a choice to have those feelings it's still wrong and you should avoid just like a paedophile should or an alcoholic should abstain from alcohol. Allows him to do the whole judgment thing.
Actually you make some good points. Alcoholism has been called sickness as well as pedophilia-who knows, society make make it OK in it's eyes someday. And, yes, you can have choices on whether to participate even if EXTREMELY difficult, or are we all animals and no control of ourselves or do we just make bad decisions? On judgement there is some distinction. We use it everyday discerning matters. It is opinion even though you and I try to decide what is right. Judging whether one should be jailed, punished, action made legal etc is left to others. It is not my job.
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Your second point is ineffective because he believes it is a sickness like alcoholism which he directly mentioned or pedophilia which he didn't but I have no doubt he believes. So even if it isn't a choice to have those feelings it's still wrong and you should avoid just like a paedophile should or an alcoholic should abstain from alcohol. Allows him to do the whole judgment thing.

I suspect BOTH of my points will be ineffective for him lol. I get what you're saying about his judgment platform. My second point was mainly about incentives. Alcoholics have a clear incentive, the same incentive that leads most people to drink at least on occasion...alcoholics just do it much more frequently. Pedophiles have an incentive which is similar to that of a rapist. I think he mentioned kleptomaniacs, and obviously there's an incentive to stealing rather than paying.

There is not much incentive for that of a gay person, though. The dating pool shrinks by perhaps 90%, it is more difficult to have kids and particularly to have kids that share your genes, and historically it has been impossible to get married and therefore to get any legal/tax benefits therein (including even visiting your partner in an ICU). Even the sex itself is mechanically more difficult (particularly with lesbians, although it applies to both).

Without much incentive, it becomes harder to explain from his viewpoint why so many people "decide" to be gay. While it's true that it's also hard to describe the incentives of, say, serial killers, it's also true that there's a tiny fraction of them walking among us--thankfully!
That's right, the Catholic Church in its 2,000+ years is well known for taking opinion polls to set Church doctrine. And no, Catholic Church teaching won't change during my lifetime or anyone else's lifetime. Now, it's certainly possible that there could be a schism. But, the Church of Rome will always be around because Jesus promised, "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
So, I'm not concerned.
Are you really making the argument that the Catholic Church never changes? Wow. I didn't say anything about opinion polls. I said that just like any other entity the Catholic Church kinda wants adherents, and given the OVERWHELMINGLY pro-gay attitudes of millennials not in just this country but elsewhere, and the likelihood that their children will also have those attitudes, the CC will either adopt those attitudes to some extent (as Pope Francis clearly has begun to do) or they become more and more irrelevant. I'm banking on the CC being a reasonable entity that wants to increase/maintain their relevance, not decline it, particularly for something that doesn't even rate much of a mention in the NT.
I suspect BOTH of my points will be ineffective for him lol. I get what you're saying about his judgment platform. My second point was mainly about incentives. Alcoholics have a clear incentive, the same incentive that leads most people to drink at least on occasion...alcoholics just do it much more frequently. Pedophiles have an incentive which is similar to that of a rapist. I think he mentioned kleptomaniacs, and obviously there's an incentive to stealing rather than paying.

There is not much incentive for that of a gay person, though. The dating pool shrinks by perhaps 90%, it is more difficult to have kids and particularly to have kids that share your genes, and historically it has been impossible to get married and therefore to get any legal/tax benefits therein (including even visiting your partner in an ICU). Even the sex itself is mechanically more difficult (particularly with lesbians, although it applies to both).

Without much incentive, it becomes harder to explain from his viewpoint why so many people "decide" to be gay. While it's true that it's also hard to describe the incentives of, say, serial killers, it's also true that there's a tiny fraction of them walking among us--thankfully!
Well based on his response above, he seems more intrigued by your second point lol
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That's right, the Catholic Church in its 2,000+ years is well known for taking opinion polls to set Church doctrine. And no, Catholic Church teaching won't change during my lifetime or anyone else's lifetime. Now, it's certainly possible that there could be a schism. But, the Church of Rome will always be around because Jesus promised, "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
So, I'm not concerned.
peter means stone, Peter and rock would have been interchangeable. Hell is not hell, but hades, and the having the "gates of hades" would certainly not have meant the catholic hell. Catholics have gone way out of their way to pervert this line to make it look like christ only sanctioned peter to be his "church" starter. There's also nothing about it lasting forever and ever, only that nothing would stop it from being built, which already happened.
peter means stone, Peter and rock would have been interchangeable. Hell is not hell, but hades, and the having the "gates of hades" would certainly not have meant the catholic hell. Catholics have gone way out of their way to pervert this line to make it look like christ only sanctioned peter to be his "church" starter. There's also nothing about it lasting forever and ever, only that nothing would stop it from being built, which already happened.
That's your understanding. But, please don't be insulted if I don't accept your biblical scholarship over 2,000 years of Church teaching.