Is NC Lost for MAGA? Trump Buddy Implodes

Make America Great Again. Why are you so opposed to doing that? And if Kammi were a white woman would you vote for her for POTUS? Please answer honestly.
Dude I voted for Hiliary in 2016. White/Black has nothing to do with anything. If Sen. Tim Scott ran instead of Chump, I ain’t voting for Scott. Michael Steele perhaps.
That's my point. Weiner, the He/She, Al Franken, and other dem freaks resigned on their own or were forced to resign.
Right, like your hero Joe Crow who suddenly 'decided' to resign from the campaign.

Is the US lost for the mil/industrial/Washington establishment if their newest puppet is allowed to go off the script they have trained her on?

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Dude I voted for Hiliary in 2016. White/Black has nothing to do with anything. If Sen. Tim Scott ran instead of Chump, I ain’t voting for Scott. Michael Steele perhaps.
We know you will only vote for a Democrat no matter what. You have posted in the past that you’ve only voted for a Democrat your whole life.
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Make America Great Again. Why are you so opposed to doing that? And if Kammi were a white woman would you vote for her for POTUS? Please answer honestly.

Every item below would affect EVERY reader here &/or their friends & relatives positively.

♥️So my wife & her hundreds of friends work alot of OT when it's mandatory. No taxes on that-great.

♥️We are both SS age and when we do take it around 70....would be exceptional not to pay taxes on that.

♥️Be nice to have $2 ish gas again.

♥️Lower fuel prices will lower cost of things for everyone @ stores.

♥️Would be happy for folks not having to pay tax on tips the multiple times I go out to eat.

Thus my conclusion is, a person would have to both hate theirself & NOT care about the middle class to NOT vote for the above.

Exceptions would be a multimillionaire elitist, a green extremist, an economic palooka not grasping their family budget, or a vacuous voter who is really not bright, to NOT vote for the above.

Readers CAN NOT say, I am voting for K2 to protect democracy with a straight face. The coup of Biden for K2 took the wiping away of millions of legitimate votes to install an elitist puppet K2, who 4 months before they wanted to remove from the ticket.....and had no votes from the people. So this Democracy crap is not a legitimate take.
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We know you will only vote for a Democrat no matter what. You have posted in the past that you’ve only voted for a Democrat your whole life.
Yep, exactly. I gave y’all a repub ticket that can at least consider like a Christie/Pence or Christie/Cheney but y’all are so into this MAGA BS y’all shoot me down each time.
Yep, exactly. I gave y’all a repub ticket that can at least consider like a Christie/Pence or Christie/Cheney but y’all are so into this MAGA BS y’all shoot me down each time.

Because you do not look at policy....any excuse is meaningless BS.

Policy wise K2 doesn't come close to what's good for the middle and poor class.
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Every item below would affect EVERY reader here &/or their friends & relatives positively.

♥️So my wife & her hundreds of friends work alot of OT when it's mandatory. No taxes on that-great.

♥️We are both SS age and when we do take it around 70....would be exceptional not to pay taxes on that.

♥️Be nice to have $2 ish gas again.

♥️Lower fuel prices will lower cost of things for everyone @ stores.

♥️Would be happy for folks not having to pay tax on tips the multiple times I go out to eat.

Thus my conclusion is, a person would have to NOT care about the middle class to NOT vote for the above.

Exceptions would be a multimillionaire elitist, a green extremist, an economic palooka not grasping their family budget, or a vacuous voter who is really not bright, to NOT vote for the above.

Readers CAN NOT say, I am voting for K2 to protect democracy with a straight face. The coup of Biden for K2 took the wiping away of millions of legitimate votes to install an elitist puppet K2, who 4 months before they wanted to remove from the ticket.....and had no votes from the people. So this Democracy crap is not a legitimate take.
I am voting for Harris to maintain the democratic norms that make this country what it is. Protect democracy meh. Trump can't turn us fascist no matter how hard he will try. He can make things a lot more authoritarian.

To the point. Policies in this country have changed since the beginning and will always change. But what trump will try to do has never been done and shouldn't be. Maintaining what we have is more important than the price of gas.........which he can't control BTW.

I see you're towing the company line on the coup argument. Obama puppet too or just an ordinary puppet?
All those pissed off Biden voters sure are tanking Harris' numbers.
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I am voting for Harris to maintain the democratic norms that make this country what it is. Protect democracy meh. Trump can't turn us fascist no matter how hard he will try. He can make things a lot more authoritarian.

To the point. Policies in this country have changed since the beginning and will always change. But what trump will try to do has never been done and shouldn't be. Maintaining what we have is more important than the price of gas.........which he can't control BTW.

I see you're towing the company line on the coup argument. Obama puppet too or just an ordinary puppet.
All those pissed of Biden voters sure are tanking Harris' numbers.
You know, Trump had four years to turn this country fascist and never attemted to do so. He never had anyone killed, never locked anyone up. What he did do was lower taxes, place tarrifs on the Chinese, get NATO to pay their farre share. He also prevented any wars, passed legislation that allowed you and me to make more, he did a fantastic job on the Wuhan virus, considering Obama left the country short of all Supples we needed.

