Iran’s Response

Beth was too young to understand the destructive nature of Obama's eight years.
That is so idiotic. Is this the point in the thread where you make a claim about Obama without having any ability to back it up with facts, you do that a lot.
Dude, you really do need help. You OBama doll has to be worn out by now.
You seem to have some serious mental issues that keeps you from understanding basic concepts. Ever notice that you are never able to provide references or statistics for your claims?
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Well, with 35 one has to take it to a level he "might" understand.
Your dumb ass thought Schiff wrote the whistleblower complaint and that Clinton only won 56 counties in the election. You thought Obama made the economy worse until Trump came into office and turned it around. You’re not on anyone’s level, except maybe squirrelguy.
Middle of the road guy here. I see eliminating Qassem Soleimani as a warning to Iran to stop crossing the line. He is / was a bad dude and needed to be stopped. I'm not sure how this will play out, but it will make Iran Leadership think through their reckless actions.

I could go along with this perspective if I thought our President had thought through the strategic implication of his actions. If he does have a strategy for Iran, he certainly hasn't articulated anything to the people.

My fear, as the crowds in Tehran today indicate, is that this action has expanded anti-US government sentiment, making it nearly impossible for either side to find a diplomatic "off-ramp" toward de-escalation. After Trump talks tough via twitter, going so far as to threaten cultural sites (aka warcrimes), he'll have little choice but to retaliate if/when Iran makes a move.

Where does this end, and how many more people will be killed before it does?
Time will tell, but let’s see how the great “Trump” economy rolls on if Iran and/or it’s proxies start screwing with oil. It won’t matter in the end for Trumpers, they will see any decline as some some external issue, not their ignorance. However, for those of us who truly “invest” in America, create actual jobs and what not, energy uses up a big chunk of house hold income and any sustained rise in that cost will obviously impact household expenditures in a consumer driven economy. Then you have the double whammy of energy costs on production, with the triple whammy of household debt... now low and behold it’s 2008 again, but worse, without any ammo left in the Treasury and Feds economic gun.

But cool for the crowd who has watched "Band of Brothers" 17 times, Trumps hard!
WOW, incredibly simplistic economic outlook and forecasting. If only that were all there was to it! Oh, your a Democrat, so it really is that simple. Too bad you are always wrong!
So, is your solution for the USA to take shit? To be spineless? Look the other way? Sacrifice a US citizen for the greater good?
You're right. Trump won't allow himself to look weak because he's not weak.
Anything Iran does in retaliation and the resulting response from Trump is on Iran. They've been warned. They don't get a do over.
Do you really think Iran wants to enter a war with the US in which it will be destroyed? Of course they don't because they know what the outcome will be. I also think that perhaps outside of a few rogue incidents, you won't see a coordinated response by the Iranian military because they know it's suicide.
I want the USA to act like the adult in the room, the leader of free world.......not like 16 year old punk overloaded with too much testosterone and too little brains......much like you.

We're supposed to be the guys that promote peace and stability. "Our enemies act without conscience, we must not."

You talk like a bully who could be goaded into doing something stupid just so you wouldn't look like a wuss......much like trump. You don't want to talk about the geopolitical ramifications of this assassination. You don't worry about all the people that could die in this game of checkers, you're concerned about appearing to be a badass. I'm no longer interested.
Your dumb ass thought Schiff wrote the whistleblower complaint and that Clinton only won 56 counties in the election. You thought Obama made the economy worse until Trump came into office and turned it around. You’re not on anyone’s level, except maybe squirrelguy.
So your three points:
  1. As usual, you...the liberal...lied. I never said that Schiff wrote it, but I did say that he knew the WB before the sham impeachment. And he did.
  2. Yep, made that one mistake...admitted it yet it's your one point that you can't let go of. If you were to admit one of your hundreds of mistakes, I'd simply say well done and move on.
  3. Obama's economy was a sham. A lot of folks lost their ass with his propped up economic moves, and along with Obamacare, lost their insurance and their doctors. Some will argue that Obama's Administration "boosted" the over-all level of demand in the economy with an eight-hundred-and-forty-billion-dollar stimulus package, which featured temporary tax cuts and more federal spending which created trillions of dollars in lost revenue in a false economy, creating trillions of dollars of US debt. Which we're still carrying today. And if I have a major complaint about DJT, other than his tweets, it's that he needs to address Obama's debt. Obama's GDP was about 2.0 or a bit less while Clinton averaged somewhere near 3.6 (I've read where some put it a bit higher) and Bush 2 a weaker, but stronger and more robust 2.8 than Obama You or one of your cohorts might want to compare Obama's job creation to Trumps, where Trump has added manufacturing jobs that pay much higher wages, has brought some manufacturing back, and has convinced US companies to return to the US, where most of the jobs "created" during the Obama years were service orderlies, McDonald workers...lower tier wages which folks had to work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. And a lot of them were temp positions which meant that you might have a job on Monday and not work again until Thursday. Those are facts 35.
I know you hate Trump...don't understand why you do (okay, I do), but his economic recovery from the propped up years of Obama are a lifetime better for all of us. Blacks are better off, Women are better off, young workers can now find jobs that pay decent wagers (see all of those "help wanted" signs all over America) old white guys are better off. Houses are selling as never before with record African-American ownership. Trump and his economic advisory team has done one hell of a job for all of us.

