Iran’s Response

What exactly has happened on the Iran side so far since this strike? Do you honestly think the US is on the verge of a full-scale war with Iran?

They withdrew from a nuke deal they had been violating all along? They had no intention of upholding their end of the deal Obama made with them. They continued to play the Europeans trying to get sanctions relief from the likes of France. France has been doing business with the Iranians, including nuclear capability deals, for years.
Nothing has happened on the Iranian side since the General was killed.
So........what......does that mean we're good? Because they haven't done anything in three days it means they won't do anything going forward? Is that really your point?
I didn't say ANYTHING about a full scale war. There isn't a crisis without a full scale war? Lobbing rockets into Israeli settlements, cutting off the Strait of Hormuz, attacking embassies across the ME. We are one Iranian attack on US interests away from Trump having to put up or shut up. What's he gonna do, bomb Iran as he has said? Is that a crisis?

How do you know Iran had no intention of adhering to the Nuclear deal? Because it was an Obama deal? Because Trump told you so ?
Yep, you should only consider opinions that agree with your own and ignore others based on party affiliation or sources. That is true, independent thinking.
Twin might get up off the table in the ER, where they're trying to save his life....if he found out that
a medical professional had the wrong political party registration card.....
Hard core....
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Crisis? Based on what? Rhetoric from Iran? FFS....
You're expecting a mild or nonexistent response, by Iranian military forces , because AS OF THIS MOMENT......there hasn't been evidence of a potentially dangerous response ??!!

Let's all check back, here, shall a few weeks ??
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Chris Murphy is complete buffoon. I know - I live in the state he supposedly represents. Murphy has been carrying the water for Iran in Congress for years. Ever wonder why?

Hmmmm, your post makes me wonder. Russia sells alot of weapons to Iran. Why would Trump want to escalate tensions with Iran ? Wonder why ? Hmmm.
'Iraqi lawmakers voted Sunday in favor of a new bill that calls for the expulsion of all 5,000 US troops from Iraq'

and..... trump response:

"We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it.

If they do ask us to leave, if we don’t do it in a very friendly basis. We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame."
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Nothing has happened on the Iranian side since the General was killed.
So........what......does that mean we're good? Because they haven't done anything in three days it means they won't do anything going forward? Is that really your point?
I didn't say ANYTHING about a full scale war. There isn't a crisis without a full scale war? Lobbing rockets into Israeli settlements, cutting off the Strait of Hormuz, attacking embassies across the ME. We are one Iranian attack on US interests away from Trump having to put up or shut up. What's he gonna do, bomb Iran as he has said? Is that a crisis?

How do you know Iran had no intention of adhering to the Nuclear deal? Because they hadn't
It is. We can’t stop it. Just a matter of when. We cannot impose our will on foreign countries in perpetuity. Believing that we can is simply idiotic and ill informed.


Ill Informed.


Thank God.
Maybe we should ship your old ass over there to fight . Also ship some of the president's family while we're at it. Please do not insult a veteran! Especially when you and that pussy in the white house have never put on the uniform.
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Maybe we should ship your old ass over there to fight . Also ship some of the president's family while we're at it. Please do not insult a veteran! Especially when you and that pussy in the white house have never put on the uniform.
The pussy has been gone from the Whitehouse for almost 3 years but keep trying. Take big chin tough guy Bill over with you and do something then
Nothing has happened on the Iranian side since the General was killed.
So........what......does that mean we're good? Because they haven't done anything in three days it means they won't do anything going forward? Is that really your point?
I didn't say ANYTHING about a full scale war. There isn't a crisis without a full scale war? Lobbing rockets into Israeli settlements, cutting off the Strait of Hormuz, attacking embassies across the ME. We are one Iranian attack on US interests away from Trump having to put up or shut up. What's he gonna do, bomb Iran as he has said? Is that a crisis?

How do you know Iran had no intention of adhering to the Nuclear deal? Because it was an Obama deal? Because Trump told you so ?
You are a special kind of stupid and of course W and 35 chime right in. No one stops you from leaving this country you hate so badly
It seems that we never learn anything...
"Gulf of Tonkin", "Weapons of Mass Destruction", and the new possibility of "Imminent Attack"...
Perhaps government should actually inform the American people the truth as to why things are being done and rely upon them to make a legitimate choice.
History is soooo undervalued today.
Iran's mad at us? Tough $hit. Pi$s on Iran.
They want to talk tough? Go ahead, see if Trump is bluffing. I double dog dare you.
He’s only the former Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS. I’m sure SDBoiler and Twindegrees know better than him though.
McGurk certainly had a distinguished career in the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations. Still, he is something of a neo-con, so it’s not surprising that he would be upset by what Trump did. He was part of two administrations that had chances to take out the General, the known mastermind of Iraqi explosive devices (via Iranian proxy war) who had the blood of 600+ American soldiers on his hands.

