ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as......

Re: Well, that's one way of putting it

Exaggeration strategy, give me a break, according to you if one Muslim farts all of Islam has gas.

You just exaggerated again. Are even aware you're doing it?

Did you demand Catholic Churches implement programs stopping the IRA from terrorist activities?

Yes. I demanded they cease teaching the Catholic doctrine that called for violence against non-Catholics and ceased promoting the violence done by Jesus as acceptable.

You keep dodging the point and won't take it
to it's logical conclusion.

No, YOU keep insisting I call for a modern day Inquisition so you can denounce me instead of addressing the real problem. Then, when I don't call for a modern day Inquisition you say I don't have a plan, i.e. "You've got nothing!".

Is law enforcement surveillance a good idea? You obviously think it is. Yet it doesn't work all the time. According to your logic we should start harassing law enforcement to produce a perfect plan that will perfectly stop terrorist attacks. Then, when they don't come up with one we should harass them with claims like "You've got nothing!".

You are the one who continually states ALL
Islam is a threat, Muslims WILL NOT assimilate, every bad act by a
Muslim is PROOF of a pattern. No one is putting those words in your
mouth, so if ALL are a threat, they WILL NOT assimilate and every
terrorist act in the history of mankind perpetrated by a Muslim is PROOF
that all Muslims are a threat then how do we deal with the ones already
in the West?

Wading though your exaggerations again........NEWSFLASH: Life isn't perfect. We're not going to be able to completely, perfectly prevent the problem from existing. I've already addressed things that will help. Of course we could prevent future problems through a sane immigration policy. But if you agreed with that it'd mean you agree the (Islamic) problem exists. THAT is something you simply cannot stomach. So instead you make people like me the problem.

Anything to defend Islam.
Jesus well let me stop exaggerating and agree that completely stopping the importation of Islam will keep us all safe!!!

How are we going to do that exactly, I don't want to exaggerate so tell me how will INS determine if the person coming in constitutes importation of Islam?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You just can't let go of this idea.....

.......that if something doesn't work perfectly then its a waste of time and should be mocked.

Jesus well let me stop exaggerating and agree that completely stopping the importation of Islam will keep us all safe!!!

Um, you just exaggerated again.

BTW, do you think the Muslims (and their descendants) we have imported have made us safer?

How are we going to do that exactly, I don't want to exaggerate so tell me how will INS
[sic] determine if the person coming in constitutes importation of Islam?

You're right. Its impossible so we shouldn't even try. Couldn't start with their country of origin or anything like that.

EDIT: I've got it! We can get NASA to do it for us. If they can identify who needs to feel better about themselves then surely they can help.

This post was edited on 2/27 3:38 PM by GMM
Good lord, are Muslims already here a problem or not? I don't want assume you think they are and be accused of exaggerating.

So if a person comes from predominantly Muslim area we need to treat that person as an importation of Islam? I'm asking because that kind of sounds like in your solution we need to view all Muslims as a threat but I don't want to exaggerate.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good lord, are Muslims already here a problem or not?

Of course not. There are no observable behavioral differences between them and everybody else. Equality!

So if a person comes from predominantly Muslim area we need to treat that person as an importation of Islam?

That's a start. If we had had an immigration policy that didn't allow them to emigrate here think of all the terrorist attacks that wouldn't have happened. All the resources we wouldn't have to expend making sure such terrorist attacks don't happen.
I guess that's sarcasm? But then that's big question we coming back to, how do we deal with Muslims already here. But we'll save that for later because we know your answer.

So is it an exaggeration to say you think all Muslims pose a threat to the West OR is your view that there are good, nonthreatening, Muslims but for the sake of security we need to treat all Muslims as threatening?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The problem is that people like you refuse to notice a pattern because its politically incorrect to do so. Therefore you go after people like me who notice the obvious.

So is it an exaggeration to say you think all Muslims pose a threat to
the West OR is your view that there are good, nonthreatening, Muslims
but for the sake of security we need to treat all Muslims as

Islam is the problem. But you can't help yourself from trying to make Muslims into victims. It happens every time there's yet another Islamic terrorist attack. We're lectured to "get off our high horse", we're lectured about all the bad things Westerners have done going back centuries, we're lectured about anti-Muslim backlashes (that never happen), etc. Of course there are "good, nonthreatening, Muslims". What a stupid question! But you have to ask it to make it seem like I'm saying ALL Muslims are fire-breathing jihadists. If I don't say that then, according to your logic, there are no threats from Muslims at all and therefore any criticism of Islam is based on hatred and fear. Do you see how desperate you are to avoid the problem?

What would Muslims have to do for YOU to acknowledge Islam as a problem? What would they have to do for YOU to acknowledge that we shouldn't import them anymore?
Okay nice rant please tell me what a Muslim is. See I always thought a Muslim was a person who followed Islam. You say Islam is the problem so please understand my confusion. Muslims can be nonthreatening while still adhering to Islam, but Islam, according to you, is the problem.

I'm not accusing you of anything, not championing anything. You want me to accept a no importation of Islam policy but apparently can't articulate WTF that is.

Once f'in again, are all Muslims a threat? If not how do we distinguish a threatening Muslim from a nonthreatening Muslim?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I don't know why....