I understand that you can't and won't admit that Trump has done great things for the American worker, but the fact remains we're in the strongest and most proficient economy in years. And it's not because of Obama.
So, is your solution for the USA to take shit? To be spineless? Look the other way? Sacrifice a US citizen for the greater good?
You're right. Trump won't allow himself to look weak because he's not weak.
Anything Iran does in retaliation and the resulting response from Trump is on Iran. They've been warned. They don't get a do over.
Do you really think Iran wants to enter a war with the US in which it will be destroyed? Of course they don't because they know what the outcome will be. I also think that perhaps outside of a few rogue incidents, you won't see a coordinated response by the Iranian military because they know it's suicide.
1) Remember the Vietnam War ?? Do you believe, in retrospect, that Ho Chi Minh didn't realize that the United States had a vastly superior military ?? But that our forces were on THEIR turf ?? That they could lose the fatality proportion by a WIDE margin, and still wear us down ??
2) The point is not how to avoid "taking shit". The point is not how many Iranians and Iranian assets might be destroyed in an escalation of the current situation.
3) The point is: HOW MANY AMERICAN LIVES are we willing to eventually sacrifice in order for Trump and his (Withdrawal?) team to appear victorious ?? It has nothing to do with how Iran SHOULD analyze their strategic deficiencies. It's about how many flag-draped coffins might be unloaded at East Coast Air Force bases, down the road, and what THAT will mean to Americans.
(Except long as your Boy looks resolute, coffin counts apparently mean little)
So your three points:
  1. As usual, you...the liberal...lied. I never said that Schiff wrote it, but I did say that he knew the WB before the sham impeachment. And he did.
  2. Yep, made that one mistake...admitted it yet it's your one point that you can't let go of. If you were to admit one of your hundreds of mistakes, I'd simply say well done and move on.
  3. Obama's economy was a sham. A lot of folks lost their ass with his propped up economic moves, and along with Obamacare, lost their insurance and their doctors. Some will argue that Obama's Administration "boosted" the over-all level of demand in the economy with an eight-hundred-and-forty-billion-dollar stimulus package, which featured temporary tax cuts and more federal spending which created trillions of dollars in lost revenue in a false economy, creating trillions of dollars of US debt. Which we're still carrying today. And if I have a major complaint about DJT, other than his tweets, it's that he needs to address Obama's debt. Obama's GDP was about 2.0 or a bit less while Clinton averaged somewhere near 3.6 (I've read where some put it a bit higher) and Bush 2 a weaker, but stronger and more robust 2.8 than Obama You or one of your cohorts might want to compare Obama's job creation to Trumps, where Trump has added manufacturing jobs that pay much higher wages, has brought some manufacturing back, and has convinced US companies to return to the US, where most of the jobs "created" during the Obama years were service orderlies, McDonald workers...lower tier wages which folks had to work 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet. And a lot of them were temp positions which meant that you might have a job on Monday and not work again until Thursday. Those are facts 35.
I know you hate Trump...don't understand why you do (okay, I do), but his economic recovery from the propped up years of Obama are a lifetime better for all of us. Blacks are better off, Women are better off, young workers can now find jobs that pay decent wagers (see all of those "help wanted" signs all over America) old white guys are better off. Houses are selling as never before with record African-American ownership. Trump and his economic advisory team has done one hell of a job for all of us.

I understand that you can't and won't admit that Trump has done great things for the American worker, but the fact remains we're in the strongest and most proficient economy in years. And it's not because of Obama.

Too bad your posts are still there, you make it too damn easy.

Link - The pending Biden investigation

Link - The pending Biden investigation

Link - The pending Biden investigation

So you just made a mistake thinking Clinton only won 56 counties, how dumb do you have to be to make that mistake? The slightest bit of common sense should make you realize that couldn’t possibly be true. I’ll keep coming back to it because if you can be that completely ignorant about something so basic and easy, you certainly aren’t capable of understanding more complicated issues.

