John Bolton & Ukraine Aid

You want people to read the New York Times piece by Nicole Hemmer...

or the BREITBART INTERPRETATION of the piece, by Schweitzer ???!!!!
Real damn big difference, Charlie Brown...….REAL big.
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The New York Times just reported that former National Security Advisor John Bolton, in his as-yet-unpublished book manuscript, has confirmed that Pres. Trump tied Ukraine aid to (Biden) inquiries.
no one cares what is maybe in someone's book jesus h.
It won’t. Trump’s landslide will be bigger than when he beat Hillary
Rrrright. EVERY candidate sitting at a 42/51 % deficit in Pres. job approval in Jan., winds up winning in a landslide in Nov.

("landslide " against Hillary ? It was the 2nd closest E.C. victory in DECADES...not to mention losing the pop. vote by almost 3 million. Of course, Trump called it a landslide)
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Rrrright. EVERY candidate sitting at a 42/51 % deficit in Pres. job approval in Jan., winds up winning in a landslide in Nov.

("landslide " against Hillary ? It was the 2nd closest E.C. victory in DECADES...not to mention losing the pop. vote by almost 3 million. Of course, Trump called it a landslide)
Again you need to educate yourself. Electoral college is what determines the election not popular vote. Popular vote is meaningless and Trump was smart enough to realize this. Hillary failed to realize this by not campaigning in Michigan and other states.
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Again you need to educate yourself. Electoral college is what determines the election not popular vote. Popular vote is meaningless and Trump was smart enough to realize this. Hillary failed to realize this by not campaigning in Michigan and other states.
I suggest you make an appointment with a respected optometrist if you think you read where I wasn't aware of what determines the winner of our presidential elections.
The point of contention was :
1) What constitutes a "landslide" hint: 2016 WASN'T one
2) Will 2020 be one ?? hint: not for Trump, currently on the wrong side of a 42/51 % job approval deficit
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Maybe if you can get your issue diagnosed as an obsessive-compulsive can get your health care insurer to pay for your treatment...
A record of your posts, here, should be all they need...
Ha says the idiot that posts 50 times a day
dumbass - if you weren't the pest that nobody can get rid of.....ALL of my posts would be for the purpose of contributing to discussions, like everyone one BUT you, considers the ONLY reason to be here in the first place. YOUR reason is ONLY to attack posters you don't agree with. Simple and obvious.
Me? That is all you do is attack anyone that disagrees. If you dont like it shut up! All you do and have ever done is attack anyone that dare not have you or 35s viewpoint. Look at your posts. Your standard go to is how dare anyone disagree with my messed up point of view? Oh they must need mental help. You are the one that needs a mental evaluation. Its obvious to anyone besides your 3 buddies that you are messed up
Going to spend some money on this. But it'll be worth it.
Wow 3 threads same money. Are you threatening me again because that how I see it. You need to think very carefully going down that road again . You are so wound up in this board and how dare anyone stand up to you that you are going to have a stroke
Breitbart is like a security blanket for conservatives. You’re watching the Lev Parnas recording and the Bolton revelations and you start to realize that you’ve been completely lied to. You’re watching the White House defense and realizing that their only arguments are outright lies and illogical half-truths. The real world starts poking in the bubble and you’re getting nervous, let’s log into Breitbart, ah the sweet propaganda, let all those well-founded worries go, you’re safe again.
It won’t. Trump’s landslide will be bigger than when he beat Hillary
Have you actually looked up the election results historically or are you just going off of what you’ve heard? Trump’s margin of victory ranked 46th out of 58 election. He won the electoral college by a total of less than 80,000 votes across 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin). It was close any way that you look at it.
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Well, then Bolton testifying shouldn't be an issue then. He'd probably totally exonerate trump.
exonerate over which mickey mouse charge? there's no case. no high crime. any info in someone's book is not cross examined testimony. but hey im sure you have your msm bombshell flag waiving. he was impeached because he's a republican and he'll be acquitted because he's a republican.
Have you actually looked up the election results historically or are you just going off of what you’ve heard? Trump’s margin of victory ranked 46th out of 58 election. He won the electoral college by a total of less than 80,000 votes across 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin). It was close any way that you look at it.
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Breitbart is like a security blanket for conservatives. You’re watching the Lev Parnas recording and the Bolton revelations and you start to realize that you’ve been completely lied to. You’re watching the White House defense and realizing that their only arguments are outright lies and illogical half-truths. The real world starts poking in the bubble and you’re getting nervous, let’s log into Breitbart, ah the sweet propaganda, let all those well-founded worries go, you’re safe again.
Actually I watched Alan D give this presentation on MSNBC. I just posted the Breitbart link of the same thing to show how intolerant the left would be. As predictable as the beautiful Southern California rising as I type
Have you actually looked up the election results historically or are you just going off of what you’ve heard? Trump’s margin of victory ranked 46th out of 58 election. He won the electoral college by a total of less than 80,000 votes across 3 states (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin). It was close any way that you look at it.
Final score 306 Trump 232 Clinton. And I think he could expand the victory margin with Minnesota, Nevada, and New Mexico and other states that will come into play
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I, uh, wouldn't be banking on NJ going R. Anytime Trump goes to rural area, even in a blue state, he's going to get a turnout. NYC and Philly suburbs are WAY too dense for Rs to have a shot.
I know but Chris C was a two time governor recently. Both NY and NJ are losing a lot of residents due to high state taxes so this may be an issue
I know but Chris C was a two time governor recently. Both NY and NJ are losing a lot of residents due to high state taxes so this may be an issue

That headline is a bit overblown, these are still massive population centers (NYC is untouchable in the US). Further, I would argue that anyone migrating out due to tax avoidance is likely to vote R, anyway, thus making the mix more heavily D, no?
That headline is a bit overblown, these are still massive population centers (NYC is untouchable in the US). Further, I would argue that anyone migrating out due to tax avoidance is likely to vote R, anyway, thus making the mix more heavily D, no?
You really don't believe that intelligent, well to do Dem's aren't concerned about paying too much in taxes?
That headline is a bit overblown, these are still massive population centers (NYC is untouchable in the US). Further, I would argue that anyone migrating out due to tax avoidance is likely to vote R, anyway, thus making the mix more heavily D, no?
Possible but could also make states they're moving to less Red like Florida and Texas
You really don't believe that intelligent, well to do Dem's aren't concerned about paying too much in taxes?

I think older wealthier people are more likely to use it as a reason for moving away. That demographic skews R pretty strongly.