McGurk is upset because Trump isn’t following the worn out script the previous administrations followed, which only served to embolden the Iranians over time. There were never any real repercussions for Iranian “bad actorship” until under Trump. Obama’s feckless policies on Iran made them stronger and more dangerous.
Middle of the road guy here. I see eliminating Qassem Soleimani as a warning to Iran to stop crossing the line. He is / was a bad dude and needed to be stopped. I'm not sure how this will play out, but it will make Iran Leadership think through their reckless actions.
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Lol. Did you watch those videos or just link anything that had Murphy and Iran in the search?
Nothing there shows that Murphy is carrying the water for Iran, whatever that means. He didn't think we should have pulled out of the deal........a view shared by most of the world.
He didn't call anybody names, make any threats. Refreshing
Try again. And if you have any proof that there's some nefarious reason he supports the deal you should provide that as well.
Middle of the road guy here. I see eliminating Qassem Soleimani as a warning to Iran to stop crossing the line. He is / was a bad dude and needed to be stopped. I'm not sure how this will play out, but it will make Iran Leadership think through their reckless actions.
Unfortunately, this might make US "Leadership" think through our...actions, as well......time will tell.
For all the bleeding heart lefties crying that we dropped a bomb on the head of an Iranian terrorist; I just want to make sure I'm clear on something:
This is the same Iran that chants "Death to America" and has also expressed an interest in wiping Israel (our greatest ally in the mid-east) off the face of the earth. We're talking about that Iran, right?
For all the bleeding heart lefties crying that we dropped a bomb on the head of an Iranian terrorist; I just want to make sure I'm clear on something:
This is the same Iran that chants "Death to America" and has also expressed an interest in wiping Israel (our greatest ally in the mid-east) off the face of the earth. We're talking about that Iran, right?
The same Iran, and the same general, that's been around for the first three years of the trump admin. Did nothing. Why aren't you complaining about the lack of action against these terrorists during that time?
The same Iran, and the same general, that's been around for the first three years of the trump admin. Did nothing. Why aren't you complaining about the lack of action against these terrorists during that time?

Maybe Trump had a 3 strike rule and he used his 3rd with the killing of the US contractor?
Trump is also sending a very strong message that messing with the US, our embassy, or our allies will not be tolerated and they'll be a price to be paid.
Iran will bluster and bloviate, but they know that any retaliation against the US will be met with 10X the response and it won't end well for them.
Maybe we should ship your old ass over there to fight . Also ship some of the president's family while we're at it. Please do not insult a veteran! Especially when you and that pussy in the white house have never put on the uniform.
To say I’m insulted implies that I care what he thinks. I do not. Not in the least.
Maybe Trump had a 3 strike rule and he used his 3rd with the killing of the US contractor?
Trump is also sending a very strong message that messing with the US, our embassy, or our allies will not be tolerated and they'll be a price to be paid.
Iran will bluster and bloviate, but they know that any retaliation against the US will be met with 10X the response and it won't end well for them.
Uh, that would mean a foreign war......that he was going to keep us out of.
Do you have a clue of the complexities involved here or are you just one of those that can't see past your nose?

If Hezbollah bombs the embassy in Lebanon or American aid workers are killed in Yemen or there's another rocket attack in Baghdad, is trump going to bomb Iran.......and it's going to stop there? He can't......cause he would look weak. And away we go.
It's called escalation......and it's dangerous. But you don't gaf because trump is a tough guy and the good old USA takes no shit.
He is really, really tough when he is sending other people's sons to fight and die. And when he is spending other people's money on bombs and drones. Those bone spurs just held him back from being a hero with a Congressional Medal of Honor.
Uh, that would mean a foreign war......that he was going to keep us out of.
Do you have a clue of the complexities involved here or are you just one of those that can't see past your nose?

If Hezbollah bombs the embassy in Lebanon or American aid workers are killed in Yemen or there's another rocket attack in Baghdad, is trump going to bomb Iran.......and it's going to stop there? He can't......cause he would look weak. And away we go.
It's called escalation......and it's dangerous. But you don't gaf because trump is a tough guy and the good old USA takes no shit.

So, is your solution for the USA to take shit? To be spineless? Look the other way? Sacrifice a US citizen for the greater good?
You're right. Trump won't allow himself to look weak because he's not weak.
Anything Iran does in retaliation and the resulting response from Trump is on Iran. They've been warned. They don't get a do over.
Do you really think Iran wants to enter a war with the US in which it will be destroyed? Of course they don't because they know what the outcome will be. I also think that perhaps outside of a few rogue incidents, you won't see a coordinated response by the Iranian military because they know it's suicide.
He is really, really tough when he is sending other people's sons to fight and die. And when he is spending other people's money on bombs and drones. Those bone spurs just held him back from being a hero with a Congressional Medal of Honor.

Did you feel the same way when Obama sent troops overseas?
What about when Obama ordered bombings and drone strikes?
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