But you go right ahead and vote for someone who couldn't even get one vote for President when she ran last time because her views were even too radical for liberals to vote for.

As for gas prices, and as for the cost of food and other items we need and use every day, how did he do it the last time and why hasn't the women that you're supporting fixed it during her term as VP.

BTW, tell us all how Kammi is going to get anything done if she were to get elected. And how she's going to vet all those illegals now here destroying our country.
You know, Trump had four years to turn this country fascist and never attemted to do so. He never had anyone killed, never locked anyone up. What he did do was lower taxes, place tarrifs on the Chinese, get NATO to pay their farre share. He also prevented any wars, passed legislation that allowed you and me to make more, he did a fantastic job on the Wuhan virus, considering Obama left the country short of all Supples we needed.

But you go right ahead and vote for someone who couldn't even get one vote for President when she ran last time because her views were even too radical for liberals to vote for.

As for gas prices, and as for the cost of food and other items we need and use every day, how did he do it the last time and why hasn't the women that you're supporting fixed it during her term as VP.

BTW, tell us all how Kammi is going to get anything done if she were to get elected. And how she's going to vet all those illegals now here destroying our country.
Didn’t attempt to become an authoritarian?!?

Did you see what happened on January 6? People died and the capitol was overrun with confederate flags and Trump flags. Oh, and the angry mob went looking for the vice president of the United States so that they could hang him.
You know, Trump had four years to turn this country fascist and never attemted to do so. He never had anyone killed, never locked anyone up. What he did do was lower taxes, place tarrifs on the Chinese, get NATO to pay their farre share. He also prevented any wars, passed legislation that allowed you and me to make more, he did a fantastic job on the Wuhan virus, considering Obama left the country short of all Supples we needed.

But you go right ahead and vote for someone who couldn't even get one vote for President when she ran last time because her views were even too radical for liberals to vote for.

As for gas prices, and as for the cost of food and other items we need and use every day, how did he do it the last time and why hasn't the women that you're supporting fixed it during her term as VP.

BTW, tell us all how Kammi is going to get anything done if she were to get elected. And how she's going to vet all those illegals now here destroying our country.
And for what it’s worth, Trump did not place any tariffs on the Chinese government. He placed tariffs on American corporations that did business with Chinese corporations.
Didn’t attempt to become an authoritarian?!?

Did you see what happened on January 6? People died and the capitol was overrun with confederate flags and Trump flags. Oh, and the angry mob went looking for the vice president of the United States so that they could hang him.
First, and foremost Trump called the DC mayor and offered additional troops for that day, and she turned him down. Second, you know, and I know that Trump did not ask for that insurrection which could have been much more dangerous had the protestors wanted it to be. Lies continue about DJT every day, and those unable to think for themselves continue to believe it and repeat it.

And Pence was right in what he did that day.

Pelosi, not so much.
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Cheney....she's not a Republican
Cheney....she's not a Republican? Dude her voting record was in line with the repubs on almost every vote. She was more conservative than the person who beat her. Cheney just did not drink the Flavor Aid. SHe likes living in Wyoming instead of Guyana.
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Cheney....she's not a Republican? Dude her voting record was in line with the repubs on almost every vote. She was more conservative than the person who beat her. Cheney just did not drink the Flavor Aid. SHe likes living in Wyoming instead of Guyana.
Cheney is a conservative; one million percent more conservative than Trump.

Cheney simply won’t bend over and take it up the poop shoot from Trump to appeal to the cult members. And if a true conservative isn’t willing to prostrate themselves to Orange Dear Leader Kim Jung Trump, they are shunned and excommunicated.
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First, and foremost Trump called the DC mayor and offered additional troops for that day, and she turned him down. Second, you know, and I know that Trump did not ask for that insurrection which could have been much more dangerous had the protestors wanted it to be. Lies continue about DJT every day, and those unable to think for themselves continue to believe it and repeat it.
Couldn’t decide if this post was more:
  • Offensive
  • Untrue
  • Ignorant
  • Delusional, or
  • Pathetic
Then I realized that it is 100% of each of those things.

You should be ashamed, get some help for your mental health issues, and listen to your family members who are appalled that you spout this utter nonsense.
I am voting for Harris to maintain the democratic norms that make this country what it is. Protect democracy meh. Trump can't turn us fascist no matter how hard he will try. He can make things a lot more authoritarian.

To the point. Policies in this country have changed since the beginning and will always change. But what trump will try to do has never been done and shouldn't be. Maintaining what we have is more important than the price of gas.........which he can't control BTW.

I see you're towing the company line on the coup argument. Obama puppet too or just an ordinary puppet.
All those pissed of Biden voters sure are tanking Harris' numbers.

You know, we are all talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, you know.
Interesting response. The questions posed for this thread were:

"1) Does he drop out even though it’s too late to get him off the ballot?

2) Does this candidate staying on the ballot tip a state that is close, from Trump to Harris?"