Originally posted by qazplm:
he doesn't just say what he clearly really thinks:

Expel all muslims and don't let them in.

And quite frankly, in his heart of hearts, I'm sure he'd be ok with the idea of making this a Whites-only nation.
A few reasons:

1) he knows that's in direct conflict with the Constitution.
2) he knows it's impossible to enforce/execute.
3) he believes that saying that would lead to his demonization on this board and thinks we're trying to sucker him into saying it so we can call him a racist again (that's his stated stance, but I really think it's just masking the fact that he recognizes the first two facts).

I pretty much think he recognizes that his solution isn't viable, and that's why he doesn't push it and instead talks about how the media should do things, and we should encourage assimilation (as if we don't) and we should "demand" things from families. It's all a bunch of comical hot air, and I think even he's starting to recognize the difficulty of the problem.

Of course, I'm wont to give people credit when they deserve none.
Re: Seriously?

Originally posted by GMM:

What do we do with Nazis who live here?

Regardless, I guess according to you we'll just have to live with the jihad, the violence, the rapes, the changing of our culture to meet their demands, etc. Nothing we can do to stop it. Enjoy your dhimmitude.
We ignore them unless they break the law, just like Muslims.

I must've missed the "jihad, rapes, changing of our culture" that's happening all over, unopposed in the United States.

If the US were really a Muslim state as your use of "dhimmitude" implies, I think we'd know by now!
So, it's been a while

Is this like tribalism, or do you not care about black folks and their tendencies anymore? I'm surprised you haven't trained and hone over there as a contractor to help quell Islam.

Re: So, it's been a while

"tribalism"? You're still upset over that word after all these years? Gosh, I never realized it would wound you so deeply.

I'll try to remember to put up a trigger warning next time.
Re: So, it's been a while

The question is still in play: you were concerned with PC takeover and tribalistic behavior. Is this the same or different? It doesn't hurt or whatever at all. You were a joke years ago and you are a joke now. Just like with your takes on blacks back then , you've moved to Muslims with almost the same rhetoric.

Keep up the good work. I'm sure we'd all thank you if we knew the behind the scenes things you do to preserve your way of life.

all the rational folks

on this board, from both sides, already demonize him. The ones who don't, aren't going to do it if he called for all Muslims to be deported. Especially considering some of the craziness he's already said on here.
so are extremist parents with nut allergies

refusing to assimilate? Does that mean all parents refuse to assimilate?

That's the problem with all of this. There are extremists in every group demanding something silly. Yet somehow when they are Muslim and wanting pork removed then we should be afraid, instead of simply mocking them like we mock extremist parents with nut allergies.

It's also interesting that these stories are either made up or from somewhere not in the US (Belgium, Canada...).

Muslims in America are assimilating just like other immigrants/groups. The vast majority are just trying to feed their families, raise kids, and live. Who's not compromising? Other than extreme idiots? And why would you base any thought or policy or concern on extreme idiots (except for terrorists, and even then you risk completely changing your world for a low-probability occurrence).


This post was edited on 2/28 11:13 AM by qazplm


This post was edited on 2/28 9:14 AM by qazplm
Re: so are extremist parents with nut allergies

Right qaz. Montreal is 40 miles away from the Great Satan. This isn't a problem for us.

This post was edited on 2/28 12:54 PM by buygreekbonds
What you posted is a hoax. Do you not see that? It is not a real letter, never happened! It didn't happen in Canada or Belgium. No mayor took a stand and no town clerk wrote a letter.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
No-pork-in-schools may be a hoax. It's a trivial issue. Imam Hamza Chaouiial is not a hoax nor is he a trivial issue.
dont be fooled

First they came for the pork, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the steak, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the chicken, and I said nothing.

(Well, I'm black so I said little bit, amirite GMM?)
Re: so are extremist parents with nut allergies

......instead of simply mocking them like we mock extremist parents with nut allergies.

Yeah, politics and pop culture is rife with mockery of Muslims.

There are extremists in every group demanding something silly. Yet
somehow when they are Muslim and wanting pork removed then we should be

Must've missed all those peanut allergy parents beheading, raping, bombing, stabbing, shooting, and flying planes into buildings. Can you provide with some examples?

It's also interesting that these stories are either made up or from somewhere not in the US (Belgium, Canada...).

Oh, so this is one of those times we're not supposed to denounce America as "racist" and "Islamophobic"? Weird how it changes so often.

Muslims in America are assimilating just like other immigrants/groups.........except for terrorists.

Good point.
Re: dont be fooled

Does even one of you cowards have the balls to discuss Imam Hamza Chaouiial? Seriously, I don't mock you guys because you are non-veterans who were afraid to cut mommy's apron strings and low achievers without a single doctorate among you (exception Rondoc/Rondoc whatever).

Imam Hamza Chaouiial. He is not a freak. He is a typical, mainstream moslem who hates infidels. He is a clear and present danger.

non-veterans? Gr8s a veteran, I'm a veteran, there are other veterans around here, so please you can put that card back in your wallet.

What do you want to discuss about a single dude? And no, he isn't a typical mainstream Muslim. Nor have you provided any evidence that he is a clear and present danger. He's an idiot. World's filled with them.
grape soda

get your racial memes right!

Or as Dave Chapelle says, grape drink.