Now Obama’s successes don’t count because they were “propped up”, whatever that means in your demented mind.
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Walk circles around you on a daily basis.
Too bad your posts are still there, you make it too damn easy.

Link - The pending Biden investigation

Link - The pending Biden investigation

Link - The pending Biden investigation

So you just made a mistake thinking Clinton only won 56 counties, how dumb do you have to be to make that mistake? The slightest bit of common sense should make you realize that couldn’t possibly be true. I’ll keep coming back to it because if you can be that completely ignorant about something so basic and easy, you certainly aren’t capable of understanding more complicated issues.

Now Obama’s successes don’t count because they were “propped up”, whatever that means in your demented mind.

THanks for proving my point about Schiff. No where did I say he wrote it. Obama had no successes, other than filling his pockets with cash. He did ride the office well in doing just that.
THanks for proving my point about Schiff. No where did I say he wrote it. Obama had no successes, other than filling his pockets with cash. He did ride the office well in doing just that.
Your posts say his office wrote the complaint. What is the matter with you? Seriously? No one should be that delusional. You are just a dumb person, no other way to look at it.

Link to Obama lining his pockets with cash? Or is that just another Twindegrees special, not true anywhere other than in your own mind? Trump is using the office to line his pockets, that’s indisputable.
THanks for proving my point about Schiff. No where did I say he wrote it. Obama had no successes, other than filling his pockets with cash. He did ride the office well in doing just that.
This is like following a three-year-old around the house....picking up after all the messes......worn out......
Obama "filled his pockets" with WHOSE cash ?????
From WHERE ??
How does a President "ride the office" ??
18,000,000 people got health insurance in 2010+ that didn't previously have it...=success. (for openers)
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I could go along with this perspective if I thought our President had thought through the strategic implication of his actions. If he does have a strategy for Iran, he certainly hasn't articulated anything to the people.

My fear, as the crowds in Tehran today indicate, is that this action has expanded anti-US government sentiment,
Where does this end, and how many more people will be killed before it does?
Bub....honest question...when has Tehran not had the streets full of anti-American chants.
Your posts say his office wrote the complaint. What is the matter with you? Seriously? No one should be that delusional. You are just a dumb person, no other way to look at it.

Link to Obama lining his pockets with cash? Or is that just another Twindegrees special, not true anywhere other than in your own mind? Trump is using the office to line his pockets, that’s indisputable.
You stated as Fact that I said he wrote it How many multi million dollar homes have the Obama's bought since leaving the WH three years ago? Broke assed sumbitches just three short years ago. Now...more homes than Trump or Bush's.
You stated as Fact that I said he wrote it How many multi million dollar homes have the Obama's bought since leaving the WH three years ago? Broke assed sumbitches just three short years ago. Now...more homes than Trump or Bush's.
Oooooooooooohhhh……….look how PEEVED we are that the "broke-assed" colored boy wound up with the $65 million book deal advance from that big publishing house !! And bought HOUSES with it !!
Those "sumbitches"...…..who do they think they are , huh, Twin ??
Hurts, doesn't it ?
So, is your solution for the USA to take shit? To be spineless? Look the other way? Sacrifice a US citizen for the greater good?
You're right. Trump won't allow himself to look weak because he's not weak.
Anything Iran does in retaliation and the resulting response from Trump is on Iran. They've been warned. They don't get a do over.
Do you really think Iran wants to enter a war with the US in which it will be destroyed? Of course they don't because they know what the outcome will be. I also think that perhaps outside of a few rogue incidents, you won't see a coordinated response by the Iranian military because they know it's suicide.
You are aware that Iran engaged in an eight year war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988 and in that war Iran suffered between 300,000 and 1,000,000 deaths, aren't you? For a point of reference, the US suffered 58,220 deaths in the Viet Nam War.
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Oooooooooooohhhh……….look how PEEVED we are that the "broke-assed" colored boy wound up with the $65 million book deal advance from that big publishing house !! And bought HOUSES with it !!
Those "sumbitches"...…..who do they think they are , huh, Twin ??
Hurts, doesn't it ?
Not really. It's the real American story....dope smokin' college kid catches a break, somehow gets into a great American University, and rides it all the way to the WH. Too bad you'll never get there.
I want the USA to act like the adult in the room, the leader of free world.......not like 16 year old punk overloaded with too much testosterone and too little brains......much like you.

We're supposed to be the guys that promote peace and stability. "Our enemies act without conscience, we must not."