So you decided to pivot to a parody ad video by Elon Musk.

But the thread is about whether Mark Robinson will effect the Republican ticket in North Carolina.
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You know, we are all talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, you know.
So this has what you've decided to do? For the next 5 weeks you're gonna quote Harris instead of arguing your point? The only conclusion to draw is you can't defend it.

Harris says some dumb things. Lots of world salad. I'd prefer she answer some policy questions.

But do you REALLY want to get into a rambling quote contest between her and trump? This is just another of MAGA's problem. You criticize size dem politicians for the very same things trump says or does..........many times he's worse. But either you never see them because your news source doesn't show them or you have gotten VERY good at ignoring that which makes you uncomfortable or doesn't fit your idea of what you'd like trump to be.

Maybe you need more exposure to some examples........let's reach into the liar's bag of dumb and dangerous and see what we have.
So this has what you've decided to do? For the next 5 weeks you're gonna quote Harris instead of arguing your point? The only conclusion to draw is you have no counterpoint.

Harris says some dumb things. Lots of world salad. I'd prefer she answer some policy questions.

But do you REALLY want to get into a rambling quote contest between her and trump? This is just another of MAGA's problem. You criticize size dem politicians for the very same things trump says or does..........many times he's worse. But either you never see them because your news source doesn't show them or you have gotten VERY good at ignoring that which makes you uncomfortable or doesn't fit your idea of what you'd like trump to be.

Maybe you need more exposure to some examples........let's reach into the liar's bag of dumb and dangerous and see what we have.

She made my point for me.

While since Trump talks for 2 hours @ his rallies one sure could find a few paragraphs where he is nonsensical. I've heard them. Listen to him yap about child care but that is maybe 10% of his communication.

But this aimless airhead bimbo is 100% nonsense when yapping. If you listened to he Oprah interview and came away with anything but...OMG!!....that says more about the listener than her. She is a trainwreck.

So you still support her after the Oprah interview??
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She made my point for me.

While since Trump talks for 2 hours @ his rallies one sure could find a few paragraphs where he is nonsensical. I've heard them.

But this aimless airhead bimbo is 100% nonsense when yapping. If you listened to he Oprah interview and came away with anything but...OMG!!....that says more about the listener than her. She is a trainwreck.

So you still support her after the Oprah interview??
Why do you keep asking questions about how I'm voting? I just made it clear who I'm voting for and why.

Trump get a pass because he does more public speaking lol?

Amazing how you completely shift your logic. Biden has lied and trump lies constantly but they are equally bad because each is a liar. The numbers don't matter. But here we do get to do some math. Both say stupid things but trump comes out better because his ratio is less.

We don't get to look at the content of the "nonsensical " comments?
Just yesterday when talking about the debate.
"They didn't correct her [Harris] once and they corrected me," Trump said. "Everything I said, practically, I think 9 times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely, they went crazy."

As you may or may not know, there was no audience for the debate.

This happens every time he opens his mouth. Maybe your ratio argument doesn't work after all.
Why do you keep asking questions about how I'm voting? I just made it clear who I'm voting for and why.

Trump get a pass because he does more public speaking lol?

Amazing how you completely shift your logic. Biden has lied and trump lies constantly but they are equally bad because each is a liar. The numbers don't matter. But here we do get to do some math. Both say stupid things but trump comes out better because his ratio is less.

We don't get to look at the content of the "nonsensical " comments?
Just yesterday when talking about the debate.
"They didn't correct her [Harris] once and they corrected me," Trump said. "Everything I said, practically, I think 9 times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely, they went crazy."

As you may or may not know, there was no audience for the debate.

This happens every time he opens his mouth. Maybe your ratio argument doesn't work after all.

This post demonstrates how you are tremendously intellectuality dishonest.

Your constant claim is T lies 100%. Does he lie about....
Getting Energy Costs down?
No tax on tips?
Securing the border?
Deporting immigrants?
Not tax on SS?
My point is he does not lie on policy.

Conversely, do you really believe some of K2s policy? I believe her on taxes. I believe her on price gouging.
Whereas on Guns, Fracking, no tax on tips, health care are all 180° degree shifts for K2 from historical positions. All untrustworthy.

(Btw......You don't understand ratios obviously.)
This post demonstrates how you are tremendously intellectuality dishonest.

Your constant claim is T lies 100%. Does he lie about....
Getting Energy Costs down?
No tax on tips?
Securing the border?
Deporting immigrants?
Not tax on SS?
My point is he does not lie on policy.

Conversely, do you really believe some of K2s policy? I believe her on taxes. I believe her on price gouging.
Whereas on Guns, Fracking, no tax on tips, health care are all 180° degree shifts for K2 from historical positions. All untrustworthy.

(Btw......You don't understand ratios obviously.)
Admittedly diverting the topic a little, but since both Trump and Harris are on board with this:

No tax on tips is a terrible idea.

Why in the hell should a teacher or police officer’s income be entirely taxable, but some bartender’s income become largely untaxed?

What a load of crap.