You talk like a bully who could be goaded into doing something stupid just so you wouldn't look like a wuss......much like trump. You don't want to talk about the geopolitical ramifications of this assassination. You don't worry about all the people that could die in this game of checkers, you're concerned about appearing to be a badass. I'm no longer interested.

I love the fact that Trump is kicking ass and taking names (literally). I’m proud that our President stands up to terrorists and isn’t worried about hurting some feelings.

But, do you think Trump woke up last week and said “gee, I think I’ll drop a bomb on Solemani’s head today”
Come on you, I think you’re smarter than that.
He has a room full of the leading military, intelligence and Middle East experts who advised him, including expected outcomes, ramifications, potential retaliations and the required US counter retaliation. They already know and have evaluated every possible scenario and determined blowing up Soleimani was the right move at the right time. It’s like modern War Games.

Better yet, it puts our enemies on notice that if you f$&k with the US, you’ll pay a heavy price.
And in the words of Kenny Rogers...”sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man”
Trump has spent an additional $2 Billion on defense since his election. Obama had drastically reduced preparedness spending.
So what?

McCain was right: before we spend another dime, we need to fix acquisitions. Do you have any idea what the $2 billion has actually bought? Do you have any idea how much waste there is in that process?

Looking at total spending is demonstrative of complete ignorance in this regard. We need to reduce spending on defense until we can ensure that we are holding contractors and government employees accountable for that money.
and..... trump response:

"We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it.

If they do ask us to leave, if we don’t do it in a very friendly basis. We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame."
Oh, those pesky fake news people just keep getting everything sooooo wrong...
Not really. It's the real American story....dope smokin' college kid catches a break, somehow gets into a great American University, and rides it all the way to the WH. Too bad you'll never get there.
Sure it hurts. Everyone on here knows you've got a 35-ft. hard-on for former PRES-I-DENT....Obama.
Dope smokin' kid ?? Like the majority of his college peers ? Got anything heavier than that ??
"SOMEHOW" is accepted into "great (US) university" ??
Like Momma was a multi-millionaire actress a la Lori Laughlin or Felicity Huffman …..and "somehow" got her son into Harvard Law ?? Record at Columbia didn't qualify him ?? LSAT didn't ??
And President of the Harvard Law Review...…...tokenism, Twin ??
Rides THAT law degree to the White House, huh ??
Those years in the Illinois Senate and those years in the US Senate were just part-time diversions ??
Land of Opportunity, American ultra-success story. Only thing he "rode" was his abilities.
But you already knew that, right buddy ?
(Too bad (I'll) "never get there" ?? no it isn't)
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So what?

McCain was right: before we spend another dime, we need to fix acquisitions. Do you have any idea what the $2 billion has actually bought? Do you have any idea how much waste there is in that process?

Looking at total spending is demonstrative of complete ignorance in this regard. We need to reduce spending on defense until we can ensure that we are holding contractors and government employees accountable for that money.
Isn't that what the FARs and DFARs and thousands upon thousands of government auditors and contracting officers are supposed to be for? Who writes the government regs? If government contractors are violating the regs they are liable for fines, jail time, and debarment from further business.

The hoops government contractors have to jump through these days are very different than the days of $1,000 hammers.

Are there specific areas that are abused - I'm sure there are. But to imply that the great majority of government contractors are raping and pillaging American taxpayers these days is patently false.
Maybe Trump had a 3 strike rule and he used his 3rd with the killing of the US contractor?
Trump is also sending a very strong message that messing with the US, our embassy, or our allies will not be tolerated and they'll be a price to be paid.
Iran will bluster and bloviate, but they know that any retaliation against the US will be met with 10X the response and it won't end well for them.

I think the attack on our embassy was the tipping point. I would suggest the intelligence agencies have proof the deceased Solemani’ was behind it and had other aggression's planned.
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I love the fact that Trump is kicking ass and taking names (literally). I’m proud that our President stands up to terrorists and isn’t worried about hurting some feelings.

But, do you think Trump woke up last week and said “gee, I think I’ll drop a bomb on Solemani’s head today”
Come on you, I think you’re smarter than that.
He has a room full of the leading military, intelligence and Middle East experts who advised him, including expected outcomes, ramifications, potential retaliations and the required US counter retaliation. They already know and have evaluated every possible scenario and determined blowing up Soleimani was the right move at the right time. It’s like modern War Games.

Better yet, it puts our enemies on notice that if you f$&k with the US, you’ll pay a heavy price.
And in the words of Kenny Rogers...”sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man”
You've described how a normal administration makes decisions. How long does Trump sit through a briefing before he gets bored and wanders off? Is he able to read anything longer than a page that isn't filled with pictures and graphs and has his name thrown in throughout so he'll see that and keep reading?
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